Wednesday, 15 June 2022





DR. PRASANTH BE MBA PH.D. MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: WEBSITE:

Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies




Business Environment


Note: Attempt any five questions (question no. 1. is compulsory)

1. Attempt any four of the following questions:

(a) Explain the relevance of ecological issues to business environment.

(b) Analyze the social responsibility of business towards employees.

(c) State the basic objectives of regulating business.

(d) Describe the basic instruments of fiscal policy in lndia

(e) State various measures for the prevention and settlement of the industrial disputes.

(f) Explain the thrust areas of the new economic policy.

2. Discuss how does the environment acts as a stimulant to business.Analyse why business often does little for physical environment preservation despite the fact that it is significant for business activity.

3. Analyze the fourfold role of the government in business. Also explain in what respects the role of government has been redefined in lndia during the 1990s.

4. "The Industrial Policy of 1991 makes a clear departure from the Industrial Policy of 1956" Comment.

5. Discuss the various forms of foreign capital flows. Do you think entering o{ MNC's in less developed countries is risky ?

6. Describe the recent export promotion measures of the Government of India.

7. Write short notes on any two of the following:

(a) Political and legal environment of business

(b) Nehru - Mahalanobis strategy of development

(c) Financial reforms in India

(d) Merits of globalisation from the point of view of India’s s economic development


Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies


Business Management

Marks -80

Please attempt any 10 question from the below mentioned questions. All question carry equal marks.


1. What are the characteristics of a professional manager? Briefly discuss the profile of various tasks performed by a professional manager in an organisational set-up, with suitable examples.

2. "A decision maker may not have complete knowledge about decision alternatives, outcome of chosen alternative. These conditions of knowledge are often referred to as 'States of Nature'". Elaborate on the state and discuss the underlying concepts with suitable examples.

3. Why is communication important for smooth functioning of an organisation? Explain with examples, the various channels of formal and informal communication in an organisational set-up.

4. What is delegation? What are the basic elements of delegation of authority and problems faced in doing so in an organisational set-up? Explain with suitable examples.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following:

(i) Leadership styles

(ii) Group formation

(iii) Conflict Handling Strategies

(iv) Building Interpersonal Skills

(v) Span of control and Managerial levels

6. Briefly discuss the various managerial skills. Discuss with suitable examples the interplay between the different skills and contextual domains.

7. Describe the various channels of communication in an organization. What are the characteristics of grapevine as summarized by Keith Davis?

8. What is 'control' in context to an organization? Explain the prerequisites and characteristics of an effective control Do you agree with the statement "Delegation of authority is not same as Division of work”? Explain the various elements of Delegation.

9. What do you understand by Line and Staff relationships? What is Matrix structure of Organization?

10. Explain the concept of MBO. Describe its key features and critically analyze the extent of feasibility and usefulness of MBO in the present day business scenario.

11. Briefly describe various managerial processes and explain major elements of any two of them with suitable examples.

12. How do conflicts get generated in an organizational situation? How does it impact the group behavior and functioning of the organization? Explain with relevant examples.

Q. 13. What is `management’? Discuss the importance of management in modern business organisations.


Q. 14. "Decision making is the primary test of management." Discuss this statement and explain the process of decision making.

15. What are the tasks a manager has to perform while functioning in an organisation ? Describe briefly.



Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies

                                                                                                                               MARKS : 80


SUB:  Business Planning and Policy  


Please attempt any 4 questions.


Q.1) Define and explain Forecasting. Explain importance of Forecasting.


Q.2) (A) Explain the Project Audit Life Cycle.

(B) Explain Characteristics of Forecasting.


Q.3) What is Project Proposal? Explain characteristics of Project.


Q.4) (A) Explain Pure Project Organization.

(B) Explain Planning Process with suitable diagram.


Q.5) Explain the Sources of Conflict at various stages of Project Life Cycle with suitable recommendations.


