Sunday, 22 November 2020






Examination Paper of Business Communication

IIBM Institute of Business Management

• This section consists of multiple choices and Short Notes type questions.

• Answer all the questions.

• Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part two questions carry 5 marks each.

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Subject Code-B109

Examination Paper Business Communication


Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)

Part one:

Multiple choice:

I.The most important goal of business communication is_________. (1)

a) favorable relationship between sender and receiver

b) organizational goodwill

c) receiver response

d) receiver understanding

II. Down ward communication flows from_________ to_________. (1)

e) Upper to lower

f) Lower to upper

g) Horizontal

h) Diagonal

III. Horizontal communication takes place

between_________. (1)

a. superior to subordinate

b. subordinate to superior

c. employees with same status

d. none of these

IV. The study of communication through touch is_________. (1)

a. chronemics

b. haptics

c. proxemics

d. semantic

V._____________ channel of communication is known as grapevine (1)

a. Formal

b. Informal

c. Horizontal

d. Vertical

VI. The following is (are) the most effective ways of communication. (1) a. Verbal b. Non verbal c. Written d. All of the above

Examination Paper of Business Communication

IIBM Institute of Business Management


• This section consists of Caselets.

• Answer all the questions.

• Each Caselet carries 20marks.

• Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).

VII. The handshake that conveys confidence is (1)

a. Limp

b. Firm

c. Loose

d. Double

VIII. ________ of the letter consists of main message. (1)

a. Heading

b. Body

c. Greeting

d. Closing

IX. Body of a letter is divided into ________

parts. (1)

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

X. X. A persuasive message will fail if_____ (1)

a. it does not focus on what is in it for the reader

b. it only lists facts

c. it moves too slowly

d. all of the above

Part Two:

1. Brief Grapevine communication? (5)

2. List the 7 C’s of Communication? (5)

3. Describe the various barriers of communication? (5)

4. Write the negotiation process. (5)

Section B: Caselets (40 marks)

Caselet 1

Barry and Communication Barriers Effective Communication as a Motivator One common complaint employees voice about supervisors is inconsistent messages – meaning one supervisor tells them one thing and another tells them something different. Imagine you are the supervisor/manager for each of the employees described below. As you read their case, give

Examination Paper of Business Communication

IIBM Institute of Business Management

consideration to how you might help communicate with the employee to remedy the conflict. Answer the critical thinking questions at the end of the case then compare your answers to the Notes to Supplement Answers section. Barry is a 27-year old who is a foodservice manager at a casual dining restaurant. Barry is responsible for supervising and managing all employees in the back of the house. Employees working in the back of the house range in age from 16 years old to 55 years old. In addition, the employees come from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. For many, English is not their primary language. Barry is Serv Safe® certified and tries his best to keep up with food safety issues in the kitchen but he admits it’s not easy. Employees receive “on the job training” about food safety basics (for example, appropriate hygiene and hand washing, time/temperature, and cleaning and sanitizing). But with high turnover of employees, training is often rushed and some new employees are put right into the job without training if it is a busy day. Eventually, most employees get some kind of food safety training. The owners of the restaurant are supportive of Barry in his food safety efforts because they know if a food safety outbreak were ever linked to their restaurant; it would likely put them out of business. Still, the owners note there are additional costs for training and making sure food is handled safely. One day Barry comes to work and is rather upset even before he steps into the restaurant. Things haven’t been going well at home and he was lucky to rummage through some of the dirty laundry and find a relatively clean outfit to wear for work. He admits he needs a haircut and a good hand scrubbing, especially after working on his car last evening. When he walks into the kitchen he notices several trays of uncooked meat sitting out in the kitchen area. It appears these have been sitting at room temperature for quite some time. Barry is frustrated and doesn’t know what to do. He feels like he is beating his head against a brick wall when it comes to getting employees to practice food safety. Barry has taken many efforts to get employees to be safe in how they handle food. He has huge signs posted all over the kitchen with these words: KEEP HOT FOOD HOT AND COLD FOOD COLD and WASH YOUR HANDS ALWAYS AND OFTEN. All employees are given a thermometer when they start so that they can temp food. Hand sinks, soap, and paper towels are available for employees so that they are encouraged to wash their hands frequently.


1. What are the communication challenges and barriers Barry faces? (10)

2. What solutions might Barry consider in addressing each of these challenges and barriers? (10)

Caselet 2

Mr. Dutta, newly appointed president of century Airlines, knew the company’s survival depended on customer service, which in turn depended on motivated employees. So he created the Century Spirit program to build team spirit by encouraging employee participation, individual initiative, and open communication. Among the program’s early successes was newspaper started by a group of flight attendants. The plane truth published information about benefits and work conditions as well as feature stories and humorous articles. It quickly became popular not only with flight attendant but with pilot, machinists, and baggage handlers.

As time went on, though, the plane truth began to run articles critical of the company. When management cut back worker’s hours, the, newspaper questioned what sacrifices the executive were making. When the technical services department releases figures showing long turnaround times, the paper questioned the machinist’s work ethic. Worried that customer might see the newspaper; Mr. Dutta wanted to cancel it. The president of the flight attendants union also wanted to see it was stirring up trouble with the machinists.

Examination Paper of Business Communication

IIBM Institute of Business Management

• This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.

• Answer all the questions.

• Each question carries 15marks.

• Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).


Ms. Rachel, Century’s human resource director, was asked to stop the publication. But she hesitated. She knew the employee morale was on the brink, but she did not know whether the newspaper was venting worker’s frustrations and reinforcing team spirit or stirring up old animosities and bringing the whole company down. Was it creating more tension than unity or vice-versa?


1. What Communication issues are involved at Century Airlines? (10)

2. What Communication Channels are being Utilized (10)

Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)

1. Explain the various non verbal communications with an example in business

Scenario? (15)

2. Delineate the types of parts of business report writing? (15)


Examination Paper of Human Resource Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper MM.100

Human Resource Development & Training

Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)

 This section consists of Multiple Choi  ces and Short Notes Type Questions. 

 Answer all the questions. 

 Part one carries 1 mark each & Part Two carries 5 marks each. 

Part One:

Multiple choices:

1. HRD is the process of helping people to acquire________

a. Competition

b. Completeness

c. Competencies

d. None of the above

2. Techniques of human resource development are also called_______

a. HRD Methods

b. HRD Instruments

c. HRD Mechanism

d. All of above

3. In India HRD began only in______

a. 1970s

b. 1980s

c. 1910s

d. 1990s

4. BARS Stand for______

a. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale

b. Behaviorally Anchoring Rating Scale

c. Behaviorally Appraisal Rating Scale

d. None of the above

5. Levels of evaluations of Training programme are:

a. 7

b. 6

c. 5

d. 10

6. Performance appraisal in a _________process of identifying, planning, developing

employee Performance.

a. Multi-Stages

b. Single-Stages


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Human Resource Management

c. Dual-Stages

d. All of the above

7. Halo effect is the tendency to the judge all aspects of a________

a. Person’s behaviour

b. Perspective behaviour

c. Performance appraisal

d. All of the above

8. QWL Stand for_______

a. Quality of work life

b. Quality of worker life

c. Quantity of work life

d. None of the above

9. 360- degree feedback can be used s a tool for performance_______

a. Appraisal

b. Analyze

c. Assessment

d. None of the above

10. Career planning is a _______that constitute what a person does for a living.

a. Sequence of career

b. Sequence of jobs

c. Sequence of sum

d. None of the above

Part Two:

1. Discuss the various methods of Appraisal?

2. Briefly explain ‘On the job and Off the job’ methods of Training and Development.

3. Explain the objectives of ‘Performance Appraisal’.

4. Differentiate between HRM and HRD concept.


Section B: Case lets (40 marks)

 This section consists of caselets. 

