Attempt Only 4 Case Study
CASE – 1 BHEL’S Strategic Intent
Bharat Heavy
Electricals Ltd (BHEL) is major Indian public sector enterprise in power,
engineering, and manufacturing divisions and centres spread all over the
country. It exports to more than 45 countries.
The Vision 2001
statement of BHEL is as below.
MISSION: To be the leading engineering enterprise
providing quality products, systems, and services in the fields of energy,
transportation, industry, infrastructure, and other potential areas.
meeting commitments made to
external and internal customers
foster bearing, creativity, and
speed of response
respect for dignity and
potential of individuals
loyalty and pride in the
team playing
zeal to excel
integration and fairness in all
MISSION: To maintain a leading position
as suppliers of quality equipment, systems, and services in the field of
conversion, transmission, utilisation, and conservation of energy for
application in the areas of electric power, transportation, and gas exploration
and industries. To utilise company’s capabilities and resources to expand
business into allied areas and other priority sectors of the economy like
defence, communication, and electronics.
To ensure a
steady growth by enhancing the competitive edge of BHEL in existing business,
new areas, and international operations.
To provide a
reasonable and adequate return on capital employed primarily through
improvement in operational efficiency, capacity utilisation, and productivity
and generate resources to finance the company’s growth.
To build a high
degree of customer confidence by providing increased value for his money
through international standards of product quality, performance, and superior
customer service
To achieve
technological excellence in operations by development of indigenous
technologies and efficient absorption and adaptation of imported technologies
to suit business needs and priorities and provide a competitive advantage to
the company.
To fulfill the
expectation which stakeholders like government as owner, employees, customers,
and the country at large have from BHEL.
Analyses the
vision statement of BHEL and comment on its positive and negative features.
CASE – 2 The Troubled Soap Opera
Doordarshan (DD)
is India ’s
public service broadcaster (PSB) with 1,000 transmitter covering 90 per cent of
the country’s population across an estimated 70 million homes. It has 21,000
employees managing its metro and regional channels.
Recent years have seen growing competition from private channels,
now numbering more than 60, and the cable and satellite (C & S) operators.
The C&S network reaches nearly 30 million homes and is growing fast.
DD’s business model is based on selling half-hour slots of
commercial time to the programme producers and charging them in minimum
guarantee. For instance, the present tariff (i.e., in 2001), for the first 26
episodes of a programme, is Rs 42 lakh plus the cost of production of the
programme. In exchange, the producer gets 720 seconds of commercial time that
he can sell to advertisers and generate revenue. Break-even point for
producers, at the present rates, thus is Rs 70,000 for a 10-second spot in
order to break-even. It is at this point that advertisers face a problem: the
competitive rate for a 10-second spot is Rs 50,000. Producers are cagey about
buying commercial time on DD. As a result, DD’s projected revenue growth is
just 6 to 15 per cent as against 40 to 50 per cent for the private sector
channels. Software suppliers, advertisers, and audiences are deserting DD owing
to its unrealistic pricing structure.
Clearly, DD has three options if it is to survive. The first is to
privatise and the other is to become a pure PBS. In between is the third option
of a middle path.
The SWOT factors of DD, analysed by Business World in its issue of
March 19, 201, are as below.
§ Its 1,000 transmitters cover90 per cent of the country’s
population across an estimated 70 million homes against C & S’s tally of
30 million homes.
§ Cable distribution along with MTNO and DoT
§ Leasing infrastructure, time blocks to other broadcasters like
Channel 9
§ Digital terrestrial transmission
§ Syndicating programming
§ Too much political interference
§ Muddled programming and commercial strategy
§ Low credibility
§ Gross over-staffing
§ Little stability
§ Producers and advertisers are deserting DD in droves
§ C & s Continues to attract a larger portion of advertising,
and now pay revenues
Privatisation could fetch the
government a tidy sum and solve many of the managerial and operational problems
of DD. Yet, no government can be expected to let go the reins of mass media
owing to its political ramifications. If DD is to be a pure PSB, then it needs
to have just a news-focussed channel letting its metro and regional channels
become autonomous entities. The middle path would mean that DD tighten up its
management by reducing its bloated workforce, diversifying into other media,
creating marketing function, and overhauling its programming function.
The challenge seems to be to
leverage DD’s immense potential and emerge as a formidable player in the mass
media in India.
