Tuesday, 27 November 2018




DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: prasanththampi1975@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com

Case No : 1

Although many people believe that the World Wide Web is anonymous and secure from censorship, the reality is very different.  Governments, law courts, and other officials who want to censor, examine, or trace a file of materials on the Web need merely go to the server (the online computer) where they think the file is stored.  Using their subpoena power, they can comb through the server’s drives to find the files they are looking for and the identify of the person who created the files.
            On Friday June 30, 2000, however, researches at AT & T Labs announced the creation of Publius, a software program that enables Web users to encrypt (translate into a secret code) their files – text, pictures, or music – break them up like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, and store the encrypted pieces on many different servers scattered all over the globe on the World Wide Web.  As a result, any one wanting to examine or censor the files or wanting to trace the original transaction that produced the file would find it impossible to succeed because they  would  have to examine the contents of dozens of different servers all over the world, and the files in the servers would be encrypted and fragmented in a way that would make the pieces impossible to identify without the help of the person who created the file.  A person authorized to retrieve the file, however, would look through a directory of his files posted on a Publius – affiliated website, and the Publius network would reassemble the file for him at his request.  Researchers published a description of Publius at www.cs.nyu.edu/waldman/publius.

            Although many people welcomed the way that the new software would enhance freedom of speech on the Web, many others were dismayed.  Bruce Taylor, an antipornography activist for the National Law Center for Children and Families, stated : “It’s nice to be anonymous, but who wants to be more anonymous than criminals, terrorists, child molesters, child pornographers, hackers and e-mail virus punks.”  Aviel Rubin and Lorrie Cranor, the creators of Publius, however, hoped that their program would help people in countries where freedom of speech was repressed and individuals were punished for speaking out.  The ideal user of Publius, they stated, was “a person in China observing abuses of human rights on a day – to – day basis.”
Questions :
1.   Analyze the ethics of marketing Publius using utilitarianism,         rights, justice, and caring.  In your judgement, is it ethical to       market Publius ?  Explain.
2.  Are the creators of Publius in any way morally responsible for any           criminal acts that criminals are able to carry out and keep secret     by relying on Publius ?  Is AT & T in any way morally       responsible     for these ?  Explain your answers.
3. In your judgment, should governments allow the implementation of Publius ?  Why or why not ?

Case NO. 2
In July 1976, Kukeo Tanaka, former prime minister of Japan , was arrested on charges of taking bribes ($ 1.8 million) from Locjheed Aircraft Company to secure the purchase of several Lockheed jets.  Tanaka’s secretary and serial other government officials were arrested with him.  The Japanese public reacted with angry demands for a complete disclosure of Tanaka’s dealings. By the end of the year, they had ousted Tanaka’s successor, Takeo Miki, who was widely believed to have been trying to conceal Tanaka’s actions.
            In Holland that same year, Prince Bernhard, husband of Queen Juliana, resigned from 300 hundred positions he held in government, military, and private organizations.  The reason : He was alleged to have accepted $ 1.1 million in bribes from Lockheed in connection with the sale of 138 F – 104 Starfighter jets.
            In Italy , Giovani Leone, president in 1970, and Aldo Moro and Mariano Rumor, both prime ministers, were accused of accepting bribes from Lockheed in connection with the purchase of $ 100 million worth of aircraft in the late 1960s.  All were excluded from government.
            Scandinavia , South Africa , Turkey , Greece , and Nigeria were also among the 15 countries in which Lockheed admitted to having handed out payments and at least $ 202 million in commissions since 1970.
            Lockheed Aircraft’s involvement in the Japanese bribes was revealed to have begun in 1958 when Lockheed and Grumman Aircraft (also an American firm) were competing for a Japanese Air Force jet aircraft contract.  According to the testimony of Mr. William Findley, a partner in Arthur Young & Co. (auditors for Lockheed), in 1958 Lockheed engaged the services of Yoshio Kodama, an ultra right – wing war criminal and reputed underworld figure with strong political ties to officials in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.  With Kodama’s help, Lockheed secured the Government contract.  Seventeen years later, it was revealed that the CIA had been informed at the time (by an American embassy employee) that Lockheed had made several bribes while negotiating the contract.
            In 1972, Lockheed again hired Kodama as a consultant to help secure the sale of its aircraft in Japan .  Lockheed was desperate to sell planes to any major Japanese airline because it was scrambling to recover from a series of financial disasters.   Cost overruns on a government contract had pushed Lockheed to the brink of bankruptcy in 1970.  Only through a controversial emergency government loan guarantee of  $ 250 million in 1971 did the company narrowly avert disaster.  Mr. A. Carl Kotchian, president of Lockheed from 1967 to 1975, was especially anxious to make the sales because the company had been unable to get as many contracts in other parts of the world as it had wanted.
            This bleak situation all but dictated a strong push for sales in the biggest             untapped market left-Japan.  This push, if successful, might well bring in    revenues upward of $ 400 million.  Such a cash inflow would go a long way             towards helping to restore Lockheed’s fiscal health, and it would, of      course, save the jobs of thousands of firm’s employees. (Statement of Carl Kotchian)
            Kodama eventually succeeded in engineering a contract for Lockhed with All – Nippon Airways, even beating out McDonnell Douglas, which was actively competing with Lockheed for the same sales.  To ensure the sale, Kodama asked for and received from Lockheed about $9 million during the period from 1972 to 1975.  Much of money allegedly went to then – prime minister Kukeo Tanaka and other government officials, who were supposed to intercede with All – Nippon Airlines on behalf of Lockheed.
            According to Mr. Carl Kotchian, “ I knew from the beginning that this money was going to the office of the Prime Minister.”   He was, however, persuaded that, by paying the money, he was sure to get the contract from All-Nippon Airways.  The negotiations eventually netted over $1.3 billion in contracts for Lockheed.
            In addition to Kodama, Lockheed had also been advised by Toshiharu Okubo, an official of the private trading company, Marubeni, which acted as  Lockheed’s official representative.  Mr. A. Carl Kotchian later defended the payments, which he saw as one of many “Japanese business practices” that he had accepted on the advice of his local consultants.  The payments, the company was convinced, were in keeping with local “ business practices.”
            Further, as I’ve noted, such disbursements did not violate American laws.          I should also like to stress that my decision to make such payments            stemmed from my judgment that the (contracts) …… would provided   Lockheed workers with jobs and thus redound to the benefit of their          dependents, their communities, and stockholders of the corporation.  I should like to emphasize that the payments to the so-called “ high           Japanese government officials” were all requested y Okubo and were not      brought up from my side.  When he told me “ five hundred million yen is necessary for such sales,” from a purely ethical and moral standpoint I       would have declined such a request.  However, in that case, I would most    certainly have sacrificed commercial success….. (If) Lockheed had not remained competitive by the rules of the game as then played, we would       not have sold (our planes) ……… I knew that if we wanted our product to have a chance to win on its own merits, we had to follow the functioning           system.  (Statement of A. Carl Kotchian)
            In August, 1975, investigations by the U.S. government led Lockheed to admit it had made  $ 22 million in secret payoffs.  Subsequent senate investigations in February 1976 made Lockheed’s involvement with Japanese government officials public.  Japan subsequently canceled their billion dollar contract with Lockheed.
            In June 1979, Lockheed pleaded guilty to concealing the Japanese bribes from the government by falsely writing them off as “marketing costs”.  The Internal Revenue Code states, in part.  “ No deduction shall be allowed….. for any payment made, directly or indirectly, to an official or employee of any government …. If the payment constitutes an illegal bribe or kickback.’  Lockheed was not charged specifically with bribery because the U.S. law forbidding bribery was not enacted until 1978.  Lockheed pleaded guilty to four counts of fraud and four counts of making false statements to the government.  Mr. Kotchian was not indicated, but under pressure from the board of directors, he was forced to resign from Lockheed.  In Japan , Kodama was arrested along with Tanaka.

Questions :
1.  Fully explain the effects that payment like those which Lockheed             made to the Japanese  have on the structure of a market. 
2.  In your view, were Lockheed’s payments to the various Japanese            parties “bribes” or “extortions” ?  Explain your response fully.
3.  In your judgment, did Mr. A. Carl Kotchian act rightly from a       moral   point of view ?  (Your answer should take into account the effects of the payments on the welfare of the societies affected, on          the right and duties of the various parties involved, and on the         distribution of benefits and    burdens among the groups involved.)        In your judgment, was Mr. Kotchian morally responsible for         his       actions ?  Was he, in the end, treated fairly ?
4.   In its October 27, 1980, issue, Business Week argued that every             corporation has a corporate culture – that is, values that set a     pattern for its employee’s activities, opinions and actions and that           are instilled in succeeding generations of employees (pp.148-60)         Describe, if you can, the corporate culture of Lockheed and relate that culture to Mr. Kotchian’s actions.  Describe some strategies            for changing that culture in ways that    might make foreign    payments less likely.