 Answer all the questions. 

 Each Caselets carries 20 marks. 

 Detailed information should from the part of your answer ( Word limit 150 to 200 words.) 

Case let 1


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Human Resource Management

Introduction to the Organization:

XYZ Company was established 20 years ago, to manufacture gearbox components for diesel engines.

It employs around 250 people, having a head office, which employs a wide range of personnel who

are generally well educated and enthusiastic about their work, and a factory, which employs semiskilled

local people who are generally disinterested in the products of the company and who have an

instrumental attitude to work, seeing salary as the only reward.

Brief Description of the Problem:

The performance of the company has not been good and the records revealed the following facts:

  Wastage within the factory was costing the company approximately Rs.100,000 a month. 

  There was wide spread differences in individual work standards. 

  Processes were non-standardized resulting in repeated problems. 

 Management made all decisions and cascaded the results down to employees. 

 The top management become concerned about the performance of the factory and they hired.

Mr. Tanmoy Deb, an OD consultant to study the problem and suggest specific changes to

 relationship and tasks with the following objectives: 

  To review and improve communication systems. 

  To restructure the organization and to review teamwork and quality practices. 

 To review leadership issues across all levels. 

Mr. Tanmoy Deb carried out discussions, interviews and surveys and made the following

 observation: 

  There’ and ‘us’ attitude was widely prevalent between head office and factory personnel. 

  Production personnel lacked technical skills. 

  Factory employees felt alienated from sharing the Company’s success. 

  Production systems were adhoc and defective because of frequent variation in standards set. 

  Many times raw material was found to be of inferior quality. 

 Rigidly defined job descriptions. 


1. What in your view are the central human resource issues involved in this case?

2. What Strategy should Mr. Tanmoy Deb develop and implement for improving the present system?

Case let 2

Introduction to the Organization:

XYZ Company is an existing profit making FMCG Company. The company has 600 personnel and

has branches all other the country. It has a separate training department with a Training Manager, Mr.

A.P. Mohan as its head who is supported by two qualified training officers. Mr. Mohan has been in

the company for the last 8 years and is very efficient.

Brief Description of the problem:

Mr. Mohan wants to have the organization. He is fed up with organization politics. He is dissatisfied and

in fact frustrated. There are several reasons attachment to it. First and foremost is that he is not paid

adequately despite the fact that he has brought 12% growth in revenue to the company. Second reason is

that he is not consulted and constantly neglected while making decision on training aspects. Lastly, he

considers himself to be a victim of politics played in the organization. Production Manager


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Human Resource Management

is constantly hurting him and interferes with the work. Dr. Ashok Sarao, boss of Mr. A.P. Mohan does

not want him to leave the organization, as he known that the effectively will come down if he leaves

Dr. Ashok tries to convince Mohan that he should adjust himself with the environment and also talk of

how Mohan is constantly neglected. He talks of how politics is played in the organization and

strengths and weaknesses of Mohan but does nothing to convince Mohan. Rather he says that they

have to adjust, as they are part of family run business. In this setting, personal equation rather than

merit works. Mohan is not convinced and says he is leaving.


1. Why a high performer like Mr. Mohan decided to leave the organization he has been long part of?

2. Do you think Mr. A.P. Mohan took the right decision to leave the organization? What would you

have done if you were in his shoes?


Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)

 This section consists of Applied Theory Questions. 

 Answer all the questions. 

 Each questions carry 15 marks. 

 Detailed information should from the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words). 

1. What do you mean by Quality of Work Life? Discuss the various techniques for improving

the Quality of work life with the principles of QWL?

2. Discuss the basic concepts of management development. What is the important of

management development in the changing business?



IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Human Resource Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper MM.100

Industrial Relations & Labour Laws

Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)

 This section consists of Multiple choices a  nd Short Notes type questions. 

 Answer all the questions. 

 Part one carries 1 mark each & Part Two carries 5 marks each. 

Part One:

Multiple choices:

1. Workers participation in management decision-making is a highly________ concept.

a. Duplex

b. Complex

c. Simplex

d. None of the above

2. The origin of industrial relations in India can be traced in to the:

a. Second world war

b. First world war

c. Third world war

d. British rule

3. Under the payment of wages act, 1936, no wages period shall exceed for one.

a. Four month

b. Two month

c. One month

d. None of the above

4. Collective bargaining is the process of bargaining between________

a. employees & employer

b. workers & workers

c. employees & employees

d. None of the above

5. Layoff can also cause a ________

a. Retirement

b. Grievance

c. Conflict

d. None of the above

6. As per payment of bonus act, accounting year for a company is ________

a. One year

b. Period for which balance sheet is prepared

c. Period for which cash flow is prepared


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Human Resource Management

d. Period for which profit and loss account is prepared

7. WPM stands for_________

a. Workers’ Participation in Management

b. Workers’ Payment of Management

c. Well fare Payment of Management

d. None of the above

8. Causes of Industrial disputes are_________

a. Economic causes

b. Political causes

c. Technological causes

d. All of the above

9. Trade unions of workers in an organization formed by workers to protect their________

a. Working condition

b. Interest

c. Both a & b

d. None of the above

10. A grievance causes in any organization are_________

a. Work environment

b. Supervision

c. Work group

d. All of the above

Part two:

1. What are the steps of Grievances handling Process? Explain it.

2. What are the objectives of ‘Industrial Relations’?

3. Briefly explain the term ‘evolution of Trade unions in India’.

4. Explain the ‘workers’ participation in management’.


Section B: Case lets (40 marks)

 This section consists of Caselets. 

 Answer all the questions. 

 Each Caselet carries 20 marks. 

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words). 

Case let 1


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Human Resource Management

Star Automobiles Ltd. Pimpary is in the field of manufacturing of two wheelers. They manufacture and

market mopeds. These are available in the brand names ‘arrow’ and ‘double arrow’ where ‘arrow’ is

their traditional product and ‘double arrow’ is the improved version. The company was started about 20

yrs ago. Their product ‘arrow’ enjoys a reasonably good reputation and they were comfortable in the

market. However, with the entry of the new generation of fuel-efficient mopeds the company started

loosing its market. They immediately started developing the improved ‘double arrow’ but by the time

they came out with this new model the competitors had already strengthened their position in the

market. The arrow model was still acceptable by a segment of the market as it was cheapest vehicle.

‘Double arrow’ is new generation vehicle. It was costlier than Jet but its performance was much

superior. It is compared favorably with the competitors’ products; however it was yet to gain a foot hold

in the market.

The company had to refurbish the marketing activities in order to get back their market share. They

employed young sales engineer to launch a strong sales drive. Mr. Ramesh Tiwari, Btech and a diploma

holder in marketing got selected and was put on the job. Mr. Ramesh Tiwari started well in his new job.

