+91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: prasanththampi1975@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com
Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 Marks)
This section consists of Multiple Choice & Short Note Types questions.
Answer all the questions.
Part one carries 1 mark each & Part Two carries 5 marks each.
Part One:
Multiple Choices:
1. ________A group of persons chosen to govern the affairs of a corporation or other large institution.
a .Memorandum of Association
b. Nomination Committee
c. Board of Directors
d. Shareholders
2. BIFR stands for_______
a. Board of India and Financial Reconstruction
b. Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
c. Board of Industrial and Finance Reconstruction
d. None of the above
3. ________is a review in which an auditor analyzes and verifies various records and processes relating to a
company‟s quality program.
a. Cost Audit
b. Quality Audit
c. Internal Audit
d. None of the above
4. Which of the following comes under in Justification?
a. Long Run Viability
b. Better Environment
c. Public Image
d. All of the above
5. USEPA stands for_______
6. The existence of a single producer or seller which is producing or selling a product which has no close
substitutes is called_______
a. Externalities
b. Price control
c. Monopoly
d. None of the above
7. SEBI stands for______
Examination Paper of Corporate Governance
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a. Securities and exchange Board of India
b. Stock and exchange Board of India
c. Self-regulatory and exchange Board of India
d. None of the above
8. Which of the following issue is not come under in corporate Governance?
a. Correct Preparation
b. Internal Control
c. oversight and management risk
d. Compensation of CEO and other Directors
9. Shareholder are required to inform the company in writing of any change in their address quoting their
folio number is known as______
a. Change of address
b. Transposition of shares
c. None receipt of Dividend
d. All of the above
10. Which of the following comes under External corporate Governance controls?
a. Competition
b. Managerial labour market
c. Debt Covenants
d. All of the above
Part Two:
1. What are the scopes of corporate governance?
2. Discuss the basic rights of shareholders?
3. List the type of “Auditors”.
4. Write a short note on corporate social responsibility.
Section B: Caselets (40 Marks)
This section consists of Caselets.
Answer all the questions.
Each caselet carries 20 marks.
Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words)
Caselet 1
Real Juice Company
The company is in the business of producing and marketing fruit juices. Ritu joshi and Rohit Jain were
looking at the ad copy and turning it over and over again in their mind. The copy read, “The best fitness plan
for you real fruit, honest juice and no sugar. This was the main copy line. The more Ritu joshi repeated this
Examination Paper of Corporate Governance
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line in her mind the uneasier she became. Something is wrong in the copy, she said to Rohit jain, the
marketing head. We cannot say best for health when we know for sure that the juice contain preservatives
and food color.
Rohit jain said, I don‟t see if anything is wrong in this. With food colors and preservatives added we couldn‟t
say it is best. This is what is wrong m replied Ritu.
Rohit said, but this is hyperbole and permitted by law. There is nothing wrong in saying this. Have you not
almost noticed all detergent brands say for best wash or whitest wash? This is simply a way of putting your
claim of brand‟s superiority. We are not talking about detergent washes and fabrics it is a health and fitness
fruit juice. We could not say something like‟, a great way to plan your fitness programme‟ or something like
that. We are saying real fruit, honest juice, and no sugar‟ … not a word about food color and preservatives‟.
Any consumer can contest our claim.”
Rohit Jain though for a moment then said, “let us get the legal opinion from our lawyer, Amit soni, to be on
the safe guard.
Amit listened to what Ritu had to say then said, “Companies use advertising to provide information to
consumers and offer alternatives in a competitive market situation. Advertising is false when it says A=B
and that is not true. But the ad is misleading; it falls under the category of unfair trade practice.” Loudly
reading the ad copy, Amit said‟” hyperbole such as best, newest most effective way, are permissible and
consumers are unlikely to take such claims with ant seriousness. When a brand says its air-conditioner is best
or most efficient, consumers know that this is just a manner of speech and do not truly believe and put their
money on such claims.
“Yes, Real juice passes the legal test fine, but ethically it won‟t be correct,” said Ritu joshi. “Please
understand. Here you are not making a claim,” said Amit soni.