Case NO. 3

In 1994, anxious to show off the benefits of a communist regime, the government of China invited leading auto manufacturers from around the world to submit plans for a car designed to meet the needs of its massive population.  A wave of rising affluence had suddenly created a large middle class of Chinese families with enough money to buy and maintain a private automobile.  China was now eager to enter joint ventures with foreign companies to construct and operate automobile manufacturing plants inside China .  The plants would not only manufacture cars to supply China’s new internal market, but could also make cars that could be exported for sale abroad and would be sure to generate thousands of new jobs.  The Chinese government specified that the new car had to be priced at less than $5000, be small enough to suit families with a  single child (couples in China are prohibited from having more than one child), rugged enough to endure the poorly maintained roads that criss-crossed the nation, generate a minimum of  pollution, be composed of parts that were predominantly made within China, and be manufactured through joint – venture agreements between Chinese and foreign companies.  Experts anticipated that the plants manufacturing the new cars would use a minimum of automation and wuld instead rely on labor – intensive technologies that could capitalize on China ’s cheap labor.  China saw the development of a new auto industry as a key step in its drive to industrialize its economy.
            The Chinese market was an irresistible opportunity for General Motors, Ford and Chrysler, as well as for the leading Japanese, European and Korean automobile companies.  With a population of 1.2 billion people and almost double digit annual economic growth rates, China estimated that in the next 40 years between 200 and 300 million of the new vehicles would be purchased by Chinese citizens.  Already cars had become a symbol of affluence for China’s new rising middle class, and a craze for cars had led more than 30 million Chinese to take driving lessons despite that the nation had only 10 million vehicles, most of them government – owned trucks.

            Environmentalists, however, were opposed to the auto manufactures’  eager rush to respond to the call of the Chinese government.  The world market for energy, particularly oil, they pointed out, was based in part on the fact that China , with its large population, was using relatively low levels of energy.  In 1994, the per-person consumption of oil in China was only one sixth of Japan ’s and only a quarter of Taiwan ’s.  If China were to reach even the modes per person consumption level of South Korea , China would be consuming twice the amount of oil the United States currently uses.  At the present time, the United States consumes one forth of the world’s total annual oil supplies, about half of which it must import from foreign countries.
            Critics pointed out that if China were to eventually have as many cars on the road per person as Germany does, the world would contain twice as many cars as it currently does.  No matter how “ pollution – free” the new car design was, the cumulative environmental effects of that many more automobiles in the world would be formidable.  Even clean cars would have to generate large amounts of carbon dioxide as they burned fuel, thus significantly worsening the greenhouse effect.  Engineers pointed out that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to build a clean car for under $5000.  Catalytic converters, which diminished pollution, alone cost over $200 per car to manufacture.  In addition, China ’s oil refineries were designed to produce only gasoline with high levels of lead.  Upgrading all its refineries so they could make low-lead gasoline would require an investment China seemed unwilling to make.
            Some of the car companies were considering submitting plans for an electric car because China had immense coal reserves which it could burn to produce electricity.  This would diminish the need for China to rely on oil, which it would have to import.  However, China did not have sufficient coal burning electric plants nor an electrical power distribution system that could provide adequate electrical power to a large number of vehicles.  Building such an electrical power system also would require a huge investment that the Chinese government did not seem particularly interested in making.  Moreover, because coal is a fossil fuel, switching from an oil – based auto to a coal – based electric auto would still result in adding substantial quantities of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
            Many government officials were also worried by the political implications of having China become a major consumer of oil.  If China were to increase its oil consumption, would have to import all its oil from the same countries that other nations relied on, which would create large political, economic and military risks.  Although the United States imported some of its oil from Venezuela and Mexico , most of its imports came from the Middle East – an oil source that China would have to turn to also.  Rising demand for Middle East oil would push oil prices sharply upward, which would send major shocks reverberating through the economics of the United States and those of other nations that relied heavily on oil.  State Department officials worried that China would begin to trade weapons for oil with Iran or Iraq , heightening the risks of major military confrontations in the region.  If China were to become a major trading partner with Iran or Iraq , this would also create closer ties between these two major power centres of the non-Western world – a possibility that was also laden with risk.   Of course, China might also turn to tapping the large reserves of oil that were thought to be lying under Taiwan and other areas neighboring its coast.  However, this would bring it into competition with Japan , South Korea , Thailand , Singapore , Taiwan , the Phillippines, and other nations that were already drawing on these sources to supply their own booming economies.  Many of these nations, anticipating heightened tensions, were already puring money into their military forces, particularly their navies.  In short, because world supplies of oil were limited, increasing demand seemed likely to increase the potential for conflict.
Questions :
1.  In your judgment, is it wrong, from an ethical point of view, for     the auto companies to submit plans for an automobile to China          ?          Explain your  answer ?
2.  Of the various approaches to environmental ethics outlined in this           chapter, which approach sheds most light on the ethical issues         raised by  this case ?  Explain your answer.
3.  Should the U.S. government intervene in any way in the    negotiations between U.S. auto companies and the Chinese    government ?  Explain ?

Case NO. 4

Robert Hall Clothes, Inc., owned a chain of retail stores that specialized in clothing for the family.  One of the Chain’s stores was located in Wilmington , Delaware .  The Robert Hall store in Wilmington had a department for men’s and boy’s clothing and another department for women’s and girl’s clothing.  The departments were physically separated and were staffed by different personnel : Only men were allowed to work in the men’s department and only women in the women’s department.  The personnel of the store were sexually segregated because years of experience had taught the store’s managers that, unless clerks and customers were of the same sex, the frequent physical contact between clerks and customers would embarrass both and would inhibit sales.
            The clothing in the men’s department was generally of a higher and more expensive quality than the clothing in the women’s department.  Competitive factors accounted for this : There were few other men’s stores in Wilmington so the store could stock expensive men’s clothes and still do a thriving business, whereas women’s clothing had to be lower priced to compete with the many other women’s stores in Wilmington.  Because of these differences in merchandise, the store’s profit margins on the men’s clothing was higher than its margins on the women’s clothing.  As a result, the men’s department consistently showed a larger dollar volume in gross sales and a greater gross profit, as is indicated in Table 7.11.
            Because of the differences shown in Table 7.11 women personnel brought in lower sales and profits per hour.  In fact male salespersons brought in substantially more than the females did (see Tables 7.12 and 7.13)
Men’s Department Women’s Department

($) Gross Profit
($) Percent Profit
($) Gross Profit
($) Percent Profit
1963 210,639 85,328 40.5 177,742 58,547 32.9
1964 178,867 73,608 41.2 142,788 44,612 31.2
1965 206,472 89,930 43.6 148,252 49,608 33.5
1966 217,765 97,447 44.7 166,479 55,463 33.5
1967 244,922 111,498 45.5 206,680 69,190 33.5
1968 263,663 123,681 46.9 230,156 79,846 34.7
1969 316,242 248,001 46.8 254,379 91,687 36.4
TABLE 7. 12

Year Male Sales per Hour
($) Female Sales Per Hour
($) Excess M Over F (%)
1969 38.31
73.00 27.31
41.26 40

            As a result of these differences in the income produced by the two departments, the management of Robert Hall paid their male salespersons more than their female personnel.  Management learned after a Supreme Court ruiling in their favor in 1973 that it was entirely legal for them to do this if they wanted.  Wages in the store were set on the basis of profits per hour per department, with some slight adjustments upward to ensure wages were comparable and competitive to what other stores in the area were paying.  Over the years, Robert Hall set the wages given in Table 7.14.  Although the wage differences between males and females were substantial, they were not as large as the percentage differences between male and female sales and profits.  The management of Robert Hall argued that their female clerks were paid less because the commodities they sold could not bear the same selling costs that the commodities sold in the men’s department could bear.  However, the female clerks argued, the skills, sales efforts, and responsibilities required of male and female clerks were “substantially” the same.
TABLE 7. 13

Year Male Gross Profits per Hour
($) Female Gross Profits Per Hour
($) Excess M Over F (%)
1969 15.52
34.16 9.00
15.03 72

TABLE 7. 14

Year Male Earnings per Hour
($) Female Earnings Per Hour
($) Excess M Over F (%)
1969 2.18
3.13 1.75
2.16 25

Questions :
1.  In your judgment, do the managers of the Robert Hall store have any      ethical obligations to change their salary policies ?  If you do not think they should change, then explain why they have an obligation          to change and describe the kinds of changes they should make.        Would it make any difference to your analysis if, instead of two         departments in the same store, it involved two different Robert Hall        Stores, one for men and one for women ? Would it make a difference if     two stores  (one for men and one for women) owned by different          companies were involved ?  Explain each of your answers in terms of      the relevant ethical principles upon which you are relying.
2.  Suppose that there were very few males applying for clerks’ jobs in         Wilmington while females were flooding the clerking job market.      Would this competitive factor justify paying males more than females      ?  Why ?  Suppose that 95 percent of the women in Wilmington who             were applying for clerks’ jobs were single women with children who        were on welfare while 95 percent of the men were single with no   families to support.  Would this need factor justify paying females      more than males ?  Why ?  Suppose for the sake of argument that men     were better at selling than women; would this justify different       salaries ?