He was given a territory to contact the prospective customers’ and to book the orders. The company had

introduced a new financial assistance scheme. Under this scheme, buyers were given easy loans. It was

particularly advantageous for group booking by employees working in an organization. Mr. Ramesh

Tiwari was able to contact people in different organization, arrange for group bookings and facilitate

the loans. His performance was good in the first year and in the second year of his service. The

company had its own system of rewarding those whose performance happened to be good. They usually

arranged a paid holiday trip for the good performer along with his wife. Mr. Ramesh Tiwari was

accordingly informed by the marketing manager to go to Chennai with his wife on company expenses.

Mr. Ramesh Tiwari asked him as to how much it would cost to the company. The marketing manager

calculated and told him that it would cost about 8000/-. He quickly asked him whether he could get that

8000/- in cash instead of the trip as he had better plans. The marketing manager countered this saying

that it might not be possible to doso. It was not the trading of the company, however he would check

with the personnel manager. After a couple of days, Mr. Tiwari was informed that it would not be

possible to give him a cash reward. Mr. Tiwari grudgingly went for the trip and returned. On his return,

he was heard complaining to one of his colleagues his little daughter was also along with him. The

marketing manager and the personnel manager thought he was a bit too fusy about the money and some

of his colleagues also thought so. During the subsequent days Mr. Ramesh Tiwari’s performance was

not all that satisfactory this showed his lukewarm attitude towards his job and the subordinates.


1. Did the personnel manager handle the issue properly?

2. What is your recommendation to avoid such situations in future?

Case let 2

In 1950, with the enactment of the Insurance Act, Government of India decided to bring all the

insurance companies under one umbrella of the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). Despite the

monopoly of LIC, the insurance sector was not doing well. Till 1995, only 12% of the country’s people

had insurance cover. The need for exploring the insurance market was felt and consequently the

Government of India set up the Malhotra Committee. On the basis of their recommendation, Insurance

Development and Regulatory Authority (IRDA) Act was passed in parliament in 2000. This moved

allowed the private insurers in the market with the strong foreign partners with 74:26% stakes. XYZMoon

life was one of the first three private players getting the license to operate in India in the year


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Human Resource Management

2000. XYZ Moon life Insurance was a joint venture between the XYZ Group and Moon Inc. of US.

XYZ started off its operations in 1965, providing finance for industrial development and since then it

had diversified in to housing finance, consumer finance, mutual funds and now its latest venture was

Life Insurance. Its foreign partner Moon Inc. had its presence in Asia since the past 75 years catering to

over 1 million customers across 11Asian countries. Within a span of two years, twelve private players

obtained the license from IRDA.IRDA had provided certain base policies like, Endowment Policies,

Money back Policies, Retirement Policies, Team Policies, Whole Life Policies, and Health Policies.

They were free to customize their products by adding on the riders. In the year 2003, the company

becomes one of the market leaders amongst the private players. Till 2003, total market share of private

insurers was about 4%, but Moon Life was performing well and had the market share of about 30% of

the private insurance business. In June 2002, XYZ Moon Life started its operations at Nagpur with one

Sales Manager(SM) and ten Development Officers (DO). The role of a DO was to recruit the agents and

sell a career to those who have an inclination towards insurance and could work either on part time or

full time basis. They were very specific in recruiting the agents, because their contribution directly

reflected their performance. All DOs faced three challenges such as Case Rate (number of policies),

case size (amount of premium), and recruitment of advisors by natural market, personal observations,

nominators, and centre of influence. Incentive of offered by the company to development officers and

agents were based on their performance, which resulted in to internal competition and finally converted

into rivalry. In August 2002, a branch manager joined along with one more sales manager and ten

development officers. Initially, the branch was performing well and was able to build their image in the

local market. As the industry was dynamic in nature, there were frequent opportunities bubbling in the

market. In order to capitalize the outside opportunities, one sales manager left the organization in

January 2003. As the sales manager was a real performer, he was able to convince all the good

performers at XYZ Moon Life Insurance to join the new company. In april 2004, the company faceda

grave problem, when the Branch Manager left the organization for greener pastures. To fill the position,

in May 2004, the company appointed a new branch manager, Shashank Malik, and a sales manager,

Rohit pandey. The branch manager in his early mthirties had an experience of sales and training of

about 12 years and was looking after two branches i.e., Nagpur and Nasik. Malik was given one

Assistant Manager and 25 Development Officers. Out of that, ten were reporting to him. He was given

the responsibility of handling all the operations and the authority to make all the decisions, while

informing the Branch Manager. Malik opined that the insurance industry is a sunrise industry where

manpower plays an important role as the business is based on relationship. He wanted to encourage

one-to-one interaction, transparency and discipline in his organization. While managing his team, he

wanted his co-workers to analyze themselves i.e., to understand their own strengths and weaknesses. He

wanted them to be result-oriented and was willing to extend his full support. Finally, he wanted to

introduce weekly analysis in his game plan along with inflow of new blood in his organization. Using

his vast experience, he began informal interactions among the employees, by organizing outings and

parties, to inculcate the feelings of friendliness and belonging. He wanted to increase the commitment

level and integrity of his young dynamic team by facilitating proper channelization of their energy. He

believed that proper training could give his team a proper understanding of the business and the

dynamics of insurance industry.


1. If you were Malik, what strategies would you adopt to solve the problem?

2. With high employee turnover in insurance industry, how can the company retain a person like Malik?



IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Human Resource Management

Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)

 This section consists o  f Applied Theory Questions. 

 Answer all the questions. 

 Each question carries 15 marks. 

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words). 

1. What is the Collective Bargaining? Explain the Characteristics and types of Collective

Bargaining and write down the different levels of Collective Bargaining?

2. Discuss the wage policy in India with reference to detailed evaluation of the act.




IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Information System Management


IIBM Institute of Business Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper MM.100

System Management

Section A: Objective Type (20 marks)

 This section consists of Multiple Choice Questions & Fill in the blanks / True & False.

 Answer all the Questions.

 Each Question carries 1 Mark.

Part One:

Multiple choices

1. TCP stands for

a. Translate Control Protocol

b. Translate Cable Protocol

c. Transmission Control Program

d. Transmission Cable Program

2. Why we do not tap into a 10Base2 or 10BaseT cable in the same way as we tap with 10Base5 cable?

a. Because the cable is so thin.

b. Because the cable is so strong.

c. Because the cable is so thick.

d. Because the cable is so fat.

3. The Ethernet has its roots in an early packet radio network called

a. SMA


c. RWS


4. ___________is the second major class of Intra Domain Routing protocol.

a. Reliable Flooding

b. Link State

c. Route Calculation

d. Implementation

5. A Network that provides a constant band width for the complete duration of message transfer is a

a. Cell switched Network

b. Packet switched Network

c. Circuit switched Network

d. None of the above

Examination Paper of Information System Management


IIBM Institute of Business Management

6. A router :-

a. Forwards a packet to all outgoing links upto which the packet originated.

b. Determines on which outgoing link a packet is to be forwarded

c. Forwards a packet to the next free outgoing link

d. Forwards a packet to all outgoing links

7. What is the maximum speed of 10Base5 Ethernet Cable?

a. 100 Mbps

b. 500 Mbps

c. 50 Mbps

d. 10 Mbps

8. What is the maximum number of addressable stations on a 10BaseT Ethernet network?

a. 1024

b. 2500

c. 200

d. 512

9. A device that encodes analog voice into a digital ISDN Link is called

a. DSL

b. GSM



10. One of the small difference between the IBM Token Ring specifications and 802.5 is that

a. The former actually requires the use of MSAUs.

b. The former actually requires the use of MAC.

c. The former actually requires the use of TTRT.

d. None of the above

True & False

11. The sliding window protocol is the best known algorithm in computer networking.

12. One of the issues that faces a network designer is how to make this decision in a fair


13. Multicast addresses area used to send messages to subset of the hosts on an Ethernet.

14. 802.11 can support collision detection.

