DR. PRASANTH BE MBA PH.D. MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: prasanththampi1975@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com
Examination Paper of Computer Fundamental
IIBM Institute of Business Management
• This section consists of multiple choices and Short Notes type questions.
• Answer all the questions.
• Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part two questions carry 5 marks each.
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Subject Code-B112
Examination Paper
Computer Fundamental
Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)
Part one:
Multiple choice:
I.A Light Sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other image into digital from is (1)
a) Keyboard
b) Plotter
c) Scanner
d) OMR
II. The basic operations performed by a computer are (1)
e) Arithmetic operation
f) Logical operation
g) Storage and relative operation
h) All the above l
III. The two major types of computer chips are (1)
a. External memory chip
b. Primary memory chip
c. Microprocessor chip
d. Both b and c
IV. Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers (1)
a. First Generation
b. Second Generation
c. Third Generation
d. Fourth Generation
Examination Paper of Computer Fundamental
IIBM Institute of Business Management
V.What is the main difference between a mainframe and a super computer?
a. A Super computer is much larger than the mainframe computers.
b. Super computers are smaller than the mainframe computers.
c. Supercomputers are focused to execute few programs as fast as possible while mainframe computers use its power to execute as many programs concurrently.
d. Supercomputers are focused to execute as many programs as possible while mainframe
VI. ASCII and EBCDIC are the popular character coding systems. What does EBCDIC stand for?
a) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
b) Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code
c) Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code
d) Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code
VII. The brain of any computer system is
a) ALU
b) Memory
c) CPU
d) Control unit
VIII. Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on
a) tracks per inch of surface
b) bits per inch of tracks
c) disk pack in disk surface
d) All of above
IX. The two kinds of main memory are:
a) Primary and secondary
b) Random and sequential
c) ROM and RAM
d) All of above
X. A storage area used to store data to a compensate for the difference in speed at which the different units can handle data is
a) Memory
b) Buffer
c) Accumulator
d) Address
Part Two:
1. What is Windows? (5)
2. What is Windows? (5)
3. What is Computer Virus? (5)
4. What is the meaning of ‘CC’ in case of E-mail? (5)
Examination Paper of Computer Fundamental
IIBM Institute of Business Management
• This section consists of Caselets.
• Answer all the questions.
• Each Caselet carries 20 marks.
• Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).
Section B: Caselets (40 marks)
Caselet 1
Mr. and Mrs. Sharma went to Woodlands Apparel to buy a shirt. Mr. Sharma did not read the price tag on the piece selected by him. At the counter, while making the payment he asked for the price. Rs. 950 was the answer.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Sharma, who was still shopping came back and joined her husband. She was glad that he had selected a nice black shirt for himself. She pointed out that there was a 25% discount on that item. The counter person nodded in agreement.
Mr. Sharma was thrilled to hear that “It means the price of this shirt is just Rs. 712. That‟s fantastic”, said Mr. Sharma. He decided to buy one more shirt in blue color.In no time, he returned with the second shirt and asked them to be packed. When he received the cash memo for payment, he was astonished to find that he had to pay Rs.. 1,900 and Rs.1,424.
Mr. Sharma could hardly reconcile himself to the fact that the counter person had quoted the discounted price which was Rs. 950. The original price printed on the price tag was Rs.1,266.
1. What should Mr. Sharma have done to avoid them is understanding? (10)
2. Discuss the main features involved in this case. (10)
Caselet 2
I don’t want to speak to you. Connect me to your boss in the USA,” hissed the Alfred is a do-it yourself entrepreneur who built up his fortune in trading. He traded in anything and everything and kept close control of every activity. That was now he had grown rich enough to indulge in his own dream-to build a college in his home town. A college that would be at par to the ones in the better cities, the one in which he could not study himself.
Work started a year hack and the buildings were coming along well He himself did not use computers much and became hooked to the Internet and e-mail only recently. He was determined to provide a PC with Internet connectivity to every students and faculty member. He was currently engrossed in plans for the 100 seater computer lab.
What was confusing him was the choice of Internet connectivity. He had about a dozen quotations in front of him, Recommendations ranged from 64 Kbps ISDN all the way to 1 Gbps leased line to Guwahati which was almost 200 kms away. Prices ranged from slightly under a lakh all the way upto 25 lakh and beyond. He did not understand most of the equipment quoted firewall, proxy server, cache appliance, nor was he sure what the hidden cost were. Although it went against his very nature, he would have to identify a trustworthy consultant who would help him make sense of the whole thing.