3. If you think the managers of the Robert Hall store should pay their         male and female clerks equal wages because they do “substantially          the same work” then do you also think that ideally each worker’s             salary should be pegged to the work he or she individually performs        (such as by having each worker sell on commission) ?  Why ? Would a         commission system be preferable from a utilitarian point of view             considering the substantial book keeping expenses it would involve ?      From the point of view of justice ?  What does the phrase        substantially the same mean to you ?

Case NO. 5

Eighteen – year old Shawn “NAPSTER” Fanning, then a freshman at Northeastern University, dropped out of school and founded Napster Inc. (website was at w.w.w.napster.com) in San Mateo, California in May 1999.  Two months earlier, working in his college dorm room, he had developed both a website that let users locate other users who were willing to share whatever music files they had in MP3 format on the hard drives of their computers and a software program (called “Napster) that let users copy these music files from each other over the Internet.  When an early free version of the program he posted on Download.com received more than 300,000 hits and was named “Download of the week,” he decided to devote himself full time to developing his program and website.  The final version of his version of his program was officially released August 1999, and in May 2000, with more than 10 million people – most of them students on college campuses where Napster was especially popular – signed up at its website, Shawn’s company received $ 15 million of start – up funds from venture capital firms in California’s “Silicon Valley.”
            Fanning grew up in Brockton , Massauchettes, the son of a nurse’s aid and the stepson of a truck driver, in a family of four half-brothers and half-sisters. He got the nickname “Napster” during a basketball game when a player commented on his closely cropped sweaty head of hair.  Fanning had taught himself programming and had held several summer programming jobs.
            The company Shawn helped establish gave the Napster program away for free and charged users nothing to use its website to post the URL addresses where personal copies of music could be downloaded.  Nevertheless, a month later, Shawn found himself embroiled in a legal and ethical controversy when two record tables, two musicians (Metallica and Dr. Dre), and two industry trade groups of music companies (the National Music Publishers Association and the Recording Industry Association of America) filed suits against his young company claiming that Napster’s software was enabling other to make and distribute copies of copyrighted music that the musicians and companies owned.
            On June 12, the two industry trade groups filed preliminary injunctions against the company demanding that it remove all the songs owned by their member companies from Napster’s song directories.  According to the two groups, a survey of 2555 college students showed a correlation between Napster use and decreased CD purchases.  College students were outraged, especially fans of Metallica and Dr. Dre. Supporters of Napster argued that Napster allowed people to hear music that they then went out and purchased, so Napster actually helped the music companies.  Music sales had increased by over $500 million a year since Napster had started to operate, but the music companies claimed that this was a result of a booming economy.  Supporters of Napster also argued that individuals had a moral and legal right to lend other individuals a copy of the music on the CDs that they had purchased.  After all, they argued, the law explicitly stated that an individual could make a copy of copyrighted music he or she had purchased to hear the music on another player.  Moreover, according to Fanning, Napster was not doing anything illegal, and the company was not responsible if other people used its software and website to copy music in violation of copyright law any more than a car company was responsible when its autos were used by thieves to rob banks.  Much of the music that was downloaded using Napster, they claimed, was in the public domain (i.e.not legally owned by anyone) and was being legally copied.  The music companies countered that an individual had no right to give multiple copies of their music to others even if the individual had paid for the original CD.  If everyone was allowed to copy music without paying for it, they charged, eventually the music companies would stop producing music and musicians would stop creating it.  Other musicians claimed, however, that Napster and the Web gave them a way to put their music before millions of potential fans without having to beg the music companies to sponser them.
            In March 2000, the band Metallica hired consultant PDNet to electronically “evesdrop” on users who assumed they were anonymously accessing Napster’s website.  The following week the band’s lawyers handed Napster a list with the names of 300, 000 people that Metallica claimed had violated its copyrights using Napster’s service and that Metallica now wanted removed from Napster’s services.  Fanning complied with the demand of Metallica, whose drummer, Lars Ulrich, was one of his musical heros.  “If they want to steal our music,” said Ulrich, “ why don’t they just go down to Tower Records and grab them off the shelves ?”  Many young people protested that the bands should not be alienating their own fans in this way.  One fan posted a note on an MP3 chat room : “Give me a break !  I have been dropping 16 bucks an album for Metallica’s music since I was a teenager.  They made a fortune off us and now they accuse us of stealing from them.  What nerve !”  Howard King, a Los Angeles lawyer for Metallica and Dr. Dre, stated that “I don’t know Shawn Fanning but he seems to be a pretty good kid who came up with a sensational program.  But this sensational program has allowed people to take music without paying ………. Shawn probably had no idea of the legal ramifications of what he created.  I’m sure the though never crossed his mind.”
            In August 2000, a federal judge in San Francisco , Marilyn Patel, responded to the suit against Napster.  Judge Patel called Shawn’s company a “monster” and charged that the only purpose of Napster was to copy pirated music without paying for it.  The judge ordered Napster to remove all URLS from its website that referenced material that was copyrighted.
            Judge Patel’s ruling would have shut down the company’s website immediately.  But a few days later, an appeals court reversed Judge Patel and allowed the company to continue operating.  The reprieve was only temporary.  On Monday February 12, 2001 , the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco affirmed Judge Patel’s ruling.  The company attempted to circumvent the ruling by negotiating agreements with the music companies that would pay them certain annual fees in return for withdrawing the suit.
            Napster was not the only software that allowed individuals to swap files from
One personal computer to another over the Internet.  The software program named “Gnutella”  let individuals swap any kind of files – music, text, or visuals – over the Internet, but Gnutella did not operate a centralized index like the website that Napster had established.  Observers predicated that if Napster was put out of business, numerous underground websites would be created providing the kind of listing service that the company had earlier provided on its website.  Already a website named zeropaid.com provided free copies of Gnutella and many other Napster clones that users could download and use to share digital music files with each other.  Unlike Napster, these software products did not require a central website to connect users to each other, making it impossible for music companies to find and target single entity whom they could sue.  Many observers predicated that Napster was only the beginning of an upheaval that would revolutionize the music industry, forcing music companies to lower their prices, make their music easily available on the Internet, and completely change their business models. 
Questions :
1. What are the legal issues involved in this case, and what are the moral issues ? How are the two different kinds of issues different        from each other, and how are they related to each other ?  Identify         and distinguish the “systemic, corporate and individual issues”           involved in this case. 

2. In your judgment, was it morally wrong for Shawn Fanning to        develop and release his technology to the world given its possible   consequences ?  Was it         morally wrong for an individual to use          Napster’s website and software to copy            for free the copy righted        music on another person’s hard drive ? If you believe it was wrong, then explain exactly why it was wrong.  If you believe it was          not       morally wrong, then how would you defend your views against t      he claim that such copying is stealing ?  Assume that it was not I    illegal for an individual to copy music using Napster.  Would there           be anything immoral with doing so ?  Explain ?

3. Assume that it is morally wrong for a person to use Napster’s website     and      software to make a copy of copyrighted music.  Who, then,     would be morally responsible for this person’s wrong doing ?        Would             only the person himself be     morally responsible ?  Was   Napster,          the company, morally responsible ? Wash shawn Fanning morally            responsible ?  Was any employee of Napster, the company,              morally responsible ?  Was the operator of the server or that portion       of the Internet that the person used morally responsible ?  What if the       person did not know that the music was copyrighted or did not think that it was illegal to copy copyrighted music ?

4.  Do the music companies share any of the moral responsibility for             what has happened ?  How do you think technology like Napster is       likely to  change the music industry ?  In your judgment, are these             changes ethically good or ethically bad ?