15. A Network Interface card operates at the Network Layer of the OSI model.

16. TCP port 5432 is the well known server part.

17. CPU is directly responsible for moving data between two networks.

18. Classless inter domain routing is a technique that addresses four scaling concerns in the

Examination Paper of Information System Management


IIBM Institute of Business Management


19. LAN is a connection oriented packet-switching technology.

20. Ethernet addresses are configured into the network adaptor by the manufacturer.

Section B: Short Questions (20 marks)

 This section consists of Short Questions.( Answer should be in 5 lines)

 Answer all the questions.

 Each Question carries 5 marks.

1. What are the benefits of Packet Switching?

2. What is an Internetwork?

3. What protocols are there in the TCP/IP internet Layer?

4. What is difference between Virtual circuit Switching and Cell Switching?

Section C: Long Questions (30 marks)

 This section consists of Long Questions.(word limit 100 words)

 Each Question carries 10 marks.

 Attempt any 3 Questions.

1. Write a short note on Classless Inter Domain Routing (CIDR)?

2. What distinguish a computer network from other type of networks?

3. What are the Salient features of Global Internet?

4. Distinguish between Reverse-Path Multicast (RPM) and Protocol Independent Multicast?




Examination Paper of Information System Management


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Section D: Applied Theory (30 marks)

 This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.

 Answer all the Questions.

 Each Question carries 15 marks.

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).

1. The Sliding window protocol is perhaps the best known algorithm in computer Network. Describe however is that it can be used to serve different roles.

2. Explain, how the Sliding Window Algorithm works in Direct Link Network?


Examination Paper of Information System Management


IIBM Institute of Business Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper MM.100

Operating Systems

Section A: Objective Type (20 marks)

 This section consists of Multiple Choice Questions & Fill in the blanks / True & False.

 Answer all the questions.

 Each Question carries 1 mark.

Part One:

Multiple Choices:

1. The PCD data is allocated using a data Structure is called______________

a. Heap

b. Object Module

c. Tag

d. Head

2. Process is

a. Language of programme

b. Name of a computer software

c. An execution of programme

d. None of the above

3. Streaming tape can store record

a. Without a break irrespective of its size

b. With a break in size of record

c. Of size 10 kb

d. Both (a) & (c)

4. _______________is a policy decision based on the page reference information available in the page table.

a. Memory Allocation

b. Shared Pages

c. Page Replacement

d. Memory Mapping

5. Remote procedure call (RPC) is used by an application execute

a. To execute a procedure in the system

b. To execute a procedure in another compute in the distributed system

c. Name of a software

d. None of the above

Examination Paper of Information System Management


IIBM Institute of Business Management

6. Multiprocessor computer system provides

a. Slow performance by serving several processes simultaneously

b. High performance by serving several processes simultaneously

c. High performance by serving one process

d. None of the above

7. Remote procedure call (RPC) is used by an application execute

a. To execute a procedure in the system

b. To execute a procedure in another compute in the distributed system

c. Name of a software

d. None of the above

8. A distributed transaction is also called

a. Single-site transaction

b. Two –site transaction

c. Multi-site transaction

d. Both (a) & (b)

9. File control block (FCB) contains all information concerning

a. A file processing activity

b. Execution activity

c. Both (a) & (b)

d. None of the above

10. Non-uniform memory architecture system consists of number of nodes and each node consists

a. Monitor

b. Register

c. Both (a) & (b)

d. 1 or more C.P.Us

True & False:

1. CPU helps in effective memory management by an OS.

2. High reliability in distributed file systems can be ensured through sharing semantics.

3. The compatible time sharing system for the IBM 7094 was one of the first time sharing systems.

4. The Processors of multiprocessors are divide into processor sets.

5. A resource rank is associated with each resource class.

6. A cached directory is a copy of directory that exists at a primary site.

7. A cluster of nodes is a section of the distributed system that contains sufficient hardware and software resources.

Examination Paper of Information System Management


IIBM Institute of Business Management

8. A cycle is a sufficient condition for a deadlock in MISR system

9. File system integrity implies correctness and consistency of control data and operations of the file system.

10. A mathematical model consists of three components model of the server

Section B: Short Questions (20 marks)

 This section consists of Short Questions (Answer should be in 5 Line).

 Answer all the questions.

 Each Question is of 5 marks.

1. What do you mean by “Authentication”?

2. Distinguish between File System and IOCS.

3. Define “Segmentation with Paging”.

4. Describe the Deadlock characteristics for different resource system.

Section C: Long Questions (30 marks)

 This section consists of Long Questions (Word Limit 100 words)

 Each question carries 10 marks.

 Attempt any three Questions.

1. Write a Short Note on “Structure of an Operating System”.

2. Define Request-Reply-Acknowledgement Protocol and Explain a Blocking version of RRA Protocol.

3. Explain how starvation is avoided the UNIX and Window system?

4. Discuss influence of disk scheduling algorithms on effectiveness of I/O buffering?



Examination Paper of Information System Management


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Section D: Applied Theory (30 marks)

 This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.

 Answer all the Questions

 Each question carries 15 marks.

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).

1. Describe why authentication is important for file protection?

2. Show actions of the basic and control parts of a process to important Ricart-Agrawala Algorithm?




Monday, 16 November 2020






Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies


 MARKS: 80   




                N.B.: 1 Attempt any Twelve Questions

                          2) Last two Questions are compulsory

Q.1. In the following statements only one is correct statement.  Explain         Briefly?                                                                                                 (5 Marks)

        i)      An invitation to negotiate is a good offer.

        ii)     A quasi-contract is not a contract at all.

        iii)   An agreement to agree is a valid contract.


Q.2. A ship-owner agreed to carry to cargo of sugar belonging to A from Constanza to Busrah.  He knew that there was a sugar market in Busrah and that A was a sugar merchant, but did not know that he intended to sell the cargo, immediately on its arrival.  Owning to Shipment’s default, the voyage was delayed and sugar fetched a lower price than it would have done had it arrived on time.  A claimed compensation for the full loss suffered by him because of the delay.  Give your decision.  Explain Briefly?                                                                                               (5 Marks)


Q.3. The proprietors of a medical preparation called the “Carbolic Smoke Ball” published in several newspapers the following advertisement:-

        “£ 1000 reward will be paid by the Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. to any person who contracts the increasing epidemic influenza after having used the Smoke Ball three times daily for two weeks according to printed directions supplied with each ball. £ 1000 is deposited with the Alliance Bank showing our sincerity in the matter.