Question: Analyse the SWOT
factors and the options before DD. What, in your opinion, is the best strategic
alternative before DD? Why do you think the proposed alternative to be the
CASE – 3 Managing Cultural Changes at Procter &
In September
1998, the Procter & Gamble Company, Cincinnati ,
USA , announced
a major global structural change programme, “Organisation 2005”. The mission of
the programme was to take P & G’s global turnover from $ 38 billion to $ 70
billion by 2005. The objective was to raise profitability by changing the work
culture at P & G. The change drivers identified were the attributes of
Stretch, Innovation, and Speed (SIS). The structural changes to be initiated
included setting up of four global business units based on product lines, eight
market development organisations based on regions, and one global business
service centre. A 14-member cross-functional team named as the Culture Team was
set up to oversee the management of change.
The achievements of the Organisation
2005 programme were to be seen in terms of:
- changing P & G from being a misaligned organisation to one aligned on common goals, with trust as the foundation
- evolve from an intense inspection-led organisation where everything is kept under control to one that is a team-collaborating unit
- shift from a risk-avoiding culture to a stretch-taking one
- move from running down on complexities to taking on challenges
- heave from a slow-moving organisation to one which hurtles through stretch, innovation and speed to breakthrough goals
As the news of Organisation 2005 programme reached the P & G
Hygiene and Health Care headquarter at Mumbai ,
India , there
was a lot of apprehension among the employees. Uncertainty and suspicion arose
with regard to their own future and related to the continued existence of the
business division they worked in. It took about a year for the apprehensions to
fade away and be replaced by clarity and confidence.
P & G, India
adopted the global motto of SIS of its parent. A cultural team was set up to
communicate the goals of SIS to the employees and to seek their involvement in
creating a new P & G. The team set out to identify projects to help achieve
the goal of SIS and to get employee feedback periodically. Outdoor meetings of
all P & G India employees were conducted to drive home the SIS message.
Weekly indoor meetings were held both department-wise and across hierarchies
and categories. Team members were made responsible for communicating formal and
informal feedback to and from their department. Monthly updates and
communication through newsletters were extensively used. Reassurance of
employees thus became an on-going continual process.
Says a P & G employee: “Initially, when the global changes were
announced, we were a little skeptical as to what will be its impact on the
Indian operations. Now after so much communication and interaction at all
levels, we are confident and look forward to this change.”
- Comment on whether the cultural changes at P & G are supportive of the strategy being implemented.
- What, in your opinion, are the chances of the cultural change being successful? What needs to be done additionally to ensure success?
CASE – 4 What do You Know about Knowledge Management
Shailesh Gupta
was quite impressed on meeting T Rajashekhar who was a knowledge management
consultant. The chance meeting took place after the annual Laghu Udyog Sangh
(Small-industries association) function, which Shailesh was attending. Shailesh
requested Rajashekhar to find time to visit his factory to which the latter
readily agreed.
Shailesh belonged to an old and established business family of
Mahanagar where his grandfather had set up a cooking oil business. The business
grew and prospered well. Shailesh’s father was prudent enough to provide him
with good education. After graduating in commerce, Shailesh was sponsored by
the family business to do a year’s management education programme at Manila . On his return,
Shailesh was eager to implement new ideas to his family business and to the
real estate and construction business that his father had started.
When Rajashekhar arrived at the appointed time, the first question
that Shailesh asked him was about his specialization—knowledge management (or
KM, as Rajashekhar referred to it). “KM”, said Rajashekhar, “is a fairly new
concept in large corporations that are looking to maximise returns by turning
all the data available internally into useful and productive information, which
can help predict market trends and competitor moves.” Shailesh immediately
related this to his own problem of managing the real estate business that was
facing intense competition from newer companies that had come up in the last
few years. He was eager to know how KM was implemented.
Rajashekhar cautioned by saying “A formal KM system requires a lot
of planning and a sound framework in order to be successful. The process
involves planning and gathering of data to an organisation available in any
form such as text, graphics as well as audio-visual. Once this has been done,
the next step is to collate the data in a format that can be catalogued,
indexed, filtered, or linked in a manner that makes sense. Then the information
has to be refined and projected in a manner that can be easily disseminated
throughout the organisation. The purpose is to help managers take better
decisions on the basis of the information provided.”
At this point, Shailesh was excited enough to ask why should
decision-makers apply KM within their companies. What Rajashekhar told created
some apprehension in Shailesh’s mind. He said, “KM is important for
organisations—big or small—that strive to achieve competitive advantage. KM
enables corporate and market intelligence to be used in strategic planning.”