Amit soni said,” comparative advertising is healthy but the advertiser must be clear about the claims to be
made. In this case, you are saying that Teal juice is good because it comes in cans and bottled drinks are not
as good. This is a direct attack on bottled drinks. Advertiser does not disclose all the parameters they have
considered in their conclusion of „best‟. They may select some major ones or may cheese to highlight the
trivial ones and ignore the major ones. These things happen every day and are not strictly provided under the
law. There must be prima facie evidence of damage or misrepresentation to establish a case of unfair trade
practice.” “so, we are legally safe,” said Rohit jain. “We will reword this campaign, but our other campaigns
have passed to muster.”
Ritu joshi felt differently, she said, “legally we may safe, but we have to also take an ethical view.”
We must not forget that our primary platform is health and fitness. This convenience angle is also crating
and impression of „good for health‟. I believe that as responsible advertisers, we have to be more concerned
about the ethical aspects than merely the legal angle. This is where we come to the line between what is legal
and what is ethical. We may be legally right but our act could be unethical if the word or pictures in the ad
could lead the consumer to believe something that is not true. The aura of the fitness instructor used as
endorser creates an impression that the information is coming to consumers from an environment where
there are people whose opinion consumer‟s view as being correct. Otherwise why use the instructor as
1. Analyze the issues in the case.
2. Why should advertiser bother about ethics if the ads measure up to legal parameters
Caselet 2
Over the course of Microsoft‟s history, the board has developed corporate governance practices to help it
fulfill its responsibilities to shareholders to oversee the work of management and the company‟s business
results. The governance practices are memorialized in these guidelines to assure that the board will have the
necessary authority and practices in place to review and evaluate the company‟s business operation as
Examination Paper of Corporate Governance
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needed and to make decision that are independent of the company‟s management. The guidelines are also
intended to align the interests of directors and management with those of Microsoft‟s shareholders.
The guidelines are subject to future refinement or changes as the board may find necessary or advisable for
Microsoft in order to achieve these objectives.
Board composition and selection: independent Directors
1. Board Size: The board believes 8 to 10 is an appropriate size based on the company‟s present
circumstances. The board periodically evaluates whether a larger or smaller slate of directors would
be preferable
2. Selection of Board members: All members are elected annually by the company‟s shareholders,
except as noted below with respect to vacancies.
The board may fill vacancies in existing or new directors‟ positions.
3) Board membership criteria: The governance and nominating committee works with the board on
the annual basis to determine the appropriate characteristics, skills and experience for the board as a
whole and its individual board members, the board takes into accounts many factor including general
understanding of marketing, finance and other discipline relevant to the success of a large publicity –
traded company in today‟s business environment; understanding of Microsoft‟s business on a
technical level.
4) Board Composition: Mix of management and independent directors. The board believes that,
except during periods of temporary vacancies, a majority of its directors must be independents.
5) Term Limits: Director who have served on the board for an extended period of time are able to
provide valuable insight into the operation and future of the company based on their experience with
an understanding of the company‟s history, policies and objectives.
6) Retirement Policy: The board believes that 75 is an appropriate retirement age for outside directors.
7) Directors with significant job changes: The board believes that any director who retires from his
or her present employment, or who materially changes his or her position, should tender resignation
to the board.
8) Selection of CEO and Chairman: The board selects the company‟s CEO and Chairman in the
manner that it determines to be in the best interests of the company‟s shareholders.
Board meetings: involvement of Senior Management
9) Board meeting-agenda: The Chairman of the board and CEO, taking into account suggestions from
other members of the board, will set the agenda for each board meeting, and will distribute the
agenda in advance to each director.
10) Advance distribution of material: All information relevant to board‟s understanding of matters to
be discussed at an upcoming board meeting should be distributed in writing or electronically to all
members in advance.
11) Access to employees: The board should have access to company employees in order to ensure that
directors can ask all questions and glean all information necessary to fulfill their duties.
12) Executive session of independent directors: The independent directors of the company will meet
regularly o executive session, i.e., with no management directors or management present, at least
three times each fiscal year.