Case NO. 6

Eli Lilly, the discoverer of Erythromycin, Darvon, Ceclor, and Prozac, is a major pharmaceutical company that sold $6.8 billion of drugs all over the world in 1995, giving it profits of $2.3 billion.  Headquartered in Indianpolis , Minnesota , the company also provides food, housing, and compensation to numerous homeless alcoholics who perform short-term work for the company.  The work these street people perform, however, is a bit unusual.
            Before approving the sale of a newly discovered drug, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires that the drug be put through three phases of tests after being tested on animals.  In phase I, the drug is taken by healthy human individuals to determine whether it has any dangerous side effects.  In Phase II, the drug is given to a small number of sick patients to determine dosage levels.  In Phase III, the drug is given to large numbers of sick patients by doctors and hospitals to determine its efficacy.
            Phase I testing is often the most difficult to carry out because most healthy individuals are reluctant to take a new and untested medication that is not intended to cure them of anything and that may have potentially crippling or deadly side effects.  To secure test subjects, companies must advertise widely and offer to pay them as such as $250 a day.  Eli Lilly, however, does not advertise as widely and pays its volunteers only $85 a day plus free from and board, the lowest in the industry.  One of the reasons that Lily’s rates are so low is because, as a long time nurse at the Lily Clinic is reported to have indicated, “ the majority  of its subjects are homeless alcoholics” recruited through word of mouth that is spread in soup kitchens, shelters, and prisons all over the United States .  Because they are alcoholics, they are fairly desperate for money.  Because they alcoholics, they are fairly desperate for money.  Because phase I testes can run several months, test subjects can make as $4500 – an enormous sum to people who are otherwise unemployable and surviving on handouts.  Interviews with several homeless men who have participated in Lily’s drug tests and who describe themselves as alcoholics who drink daily suggest that they are, by and large, quite happy to participate in an arrangement that provides them with “easy money”.  When asked, one homeless drinker hired to participate in a Phase I trail said he had no idea what kind of drug was being tested on him even though he had signed an informed – consent form.  An advantage for Lilly is that this kind of test subject is less likely to sue if severely injured by the drug.  The tests run on the homeless men, moreover, provide enormous benefits for society.  It has been suggested, in fact, that in light of the difficulty of securing test subjects, some tests might be delayed or not performed at all if it were not for the large pool of homeless men willing and eager to participate in the tests.
            The Federal Drug Administration requires that people who agree to participate in Phase I tests must give their “ informed consent” and must take a “ truly voluntary and a uncoerced decision.”  Some have questioned whether the desperate circumstances of alcoholic and homeless men allow them to make a truly voluntary and uncoerced decision when they agree to take an untested potentially dangerous drug for $ 85 a day.  Some doctors claim that alcoholics run a higher risk because they may carry diseases that are undetectable by standard blood screening and that make them vulnerable to being severely named by certain drugs.  One former test subject indicated in an interview that the drug he had been given in a test several years before had arrested his heart and “ they had to  put things on my chest to start my heart up again.”  The same thing happened to another subject in the same test.  Another man indicated that the drug he was given had made him unconscious for 2 days while others told of excruciating headaches.
            In earlier years, drug companies used prisoners to test drugs in Phase I tests.  During the 1970s, drug companies stopped using prisoners when critics complained that their poverty and the promise of early parole in effect were coercing the prisoners into  “Volunteering”.  When Lilly first turned to using homeless people during the 1980s, a doctor at the company is quoted as saying, “ We were constantly talking about whether we were exploiting the homeless.  But there were a lot of them who were willing to stay in the hospital for four weeks.”   Moreover, he adds.  “Providing them with a nice warm bed  and good medical care and sending them out drug – and alcohol – free was a positive thing to do.”
            A homeless alcoholic indicated in an interview that when the test he was participating in was completed, he would rent a cheap motel room where I’ll get a case of Miller and an escort girl have sex.  The girl will cost me $ 200 an hour.”  He estimated that it would take him about two weeks to spend the $ 4650 Lily would pay him for his services.  The manager at another cheap motel said that when test subjects completed their stints at Lily, they generally arrived at his motel with about $ 2500 in cash : “ The guinea pigs  go to the lounge next door, get drunk and buy the house a round.  The idea is, they can party for a couple of weeks and go back to Lily and do the next one.”
Questions :
1. Discuss this case from the perspective of utilitarianism, rights, justice     and caring.  What insight does virtue theory shed on the ethics of    the events  described in this case ?
2.  “ In a free enterprise society all adults should be allowed to make           their own decisions about how they choose to earn their living.”          Discuss the statement  in light of the Lily case.
3. In your judgment, is the policy of using homeless alcoholics for test         subjects morally appropriate ?  Explain the reasons for your             judgment.  What does  your judgment imply about the moral   legitimacy of a free market in labor ?
4. How should the managers of Lily handle this issue ? 



DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: prasanththampi1975@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com

 Brand Management            
                                                                Maximum Marks: 80         

Question No. 1 is compulsory and is for 16 Marks. Please attempt any 4 questions from question number 2 to 9.

1. Case Study : (Compulsory)

Burnol has been around for six decades as a yellow burns-relief ointment.  It has almost become a generic brand.  Its yellow colour reminds one of turmeric, the traditional burns-relief remedy.
The brand has been recently acquired by Dr. Morepen (a subsidiary of Morepen Laboratories Ltd.) from Reckit Piramal.  The brand has high recall value.  Morepen is the brand’s third owner (Boots is the first, Pirmal second).
Burnol’s position in the mind space of the consumer is that of the burns ointment.  It is open to marketers to reposition the brand.  But sometimes the brand does not budge from its original position.  Burnol is a typical example.  It is so strong as anti-burn ointment that it has become intractable.
Burnol introduced by Boots started domestic manufacturing in 1948. JWT handled the account.  Formerly, it was sold on prescription.  In 1960 it became over-the counter (OTC) product.
As Indian housewives depended upon kerosene or wood-fed stoves, Burnol became an integral part of the household.  In 1967, Burnol’s application was far widened, to include antiseptic properties against cuts and other wounds. But it did not succeed and Boots reverted to its original anti-burns position.  In 1972, Shield was launched by SKF as a competitive brand.  It was followed by Medigard by J.L. Morison.  But they could not affect Burnol.
In 1980, a commercial on DD showed a daughter entering kitchen and getting burns due to oil splash. The mother uses Burnol and the VO says “Haath jal gaya? Shukar hai ghar mein Burnol jo hai”.
Kitchen became safer in 85s after the switch-over to LPG-based cooking and the use of gas-lighter instead of the match boxes.  Burnol started stagnating.
Though the product had high recall, the actual reality was that households did not keep the product handy.  Plain water was being recommended to treat burns.  Turmeric, as it causes stains, was becoming a liability.  The product composition was changed by changing colour from deep yellow to non-staining light yellow.  People were coaxed to keep the product within easy reach, Sales showed some improvement.
In 1995, again it was repositioned as antiseptic for multiple usages. The colour was made even lighter. It was given a new perfume.  But the brand failed to compete with other antiseptic creams such as Boroline and Dettol. The brand could not be moved from its ‘burns’ spot in the consumer mind. It’s becoming generic as a burns remedy proved to be its cause for stagnation.
In 2000, Burnol was sold to Reckitt Pirmal for 12.5 crore.  It became Burnol Plus.  It was positioned as ‘first aid cream’.  It registered a turnover of ` 6.2 crore in 2002. As Reckit Pirmal joint venture came apart, Burnol was sold to Dr. Morepen in 2003.  It is being relaunched in April 2004.

Burns market including dressings stand as ` 39 crore. Antiseptic market stands at ` 210 crore.  The old need is passing into history. The strategy should be to retain its original uniqueness, and still broad-base it.  There are new dangers such as geysers, irons, ovens and so on.  Burnol can become a cream that ensures safety if present. Burnol should be promoted as brand that cares.
Burnol is now marketed by Dr. Morepen Lab as protective cream which should be kept handy always.

As a Management consultant give your comments on Burnol as a brand.

2. What do you understand by the concept of a Brand?  Describe the characteristics of Brands.
3. a. Define the Brand Image. Explain the dimensions of Brand Image.
b. What is meant by Brand Identity? Explain the different elements of Brand                         Identity.

4. Discuss in detail the different stages of brand building process.

5. a. What is Brand Audit?  Explain its importance.
b. Describe the two steps in brand audit. 

6. “Positioning is an outcome of our perceptions about the brand relative to the competing brands” – Discuss with examples.

7. How do consumers perceive and choose brands? Discuss. 

8. What are the different phases of strategic brand management process?

9. Discuss the “TEN COMMANDMENTS” of Global Branding.

Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies


Marks: 100
I. Answer ANY FIVE questions.
II. All questions carry 20 marks each.
III. Total numbers of questions are EIGHT.


Q.1. Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following
a. Globalization
b. Task and processes in formulating business strategy
c. TQM Philosophy
d. Characteristics of well formulated corporate objectives

Q.2. Describe Vision and Mission statements with suitable illustrations. What is the difference between vision and mission? How does business definition help in articulating the Mission statement?

Q.3. Describe Porter’s five forces model to analyse competition with reference to light commercial vehicle industry.

Q.4. Describe the GE multifactor portfolio matrix and state how the GE matrix is superior tool Vis a Vis the BCG matrix.

Q.5. a) Describe Ansoff’s matrix
b) What is the difference between market penetration and market development? Illustrate with suitable examples.

Q.6. What is “Best cost provider” strategy? What are the risks in pursuing this strategy?

Q.7. What strategic options a firm could follow when the firm is operating in a maturing industry?

Q.8. Describe the role of strategy supportive reward system with suitable illustrations.



DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: prasanththampi1975@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com


PART – A  (10 x 5 = 50)
Answer Any FIVE Questions
1. What is Advertising? Discuss its objectives and point out the problems of advertising in India.