Q.6) Write short notes: (Any Four)

(a) Project Termination Process

(b) Gantt Chart

(c) PERT

(d) Crashing of Project

(e) Project Audit


Q.7)  Briefly explain the elements of Business plan?


 Q.8) How to get a market Knowledge about a product?

Corporate Law


Maximum Marks: 100

Note: Answer any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1."All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts." Discuss this statement in light of the essential elements of a valid contract. Also mention briefly the different kinds of agreements under the India Contract Act, 1872.

2. Discuss, what are the rights, liabilities and disabilities of a minor as per the Indian Partnership Act, 1932.

3. What do you understand by implied warranties and conditions of sale according to the sale of Goods Act, 1930?

4. Differentiate between lay-off and retrenchment according to the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

5. Give the provisions related to safety as given in the Factories Act, 1948.

6. What are the characteristics or essential features of a company and briefly mention the types of companies.

7. What do you understand by electronic governance and what are the attributes of electronic records as mentioned in the Information Technology Act, 2000.

8. Discuss the concept of free consent and misrepresentation as per the Indian Contract Act, 1872.

9. Distinguish between private and public company. What are the special privileges of a private company over public company according to Companies Act, 1956?

10. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Cyber regulation
(b) Industrial Dispute
(c) Breach of Contact
(d) Voidable contracts.

Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Marks 100





Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. (A) Explain the Business Entity concept, Accrual concept and Consistency concept of Accounting.

(b) What do you understand by capitalization of earnings? How is the value of a firm ascertained with the help of its earnings? Explain with an example.

2. The following is the Trial Balance of Mr. Keshav Kant on 31st March 2006.













Opening Stock






Freight on Purchases



Wages (11 months upto 28-2-2006)









Postage & Telephones



Printing and Stationery



Miscellaneous expenses









Discount received






Bad Debts



Provision for Bad Debts












Commission on Sales



Interest on Investments



Insurance (year upto 31 .7 .2006)



Bank Balance







(i) Closing Stock Rs. 2, 25,000.

(ii) Machinery worth Rs. 45,000 purchased on 1.10.2005 was shown as purchases. Freight paid on the machinery was Rs. 5,000 which is included in the Freight on Purchases.

(iii) Commission is payable at 2% on Sales.

(iv) Investments were sold at 10% profit but the entire sale proceeds have been taken as Sales.

(v) Write off Bad Debts Rs. 10,000 and create .a Provision for Doubtful Debts at 5% of Debtors.

(vi) Depreciate Building by 2% p.a. and Machinery and Furniture @ 10% p.a

Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss A/c for the Year ending 31st March 2006 and a Balance Sheet as on that date

3. Distinguish between Operating Leverage and Financial Leverage. What will be the effect of small change in Sales on Net Income, Return on Equity and Earnings Per Share if both these leverages are considerable? Explain.

4. (a) What is Production Budget ? What factors are taken into consideration while preparing a Production Budget? Why are separate budgets prepared For each of the elements of production costs? Explain.

(b) What is a Rolling Budget? Why is it prepared? Explain the procedure of its preparation.

5. An Engineering Company has received an export order for its sole product that would require the use of half of the factory's total capacity, which is estimated at 4 lakh units per annum. The condition of the export order is that it has to be accepted in full: acceptance of a part is not allowed

The factory is currently operating at 60% level to meet the demand of its domestic customers. As against the current price of Rs. 6 per unit, the export offer is Rs. 4.70 per unit, which is less than the total cost of current production. The cost break-down is given below:

Direct material: Rs. 2.50 per unit

Direct labour: 1.00 per unit

Variable expenses: 0.50 per unit

Fixed overhead: 1.00 per unit

Total: 5.00 per unit

The company has the following options:

(a) Accept the export order and cut back domestic sales as necessary

(b) Remove the capacity constraint by installing balancing equipment and also by working overtime to meet both domestic and export demand. This will increase fixed overheads by Rs. 15,000 annually and additional cost for overtime work will amount to Rs. 40,000 for the year.