Examination Paper of Computer Fundamental
IIBM Institute of Business Management
• This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.
• Answer all the questions.
• Each question carries 15marks.
• Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).
1. In the context of the given case, what managerial issues need to be addressed by Alfred. Why is It Important for managers to be tech savvy? (10)
2. What is the importance of a 'Systems consultant' to an organization? What skills should he/she possess? (10)
Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)
1. What are Web sites & URL(s)? (15)
2. Explain how data is organized on a magnetic tape? (15)
Examination Paper of Banking & Financial Services Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Examination Paper MM.100
Principles & Practices of Banking
Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 Marks)
This section consists of Multiple Choice & Short Note type questions.
Answer all the questions.
Part One carries 1 mark each & Part Two carries 4 marks each.
Part One:
Multiple Choices:
1. Frequency of First Tranche Returns is:
a. Weekly
b. Monthly
c. Monthly/quarterly
d. Monthly/quarterly/half-yearly
2. An order for winding up a banking company can be issued by___________
a. The High Court
b. The RBI
c. The Central Government
d. The Supreme court
3. Who shall be natural guardian in case of married minor girl?
a. Father
b. Brother in law
c. Father-in-law
d. Husband
4. X a partner in the firm XYZ Co. wants to open a Bank account in the firm‟s name. It will require
signatures of:
a. All partners
b. Any one of the partner
c. Managing partner only
d. Sleeping partner not required
5. Public limited companies should have minimum shareholders, before Opening Bank account.
a. 11
b. 7
c. 5
d. 15
6. If the beneficiary is government then the Expiry of guarantee is governed by the „law of
limitation‟ ranging from 3 years to
a. 15 years
b. 30 years
Examination Paper of Banking & Financial Services Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
c. 20 years
d. 10 years
7. Charge created on LIC Policy is
a. Lien
b. Hypothecation
c. Pledge
d. Assignment
8. The device that combines the parallel input data into single serial output data is known as
a. Switcher
b. Multiplexer
c. Encoder
d. Front end processor
9. In market skimming pricing strategy:
a. Initially price is lower and then it is increased
b. Initial price is high and is maintained high
c. Initial price is low and is maintained low
d. Initially price is higher and then it is reduced
10. The marketing personnel need information _________intervals.
a. At yearly
b. At quarterly
c. At monthly
d. On a continuous basis and regular
Part Two:
1. Discuss the role of RBI in Indian Banking sector.
2. Write short notes on:
a. Repo Rate
b. Reverse Repo Rate.
3. Write short notes on:
a. Bank Lien
b. Right of set off
4. What is cash credit means?
Section B: Caselets (40 marks)
This section consists of Caselets.
Answer all the questions.
Each caselet carries 20 marks.
Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).
Examination Paper of Banking & Financial Services Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Caselet 1
There is a lacuna in the present T-Bill auction system of RBI. The dealers (investors) are subject to
what is called the „Winners Curse‟. The value of a T-Bill to a dealer is the price it can fetch in the
secondary market. This is an unobserved random value, which is likely to be common to all dealers.
It is quite unlike the works of art which the Sotheby‟s would place at an auction. The price of Mona
Lisa, say, to an avid collector of Da Vinci‟s paintings, would be more than what a Picasso collector
would value it. In sharp contrast, market participants are likely to agree on the price of a T-Bill in the
secondary market. Now winning an auction in a discriminatory price method may not be profitable.
For, it would mean that the winner has overestimated the T-Bill value.
1. How does the winner in such an auction become the loser due to the „winner curse‟?
2. Explain the role of primary dealers in the money market.
Caselet 2
In a bid to familiarize banks, exporters and other financial bodies with „Forfeiting‟, the State Bank of
India (SBI) will soon be setting up a three-man cell at its international division in Mumbai for
advisory purposes. According to Mr. D. Ian Guild, Senior Advisor, Forfeiting & Syndications
Group, Standard Bank, the cell was being set up after a series of meetings with the bank, and is
essentially aimed at spreading the message of Forfeiting as an effective trade financing mechanism
to increase exports. Suggesting that forfeiting was the ideal springboard for effecting a quantum
jump in exports in the medium-term, Mr. Guild said he was confident of aggregating forfeiting
business of $100 millions in 1998 and $250 millions in 1999 in the country. Since its introduction in
1992, Exim Bank had facilitated 69 forfeiting transactions valued at around $75 millions, with credit
periods ranging between 90 days and seven years, and covering the export of goods ranging from
textiles to plant and machinery. The RBI has now permitted all commercial banks to act as
facilitators for forfeiting transactions. Mr. Guild pointed out that forfeiting has not really taken off in
India because exporters and commercial banks lacked the knowledge of the mechanics of the
scheme. In India, the real challenge would be to motivate small and medium exporters to use the
forfeiting route for exports to countries which may not be able to buy on cash terms. Mr. S.