2. How is Advertising effectiveness tested?

3. What are the important features of an Advertisement Copy?

4. Discuss the essential features of a sound advertising policy.

5. Mention the functions of an advertising agency.

6. Examine the function to be considered in the selection of Media for advertising.

7. What is sales promotion? Why it is importance in marketing industrial product?

8. Distinguish between Coupon and Sampling.

9. What are the factors governing basic Promotional strategy?

10. Outline the different methods of providing discounts in the selling process.

PART – B  (2 x 15 = 30)
Answer Any TWO Questions
11. “Advertising Sells Product”. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons and explain the functions performed by advertising.

12. “The success of Advertisement campaign depends on proper selection of Media” –   Discuss.

13. “Advertising brings long-term benefits but Sales promotion is for quicker result”. Explain with an example.

14. Analyze the distinctive features of various elements of the Promotional mix. Illustrate with a suitable example.

15. Outline the different methods of providing discounts in the selling process.

Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies


Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks
1. Discuss the changing scenario of business environment in India and its principal implications for the business.
2. (a) Explain the dualistic character of Indian economy and the problem of uneven income distribution.
(b) Outline the development of consumer movement in India.
3. (a) Write notes on (i) adjudication machinery for settlement of disputes, and (ii) Employees Pension Scheme, 1995.
(b) Enumerate the powers of the Central Government to control production, supply and distribution of essential commodities under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955.
4. Describe the important amendments proposed under the Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2003 and the additions proposed thereto by lrani Panel.
5. (a) Can SEBI compel a public company to get its securities listed on the stock exchanges while making a public issue? On what grounds can the listed securities be delisted by a stock exchange? State the rules in this regard.
(b) "The role of stock exchanges in India need not be over - emphasized”. Comment.
6. Describe the evolution of the concept of corporate governance and outline the various measures adopted in India to ensure good corporate governance.
7. Make a critical assessment of New Economic Policy keeping in view the long term objectives of economic development.
8. (a) What are the objectives of EXIM policy 2002 - 07? Explain its main provisions.
(b) Write an explanatory note on functions and coverage of WTO.
9. Distinguish between the following:
(a) Micro Environment and Macro Environment
(b) Economic Growth and Economic Development
(c) Money Market and Capital Market
(d) Entrepreneurship, Role and Promotional Role of Government

Friday, 16 November 2018


DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: prasanththampi1975@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com