Performance Evaluation: Succession Planning
13) Annual CEO Evaluation: The chair of the governance and nominating committee leads the
independent directors in conducting a review at least annually of the performance of the CEO and
communicates the result of the review to the CEO.
14) Succession Planning: As part of the annual officer evaluation process, the compensation committee
works with the CEO to plan for CEO succession, as well as to develop plan for interim succession
for the CEO in the event of an unexpected occurrences.
15) Board self-evaluation: The governance and nominating committee is responsible for conducting an
annual evaluation of the performance of the full board and reports its conclusion to the board.
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16) Board compensation review: Company management should report to the board on an annual basis
as to how the company‟s director compensation practices compare with those of other large public
17) Directors’ stock ownership: The board believes that, in order to align the interests of directors and
shareholders, directors should have a significant financial stake in the company.
18) Number and types of committees: The board has 5 committees- an Audit committee, a
compensation committee, governance and nominating committee, a finance committee, and an
antitrust compliance committee. The board may add new committees or remove existing committees
as it deems advisable in the fulfillment of its primary responsibilities.
a. Audit committee
b. Compensation committee
c. Governance and Nominating committee
d. Finance committee
19) Composition of committee: Committee chairperson. The audit, compensation, governance and
nominating and antitrust compliance committees consist solely of independent directors.
20) Committee Meetings and Agenda: The chairperson of each committee is responsible for
developing, together with relevant company managers, the committee‟s general agenda and
objectives and for setting the specific agenda for committee meeting.
21) Review of governance guidelines: The practices memorialized in these guidelines have developed
over a period of years. The board expects to review these guidelines at least every two years as
1. List the number and types of committees.
2. Discuss the Performance evaluation planning in brief.
Section C: Applied Theory (30 Marks)
This section consists of Long Questions.
Answer all the questions.
Each question carry 15 marks each.
Detailed information should from the part of your Answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words)
1. Define corporate governance; explain the principles of corporate governance?
2. Distinguish between the Anglo-American Model and the German Model.
Digital Marketing Professional IIBM EXAM ANSWER SHEET PROVIDED
Guidelines for paper
Total No. of Question is 100.
The minimum passing mark is 40%.
Each Question carries 1 mark.
Answer all the Questions.
Multiple Choices:
1. The First Form of Mass-Media advertising was born in_______
a) 17th Century
b) 18th Century
c) 20th Century
d) 19th Century
2. Which one is the new and latest force of the advertising?
a) Radio
b) Internet
c) Newspaper
d) Television
3. Printing press, radio, television and internet are all examples of:
a) Major breakthroughs in technology
b) Digital Marketing
c) Global communication
d) None of these
4. ARPA Stand for_____________
a) Advanced report project agency
b) Advanced research project agency
c) Advanced report packet agency
d) None of these
5. The conversion of an analogue signal to a digital format is called__________
a) Decoding
b) Embedded Format
c) Emoticons
d) Encoding
6. What is the full form of W3C?
a) World Wild Web computer
b) World Wide Web consortium
c) World West Web computer
d) World Wide Web communicated
7. Advertising that is targeted to the content on the web page being viewed by a user at that specific time
is called______
a) Contextual Advertising
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b) Content Advertising
c) Conversion Advertising
d) Commission Advertising
8. Which of the following is not come under Four Ps of product?
a) Place
b) People
c) Price
d) Promotion
9. Search engine optimization (SEO) is related to_________
a) Promotion
b) Process
c) Product
d) None of these
10. “Small opportunities are after the beginning of great enterprise” is written by_________