Bhattacharya, deputy general manager, Exim Bank, Calcutta, said: “Payment defaults by overseas
buyers were an integral part of cross-border business and export credit insurance has not been a
comprehensive answer to this problem”. Forfeiting offered an alternative solution, especially to
exporters wishing to penetrate difficult markets for the first time, he pointed out. Some of the top
international forfeiters in the world have stopped accepting forfeiting documents involving Pakistan
and Russia, according to Mr. Amitabh Mehta, Trader and Originator, Forfeiting and Syndications
group, Standard Bank London Ltd. (SBLL). According to Mr. Mehta, forfeiting transactions
involving Pakistan could not be carried out due to poor performance of the banks there. In addition,
the financial status of Pakistan following the nuclear blasts has made it impossible to carry out the
transactions. Similarly, transactions with Russia are being totally rejected by forfeiting due to the
current economic turmoil. Joining the list with Pakistan and Russia are Iraq, Sudan and Nigeria, he
added. Commenting on the Indian situation, Mr. Mehta said, “With its sound banking system, the
country is well placed in the international scene. In fact, there is tremendous potential for forfeiting
in the years to come,” he said. According to him, even after the nuclear tests conducted by India, the
top forfeiters were not worried and continued to accept forfeiting papers to be transacted with India.
Examination Paper of Banking & Financial Services Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
1. Discuss the mechanism of forfeiting and the role played by banks in forfeiting transactions.
2. How does forfeiting differ from factoring?
Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)
This section consists Long Questions.
Answer all the questions.
Each question carries 15 marks.
Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).
1. What are the various approaches to capital adequacy? Explain Basel II norms and minimum
capital requirements in Basel II norms.
2. What do you mean by non Performing Assets (NPA)? How have NPAs affected financial health
of Indian commercial banks?
Examination Paper of Banking & Financial Services Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Examination Paper MM.100
Financial Services
Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 Marks)
This section consists of Multiple Choice & Short Note type questions.
Answer all the questions.
Part One carries 1 mark each & Part Two carries 5 marks each.
Part One:
Multiple Choices:
1. NBFS stands for ___________
2. ALCO is a decision making unit responsible for balance sheet planning from risk return
perspective. (T/F)
3. A contract of „Indemnity‟ is one whereby:
a. A person tries to use the other‟s property
b. A person promises to save the other‟s property from loss caused.
c. A person tries to trick the property of other for some other person.
d. None
4. The transaction between the lessor and the lessee being a demand sale is called__________
a. First sale
b. Second sale
c. Third sale
d. Fourth sale
5. Which of the following is comes under mutual funds?
Open-end funds
Closed-end funds
Both (a) & (b)
6. Concept of leasing involves:
a. Lessor
b. Lessee
c. None
d. All
7. CRISIL stands for____________
8. ____________are issued by the government for period ranging from 14 days to 364 days
through regular auctions.
a. Treasury Bills
b. Commercial Papers
Examination Paper of Banking & Financial Services Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
c. Call Money Market
d. None
9. The practice of discounting accommodation bills is known as _____________
10. HUDCO stands for _____________
Part Two:
1. Explain about SEBI guidelines to merchant bankers.
2. List the different types of Factoring.
3. Write a short note on venture capital in India.
4. Write a short note on Depositories.
Section B: Caselets (40 marks)
This section consists of Caselets.
Answer all the questions.
Each caselet carries 20 marks.
Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).
Caselet 1
Sunlight Industries Ltd manages its accounts receivables internally by its sales and credit
department. The cost of sales ledger administration stands at Rs 9 crore annually. It supplies
chemicals to heavy industries. These chemicals are used as raw material for further use of are
directly sold to industrial units for consumption. There is good demand for both the types of uses.
For the direct consumers, the company has a credit policy of 2/10, net 30. Past experience of the
company has been that on average 40 per cent of the customers avail of the discount while the
balance of the receivables are collected on average 75 days after the invoice date. Sunlight Industries
also has small dealer networks that sell the chemicals. Bad debts of the company are currently 1.5
per cent of total sales.