        On the faith in this advertisement, the plaintiff bought a Smoke Ball and used it as directed. She was attacked by influenza.  She sued the company for the reward.  Will she succeed?  Explain Briefly               (5 Marks)

Q.4. Fazal consigned four cases of Chinese crackers at Kanpur to be carried to Allahabad on the 30th May, 1987.  He intended to sell them at the Shabarat festival of 5th June 1987.  The railway discovered that the consignment could not be sent by passenger train and asked Fazal either to remove them or authorize their dispatch by goods train.  He took no action and the goods arrived at Allahabad a month after they were booked.                          

        Fazal filed a suit against Railways for damages due to late delivery of the goods which deprived him of the special profits at the festival sale.  Decide & explain briefly ?                                                              (5 Marks)


Q.5. ‘Lifeoy’ Soap company advertised that it would give a reward of Rs. 2000 who contracted skin disease after using the ‘Lifeoy’ soap of the company for a certain period according to the printed directions.  Mrs. Jacob purchased the advertised ‘Lifeboy’ and contracted skin disease inspite of using this soap according to the printed instructions.  She claimed reward of Rs. 2000. The claim is resisted by the company on the ground that offer was not made to her and that in any case she had not communicated her acceptance of the offer.  Decide whether Mrs. Jacob can claim the reward or not.  Give reasons. Explain briefly?                                         (5 Marks)


Q.6. In each set of statements, only one is correct.  State the correct statements & Explain briefly?

a)     i)      A bailee has a general lien on the goods bailed.

        ii)     The ownership of goods pawned passes to the pawnee.

iii)       A gratuitous bailment can be terminated by the bailor even

before the stated time.

b)     i)      A substituted agent is as good an agent of the agent as a sub-


ii)         An ostensible agency is as effective as an express agency.

iii)       A principal can always revoke an agent’s authority.       (5 Marks)

Q.7. A, an unpaid seller, sends goods to B by railway.  B becomes insolvent

And A sends a telegram to Railway authorities not to deliver the goods to B. B. goes to the Parcel office of Railway Yard and by presenting R. R.  (Railway Receipt) takes delivery of the goods and starts putting them in the cart.  Meanwhile the Station Master comes running with the telegram in hand and takes possession of the goods from B.  Discuss the rights of A and B to the goods in possession of Railway authorities.                      (5 Marks)


Q.8. X needs Rs. 10,000 but cannot raise this amount because his credit is not good enough.  Y whose credit is good accommodates.  X by giving him a pronote made out in favour of X, though Y owes no money to X.  X endorses the pronote to Z for value received.    Z who is holder in due course demands payment from Y.  Can Y refuse and plead the arrangement between him and X Explain briefly?                                                                        (5 Marks)


Q.9. Will C has the right of further negotiation in the following cases: (B signs the endorsements)        Explain briefly?                                              (5 Marks)

        i)      ‘Pay C for my use’

        ii)     ‘Pay C’)


iii)       ‘Pay C or order for the account of B’ 


Q.10.       A promissory note was made without mentioning any time for payment.  The holder added the words’ on demand on the face of the instrument.  State whether it amounted to material alteration and explain the effect of such alteration.  Explain briefly?                                               (5 Marks)                                                                 

Q.11.       State whether the following instruments are valid promissory notes:

i)      I promise to pay Rs. 5000 to B on the dearth of ‘B’s uncle provided that D in his will gives me a legacy sufficient for the promise of payment of the said sum.

ii)     I hereby acknowledge that I owe X Rs. 5,000 on account of rent due and I agree that the said sum will be paid be me in regular installments.

iii)       I acknowledge myself indebted to B in Rs. 5000 to be paid on demand for value received.                                                            (5 Marks)


Q.12.       A Payee holder of a bill of exchange.  He endorses it in blank and delivers it to B.  B endorses in full to C or order.  C without endorsement transfers the bill to D.  State giving reasons whether D as bearer of the bill of exchange is entitled to recover the payment from A or B or C.  Explain briefly?                                                                                            (5 Marks)


Q.13.       Write a short note on the Doctrine of Indoor Management? Explain briefly?                                                                                            (5 Marks)


Q.14.       The shareholders at an annual general meeting passed a resolution for the payment of dividend at a rate higher than that recommended by the Board of Directors.  Examine the validity of the resolution. Explain briefly?                                                                                                       (5 Marks)


Q.15.       In a prospectus issued by a company the Managing Director stated that the company had paid dividend every year during 1921 – 27, which was a fact.  However, the company had sustained losses during the relevant period and had paid dividends out of secret reserves accumulated in the past.  Examine the consequences of the observation made by the Managing Director. Explain briefly?                                                           (5 Marks)


Q.16.       In a prospectus issued by a company the Managing Director stated that the company had paid dividend every year during 1921-27, which was a fact.  However, the company had sustained losses during the relevant period and had dividends out of secret reserves accumulated in the past.  Examine the consequences of the observation made by the Managing Director.  Explain briefly?                                                                                 (5 Marks)


Q.17.   A buys from B 400 shares in a company on the faith of a share certificate issued by the company.  A tender to the company a transfer deed duly executed together with B’s share certificate.  The company discovers that the certificate in the name of B has been fraudulently obtained and refuses to register the transfer. Advise A. Explain briefly?                        (5 Marks)


Q.18.       A insured his house against fire.  Later while insure, A killed his wife, severely injured his only son, set fire to the house and died in the fire.  The son survived and sued the insurer for the fire loss, advice the insurer.  Explain briefly?                                                                                    (5 Marks)


Q.19. a) Satrang Singh admitted his only infant son in a private nursing home.  As a result of strong dose of medicine administered by the nursing attendant, the child has become mentally retarded. Satrang Singh wants to make a complaint to the District Forum under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 seeking relief by way of compensation on the ground that there was deficiency in service by the nursing home.  Does his complaint give rise to a consumer dispute?  Who is the consumer in the instant case? Explain briefly?                                                  

b)     Smart booked a motor vehicle through one of the dealers.  He was informed subsequently that the procedure for purchasing the motor vehicle had changed and was called upon to make further payment to continue the booking before delivery.  On being aggrieved, Smart filed a complaint with the State Commission under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.  Will he succeed? Explain briefly?                             

c)     Brittle and Company, a small-scale industry, sought nursing and financing facilities from its bankers by means of grant of further advances and adequate margin money in anticipation of good demand for its products.  In failing to obtain this and having become sick, it proceeds against its bankers under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Will it succeed?  Explain briefly?                                                                                     (5 Marks)


Q.20.       X who was working as a truck driver had taken a general insurance policy to cover the risk of injuries for a period from 1.11.1998 to 30.11.1999.  He renewed the policy for a further period of one year on 10.11.1999.  On the same day, he met with an accident and suffered multiple injuries including fractures.  X submitted the claim along with documents to the insurance company. The insurance company repudiated the claim on the ground that the premium for the renewed policy was received in the office only at 2.30 p.m. on 10.11.1999, while the accident had taken place at 10.00 a.m. on that day and hence there was no policy at the time of accident.  Will X succeed if he files a complaint against the insurance company for this claim? Explain briefly?                                                                           (5 Marks)