a) Kathy Ireland
b) Jeff Bezos
c) Demosthenes
d) All of the above
11. Making sure everything works the way, it should before you let it out is known as___________
a) Designing
b) Testing
c) Planning
d) Developing
12. Every website on the Internet has a unique address is called_________
a) Domain Name
b) Numeric address
c) IP address
d) All of the above
13. Which of the following is most common and cheapest form of hosting?
a) Virtual dedicated hosting
b) Shared hosting
c) Dedicated hosting
d) Cloud-based hosting
14. Write down the full name of SERP_______
15. In the header section of the code on each of your web pages known as_______
a) Link
b) Body
c) Tag
d) Title
16. Which type of links are reside on pages that do not belong to your domain?
a) External
b) Internal
c) Internal/External
d) None of these
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17. IAB Stand for_________
18. A page with no meaningful content that is full of ads and the webmaster makes money from if someone
Clicks on them is called_________
a) Cloaking
b) Doorway page
c) Spam page
d) Interlinking
19. What is the second method of page Tagging?
a) Process
b) Developing
c) Designing
d) None of these
20. Every Transaction your web server makes is recorded in:
a) User file
b) Log file
c) Page tags
d) All of these
21. What is the full form of KPI________
a) Key process indicator
b) Key present indicator
c) Key performance indicator
d) Key Prospective identity
22. Which version produces the best result when two different version running of an ads or a page and
measuring the result to identity?
a) Testing
b) Tweaking
c) Investing
d) A/B split testing
23. Putting the theory into practice means:
a) Taking intelligence gleaned
b) Taking advertising creative
c) Taking Decisive action
d) Taking measurable action
24. “The new information technology internet and e-mail have practically eliminated the physical costs of
communication” said by________
a) Sims Jenkins
b) Signal vs noise
c) Matt Lindermann
d) Peter Drucker
25. Which marketing is the most powerful element in your digital marketing toolbox?
a) Digital Marketing
b) Direct Marketing
c) E-mail Marketing
d) Personal Marketing
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26. Fusion of marketing savvy and imagination copy is related to_________
a) Promotional Marketing
b) E-mail Marketing
c) Digital Marketing
d) None of these
27. Write down the full name of CAN-SPAM act________
28. Software and service that allow users to come together online and exchange, discuss, communication in
any form of social interaction is:
a) Social Paradigm
b) User Interface
c) E-mail
d) Social Media
29. The main problem with A/B split Testing is that ___________
a) You can use it to test variances of a single page element at a time
b) Double page element at a time
c) More than 2 page element at a time
d) All of the above
30. Personal interaction, creating, exchanging and sharing they all are different form of__________
a) Social Book marketing
b) Social media
c) Social paradigm
d) None of these
31. Which of the following is social media submission site?
a) www.digg.com
b) www.reddit.com
c) www.stumbleupon.com
d) All of the above
32. A series of digital media files (Audio or video) distributed over the internet is known as________
a) Blogs
b) Podcasts
c) Micro Blogging
d) Wikis
33. What is the essentially a short-message broadcast service that lets people keep people up to data via
short, public text posts upto 140 characters?
a) Facebook
b) SMS
c) Twitter
d) Linkedln
34. Online collection of web pages that are literally open for anyone to create, edit, discuss, comment on
and generally contribute to is:
a) Micro Blogging
b) Social media dash board
c) Wikis
d) None of these
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35. In which year the Chartered Institute of Public relation is define online PR (Public Relation) relations?
a) 2009
b) 2008
c) 2007
d) 2006
36. The process whereby a brand site, attracts customers by recording a third party for promoting their
Products and driving converting traffic website is called_________
a) Digital Marketing
b) Affiliate Marketing
c) E-mail Marketing
d) Strategic partnership
37. _______ the amount paid by an advertising for a click on their sponsored search listing.
a) Cost per action
b) Cost per acquisition
c) Cost per click
d) Cost per mille
38. The consumer performs the desired action on the merchant’s site, and a small piece of embedded code
on the merchant’s site inform the___________
a) Affiliate Marketing
b) Affiliate Network
c) Affiliate Site
d) None of these
39. Online Advertising content that appears over the top of the web page is called_________
a) Organic search results
b) Overlay
c) Opt-out
d) Opt-in
40. A computer file format that compresses audio files up to a factor of 12 from a wav file is known
a) MP3
d) MPU
41. ___________ is a set of practices that enable organizations to communicate and engage with their
audience in an interactive and relevant manner through any mobile device or network.