Sunlight Industries finances its investment in debtors through a mix of bank credit and own longterm
funds in the ratio of 60:40. The current cost of bank credit and long-term funds are 12 per cent
and 15 per cent respectively.
There has been a consistent rise in the sales of the company due to its proactive measures in cost
reduction and maintaining good relations with dealers and customers. The projected sales for the
next year are Rs 800 crore, up 15 per cent from last year. Gross profiles have been maintained at a
healthy 22 per cent over the years and are expected to continue in future.
With escalating cost associated with the in-house management of debtors coupled with the need
to unburden the management with the task so as to focus on sales promotion, the CEO of Sunlight
Industries is examining the possibility of outsourcing its factoring service for managing its
Examination Paper of Banking & Financial Services Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
receivables. He assigns the responsibility of Anita Guha, the CFO of Sunlight. Two proposals, the
details of which are given below, are available for Anita‟s consideration.
Proposal from Canbank Factors Ltd: The main elements of the proposal are: (i) Guaranteed
payment within 30 days (i) Advance, 88 per cent and 84 per cent for the resource and non-recourse
arrangements respectively (iii) discount charge in advance, 21 per cent for with resource and 22 per
cent without resource (iv) Commission, 4.5 per cent without resources 2.5 per cent and with
Proposal from Indbank Factors: (i) Guaranteed payment within 30 days (ii) Advance, 84 per cent
with resource and 80 per cent without resource (iii) Discount charge upfront, without resource 21 per
cent and with resource, 20 per cent and (iv) Commission upfront, without resource 3.6 per cent and
with resource 1.8 per cent.
The opinion of the Chief Marketing Manager is that in the context of the factoring arrangement,
his staff would be able to exclusively focus on sales promotion which would result in additional
sales of Rs 75 crore.
Required The CFO of Sunlight Industries seeks your advice as a financial consultants on the
alternative proposals. What advice would you give? Why? Calculations can be upto one digit only.
Caselet 2
Following are the financial statements for A Ltd and T Ltd for the current financial year. Both firms
operate in the same industry.
Particulars Firm A Firm B
Total current assets Rs 14,00,000 Rs 10,00,000
Total fixed assets (net) 10,00,000 5,00,000
_____________ __________
Total assets 24,00,000 15,00,000
_____________ ___________
Equity capital (of Rs 10 each) 10,00,000 8,00,000
Retained earnings 2,00,000 _
14% Long-term debt 5,00,000 3,00,000
Total current liabilities 7,00,000 4,00,000
_____________ ___________
24,00,000 15,00,000
Net sales Rs 34,50,000 Rs 17,00,000
Cost of goods sold 27,60,000 13,60,000
__________ ___________
Gross profit 6,90,000 3,40,000
Operating expenses 2,96,923 1,45,692
Interest 70,000 42,000
__________ ___________
Earnings before taxes (EBT) 3,23,077 1,52,308
Taxes (0.35) 1,13,077 53,308
Earnings after taxes (EAT) 2,10,000 99,000
Examination Paper of Banking & Financial Services Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Additional information: __________________________________
Number of equity shares 1,00,000 80,000
Dividend payment (D/P) ratio 0.40 0.60
Market price per share (MPS) Rs 40 Rs 15
Assume that the two firms are in the process of negotiating a merger through an exchange of equity
shares. You have been asked to assist in establishing equitable exchange terms, and are required to:
(i) Decompose the share prices of both the companies into EPS and P/E components, and also segregate
their EPS figures into return on equity (ROE) and book value of intrinsic value per share (BVPS)
(ii) Estimate future EPS growth rates for each firm.
(iii) Based on expected operating synergies, A Ltd estimates that the intrinsic value of T‟s equity share
would be Rs 20 per share on its acquisition. You are required to develop a range of justifiable equity
share exchange ratios that can be offered by A Ltd‟s shareholders. Based on your analysis in parts (i)
and (ii), would you expect the negotiated terms to be closer to the upper, or the lower exchange ratio
limits? Why?
(iv) Calculate the post-merger EPS based on an exchange ratio of 0.4 : 1 being offered by A Ltd. Indicate
the immediate EPS accretion or dilution, if any, that will occur for each group of shareholders.
(v) Based on a 0.4 :1 exchange ratio, and assuming that A‟s pre-merger P/E ratio will continue after the
merger, estimate the post-merger market price. Show the resulting accretion or dilution in pre-merger
market prices.
Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)
This section consists of Long Questions.
Answer all the questions.
Each question carries 15 marks.
Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).
