Saturday, 9 March 2019




DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: WEBSITE:

Financial Management
Business Finance
1. What is the meaning of business Finance?
2. What is Financial Management?
3. What are the functions of Finance?
4. Explain the Indian Financial Systems
Sources of Finance
1. Explain Equity share capital with its advantages and disadvantages from the Firm’s point of view and the shareholder’s point of view.
2. Explain Debentures as instrument for raising long term debt capital.
3. What is leasing? Give its different forms with advantages and disadvantages.
4. Explain briefly five major financial institutions.
Management of working capital
1. Explain the different classifications of capital.
2. What is working capital cycle?
3. How will you estimate working capital requirements?
4. What should be the optimum level of working capital?
Management of cash
1. What are the motives for holding cash?
2. What are the major problems in cash management?
3. Explain the different aspects of cash budget.
4. Describe the various aspects of zero-based budgeting with its merits and demerits.
Management of Receivables
1. What is the meaning and purpose of receivables?
2. Explain cost analysis on receivables?
3. Explain Credit Policy.
4. What is Credit Analysis.
Management of Inventory
1. What are Inventories? Explain.
2. What are the benefits and risks of holding inventories?
3. Explain EOQ and determination of RC order level as techniques of inventory management level.
4. Explain in detail ABC analysis.
5. Examine the various tools of Financial Analysis.
Financial Analysis and Planning
1. What is Financial Statements and what are its limitations.
2. What are the significant factors of financial statement.
3. Discuss the various tools of financial analysis.
4. What is Financial statement analysis?
5. What are the tools of Financial analysis.
Cash flow Analysis
1. What is Fund Flow Statement? Discuss the uses and preparation of fund flow statements.
2. Explain fund flow cycle for a typical manufacturing company with a diagram.
3. Explain fund flow statement with a diagram.
4. Explain the preparation of fund flow statement
5. Write about computerized financial planning system.
Cash flow statement
1. Explain the different sources of cash.
2. Explain the different applications of cash with examples.
3. What are the differences between cash flow analysis and fund flow analysis.
4. Explain the uses of cash flow analysis with examples.
5. What is the importance of cost of capital in financial decisions.
Ratio analysis
1. What are primary Ratios and Secondary Ratios?
2. Discuss the advantages of ratio analysis.
3. What are the characteristics and uses of ratio analysis. Give examples.
4. What is the differences between capital structure and financial structure with the factors influencing capital structure.
5. Illustrate with examples the impact of change in Debt and equity on composite cost of capital.

Principles and Practice of Management
1. Write about control and other function in an organization.
2. What are the different steps in controlling?
3. What are behavioral implications of control?
4. What are the benefits of Budgetary control?
1. What are the major facets of leadership?
2. What is the trait approaches to leadership?
1. What is the role and significance of communication?
2. What are the major features of MIS?
3. What are the different levels of MIS?
4. What are the functional spheres of MIS?
1. Write an essay on important factors of motivation.
2. What is the role of behavioral science and motivation?
3. How will you strengthen motivation?
4. What is blocked needs and resultant behavior?
1. What is the nature and functions of directing?
2. What are the directing functions?
3. What are the guiding principles of directive functions?
4. Write about directing functions and the management board.
1. What is manpower planning process?
2. What is Recruitment and Selection?
3. What is Training and Development?
4. What is performance Appraisal?
Organization, Grouping and Departmentation
1. What are the grouping principles?
2. What is Departmentation and its method?
3. What is grid method of Departmentation?
1. What is the nature and purpose of Organizational principles?
2. What is organizational Dynamics?
3. What are the major types of Organization
4. Elucide the classical principles of good management.
1. What are the features and types of planning?
2. Explain the different steps in planning.
3. What is Time Dimensions of planning?
4. What are the limitations of planning?
Principles of Management
1. Explain the scope of Management.
2. Write about Management principles and its nature.
3. Explain the different activity levels of management.
4. Write about Fayol and his Administration Management.