Shailesh was quick to interject with a query about KM’s applicability to a small
business like his own. Rajashekhar agreed by saying “KM is easier for large
organisations as they already have a network that helps them share information
through e-mail, intranet, and the Web. But any committed organisation, even if
small, could apply KM if determined to do so.” He continued, “Once a company
has a KM process in place, it will be able to empower its employees with
information on various aspects of decision-making related to the strategic as
well as operational activities.”
The meeting ended but Shailesh kept on thinking about what
Rajashekhar had told him about KM. A thought that lingered for long was whether
his employees, long used to working in the traditional environment, would
readily share information that they had. And whether they would be
willing to adapt
to the sophisticated technology involving, what Rajashekhar informed,
datamining, intranet, video-conferencing, and webcasting that the KM process
was based on.
How do you
respond to Shailesh’s predicament expressed at the end of the case?
CASE – 5 Supply Chain Management at Hindustan Levers
The final year
class of MBA students was quite excited on hearing that the head of information
systems and the infotech manager (sales and distribution) of Hindustan Lever
Limited (HLL) were coming to address them on the application of supply chain
management (SCM) at HLL.
The mini auditorium was full when the lecture started. The first
thing the managers did was to introduce the company to the audience of students
and faculty members of the business school. They also suggested that any one
could ask question during the presentation they were going to make.
The head of information systems started by saying “as you must be
aware, HLL, subsidiary of Unilever, is India ’s largest fast-moving
consumer goods (FMCG) company. We are the leaders in home and personal care
products, foods and beverages, and specialty chemicals. Armed with a portfolio
of 110 brands, HLL’s has a vision to meet everyday needs of people everywhere
by anticipating the aspirations of customers and responding creatively and
competitively with branded products and services that raise the quality of
life.” He went to relate the experience of HLL at restructuring its businesses
by informing that HLL initiated Project Millennium focussing on the four areas
of growth, knowledge, talent, and cost. On being asked whether that was the
first time that HLL was restructuring its businesses, the head of information
systems replied that business restructuring is a continual process and HLL
invested close to Rs 10 crore over a period of a year on the process itself.
The process resulted in HLL moving out of its non-core areas, integration of
existing core areas, and exploring new potential areas.
At this point, the infotech manager took over and explained the
marketing set up of the company. He said, “Owing to the nature of our business
activities, we need to launch several new products every year. Streamlining
procurement, operations management, and marketing are mammoth operations. It is
here that an operational effectiveness technique like SCM came to our aid. With
SCM solutions, we are able to monitor all our production lines and manage
existing distribution network to make way for new products.” On being asked to
relate how HLL was using information technology (IT), the infotech manager
said, “SCM mainly relies on the use of IT. For support, there is a satellite
based communication system that offers voice and communication facilities
linking over 200 locations all over the country. Other initiatives on the IT
front have been taken to support the streamlining of the whole process.
E-commerce and B2C portal are used to reduce the inventory levels and the
working capital cycle. Continuous innovation in process and product management
are the other supporting initiatives.”
Some of the students were interested in knowing the software used by
HLL for SCM. To this, the infotech manager said that Mfg Pro, a software
similar to Enterprise Resource Planning, was introduced in 1998. With this HLL
has been able to reduce the duration of production runs. “Constant monitoring
of inventory levels and servicing demand is done so that no bottlenecks hold up
the supply lines so crucial to an FMCG company such as ours,” he added.
The students were quite impressed to know
that the SCM system links the HLL’s headquarter at Mumbai with its 50
factories, an equal number of depots, and 200 sites. More than 750 of the
stockists have also been linked
through a TCS EX software package. From the enthusiasm of the infotech manager,
the audience could surmise the continual search for a software solution to
enable seamless operations of its value chain seemed to be a fetish with HLL.
A young faculty member interjected at this stage to ask about the
difficulties faced in SCM implementation is not always smooth. “The process
involves changing established ways of working and it could turn out to be quite
painful. The success of the SCM system depends on the quality of data provided
to it. Training in error-free data logging is essential.” The head of the
information systems added, “Then, there is a bigger challenge of
decentralisation of decision-making to the shop floor level.
The fear of making mistakes and getting one’s inefficiencies exposed
are the behavioural snags that any company implementing SCM has to contend
with.” The presentation ended with the head of information systems encouraging
the students to learn more about SCM as it offered a viable approach to
managing the value chain in an integrated way.
Suppose you were
a student at the business school and a member of the audience at the
presentation on SCM at HLL. In the business policy the next day, the professor
asks anyone to say how SCM is related to business strategy. What would be your
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