Q.21.       Avinash booked his goods with Superfast Freight Carriers at Delhi for being carried to Ferozabad.  The goods receipt note mentioned that all the disputes would be subject to jurisdiction of the Mumbai Court.  Avinash lodged a complaint for certain deficiency in service against the transporter in the District Forum at Delhi.  Superfast Carriers contested that District Forum at Delhi had no jurisdiction to entertain the complaint as the head office of the transporter was at Mumbai and the jurisdiction has been clearly stated in the goods receipt not.  Is the contention of the transporter tenable? Explain briefly?                                                               (5 Marks)


Q.22.       With reference to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, decide the following giving reasons in support of your answer.

i)      Sukh Dukh Ltd. dispatched certain consignments of goods by road through Fastrack Roadways Ltd. The goods were unloaded and stored in a godown enroute on the suggestion of consignee.  A fire broke out in the neighbouring godown spread to the godown and goods were destroyed.  The Fastrack Roadways Ltd. claimed that there was neither negligence nor deficiency in service on their part and goods were being carried at “Owner risk” and since no special premium was paid, they were not responsible for the loss caused by fire.  Whether Fastrack Roadways Ltd. is liable to pay damages to consignor?

ii)     Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) formulated a scheme called ‘salary saving scheme’ under which employees of an organisation could buy an insurance policy.  Premium due on each policy was collected by the employer from the salary of the employees nor did it issue any premium notice.  When the widow of the deceased employee made a claim to LIC on the death of her husband, the LIC repudiated the claim on the ground that four installments of premium had not been paid.  The widow was approached the consumer forum for redressal. Is the LIC liable for deficiency in service? Explain?

iii)   Raman booked a ticket from Delhi to New York by Lufthansa Airlines.  The airport authorities in New Delhi did not find any fault in his visa and other documents.  However, at Frankfurt airport authorities instituted proceedings of verification because of which Raman missed his flight to New York.  After necessary verification, Raman was able to reach New York by the next flight.  The airline authorities’ tendered apology to Raman for the inconvenience caused to him and also paid as goodwill gesture a sum of Rs. 5,000.  Raman intends to institute proceedings under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 against Lufthansa Airlines for deficiency in service.  Will he succeed?                                                         (10 Marks )


Q.23.       With reference to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, decide the following giving reasons in support of your answer.

i)      Sohn sent all relevant documents in an envelope regarding consignment of goods to a buyer in the USA through Fast Service Couriers.  The documents did not reach the buyer as a consequence of which the buyer could not take delivery of the goods.  By the time the duplicate copies of the document had been received by the buyer, the season of the goods was over.  He claimed that he had suffered a loss of US $ 5,000 as a result of the negligence of the courier.  The State Commission ordered the payment to be made by the Fast Service Couriers, but the National Commission in appeal reversed the order and ordered payment of US $ 100 only as per the receipt issued by the Fast Service Courier to the consignor at the time of the dispatch of the latter.  Advise Sohan.

ii)     Mahesh purchased a machine from Astute Ltd. to operate it himself for earning his liverhood.  He took the assistance of a person to assist him in operating the machine.  The machine developed fault during the warranty period. He filed a claim in the consumer forum against the company for deficiency in service.  Astute Ltd. alleged that Mahesh did not operate the machine himself but had appointed a person exclusively to operate the machine.  Will Mahesh succeed?

iii)   Pillai purchased a car by taking a loan from Kerala cooperative Bank Ltd. and gave post-dated cheques to the bank not only in respect of repayment of loan instalments but also of premium of insurance policy for two succeeding years. On the expiry of the policy.  Pillai’s car met with an accident.  Will Pillai succeed in getting a claim against the

Bank       ?                                                                       (10 Marks)                                                             



Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies


Interior Management

Max: 80 Marks



Answer Any 5 Questions


1.     Define and differentiate Interior design from Interior decoration.


2.     What are the various functions of different Interior spaces?


3.     Give a brief account of “Folks-Arts” applied in any Indian-traditional-interior.


4.     Take any one particular Indian vernacular style of your choice and Explain your understanding and interpretation of its traditional interior.


5.     Explain briefly as to how lighting and acoustics can be synchronized to bring out the desired effect of a “Music-concert” Hall.


6.     Explain the “Design Process” – How will you approach any design, applying the “Principles” in practice.


7.     Explain “Organic Interiors” – Combine this philosophy of bringing “Nature” into the interiors, e.g in the design of a “Shopping Mall”.


8.     Function and Aesthetics play an important role in any interior design job. How will you explain your approach while designing a Textile show room for kids?


9.     What are the enhancement efforts on “spaces and design values”, caused by lighting, accessories, landscaping, etc. – Explain with suitable sketches.


10.   Explain with suitable diagram, your design approach for an Interior space of an “Architect’s office” within an outline of 10m x 7.5m Hall. Assume data not provided.


11.   Explain with suitable diagram, your design approach for an Interior spaces of a “Jewllery and Diamond showroom” within a space of 9m x 6m Hall. Assume data not provided.



Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies

MARKS: 80 ( Each case study for 20 Marks)

Subject – Principles and Practice of Management



Communicating in a Crisis


Overview Valley High School, situated in Kodaikanal, was established in 1980 and is owned by a well respected charitable trust. It overlooks a lake and is a modern building equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. The total student enrolment is 2000, out of which more than 50% are girls and the rest boys. The students are all from affluent, educated families. The school has established a good reputation for itself, thanks to the consistently good performance of students in the public examinations. The school is headed by a lady Principal and also has a couple of Supervisors and a team of 25 teachers. The teachers have had extensive experience, are well qualified and are known for their commitment to imparting quality education to students. Due to the recent heavy monsoons, the school was faced with the problem of flooding, with water entering the rooms on the ground floor and water seepage on the terrace. Since repair work had to be done, the school had to be closed for a couple of weeks. The work was carried out by reputed contractors, but the building still looks a little run down.

The crisis the school had just reopened after this two week break. The same morning, a fire suddenly broke out on the third floor and spread to other floors, blocking the stairways. There was widespread panic, as the children started jumping off the balconies, injuring themselves in the process. The Principal and staff had a tough time trying to calm down the children and take control of the situation. Fire engines were called and several of them arrived and began their fire fighting operations. In the meanwhile, many parents also arrived and tried to enter the building to speak to the Principal. The phones were ringing continuously. There was total chaos.


Question 1 :- How communication crises arise?

Question 2 :- What Principal should do to calm down the angry parents?

Question 3 :- How school will regain its reputation? What services school should provide in order to maintain its reputation?







Case Study 2


Case Study on The power of Non-Verbal Communication


The Power of Nonverbal Communication Soon after I graduated from engineering college, I accepted a position with the Sundaram Foundry, a medium-sized firm located in a small town in Tamil Nadu. It was a good position, since I was the assistant to Mr. Vishwanath, the General Manager and president of this family owned company, although there were many technical problems, the work was extremely interesting and I soon learnt all about the foundry business. The foundry workers were mostly older men and were a closely knit team. Many of them were related and had been in the foundry for several years. Therefore, they felt that they knew the business in and out and that a technical education had no value. In fact, Mr. Vishwanath had mentioned to me even at the time of my joining, that I was the only engineer ever to be employed in the foundry. He also let me know that the foundry workers, although a good group, were very clannish, since they had been working together for several years. Therefore, it would probably take them some time to accept me. I introduced myself to the group of foundry workers, a few days after my joining. As I went around in turn, I felt them eyeing me coldly. As I went down the main aisle of the foundry, I heard them talking to each other in low voices and laughing. I found their behavior to be very childish and felt that it was best to ignore these signs of hostility. I thought that if I ignored them, they would automatically stop these antics. A few weeks after this incident, I happened to visit the enamel shop. As I entered, I noticed a worker cleaning the floor with a hose, from which water flowed at high pressure. I was aware that it was the practice to clean the shop at least once a week. I turned my back on the worker and was busy near a dipping tank, when I suddenly felt the force of a stream of water hitting me. I was almost knocked down by the pressure and slipped on the wet floor. When I turned around, the worker looked away in the other direction, as if he had not noticed this happening. However, I was pretty sure that he had intentionally turned the hose on me.