Human Resource management

 Human Resource Management Functions
1. What are the functions of Human Resource Management?
2. What do you understand by Personnel Administration?
3. Elucide the merging role of personnel Management?
4. What is the difference between Human Resource Management and Personnel Management?
Human Resource Planning
1. What is the importance and reasons for current interest in Human Resource?
2. Enumerate different steps in Human Resource Planning?
3. Which are the major activites in Human Resource Planning?
4. Write briefly on the different aspects of career planning.
Recruitment and selection
1. What is recruitment policy?
2. Explain the different aspects of selection?
3. Write about the different aspects of selection
4. Write an essay on the role of interviews in selection?
Training and Development
1. What are the needs, benefits  and types of training?
2. What is evaluation ? Explain.
3. What is Kirpatricks model of training evaluation?
4. What is Calender preparation?
Performance Appraisal
1. What is the purpose  and importance of performance Appraisal?
2. What are the steps in Appraisal ?
3. What is graphic a linear rating scale?
4. What are the benefits  and drawbacks of MBO program?
Workers Participation in Management
1. Write about the concept of WPM
2. What is the behavior sciences input/contributions to WPM?
3. What are the dynamics at work in the functioning of participative forums?
4. How can you make WPM more effective from managers point of view.
1. What is Motivation?
2. Explain Theory X and Teoary Y?
3. What is ERG Theory?
4. What are Task Charactistics Theory?
1. What is classical conditioning  and operant conditioning?
2. What are the methods of shaping behavior?
3. What are the schedule of reinforcement?
4. What are the chief applications of learning theories that be adopted by the manager
1. What are the factors which influence perception?
2. What are the frequently used shortcuts in judging others?
3. Which are the specific applications used by the managers to appraise  their subordinates in organization?
4. Write about the link between perception  and individual decision making?
1. What is the different personality determinants?
2. Which are the major personality attributes influencing OB.
3. What are personality traits? Explain.
4. What is matching personalities  and jobs.

Marketing Management
Marketing -origins and Development
1. Explain marketing as a functional area of management.
2. Establish marketing as an overall philosophy.
3. What is production oriented, sales oriented and marketing oriented firms?
4. Enumerate the modern developments in the concept and practice of marketing?
The marketing environment
1. What is the meaning and relevance of marketing environment?
2. Explain what is macro Environment?
3. What is supplier and distributing environments?
4. Explain the different marketing environments and the roles of culture and subculture.
Integrated marketing
1. What is the concept of integrated marketing?
2. Explain the various elements of marketing mix and marketing planning.
3. Explain what is market segmentation? Give its steps and types.
Marketing strategy
1. What is Howard Shed model in marketing?
2. What is product planning?
3. What is the importance of pricing in a company?
4. Write about distribution planning and strategy.
Marketing planning
1. What are the procedures in marketing planning?
2. What are the elements of marketing planning?
3. Write briefly on marketing mix in planning.
Service marketing
1. Which are the common ways in which manufacturers are marketing their services.
2. What are the unique characteristics of service marketing.
3. What is the meaning of marketing research? Explain its different steps.
4. What is the scope of marketing research and its scientific procedure?
5. What are the applications of marketing research?
Marketing Organization
1. What are the basic principles of organization design?
2. Explain the techniques and methods for designing organization structure.
3. What is functional organization in marketing?
4. How will you develop and advertisement copy?
5. How will you select the appropriate media for advertisement?
Consumer Behavior
1. What is consumer decision process?
2. What are the types of consumers
3. What are the various parameters affecting consumer behavior?
4. What is the importance of consumers behavior for marketers?
5. What is the role of consumer behavior in marketing? Explain
Product management
1. What are the different product types?
2. What is product line decision?
3. How will you develop a new product?
4. What is the importance of packaging decision and functions.
5. Enumerate the role of advertisement and the different types?
Pricing in marketing
1. Explain pricing policy.
2. What is pricing decisions and determination of pricing?
3. Which are the major pricing methods.
4. What are the effects of pricing on consumers.
5. What is the meaning of and its differences of advertisement with publicity?

Case Study Project                  Total Marks: 100

Elective- Human Resources Management
As an HRD Manager what steps you will initiate before dismissing a workman found guilty of misconduct where there is the presence of a strong employees union.

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