1. What do you mean by money market? Discuss money market instruments in detail.
2. What is leasing? Explain about the advantages and disadvantages of lease finance.
Examination Paper of Managerial Economics
IIBM Institute of Business Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Subject Code-B106
Examination Paper
Managerial Economics
Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)
Part one:
Multiple choice:
I.Demand is determined by
a) Price of the product
b) Relative prices of other goods
c) Tastes and habits
d) All of the above
II. When a firm’s average revenue is equal to its average cost, it gets (1)
a) Super profit
b) Normal profit
c) Sub normal profit
d) None of the above
III. Managerial economics generally refers to the integration of economic theory with business
a) Ethics
b) Management
c) Practice
d) All of the above
IV. Which of the following was not immediate cause of 1991 economic crisis (1)
a) Rapid growth of population
b) Severe inflation
c) Expanding Fiscal deficit
d) Rising current account deficit
V.Money functions refers to : (1)
a) Store of value
b) Medium of Exchange
c) Standard of deferred payments
d) All of the above VI. Given the price, if the cost of production increases because of higher price of raw materials, the supply (1) a) Decreases b) Increases c) Remains same d) Any of the above
This section consists of multiple choices and Short Notes type questions.
Answer all the questions.
Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part two questions carry 5 marks each.
Examination Paper of Managerial Economics
IIBM Institute of Business Management
VII. Total Utility is maximum when (1)
a. Marginal Utility is maximum
b. Marginal Utility is Zero
c. Both of the above
d. None Of The Above
VIII. Cardinal approach is related to (1)
a. Equimarginal Curve
b. Law of diminishing returns
c. Indifference Curve
d. All of the above
IX. Marginal Utility curve of a consumer is also his (1)
a) Supply Curve
b) Demand Curve
c) Both of above
d) None of above
X. Government of India has replaced FERA by (1)
a) The competition Act
c) MRTP Act
Part Two:
1. What is Managerial Economics? What is its relevance to Engineers/Managers? (5)
2. “Managerial Economics is economics that is applied in decision making” Explain? (5)
3. Differentiate b/w, Micro economics vs. macroeconomics? (5)
4. Factors Affecting Price Elasticity of Demand? (5)
Section B: Caselets (40 marks)
This section consists of Caselets.
Answer all the questions.
Each Caselet carries 20marks.
Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Examination Paper of Managerial Economics
Dabur is among the top five FMCG companies in India and is positioned successfully on the specialist herbal platform. Dabur has proven its expertise in the fields of health care, personal care, home care and foods. The company was founded by Dr. S. K. Burman in 1884 as small pharmacy in Calcutta (now Kolkata), India. And is now led by his great grandson Vivek C. Burman, who is the Chairman of Dabur India Limited and the senior most representative of the Burman family in the company. The company headquarter is in Ghaziabad, India, near the Indian capital New Delhi, where it is registered. The company has over 12 manufacturing units in India and abroad. The international facilities are located in Nepal, Dubai, Bangladesh, Egypt and Nigeria. S.K. Burman, the founder of Dabur, was trained as a physician. His mission was to provide effective and affordable cure for ordinary people in far-flung villages. Soon, he started preparing natural remedies based on Ayurveda for diseases such as Cholera, Plague and Malaria. Due to his cheap and effective remedies, he became to be known as ‘Daktar’ (Indian izedversion of ‘doctor’). And that is how his venture Dabur got its name—derived from Daktar Burman. The company faces stiff competition from many multinational and domestic companies. In the Branded and Packaged Food and Beverages segment major companies that are active include Hindustan Lever, Nestle, Cadbury and Dabur. In case of Ayurvedic medicines and products, the major competitors are Baidyanath, Vicco, Jhandu, Himani and other pharmaceutical companies.
Vision statement of Dabur says that the company is “dedicated to the health and wellbeing of every household”. The objective is to “significantly accelerate profitable growth by providing comfort to others”. For achieving this objective Dabur aims to:
Focus on growing core brands across categories, reaching out to new geographies, within and outside India, and improve operational efficiencies by leveraging technology.
Be the preferred company to meet the health and personal grooming needs of target consumers with safe, efficacious, natural solutions by synthesizing deep knowledge of Ayurveda and herbs with modern science.
Be a professionally managed employer of choice, attracting, developing and retaining quality personnel.
Be responsible citizen with a commitment to environmental protection.
Provide superior returns, relative to our peer group, to our shareholders.