a) Mobile Marketing
b) E-mail Marketing
c) Digital Marketing
d) All of the above
42. Which Advertising is now recognized as an opportunity for brands, advertisers and publishers to
engage consumers in a targeted and contextual manner?
a) Radio advertising
b) News paper advertising
c) Mobile advertising
d) Television advertising
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43. Which of the following language is used by many Internet application for exchanging information:
c) XML
44. Which is the example of popular Key performance Indicator (KPIs) for mobile campaigns?
a) Total downloads
b) Total Application user
c) Frequency and duration visit
d) All of these
45. Write down the full form of GPS__________
46. Which one of the company was launched its first play station back in 1995?
a) Apple
b) Nokia
c) Sony
d) Blackberry
47. In which year the first advertising agency, set up in Boston?
a) In 1855
b) In 1847
c) In 1843
d) In 1850
48. In 1983 which one started using TCP/IP protocol?
a) W3C
b) DNS
49. The first web page on the Internet was built at________
a) TCP
d) All of the above
50. Who are becoming better informed, better connected, more communicative in the market?
a) Buyers
b) Customer
c) Consumers
d) None of these
51. Which Technology become more ubiquitous in people lives that consumers can satisfy their need more
quickly, more easily and with fewer barriers?
a) Advance Technology
b) Digital Technology
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None of these
52. ___________ Technology that allows the use of a broadband internet connection to make telephone
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a) Video on demand
b) Virtual mobile network operator
c) Wireless application protocol
d) Voice over internet protocol
53. Who is the most important element in any form of marketing?
a) People
b) Customer
c) Seller
d) Consumer
54. Press releases, articles syndication and blogs they all are related to which channels?
a) Personal Channels
b) Offline Channels
c) Online Channels
d) None of these
55. Everything you do, online and offline, to get your product in front of your prospects is called_______
a) Promotion
b) Influencing
c) Advertising
d) All of the above
56. What is the first step of building your websites?
a) Testing
b) Design
c) Planning
d) Development
57. The process of designing your website to be equally accessible to everyone, in relation to the web is:
a) Usability
b) Accessibility
c) W3C & web standards
d) None of the above
58. You can buy multiple domain names is true or false.
a) True
b) False
59. Which of the following have ability to connect to the internet wirelessly?
a) Wi-Fi
b) Wiki
c) Web 2.0
d) Wilfing
60. The difference between effective web writing and effective print writing reflect the nature of:
a) People
b) Web designers
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) Audience
61. “Learning is the beginning of wealth, health and spirituality” this is said by________
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a) William Randolph Hearst
b) Marissa Mayer
c) Jim Rohn
d) None of these
62. Process a huge volume of searchers, scanning billions of items and delivering pages of relevant, ranked
results in a fraction is:
a) Engines
b) Browser
c) Search Engines
d) Scouring the web
63. Which of the following is not a traditional marketing channels ________
a) Commercial television
b) Radio
c) Print Publication
d) Yahoo
64. Short-tail Keyword is simple and very general in nature is:
a) True
b) False
65. Which type of tail keyword have more complex and more specific in nature?
a) Short- tail
b) Long-tail
c) Medium- tail
d) All of these
66. If you take it literally, encompasses everything on your website is called_______
a) Search results
b) Context
c) Content
d) Spiders
67. _________ is a technique that uses code to show one search engine friendly page to the spiders, and a
completely different page to a human visitor.
a) Cloaking
b) Interlinking
c) Keyword stuffing
d) Invisible Text
68. Your log files capture visits by search engines spiders and other automated bots as well as________
a) Analytics Software
b) Machines
c) Human user
d) All of these
69. ___________ will work even if you can’t access your web server logs?