Question 1 - What message did the foundry workers and the new engineer convey to each other through their non-verbal behavior?


Question 2 - Mr. Vishwanath, the General Manager and President, was not often present at the foundry. What could this non-verbal behavior mean to the workers and the new engineer?


Question 3. How could the engineer, the foundry workers and Mr. Vishwanath be more effective, both verbally and nonverbally?



Question 4. What do you suggest that the engineer should do, after the hosing incident?




Case Study 3




On February 3, 2000, President and CEO of CBS Leslie Moonves signed a pact with Kweisi Mfume, president and CEO of the national association for advancement of colored people (NAACP), who had joined forces with the Hispanic media coalition, and the American Indians in film and television to request the CBS help to increase Indians in film and television to request that CBS help to increase ethnic presence in the television industry. The agreement stipulated the CBS would increase minority participation both on and off screen by June 30.


In April 2000, CBS announced the appointment of Josie Thomas to the newly created position of senior vice president of Diversity at CBS Television. Her job was to improve outreach and recruitment, hiring, promotion, and monitoring practices in all divisions of CBS. That fall Moonves announced that 16 of the 21 CBS shows, including news magazines, would prominently feature minorities. “We think we are a leader in this area,” Moonves said “We think we are ahead of the curves”


Despite Mooves’s Statement that as “broadcasters, we believe strongly that it is our duty to reflect the public that makes up our viewing audience,” there were many who did not feel the company was sincere in its efforts to improve hiring practices. The national Hispanic Foundation for the Arts criticized CBS for not scheduling “American Family,” A pilot drama about middle – class Hispanic family. Moonves said “American Family” simply did not fit in CBS’s schedule, since there were already too many strong dramas planned. He said he took the unusual step of allowing the show’s producer to pitch the CBS-developed networks but no one picked it up. Meanwhile, the June 30 deadline had come and gone without much outward sign of change at CBS television.


Josie Thomas is committed to CBS’s new mandate for multicultural diversity. Twelve of CBS’ prime time series will have minorities in permanent roles and other series will have minority in recurring role. Fore of the network’s shows- C.S.I., the district, the fugitive and welcome to New York have minorities in leading roles.


Since signing the agreement, CBS has established a strong working relationship with national minority supplier council in order to help minority supplier council and women’s businesses. The company has bolstered its internship program to include paid internships on the west coast, pairing up interns with their areas of interest, Such as finance or entertainment. There are 10 minority interns in the program. Moreover, CBS has now made diversity a factor in employee job performance evaluation. “Each area of the network has developed a detailed plan for diversity,” said Thomas. “Manager will be reviewed with respect to their diversity efforts and that will be a factor in compensation decisions.” Ms. Thomas noted that Ghen Maynard, an Asian American Pacific Islander, had just been promoted form director to vice president of alternative programming for the entertainment division.


“Will all believe there is a long way to go,” Thomas said. “What I have found is there are some things that already exist that are positive, such as news magazines having minority anchors. We think ‘city of angels’ renewal was an important step. The ratings were mediocre to low, and we did feel the program was a risk. It says a lot about our commitment”


In June 2001, the coalition gave the Big 4 Broadcast Networks (all of whom had signed an agreement) a report card for their efforts to diversity shows on – air and behind the scenes. CBS got a D-plus.


Mr. Nogales, of the National Hispanic Media Coalition, said he was disappointed “We expect progress; we signed for progress” “The numbers in comparison to last year actually look better” Nogales says. “There have been gains for people of color. There was movement. But it has to be movement across the board, not just for one group.”  He is referring to the fact that most of the gains have been made by black actors, writes and producers. Black actors appear as regular in at least 19 of the six major networks’30 new prime-time series. Hispanics shows up in only eight, Asians in five and Native Americans in one.


The pressure being put on the networks- including threats of “boycott” and legal action – is having results. At CBS the number of minority writers and producer has more than tripled, from four to fourteen, including six executive or co executive producer however, obstacles to a fully integrated future remain serious-particularly because of misconceptions about the nature of the television audience and about the way pop culture works. Network executive worry that “ghetto shows” might promote stereotypes. They wonder if shows like The cosby show are “black” enough. Then again, they think that casting too many minorities may drive white viewers away. Some network executives are afraid to cast minority actors in “negative” roles because they may be criticized for it minority writers, who have been getting more work lately, wonder if they are not just “tokens”; and despite some progress it is still almost impossible for Hispanic actor to get non- Hispanic roles.


Both the NAACP and the coalition have been battling discrimination for years. CBS is just finding out that a profound change toward pluralism can take place only with true insight on the part of management. CBS spokesperson Chris Ender says “We have made tremendous strides to increase diversity on screen, behind the camera and in the executive suites. However we certainly recognize that more can be done and more will be done.”


As far as Nogales is concerned. “It’s still a white guy’s world,” and the june 2001 statics for network television prove he is right.









Question 1:- What advantages would accrue to CBS if it becomes a more diverse workplace?


Question 2:- Where would you have placed CBS on the organizational diversity continuum and where would you place CBS now? Why?


Question 3:- Which approach (es) to pluralism best sums up the diversity policy that is being developed at CBS? Explain


Question 4:- How do the attitudes of management at CBS as depicted in your case study affect the company’s progress toward forming a more diverse workforce? Explain.







 Case Study 4


McDonald’s Listening Campaign


At the end of 2002, the world's largest quick service retailer made its first ever quarterly loss and faced a number of challenges. It responded by launching its Plan to Win program, part of a global strategy to modernize the business, followed by the Listening Campaign in the UK. Here, Ali Carruthers explains how the two initiatives were linked in the UK, and the impact The Listening Campaign has had on communication, culture, image and media perception.


 In 2003, things were looking bleak for McDonald's. Its share price was the lowest it had been in a decade and it faced a series of seemingly insurmountable problems: It was demonized by the UK media in the fierce debate raging over obesity; it faced huge competition on the high street; and it was suffering under a wave of Anti-Americanism in the wake of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Added to this was the fact that the restaurants themselves were beginning to look dated and UK health lobbyists were determined to push home the message that McDonald's food was bad for people.

Speaking earlier this year to the BBC, the UK CEO Peter Beresford said: "We had taken our eye off the customer, we were not customer focused, we were not customer driven. And so we reorganized and regrouped. We decided we had to stop and take stock of where we were. We had to be better, but we had to change the way we were running this business."