Chairman of the company
Vivek C. Burman joined Dabur in 1954 after completing his graduation in Business Administration from the USA. In 1986 he was appointed as the Managing Director of Dabur and in 1998 he took over as Chairman of the Company.
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Examination Paper of Managerial Economics
Under Vivek Burman’s leadership, Dabur has grown and evolved as a multi-crore business house with a diverse product portfolio and a marketing network that traverses the whole of India and more than 50 countries across the world. As a strong and positive leader, Vivek C. Burman had motivated employees of Dabur to “do better than their best”—a credo that gives Dabur its status as India’s most trusted nature-based products company.
Leading brands
More than 300 diverse products in the FMCG, Healthcare and Ayurveda segments are in the product line of Dabur. List of products of the company include very successful brands like Vatika, Anmol, Hajmola, Dabur Amla Chyawanprash, Dabur Honey and Lal Dant Manjan with turnover of Rs.100 crores each.
Strategic positioning of Dabur Honey as food product, lead to market leadership with over 40% market share in branded honey market; Dabur Chyawanprash is the largest selling Ayurvedic medicine with over 65% market share. Dabur is a leader in herbal digestives with 90% market share. Hajmola tablets are in command with 75% market share of digestive tablets category. Dabur Lal Tail tops baby massage oil market with 35% of total share.
CHD (Consumer Health Division), dealing with classical Ayurvedic medicines, has more than 250 products sold through prescription as well as over the counter. Proprietary Ayurvedic medicines developed by Dabur include Nature Care Isabgol, Madhuvaani and Trifgol.
However, some of the subsidiary units of Dabur have proved to be low margin business; like Dabur Finance Limited. The international units are also operating on low profit margin. The company also produces several “me – too” products. At the same time the company is very popular in the rural segment.
1. What is the objective of Dabur? Is it profit maximisation of growth maximisation? (10)
2. Do you think the growth of Dabur from a small pharmacy to a large multinational company is an indicator of the advantages of joint stock company against the proprietorship form? Elaborate. (10)
The Regina Company„ one of the largest inakets of vacuum cleaners recent') had scv cfc ptollkins with the quality of its products. The market responsc to this 1ak of quality caused financial problems for Ow company. in late 1995. Regina began having return rates as high as 30 to 50 percent on some of its Housekeeper and Housekeeper Plus models. These models were sold primarily through discount stores. Further, Regina's Spectrum vacuum cleaner, an upgraded version sold in specialty stores, was introduced in 1995 with many quality problems. ef The specific problems identified for the Housekeeper and Housekeeper Plus models were associated with faulty belts and weak suction. In the Spectrum model, the agitator was melting; and making a loud noise, the foot pedals were breaking, and the steel-encased motor (which had been advertised as the
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Examination Paper of Managerial Economics
power source for the vacuum cleaner) had been replaced with a less desirable. less reliable motor.
As a result of these problems, Target stores discontinued Regina's Housekeeper Plus model after reporting that "at least half of those sold were returned." At Starmart, which accounts for about a quarter of the Housekeeper sales, I. out of every 5 machines sold was returned. To help service customer complaints, Regina set up an 800 telephone number for customers to contact the firm. directly. The sales returns caused Regina's shareholders to question the 1995 fiscal earnings report. Furthermore, both inventories and accounts receivable doubled during the 1995 fiscal year. At the end of that period, Regina's chairman and 40 percent stockholders
Resigned. The chairman’s resignation was closely followed by a company announcement stating that the financial results reported for the 1995 fiscal year were materially incorrect and had been withdrawn. This announcement brought a suit from shareholders who had bought Reoina stock on the basis of the 1995 camings report. It also prompted an audit of the 1995 results and a request to another accounting organization to work on Regina's business and accounting controls. A few months later, Regina 'agreed to be acquired by a unit of Magnum, a vacuum cleaner and Water-purification Company. Under Magnum, Regina shut down production while engineers worked to solve the problems inherent in the Housekeeper and Housekeeper Plus vacuums, particularly the suction difficulties. In September 1998, Magnum and Regina decided to separate the two companies again. Since then, Regina has been regaining market share with its Housekeeper models. The 'vacuums are popular because they carry on-board tools.
1. What type of controls would you have established to preclude the major returns experienced by Regina? (10)
2. How would you have controlled the finished-goods -inventory to avoid its growing to twice the size that it was in the previous year. (10)
Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)
1. What is the importance of demand analysis in business decision? (15)
2. Explain individual demand function and market demand function. (15)
This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.
Answer all the questions.
Each question carries 15marks.
Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).
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