Tuesday, 1 May 2018


DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: prasanththampi1975@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com

 Hospital Management
Case Studies
Case (20
The definition of a relevant geographic market has proven to be one of the most daunting components of a hospital merger case.
Nonetheless some guiding principles are clear. The hypothetical monopolist test of the Merger Guidelines should be used to define
geographic markets in hospital merger cases. The types of evidence used in all merger cases such as strategic planning documents of
the merging parties and customer testimony and documents should also be used to delineale relevant geographic markets in hospital
merger cases. The agencies believe that courts have given insufficient weight to payor testimony and documents in particular. The
agencies encourage further research to determine the circumstances in which patients will travel to distant hospitals in response to
price increases.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Define the term ‘Geographic Market’?
Q2. Define the term Merger and explain the guidelines of the Merger?
Q3. Describe the term ‘Payor Testimony’?
Q4. Patients willingness to travel – How far and why? Comment.
Case (20
The preservation of the public health is among the most important goals of government. The enactment an enforcement of law,
moreover, is a primary means with which government creates the conditions for people to lead healthier and safer lives. Law creates
a mission for public health authorities, agencies their functions, and specifies the manner in which they may exercise their authority
(Costin, Buris and Lazzanni 199). The law is a tool in public health work which is used to influence norms for healthy behaviour,
identity and respond to health threats, and set & enforce health and safety standards. The most important social debates about public
health take place in legal for a – legislatures, courts and administrative agencies and in the law’s language of rights, duties and
justice. It is not exaggeration to say that “the field of public health …. Could not long exist in the manner in which we know it today
except for this sound legal basis (Corad 1990.4).
Answer the following question.
Q1. Define the term Public health, explain in detail?
Q2. Describe the public health law in detail?
Q3. Which are the five characteristics to help distinguish public health law from the vast literature on law and
Q4. Describe public health ethics?
Case (20
Physicians have historically been solo or small group practitioners, competing only with other such Practitioners in their particular
product and geographic market. As the market for physician services has evolved and antitrust enforcement has addressed anticompetitive
conduct, competition has emerged along multiple dimensions. IPAS and PHOs compete for physician – members and to
contract with payors. The forms and modes of competition in the market for physician services will inevitably vary overtime as
conditions and preferences change. Competition helps deliver an optimum mix of physician services at the lower cost and highest
Answer the following question.
Q1. Describe the term ‘IPA’s?
Q2. Explain the IPS efficiencies?
Q3. Define the term ‘PHO’s?
Q4. Competition and the market for physicians services. Comment.
Case (20
As per the Medical Council of India notification dated 11th March 2002 makes the following regulations relating to the professional
4/28/2018 Aeren Foundation
conduct, etiquette and ethics, these regulations may be called the Indian Medical Council Regulations 2002, shall come into force on
the date of their publication in the official Gazette. Notification contains the duties and responsibilities of the physician in general,
duties of physicians to their patients, duties of physician in consultation, and Responsibilities of physicians to each other, and
unethical acts. Each applicant at the time of making an application for registration under the above provisions of the Act, shall be
provided a copy of declaration and shall submit a duly signed declaration as provided. The applicant shall also certify that he/she had
read and agreed to abide by the same.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Duties & Responsibilities of the physician in general explain in detail?
Q2. Explain the duties of Physicians to their patients?
Q3. Explain the duties of Physician in Consultation?
Q4. Describe the responsibilities of physicians to each other?

Business Environment
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. Give a block diagram in establishing the design and quality standards of
technology recipient site?
2. Business decision making and the impact of the macro-environment, Discuss?
3. Give the constitution of SEBI Board and explain SEBI functions?
4. Write a note on socio-cultural environment of BusinessWrite a note on sociocultural
environment of Business?
5. Discuss how the environment acts does as a stimulant to business. Analyze why
business often does little for the preservation of physical environment despite
the fact that it is significant for business activity?
6. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of FDI. What is your opinion on the
role of FDI in the Retail Sector? Justify your views with India's experience in
this sector?
7. Discuss the Third plan (1961-66)?
8. Business decision making and the impact of the macro-environment, Discuss?

Business Communication
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. Define Public Speaking & Determine the purpose of topic Selection
2. What is media of mass Communication & Explain the modes of Communication
3. Explain the methods of Oral Communication in Terms of
a) Among Individuals b)Among Group
4. List the different Electronic modes of Communication & Explain the mode of
5. Explain 7 phases of negotiating tactics
6. What is group discussion? How is it Evaluated? And what is the techniques of GD
7. What are the techniques for writing Successful job application
8. What is media of mass Communication & Explain the modes of Communication

Business Ethics
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. Write short note on value education & consumerism
2. Give SWOT analysis in Indian scenario.
3. Explain need for a check on quackery.
4. Give measures to control pollution
5. Discuss unethical practices vis-à-vis cheating.
6. Give benefits of ISO 9000 quality systems & Give importance and
use of ISO 9000 standard.
7. Discuss seven points of mahatma Gandhi &Discuss social justice
according to gandhiji.
8. Give characteristic of quality leadership.

Business Strategy
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. Describe four processes SECI through which knowledge is converted from one
form to another.
2. Write down the steps of activating Strategies with special reference to
Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
3. What is the VRIO frame work?
4. What is focus of control in headquarter level control strategy?
5. Give any two examples of Conglomerate Diversification.
6. Discuss how a development in a corporations societal environment can affect
the corporations through its task environment.
7. Explain different types of industrial diversification
8. List advantages & disadvantages of different modes entry.

Corporate Law
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. What are the functions of controller.
2. Distinguish cheque and bill of exchange
3. Discuss power to impose lesser penalty
4. State the miscellaneous provisions as regards charges.
5. How to convert public company in to a private company.
6. How to employ a controller and other officers.
7. What are the liability of members
8. What are the functions of controller.

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