The Plan to Win

The senior management put their heads together and devised the Plan to Win program, which went public in the last quarter of 2003. A key part of its focus was a shift to more choice and variety foods, with salads appearing permanently on the menu for the first time in the organization's history. Key restaurants began to receive make over and a supporting advertising campaign with international stars was planned, all of which were intended to turn the food chain's image around.

But just as things were beginning to look up for the organization, trouble raised its head again in the shape of the documentary film "Supersize me," which in turn re-ignited the obesity debate in the media. It was then discovered that one of the salads McDonald's was marketing contained more calories than one of its hamburgers. The UK press reacted with predictable glee and once again McDonald's was in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.

The Listening Campaign. The company responded promptly. Working with agency Blue Rubicon, the in-house communication and media relations team devised the Listening Campaign. It made the most of the arrival of new UK CEO Peter Beresford in July 2004, building on his personal credibility and that of McDonald's with the Listening Tour. Beresford spoke directly to customers in focus groups, met with franchise holders and with employees in 12 UK cities over the space of six weeks, starting at the end of October.

The key ingredient was listening to customers and staff and then showing the results of this. "Part of the reason [for doing it] was that we had to introduce Peter very quickly to employees, customers and stakeholders," says head of internal communications AIi Carruthers. "It was also signaling that he'd continue to work to change our culture and lead the drive for a real transparency of approach. We've been building on that work ever since."

Focus groups for stakeholders


The communication team made the most of Beresford's time by booking ahead so that local franchisees could meet him when he travelled to regional centers for customer focus groups. Next, Listening Groups were created for the company's regional offices with corporate rather than restaurant-based employees taking part. Initial meetings were centered around three classic focus group questions:

* What works?

* What would you change?

* How would you change it?

In each session, six to 10 employees took part and the sessions lasted around two hours. After the first session, an action plan was drawn up and fed back to the employees in a second round of focus groups. Then the agreed proposed changes were put in place by the organization.

Proposed changes put in place

A range of short, medium and long term actions have been instigated as a result of the focus groups. These include a firm commitment to hold monthly town-hall sessions to regularly address key issues within the organization. "We've agreed to use these sessions to feature various departmental heads," says Carruthers.

"That's so people can put names to faces, understand the organizational structure better and get an understanding of what goes on outside their own departments." The company has also committed itself to involving a new group of employees every six months, and to being more transparent about its promotion process and how people are assessed for promotion. It now holds regular Plan to Win meetings, which are related to the global strategy. "We're using the town-hall sessions to communicate the global strategy to thebroader office group rather than just senior management so there's a wider understanding of what we're doing," says Carruthers.

The company has also committed to a peer-nominated quarterly recognition scheme for the regional and head offices. It's planned that the town halls will also be used in the recognition scheme. "People need to say well done to each other and be acknowledged by the senior team," says Carruthers.

A change in company culture

According to Carruthers, the strategy has been recognized globally - a drive for greater face-to-face communication, more transparency, a growth in leadership behavior and accountability. "Basically we've been trying to make people feel they're able to ask questions," she says. "There's nothing wrong with challenging the status quo as long as it's done in a constructive and respectful way. If we can use some of those ideas we can probably make it a more enjoyable place for everyone to work."

There's no doubt that the Listening Campaign has had an impact on the senior team and general employees alike. Carruthers has had feedback from both groups and believes the exercise has been an eye-opener for the senior team: "They frequently mention experiences they've had in those groups. There's nothing quite like hearing issues for yourself; the good ones and the more awkward ones."

The feedback from focus-group participants has been very good; employees say they feel listened to and think their feedback is being taken on board. "They feel confident to ask questions or send e-mails directly to people they thought wouldn't have listened to their suggestions previously. It's changing the culture. Anything that builds trust and transparency is good. Now it's about delivering on the changes that we said we'd make."

A hotline to the CEO

A hotline to the CEO has made the company's drive for transparency and commitment to employees even more credible. The "Ask Peter" e-mail address was established when Beresford took up his post and has seen a fair amount of traffic. "It's word of mouth - people see that it's well responded to," says Carruthers. She sees it as important to be straight with employees about how e-mails are dealt with and who sees them. "We're very up-front about the fact that I see all e-mails as well as Peter, but if we forward them to other departments, they'll be anonymous."

A combination of high and low technology adds to the feeling of personal contact: Beresford will often answer e-mails with a hand-written reply. In one famous instance he replied to nearly 100 in one week. "It doesn't always happen that way, but it's these things that make a difference. People see it's coming from him and it's quite a personal touch."

Committing to communication, A new round of Listening focus groups with fresh employees is due to kick off in October. The whole cycle of questions, action-planning and feedback will be replayed. "We're working with a new group of employees because we want to keep changing and avoid having a formalized council of volunteers," says Carruthers. "They'll look at what they think has happened so far, whether anything could have been done differently and then we'll hold a review of the proposals."

It's a genuine commitment to keep the focus groups running on an ongoing basis. Carruthers is also expecting that the flexibility and fresh new faces will ensure that new topics arise: "They're things that inevitably come up along the way and get added to the agenda for change. We just need to follow them through and then tell people the results."

The results

Since Beresford's Listening Tour there's been a turnaround in the media coverage of McDonald's, which has been much more positive. The Listening Campaign is changing the internal culture of the company and its focus group cycles are becoming permanent two-way communication channels.

Results back in August this year from the last employee survey showed that internal communication is now ranked by employees as number four out of 25 departments. "The communications strategy has helped people become aware of who we are and what we do," says Carruthers. The Listening Campaign has also helped McDonald's raise its profile externally, as it was nominated in this year's UK Chartered Institute of Public Relations Excellence Awards and short-listed for Best Use of Media Relations in the PR Week Awards.








Question1. Based on this case, develop guidelines for improving communication with each of different stakeholders, through better listening.


Question 2:- What are the essentials for the effective communication?


Question 3:- Write about McDonald marketing plan which they have implemented for the success?


Question 4:- Do the SWOT analysis of following:-


  • McDonald
  • Food Industry



Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies




Maximum Marks: 100

Note: (i) Attempt any three questions from Section A, each carrying 20 marks.
(ii) Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.


1. Detailed Project Report (DPR) forms the foundation on which the entire superstructure of the project is built - "If it is weak, project cannot weather turbulent times ahead." Bring out the do's and don'ts of a good DPR.

2. Explain the following methods of forecasting demand :
(a) Exponential Smoothing
(b) Adaptive Exponential Smoothing
(c) Exponential Smoothing with trend and seasonal data
(d) Double Exponential Smoothing

3. Why do we need different types of cost estimates in projects? Discuss five such estimates. On what factors is their level or degree of accuracy dependent?

4. Why is a Project Management Information System of immense importance in a project? Discuss the objectives of Project Management Information System. In designing a Project Management Information System what parameters are to be spelt out clearly?

5. Explain the importance of "Project Review" in the context of control of a project. What are the elements of controls in projects? How is cybernetics concepts applied to project management?


6. The activities, duration and direct activity costs are given below. The indirect cost is Rs. 3000 per week. Starting from the normal duration obtain the crash cost and duration of the project.


Time in Weeks


Cost to Expedite
per week
(Cost slope)





1 - 2






2 - 3






2 - 6






3 - 4






3 - 5






4 - 6






5 - 6






6 - 7