a) Logs files
b) Page Tagging
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None of these
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70. Junk paper mail become_______
a) Junk virtual mail
b) Junk business mail
c) Junk mail
d) Virtual mail
71. A host computer which maintains websites, newsgroup and e-mail service is known as_________
a) Session
b) Server
c) Simulcast
d) Skyscraper
72. When a legitimate E-mail is blocked by a spam filter is known as:
a) False Positive
b) True Positive
c) Tricky Proposition
d) None of these
73. Which one of the following is one of the most important steps in writing E-mail?
a) Creating Copy
b) Great subject line
c) Crafting the e-mail subject line
d) Ambiguous e-mail
74. To grab the attention to the audience in your e-mail which one of the option is best?
a) Point to point
b) Briefly
c) Interesting
d) All of the above
75. E-mail are delivered to the people on your list is another crucial element in your_________
a) E-mail marketing
b) Digital Marketing
c) Direct Marketing
d) Both (a) & (b)
76. __________ is that you deliver your message directly to an individual who actually wants to hear from
a) Direct Marketing
b) E-mail Marketing
c) Digital Marketing
d) None of these
77. __________ is umbrella term for web based software and service.
a) Social Media
b) Social Media Submission
c) Social Bookmarking
d) None of these
78. People who are most active in social media circles will be the element of your target market can be
classified as________
a) Influencers
b) Influence
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c) Listener
d) All of these
79. Social bookmarking site is known as_______
a) www.delicious.com
b) www.ma.gnolia.com
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None of these
80. What is the main work of review and rating sites?
a) Allow user to review and rate companies
b) Allow user to show the status of the companies
c) Allow user to give suggestion
d) Allow user to view the status
81. Facebook, Linkedlns, Google these all are comes under_______
a) Social Network Sites
b) Social Media Sites
c) Media sharing Sites
d) Forums and Discussion Sites
82. People all over the world are using blogs to______
a) Report Local News
b) Offer their opinion
c) Share their experience
d) All of these
83. Which of the following content is available to both media professionals and consumers?
a) PR
b) CRM
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None of these
84. What is the right way of getting prominent, newsworthy stories about your product, brand or company?
a) Online Press release
b) Offline press release
c) Offline Equivalent
d) Standard Press release
85. Your headline and first paragraph should capture reader’s_________
a) Attention
b) Interest
c) Views
d) Suggestion
86. Who are working in affiliate Marketing?
a) Brand/Seller
b) Affiliate
c) Customer
d) all of these
87. The companies who want their product and services advertising on the interest and are trying to attract
new business called_______
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a) The Affiliate
b) The Merchants
c) The Consumers
d) The Customers
88. __________ is refers to that free brand exposure free as merchant only pay for action.
a) Affiliate marketing
b) Digital Marketing
c) Strategic Marketing
d) None of these
89. Innovation and human desire for something newer and better are driving the rapid evolution of:
a) Laptop
b) Tablet
c) Mobile Device
d) Radio
90. Mobile gaming has been described as the wide-open battle ground of the:
a) Professional Industry
b) Application Industry
c) Entertainment Industry
d) All of these
91. For mobile marketing to work, consumers need to have confidence that their privacy will be________
a) Well crafted
b) Imaginative
c) Entertaining
d) Protected
92. Lots of energy and investment currently flowing into_______
a) Mobile cloud
b) Mobile data
c) Mobile Privacy
d) Mobile Apps
93. Technology has enhanced the process of refining the_________
a) Brand & quality
b) Products & brand
c) Products & Service
d) Quality & Quantity
94. What type of Marketing, Uniquely allows us to both broaden our scope and narrow our focus at the
same time_________
a) Digital Marketing
b) E-mail Marketing
c) Direct Marketing
d) All of these
95. Which one of the following is used for exchanging SMS messages.
c) SMS
d) SIM
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96. The Technology that allows user to store video content on their computer for viewing at a later date is
known as________
a) Deep-linking
b) Uploading
c) Downloading
d) None of these
97. Web design software that creates animation interactive elements and quick to download is:
a) Flash
b) Coral
c) Photoshop
d) Flash Impression
98. A group of computer connected together which are at one physical location is.
a) MAN
b) LAN
c) WAN
d) Link
99. The area where an Advertising is displayed/placed within a publisher’s mobile content is:
a) Placement
b) Podcasting
c) Pharming
d) Phishing
100. When a user makes a purchase from online advertiser is called______
a) Buy
b) Sale house
c) Sale
d) Both (a) & (c)
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