(c) Appoint a sub-contractor to manufacture the additional requirement and meet the domestic and export requirements in full by supplying raw materials, paying a conversion charge @ Rs. 2 per unit and appointing a supervisor at a salary of Rs. 3,000 per month for checking the quality of the product and controlling operations at the manufacturing unit

(d) Refuse the order.

You are required to prepare a statement of costs and profits under each of the options and give your recommendation to the company giving the reasons for the same.

6. Aditya Company's equity shares are being traded in the market at Rs. 54 per share with a price-earning ratio of 9. The company's payout is 72%. It has 1,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each and no preference shares. Book value per share is Rs. 42.

You are required to calculate:

(i) Earnings per Share

(ii) Net Income

(iii) Dividend Yield, and

(iv) Return on Equity

7. Comment on the following statements:

(a) The greater the variability of cash flows, the higher should be the minimum cash balance.

(b) As there is no explicit cost of retained earnings, these funds are free of cost.

(c) Dividend, Investment and Financing decisions are inter-dependent.

(d) Profitability Index is more relevant in the evaluation and ranking of projects than Internal Rate of Return.

8. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Performance Budget

(b) Amortization of Intangible Assets

(c) Accounting Standards

(d) Funds from Business Operations


Human Resource Management

Total Marks - 80

(1) Answer any five questions.

(2) All questions carry equal marks.

(3) Draw diagrams / sketch wherever necessary.


Q.1) Define the term Human Resource Management. State its objectives and

What the challenges of HRM in today’s scenario?


Q.2) (A) Explain Process of Human Resource Planning.

(B) What are the various Sources of Recruitment?


Q.3) (A) Explain need and importance of Training.

(B) What are the different methods of Training Programme?


Q.4) What is Performance Appraisal? Explain its various methods.


Q.5) (A) Define Exit Policy and also state its procedure.

(B) Explain effects of Excess Manpower on an Organisation.


Q.6) (A) Explain Concept of Absenteeism. What are the various Causes of

Labour Absenteeism?

(B) State various effects of Labour Absenteeism on Labour Turnover.


Q.7) Write short notes: (Any Four)

(a) Role of HR Manager

(b) Personnel Audit

(c) Dismissal

(d) Significance of Record

(e) Transfer Policy

(f) HR Accounting

Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies



SUBJECT: International Business


                                                                               Total Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE of the following.

All questions carry equal marks.


1. Explain the role of international trade in economic development.


2. Critically examine the Ricardian comparative cost advantage theory of international trade.


3. Write a strategic planning in MNCS.


4. Discuss the pros and cons of a multinational culture on organization performance.


5. Evaluate the performance of Multinational Corporation in international business.


6. ‘‘Negation is an art’’. How do you practice it in self regulated economy?


7. Discuss the present position of Human Resources Management in MNCs.


8. Highlight the prominence of negotiation in international business.


9. What do you mean by regional economic cooperation? How far are these regional economic groupings compatible with the free trade policy?


10. Describe the role of international organizations in promoting international trade.

Marketing Management


Max. Marks : 80

Instructions :
(1) Attempt any five questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1) Define Marketing Management. Discuss its importance and scope in today's
dynamic Competitive Environment.

Q.2) What is 'Product Life Cycle' ? How Marketing Mix Decisions have to
be adjusted at different stages of PLC (Product Life Cycle) ?

Q.3) Explain various pricing strategies a firm can adopt.

Q.4) What is Product Mix ? Explain various Product Mix Strategies with suitable

Q.5) Discuss various cultural issues involved in International Marketing.

(A) What is Consumer Buying Behaviour ?
(B) Explain various steps involved in Buying Consumer Goods.

Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two)
(a) Promotion through International Exhibitions and Trade Fares
(b) Use of Internet as a Marketing Tool
(c) Channel Conflicts 



Subject Title: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT                                                                           





Answer Any 5 questions (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)


1.      Case Study :


A large printing unit uses an average of 40 boxes of copier paper a day. The office operates 260 days per year. Storage and handling costs for the paper is Rs 30 a year per box, and it costs approximately Rs 60 to order and receive a shipment of paper.



          a.      What order quantity would minimize the annual ordering and carrying costs?

          b.      What is the average number of boxes on hand?

          c.       How many orders per year will there be?

      d. Compute the cost of ordering copier paper, the cost of carrying the inventory, and the        minimum total cost.

      e. How many days are there between orders?



2.   Illustrate a production system model for

      a. Automobile factory                b.      College or University



3.   What are the different Quantitative Forecasting tools? Explain any three.



4.   What are the different production processing methods? Illustrate with their layouts.



5.   What is aggregate planning? Explain the steps in aggregate planning



6.   What are the elements of TQM?



7.   a. Expand and explain AQL, AOQ, AOQL and LTPD.                                                              

      b. What is a control chart?  How is it used in Quality control?                                       




8.   What are the objectives of repair program and how is it achieved?




9.   What are the various factors that affect Labour Productivity?




Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies



Quantitative Techniques

Please attempt any eight questions. (10 Marks X 08 Questions)

Total Marks - 80

1.     Define Linear Programming. What are the essential Characteristics required for a linear programming model?


2.     What is the major limitation of the graphical method?


3.     Explain the procedure involved in the simplex method to determine the optimum solution?


4.     What are a basic variable and a non basic variable?


5.     Discuss the role of sensitivity analysis in linear programming.


6.     What is the difference between a balanced transportation problem and an unbalanced transportation problem?


7.     What is an assignment problem? Give its areas of application?


8.     Explain the steps involved in solving an assignment problem.


9.     What is the difference between CPM and PERT?


10.                        What are the critical path activities and why are they considered important?


11.                        What is a sequencing problem?


12.                        What are the advantages of sequencing?


13.                        What is the replacement of items? Why is it important?


14.                        What is meant by a Fair Game?


15.                        What is simulation? Give a few areas of its application.





Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies

                                                                                    COURSE : MBA

                                                                                      MARKS: 100



                       Research Methodology


1. Compare 'verification principle' of Logical Positivism with 'Falsifiability' of Karl Popper and their relevance in Research Method.                                           {5 Marks}

2. Discuss the concept of hypothesis, in the light of 'Falsifiability Criterion' of Karl Popper.                                                                                                            { 5 Marks}

3. Distinguish between 'Constitutive' and 'Operational' definitions.                   {5 Marks}

4. What is a Projective Test? What is the advantage of this test over the other forms of tests?                                                                                                          {5 Marks}

5. Discuss the purpose of 'Research Design'.                                                      {5 Marks}

6. Distinguish between 'Descriptive Statistics' and 'Inferential Statistics'.          {5 Marks}

7. Discuss the theories of Truth and their relevance to Quantitative and Qualitative Research.   { 5 Marks }

8. Discuss 'Case Study' method in Qualitative Methodology. { 5 Marks }

9. Explain 'Data Reduction' and 'Data Display' in Qualitative Research. { 5 Marks }

10 Discuss the philosophical foundation of Qualitative Methodology. { 5 Marks }

11.Choose an area of your interest in Research and draft a Research Proposal with Title, Research problems, Hypothesis, Variables, Quantification schemes of variables, Research Design and Analysis plan. ( 20 marks )

12. Explain different levels of measurement giving appropriate example of each level.     { 5 Marks }

13. Why is questionnaire still widely used in spite of its limitations? Mention some important points to be kept in mind while constructing a questionnaire. (10 marks )

14. What is validity of a tool ? Describe different types of validity . { 5 Marks }

15. Compare the steps of a qualitative & quantitative research. { 5 Marks }

16. Discuss Interview as a technique of data collection. { 5 Marks }








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