Construction Technology
Section A: Objective Type (30 marks)
 This section consists of Multiple Choices/Fill in the Blanks & short notes type questions.
 Answer all the questions.
 Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 5 marks each.
Part One:
Multiple Choices:
1. Excavation carried out for construction of individual foundation and trenches is- :
a. Sloped excavation
b. Bulk excavation
c. Confined excavation
d. Excavation in rocks
2. Which of the following is not the temporary exclusion of controlling ground water?
a. Sump pumping
b. Cofferdams
c. caissons
d. Well point system
3. Strength, water-tightness, abrasion resistance are the properties of-:
a. Plastic concrete
b. Hardened concrete
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
4. The welding which is not suited for fabrication work known as-
a. Fusion welding
b. Friction welding
c. Flame welding
d. Metal arc welding
5. The most common heat sources used in industrial welding works are-
a. Electric welding
b. Resistance heating at an interface
c. Flame welding
d. All of the above
6. Silicone-based paint may be applied to porous surface to prevent water penetrating the wall known as-:
a. Fungicides paint
Examination Paper of Construction Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
b. Water-repellent paint
c. Waterproofing paint
d. Heat-resisting paint
7. Which one of the following provides color to painting films?
a. Binder
b. Pigments
c. solvent
d. Additive
8. __________masonry composed of rectangular unit , usually larger in size than bricks and properly bonded having sawed, dressed, or squared beds- laid in mortar :
a. Rubble masonry
b. Ashlars masonry
c. Block-in-course masonry
d. Grouted masonry
9. RCC stands for _______________________________.
10. WMM stands for __________________________________.
Part Two:
1. What are the causes of accident at construction sites?
2. List the document required for actual project implementation.
3. What are the activities involved in plastering?
4. List the guidelines for storage of civil engineering construction material.
Section B: Caselets (40 Marks)
 This section consists of Caselets.
 Answer all the questions.
 Each case let carries 20 marks.
 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).
Caselet 1
The president rise in commodity prices across the board, s posing major threat to those working on construction projects, in general and real estate projects, in particular. The prices of raw material are it
Examination Paper of Construction Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
cement, steel, aluminum, plastics, etc., are seeing an upward rally. This can hamper the growth of the sector adversely in case the demand for these projects, worth crores of rupees, falls. The impact of this fall would be severe on country’s infrastructure development as well as the growth of the manufacturing sector. This lurking risk is not restricted only to domestic sector but is gaining global attention. Globally too project managers are concerned as commodity prices shoot through the roof. In addition to the problem of cost overrun, KPMG’s Global Construction Survey conducted in the year 2007 unraveled three major aspects of the construction sector; Current business trends, management of building process and the future. The findings revealed that the shortage of qualified contractors to bid for and execute major projects, the rising cost of construction and the shortage of internal resources available to manage and deliver projects are the biggest challenges to new construction projects in the future. These need to be addressed as demand for construction services shall increase over the next five years.
Considering India’s embarkment towards major construction projects related to highways, ports, airways, several lessons are required to be learned from international experiences and also from its own past experiences. According to Business Line, as of the end-March 2007, the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) had about 46 constructions works-amounting to a total length of 1,844 km- which were plagued by time and cost overruns. Of these, three projects, which were cancelled due to non-performance of contractors, were not rewarded while others faced significant time overruns. Some common problems identified were delay on account of land acquisition, utilities clearance, bad quality Detailed Project Report (DPR), leading to massive change in scope of work after the project was awarded and non-performing contractors. To overcome these problems attempts have been made by HHAI such as, the new model concession agreement includes clauses to ensure that 60% land acquisition and utilities clearance are done by NHAI and passed on to the rod developer before the financial closure of the project. Additionally, the clauses also have provision of blacklisting consulting firms as well as imposing penalty on DPR consultants to ensure better performance. The intervention by IT sector can also help the construction sector in reducing the performance. The intervention by IT sector can also help the construction sector in reducing the man-managed deficiencies that contribute to cost and time overruns, if not eliminating it in entirely.
1. The cost-effective construction technologies would emerge as the most acceptable case of sustainable technologies in India. Comment
2. Explain what lessons are required to be learned from International experiences and its own past experiences in construction project.
Caselet 2
The Euro Tunnel formerly known as Channel Tunnel project was conceived for over two centuries. However, it was in April 2, 1985, a formal invitation to complete the fixed link of it was floated by the British and the French. Thereafter, in January, 1986, the train/shuttle tunnel developed by the consortium channel Tunnel Group Limited-France-Manche S.A. (CTGFM) was ultimately given the contract. In the development of it, design engineering was the prime challenge. The challenge was overcome through construction of three concrete lined parallel tunnels of approximately 50 kilometers long running mostly undersea (about 38 Km) from the English and French ends. Of these, the two outside tunnels which are used as rail tunnels had a diameter (internal) of 7.6 meters for train movement. These rail tunnels were dug at an average distance of 30 meters. The other one, the central tunnel has an internal diameter of 4.8 meters for catering to servicing activities. For effectuating it, the service tunnel is linked with the rail
Examination Paper of Construction Management
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tunnels through cross-passages along the entire stretch, at equal intervals of 375 meters. Besides, the rail tunnels were also connected with ducts of piston relief at intervals of 250 meters for maintenance of air pressure, which got affected by movement of high-speed trains, in the two tunnels. Also, two huge undersea crossover caverns were constructed for the trains to crossover from one track to other. In order to keep the tunnels dry, five pumping stations and sumps were built. So as to reduce the heat caused by friction caused by the fast-moving trains, a cooling system was installed in which chilled water was pumped by cooling pipes. After determination of the optimum tunnel route, Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) that are able to operate in a sealed mode under water pressure were used. Lining of the tunnels were done with pre-cast concrete segmented rings and ductile iron as per soil conditions so as to ensure a 120 year life. The concrete used in the tunnel construction are of high strength and density so as to give optimum corrosion protection to the steel reinforcement. Besides, secondary protection against corrosion was ensured through surface coating.
1. Explain the construction of the ‘Euro Tunnel’.
2. State the benefits of the construction of the ‘Euro Tunnel’.
Section C: Applied Theory (30 Marks)
 This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.
 Answer all the questions.
 Each question carries 15 marks.
 Detailed information should from the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).
1. Define “Glazing”, Explain different kind of glasses used for glazing purpose?
2. What is meant by mechanical handling? List the important safety guidelines for mechanical handling.
Examination Paper of Construction Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Examination Paper MM.100
Project Management in Construction
Section A: Objective Type (30 marks)
 This section consists of Multiple Choice questions & short note type questions.
 Answer all the questions.
 Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 5 marks each.
Part One:
Multiple Choices:
1. It included manpower, material and machinery that is necessary to perform the work:
a. Scope
b. Quality
c. Resources
d. Completion time
2. In this analysis a project is formulated and appraised based on the estimates generated from past data, experience & analysis.
a. Risk analysis
b. Sensitivity analysis
c. Probability analysis
d. Economic analysis
3. It is a verbal written or on-line document that shows the up-to-date performance status of a task that has been entrusted to a responsibility/accounting centre.
a. Trends forecasting
b. Reporting performance
c. Performance variance analysis
d. Recording performance
4. In this contract, the architectural and engineering design and drawings are provided by the employer/client to the contractor at the time of tendering as a part of the contract documents:
a. Build-only contracts
b. Build-own transfer contracts
c. Engineering procurement
d. Construction contract
5. These arise where no ground exists either in the contract or in common law:
a. Contractual claims
b. Extra contractual claims
c. Ex-gratia claims
d. None of the above
Examination Paper of Construction Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
6. In this case, both the parties willingly discuss the dispute and arrive at a settlement without the intervention of any third party:
a. Conciliation through negotiations
b. Conciliation through mediation
c. Conciliation by setting up ‘Dispute Review Board’ (DRB)
d. Conciliation through others
7. The claim which is registered by giving a notice is known as:
a. Registering claims
b. Establishing claims
c. Presentation claims
d. None of the above
8. This term covers the entire electronic and electro-mechanical equipment used in the computerized data processing system:
a. Hardware
b. Software
c. Operators
d. Procedure
9. This enables the electronic transfer of a complete file from one computer to another:
a. Internet
b. Intranets
c. telnet
d. File transfer protocol (FTP)
10. It is an assurance to the owner that selected the contractor will actually proceed with the contract
at the bid price:
a. performance bonds
b. Bid bonds
c. Claim bonds
d. Contract bonds
Part Two:
1. What are the main causes of a project failure?
2. What is ‘Responsibility assignment Matrix’ (RAM) chart?
3. Define professional construction management (PCM) approach.
4. Differentiate between ‘Project Management’ & ‘General Management’.
Examination Paper of Construction Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Section B: Caselets (40 Marks)
 This section consists of Caselets.
 Answer all the questions.
 Each Caselet carries 20 marks.
 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).
Caselet 1
Huge Electronics Company (HEC) is a designer and manufacturer of electronics equipment that is sold primarily to government/military customers. Located in the Western United States, HEC grew rapidly in the 1970s to become one of the nation’s largest government contractors with employees in excess of 50,000. Partly because of HEC’s rapid growth, the company organization chart was constantly in a state of flux. Despite the changes, the engineering divisions remained fairly stable in a classic project management structure. The manufacturing division was structured in a matrix organization because of the large investments in manufacturing equipment necessary. Duplicating these equipment purchases for every project would not be cost effective.
Naturally, the project managers in the engineering division’s wieded a great deal of power to set policy and make decisions. The manufacturing project managers did not possess the total authority shared by their engineering counterparts; they did, however, have a strong say in controlling the destiny of their projects, if not the operating policy of the division. Due to of the matrix structure, functional and project managers coexisted at the same level in the management hierarchy, both reporting directly to the division manager. While the power in the division was spread evenly between functional and project management, when push came to shove, the project mangers’ possessed up what through the project structure I led to the influential edge that seemed to exist.
Make Versus Buy Decisions
As a result of the fast growth experienced by HEC, production capacity could not keep pace with demand in many cases. Some of the company’s product designs had to be off loaded either completely or partially for the production phase of a contract. The question of who should/would make the decision whether to manufacture in-house or off-load a particular product was always a point of contention. At least three parties influenced the decision: (1) the manufacturing project manager (MPM) (2) the manufacturing functional managers, and (3) the engineering project manager. Initially a manufacturing project plan is published by the MPM. The engineering project manager can influence make-buy decisions by the way the products are specified on the drawings to be used for manufacturing facility is incapable of producing, the MPM has no alternative but to have the product fabricated by a firm with the necessary capability.
Project tiger and the Cable Shop
The decision faced by the Tiger MPM regarding the selection of a production location for the Tiger electronic cables is a dramatic example of the make-buy decisions faced by HEC managers. Below is a description of the cast of characters who attempt to influence the Tiger MPM’s decisions.
Final Assembly Project Engineer: Wally Carr has 25 years experience with the company, worked his way up through the ranks, and has an inherent distrust for the wire and cable shop because of bad past experiences. His advice to the MPM is: ‘We should set up our own shop over in the new Tiger final assembly building. This can have control over our own destiny. That’s what we did on the old Stingray project and it worked great. Those cable guys never meet their schedules.”
Cable Project Engineer: Charlene Rain has five years experience in the firm and was previously in sales for a small electronics distributor. It known to anyone at the time, she has purchased an interest in a local wire and cable subcontractor that specializes in doing overflow work from large prime contractors. Her advice to the MPM is: “We should off-load these cables to a local vendor. They are a simple design and we need to concentrate our manufacturing engineering efforts on the more complicated designs.”
Examination Paper of Construction Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Wire and cable department Manager: Richard Treese, who recently took over the wire department, has already shown signs of improving a department that definitely needed some improvement. He is also the direct manager of the wire project engineer who is in favour of off-loading. His advice to the MPM is: “I know the department is near capacity right now, but some months from now when the Tiger project comes down the pike, we will be ready to handle it. We will deliver quality cables to meet your schedules.
You are the project manager: you know how important project is for, both, the company and your career.
1. Should you go with a department that has been chronically delaying when the contract has a large incentive/penalty clause for on-time delivery?
2. Can you risk sending out a design to a supplier when the design is to be proved?
Caselet 2
In mid-1998, the personal products divisions of HLL launched campaign called ‘Project Bharat’ to be carried out by the end of 1999. ‘Project Bharat’ was a direct marketing exercise undertaking to address the issues of awareness, attitudes and habits of rural consumers and increase the penetration level of HLL products. It was the first and the largest rural home-to-home operation to have ever been taken up by any company carried out its direct marketing operations in the high potential districts of the country to attract first-time users.
Under ‘Project Bharat,’ HLL vans villages and sold small packs consisting of low-unit-price pack each of its detergent, toothpaste, face cream and talcum powder for Rs. 15. During the sales, company representatives also explained to the people how to use these products with the help of a video show. The villagers were also educated about the superior benefits of using the company’s products as compared to their current habits. This was very helpful for HLL, as it created awareness of its product categories and the availability of the affordable packs.
However, the company sensed that the sampling campaign was not enough to attract first time users. Therefore, it rolled out a follow-up program called the ‘Integrated Rural Promotion Van’ (IRPV), which further enhanced the awareness about LL’s products in village with an population above 2000.
Another program targeted at villages with a population of less than 2000 was simultaneously launched. Under this program, the company provided self-employment opportunities to villagers through Self-Help Groups (SHG). SGHs operated like direct-to home distributors wherein groups of 15-20 villagers who are the poverty line (those people whose monthly income was less than Rs. 750 per month) were provided with an opportunity to take micro-credit from banks. Using this money, villagers could buy HLL’s products and sell them to consumers, thereby, generating income as well as employment for themselves. This activity also helped the company increase the reach of its products.
1. What are the significant features of HLL’s ad campaign ‘Project Bharat’?
2. How has HLL identified itself with India’s ‘Economic Development’?
Examination Paper of Construction Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Section C: Applied Theory (30 Marks)
 This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.
 Answer all the questions.
 Each question carries 15 marks.
 Detailed information should from the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).
1. Who is a ‘Project Manager’? Describe the role of a project manager.
2. What is ‘PMIS’ report? Explain the benefits of establishing “PMIS”.



DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: prasanththampi1975@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com

J P Ltd manufacturers of a special product, follows the policy of EOQ for one of its components. The
components’s details are as follows.
Purchase price per component, Rs 200
Cost of an order Rs 100
Annual cost of carrying one unit in inventory,
10 per cent of purchase price
Annual usage of components, 4000
The company has been offered a discount of 2 per cent on the price of the component provided the lot size is
2000 components at a time.
Q1) You are required to compute the EOQ?
Q2) Advise whether the quantity discount offer can be accepted (assume that the inventory carrying cost
does not vary according to discount policy).
Q3) Would your advise differ if the company is offered 5 per cent discount on a single order?
Q4) Explain the term EOQ?
In an engineering concern, the employees are paid incentive bonus in addition to their normal wages at
hourly rates. Incentive bonus is calculated in proportion of time taken to time allowed, of the time saved.
The following details are made available in respect of employees X, Y & Z for a particular week.
Normal Wages (Per hour) (Rs) 4 5 6
Completed units of Production 6000 3000 4800
Time allowed per 100 Units
0.8 1.5 1.0
Actual time taken (hours) 42 40 48
Q1) You are required to work out for each employee the amount of bonus earned?
Q2) Explain the term incentive?
Q3) You are required to work out for each employee the total amount of wages received?
Q4) You are required to work out for each employee the total wages cost per 100 units of output?
Following particulars have been extracted from the books of Supreme Engineers Ltd.
Time allowed for the job (hours) 15 15 15
Time take (hours) 15 12 9
Bonus ratio for Halsey (per cent) 50
Rate per Hour Rs. 2
Q1) You are required to compute the quantum of wages under Halsey Scheme and Rowon Scheme?
Q2) Which of these schemes would you like to introduce in this company if the time taken to complete the
job is likely to reduce to 6 hours after three months.
Q3) An alternative method of payment by results by a straight piece work rate for completion of the job in 7
hours is feasible. Would you like to switch over to this method of payment given further that hourly rate
would be reckoned at Rs 1.50 for fixation of the price rate?
Q4) Give reasons for your advice?
The soft flow Ink Ltd’s income statement for the preceding year is presented below. Expect as noted the cost
/ revenue relationship for the coming year is expected to follow the same pattern as in the preceding year.
Income statement for the year ending March 31 is as follows.
Rs. Rs.
Sales (2,00,000 bottles @ Rs 2.5
paise each)
Variable Costs 3,00,000
Fixed Costs 1,00,000 4,00,000
Pre-Tax Profit 1,00,000
Less : Taxes 35,000
Profit After Tax 65,000
Q1) What is the break-even point in account and units?
Q2) Suppose that a plant expansion will add Rs 50,000 to fixed costs and increase capacity by 60 per cent.
How many bottles would have to be sold after the addition to break even?
Q3) At what level of sales will the company be able to maintain its present pre-tax profit provision even
after expansion?
Q4) Suppose the plant operates at full capacity after the expansion, what profit will be earned?




DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: prasanththampi1975@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com

1) a) What is a breach of contract?
b) What do you understand by an anticipatory breach of contract?
c) State the rights of the promise in case of anticipatory breach.
2) a) State the effect of death, insanity and insolvency of the principal or agent on a contract of agency.
b) When does termination of agency takes effect?
c) When is an agency irrevocable?
3) Discuss the common features of a promissory note, bill of exchange and cheque.
4) a) What is meant by maturity of an instrument?
b) What is meant by day of grace?
c) Explain the provision relating to the calculation of date of maturity.
5) Explain with example the doctrine of supervening impossibility.
6) a) What are the agreements by way of wager?
b) State the legal effect of such agreements.
c) Is a contract of insurance a wager?
7) “No action is allowed on an illegal agreement. ”Comment and state the exceptions (if any) to this
8) a) Define Coercion.
b) State the effect of Coercion on the validity of a contract.
c) Does the threat of commit suicide amount to Coercion?
d) On whom the burden of proof lies in case of Coercion

Business Marketing_
Marks : 80
NB.1) All questions carry equal marks.
2) All questions are compulsory.
Q.No.1.write a short note (any two) (10)
a) Customer Retention and Maximization
b) The One-to-One Media
c) The Character of Business Marketing
Q.No.2.What is Business Marketing? Discuss the Character of
Business Marketing (10)
Q.No.3.what is the Market Opportunities in term of Current and
Potential Customers. (10)
Q.No.4.What is Marketing Strategy? How do integrate Marketing
into the Fabric of the Firm (10)
Q.No.5.What is the Business Marketing Channels? How do you
Create Customer Dialogue (10)
Q.No.6. Discuss various ways of developing and Managing
Products? (10)
Q.No.7. Discuss the ways to Evaluate Marketing Efforts? What are
various programs for the Customer Retention management? (10)
Q.NO.8.Define and distinguish Business Markets and Business
Marketing .As a marketing manager how will you identify
Organizational Buyer Behavior. (10)



DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: prasanththampi1975@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com

Managerial Economics
MM.100 Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)
 This section consists of multiple choices & Short notes type questions. 

 Answer all the questions. 

 Part one carries 1 mark each & Part two carries 5 marks each.
Part one: Multiple choices:
1. It is a study of economy as a whole.
a. Macroeconomics
b. Microeconomics
c. Recession
d. Inflation
2. A comprehensive formulation which specifies the factors that influence the demand for the product.
a. Market demand
b. Demand schedule
c. Demand function
d. Income effect
3. It is computed when the data is discrete and therefore incremental changes is measurable.
a. Substitution effect
b. Arc elasticity
c. Point elasticity
d. Derived demand
4. Goods & services used for final consumption is called:
a. Demand
b. Consumer goods
c. Producer goods
d. Perishable goods
5. The curve at which satisfaction is equal at each point.
a. Marginal utility
b. Cardinal measure of utility
c. The Indifference Curve
d. Budget line
6. Costs that are reasonably expected to be incurred in some future period or periods are:
a. Future costs
b. Past costs
Examination Paper of Managerial Economics
IIBM Institute of Business Management
c. Incremental costs
d. Sunk costs
7. Condition when the firm has no tendency either to increase or to contract its output:
a. Monopoly
b. Profit
c. Equilibrium
d. Market
8. Total market value of all finished goods & services produced in a year by a country’s residents is known as:
a. National income
b. Gross national product
c. Gross domestic product
d. Real GDP
9. The sum of net value of goods & services produced at market prices:
a. Government expenditure
b. Product approach
c. Income approach
d. Expenditure approach
10. The market value of all the final goods & services made within the borders of a nation in an year.
a. Globalization
b. Subsidies
c. GDP
d. GNP
Part Two:
1. Discuss the concept of Demand Schedule.
2. Explain the law of ‘Diminishing marginal returns’.
3. List the various forms of Market Structure.
4. What are the various methods of measuring national income?
Section B: Case lets (40 marks)
 This section consists of Case lets. 
 Answer all the questions. 
 Each Case let carries 20 marks. 

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words). 
Case let 1
Examination Paper of Managerial Economics
IIBM Institute of Business Management
The war on drugs is an expensive battle, as a great deal of resources go into catching those who buy or sell illegal drugs on the black market, prosecuting them in court, and housing them in jail. These costs seem particularly exorbitant when dealing with the drug marijuana, as it is widely used, and is likely no more harmful than currently legal drugs such as tobacco and alcohol. There's another cost to the war on drugs, however, which is the revenue lost by governments who cannot collect taxes on illegal drugs. In a recent study for the Fraser Institute, Canada, Economist Stephen T. Easton attempted to calculate how much tax revenue the government of the country could gain by legalizing marijuana. The study estimates that the average price of 0.5 grams (a unit) of marijuana sold for $8.60 on the street, while its cost of production was only $1.70. In a free market, a $6.90 profit for a unit of marijuana would not last for long. Entrepreneurs noticing the great profits to be made in the marijuana market would start their own grow operations, increasing the supply of marijuana on the street, which would cause the street price of the drug to fall to a level much closer to the cost of production. Of course, this doesn't happen because the product is illegal; the prospect of jail time deters many entrepreneurs and the occasional drug bust ensures that the supply stays relatively low. We can consider much of this $6.90 per unit of marijuana profit a risk-premium for participating in the underground economy. Unfortunately, this risk premium is making a lot of criminals, many of whom have ties to organized crime, very wealthy. Stephen T. Easton argues that if marijuana was legalized, we could transfer these excess profits caused by the risk premium from these grow operations to the government: If we substitute a tax on marijuana cigarettes equal to the difference between the local production cost and the street price people currently pay – that is, transfer the revenue from the current producers and marketers (many of whom work with organized crime) to the government, leaving all other marketing and transportation issues aside we would have revenue of (say) $7 per [unit]. If you could collect on every cigarette and ignore the transportation, marketing, and advertising costs, this comes to over $2 billion on Canadian sales and substantially more from an export tax, and you forego the costs of enforcement and deploy your policing assets elsewhere. One interesting thing to note from such a scheme is that the street price of marijuana stays exactly the same, so the quantity demanded should remain the same as the price is unchanged. However, it's quite likely that the demand for marijuana would change from legalization. We saw that there was a risk in selling marijuana, but since drug laws often target both the buyer and the seller, there is also a risk (albeit smaller) to the consumer interested in buying marijuana. Legalization would eliminate this risk, causing the demand to rise. This is a mixed bag from a public policy standpoint: Increased marijuana use can have ill effects on the health of the population but the increased sales bring in more revenue for the government. However, if legalized, governments can control how much marijuana is consumed by increasing or decreasing the taxes on the product. There is a limit to this, however, as setting taxes too high will cause marijuana growers to sell on the black market to avoid excessive taxation. When considering legalizing marijuana, there are many economic, health, and social issues we must analyze. One economic study will not be the basis of Canada's public policy decisions, but Easton's research does conclusively show that there are economic benefits in the legalization of marijuana. With governments scrambling to find new sources of revenue to pay for important social objectives such as health care and education expect to see the idea raised in Parliament sooner rather than later. Questions:
1. Plot the demand schedule and draw the demand curve for the data given for Marijuana in the case above.
2. On the basis of the analysis of the case above, what is your opinion about legalizing marijuana in Canada?
Case let 2
Examination Paper of Managerial Economics
IIBM Institute of Business Management
The Stock Market The stock market is very close to a perfect competitive market. The price of a stock usually is determined by the market forces of demand and supply of the stock and individual buyers and sellers of the stock have little effect on price (they are price-takers). Resources are mobile as stock is bought and sold frequently. Information about prices and quantities is readily available. Funds flow into stocks and resources flow into uses in which the rate of return. Thus stock prices provide the signal for efficient allocation of investment in the economy. However, imperfections occur here also though the stock market is very close to a perfect competition, for example, sale of huge amount of stocks by a large corporation will certainly affect (depress) the price of its stocks. Question 1. Find out the characteristic of National Stock Exchange.
Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)
 This section consists of Applied Theory Questions. 
 Answer all the questions. 
 Each question carries 15 marks. 
 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).
1. What do you understand by Monitory Policy? Discuss roles and functions of RBI.
2. What is the concept of law of demand? Discuss Elasticity of Demand in detail.



DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: prasanththampi1975@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com

Financial Management
 Subject Code-B-103 Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)
 This section consists of multiple choice & Short Notes. 

 Answer all the questions. 

 Part One carries 1 mark each & Part two carries 5 marks each.
Part one: Multiple choices:
1. The approach focused mainly on the financial problems of corporate enterprise.
a. Ignored non-corporate enterprise
b. Ignored working capital financing
c. External approach
d. Ignored routine problems
2. These are those shares, which can be redeemed or repaid to the holders after a lapse of the stipulated period.
a. Cumulative preference shares
b. Non-cumulative preference shares
c. Redeemable preference shares
d. Perpetual shares
3. This type of risk arises from changes in environmental regulations, zoning requirements, fees, licenses and most frequently taxes.
a. Political risk
b. Domestic risk
c. International risk
d. Industry risk
4. It is the cost of capital that is expected to raise funds to finance a capital budget or investment proposal.
a. Future cost
b. Specific cost
c. Spot cost
d. Book cost
5. This concept is helpful in formulating a sound & economical capital structure for a firm.
a. Financial performance appraisal
b. Investment evaluation
c. Designing optimal corporate capital structure
d. None of the above
6. It is the minimum required rate of return needed to justify the use of capital.
a. From investors
Examination Paper of Financial Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
b. Firms point
c. Capital expenditure point
d. Cost of capital
7. It arises when there is a conflict of interest among owners, debenture holders and the
a. Seasonal variation
b. Degree of competition
c. Industry life cycle
d. Agency costs
8. Some guidelines on shares & debentures issued by the government that are very important for the
constitution of the capital structure are:
a. Legal requirement
b. Purpose of finance
c. Period of finance
d. Requirement of investors
9. It is that portion of an investments total risk that results from change in the financial integrity of
the investment.
a. Bull- bear market risk
b. Default risk
c. International risk
d. Liquidity risk
10. _____________ measure the systematic risk of a security that cannot be avoided through
a. Beta
b. Gamma
c. Probability distribution
d. Alpha
Part Two:
1. What do you understand by wealth maximization?
2. Discuss the concept of factoring.
3. Define Annuity.
4. What is the Difference between NPV and IRR?
Section B: Case lets (40 marks)
 This section consists of Case lets. 
 Answer all the questions. 
 Each Case let carries 20 marks.
 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).
Examination Paper of Financial Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Caselet 1
Case1: Credit Decision - Agarwal Case
On August 30, 2006, Agarwal Cast Company Inc., applied for a $200,000 loan from the main office
of the National bank of New York. The application was forwarded to the bank's commercial loan
department. Gupta, the President and Principal Stockholder of Agarwal cast, applied for the loan in
person. He told the loan officer that he had been in business since February 1976, but that he had
considerable prior experience in flooring and carpets since he had worked as an individual contractor
for the past 20 year. Most of this time, he had worked in Frankfert and Michigan. He finally decided
to "work for himself" and he formed the company with Berry Hook, a former co-worker. This
information seemed to be consistent with the Dun and Bradstreet report obtained by the bank
According to Gupta, the purpose of the loan was to assist him in carrying his receivables until they
could be collected. He explained that the flooring business required him to spend considerable cash
to purchase materials but his customers would not pay until the job was done. Since he was relatively
new in the business, he did not feel that he could compete if he had to require a sizeable deposit or
payment in advance. Instead, he could quote for higher profits, if he were willing to wait until
completion of the job for payment. To show that his operation was sound, he included a list of
customers and projects with his loan application. He also included a list of current receivables.
Gupta told the loan officer that he had monitored his firm's financial status closely and that he had
financial reports prepared every six months. He said that the would send a copy to the bank. In
addition, he was willing to file a personal financial statement with the bank.
1. Prepare your recommendation on Agarwal Cast Company
Caselet 2
This case has been framed in order to test the skills in evaluating a credit request and reaching a
correct decision. Perluence International is large manufacturer of petroleum and rubber-based
products used in a variety of commercial applications in the fields of transportation, electronics, and
heavy manufacturing. In the northwestern United States, many of the Perluence products are
marketed by a wholly-owned subsidiary, Bajaj Electronics Company. Operating from a headquarters
and warehouse facility in San Antonio, Strand Electronics has 950 employees and handles a volume
of $85 million in sales annually. About $6 million of the sales represents items manufactured by
Perluence. Gupta is the credit manager at Bajaj electronics. He supervises five employees who handle
credit application and collections on 4,600 accounts. The accounts range in size from $120 to
$85,000. The firm sells on varied terms, with 2/10, net 30 mostly. Sales fluctuate seasonally and the
average collection period tends to run 40 days. Bad-debt losses are less than 0.6 per cent of sales.
Gupta is evaluating a credit application from Booth Plastics, Inc., a wholesale supply dealer serving
the oil industry. The company was founded in 1977 by Neck A. Booth and has grown steadily since
that time. Bajaj Electronics is not selling any products to Booth Plastics and had no previous contact
with Neck Booth. Bajaj Electronics purchased goods from Perluence International under the same
terms and conditions as Perluence used when it sold to independent customers. Although Bajaj
Electronics generally followed Perluence in setting its prices, the subsidiary operated independently
and could adjust price levels to meet its own marketing strategies. The Perluence's cost-accounting
department estimated a 24 per cent markup as the average for items sold to Pucca Electronics. Bajaj
Electronics, in turn, resold the items to yield a 17 per cent markup. It appeared that these percentages
would hold on any sales to Booth Plastics. Bajaj Electronics incurred out-of pocket expenses that
were not considered in calculating the 17 per cent markup on its items. For example, the contact with
Booth Plastics had been made by James, the salesman who handled the Glaveston area. James would
Examination Paper of Financial Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
receive a 3 per cent commission on all sales made Booth Plastics, a commission that would be paid
whether or not the receivable was collected. James would, of course, be willing to assist in collecting
any accounts that he had sold. In addition to the sales commission, the company would incur variable
costs as a result of handling the merchandise for the new account. As a general guideline,
warehousing and other administrative variable costs would run 3 per cent sales. Gupta Holmstead
approached all credit decisions in basically the same manner. First of all, he considered the potential
profit from the account. James had estimated first-year sales to Booth Plastics of $65,000. Assuming
that Neck Booth took the, 3 per cent discount. Bajaj Electronics would realize a 17 per cent markup
on these sales since the average markup was calculated on the basis of the customer taking the
discount. If Neck Booth did not take the discount, the markup would be slightly higher, as would the
cost of financing the receivable for the additional period of time. In addition to the potential profit
from the account, Gupta was concerned about his company's exposure. He knew that weak customers
could become bad debts at any time and therefore, required a vigorous collection effort whenever
their accounts were overdue. His department probably spent three times as much money and effort
managing a marginal account as compared to a strong account. He also figured that overdue and
uncollected funds had to be financed by Bajaj Electronics at a rate of 18 per cent. All in all, slow -
paying or marginal accounts were very costly to Bajaj Electronics. With these considerations in mind,
Gupta began to review the credit application for Booth Plastics.
1. How would you judge the potential profit of Bajaj Electronics on the first year of sales to Booth
Plastics and give your views to increase the profit?
2. Suggestion regarding Credit limit. Should it be approved or not, what should be the amount of
credit limit that electronics give to Booth Plastics.
Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)
 This section consists o  f Applied Theory Questions. 
 Answer all the questions. 
 Each question carries 15 marks. 
 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200-250 words). 
1. Define Capital Structure. Discuss the important factors that should be considered while
determining Capital Structure.
2. What is the concept of working capital? Discuss the dangers of inadequate as well as excessive
working capital.