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Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks
1) Define ownership cost? What are the various cash flow affecting
ownership cost?
2) How mass diagram is utilized to determine average haul distances &
how haul distance is calculated?
3) A dragline is excavating a ditch having a cross sectional area of 120 sf.The
material swells 28% from the bank to loose state. The loose material has
a 37 degree angle of repose. What is the height & width of spoil pile.
4) Define dozers & classify the dozers . Also distinguish between wheel
dozer & crawler dozer?
5) What are the commercial exclusive & How are explosives different in
terms of their characteristic?
6) According to the OSHA standards, What is the no smoking & no open flame
zone for an explosive & detonator storage magazine?
7) What are cranes. Describe various types of crawler cranes?
8) Describe in brief a) reciprocating pumps b) centrifugal?
NB. 1} Read cases carefully.
2} All questions are compulsory
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks
Case study -1
On the liberalization of Indian economy, an established company had to decide about
entering into collaboration with a foreign company for new construction project.
On one side, thinking that there was no harm in approaching various foreign
companies for the purpose in any case, the management approached a number of
companies; and due to the reputation of the company, two of the most reputed
companies of Europe agreed to enter into collaboration with it.
With properly developed domestic consumers market, demand for housing growing
and eagerness of foreign companies for the entry in Indian market, there were no
bottlenecks from government side in obtaining license for collaboration. At present,
there is only one company in India manufacturing the same products.
The managing director was weighting the difficulties of legal complications, severity
of competition from local construction companies, royalty fees to be paid on one side,
and certain advantages of collaboration on the other, and was vacillating between the
two alternatives.
He would sometime say that we could implement the project with local talent without
any foreign help, and other times plead strongly for collaboration.
In this state of mind, he went abroad and had discussions with prospective
collaborators which were highly encouraging. But coming back somehow the idea of
collaboration was dropped.
Q.1) why did the Managing Director first think of collaboration (10 Marks)
1. Profits
2. Prestige
Q. 2) why did the idea of foreign collaboration was dropped according to you.
(10 Marks)
Q. 3) To what extend does this represent an average Indian decision – making
situation at the policy level. (10 Marks)
Case study-2:
Shashi and Rushi are working in the reputed construction company at Mira road
which is striving for excellence by keeping it self abreast of the developments in
endlessly changing scenario.
The functioning of one department headed by Shashi was adversely affected because
of his traditional style of management. The subordinates were dissatisfied with the
job and were frustrated and depressed.
The labour turnover rate was very high and there was increase in the absenteeism.
The subordinate’s complaints were received by the management. The subordinates
had to take shelter of the union to take the complaints to the management.
The management was disturbed and was looking for a proper substitute and Rushi
was identified for the purpose. His acceptability and credibility have been the highest
in order.
Rushi was reluctant to accept the new assignment. Man always prefers status quo and
Rushi was no exception. However, Rushi had to move into the department.
He could overcome the initial difficulties with his sincere efforts. The subordinates
were given free hand in setting time bound goals for themselves. A very cordial and
harmonious atmosphere was created in the department under Rushi which paved a
way in improving the climate and culture of the organization.
Q.4) you are required to identify problems involved in the case. (10 Marks)
Q.5) What in your opinion could be the cause for replacement of Shashi and the
secret of the success of Rushi in so called difficult department? (10 Marks)
Q.6)Do you agree with statement that ‘a true manager should know the art of
managing his people? (10 Marks)
Emotion and Clarity
The dispatch section supervisor, Amir, about forty-five years old, rather garrulous,
and thinking well of himself, just got off the phone, shrugged in mock despair and
pulled a face. He had been trying to get in a word with a customer who was obviously
monopolizing the talk. He stomped into the next room where Danish, his assistant
was checking the day’s schedule of dispatches. Danish is about twenty – seven,
attentive to his work and speaks very little. Here is what Amir said to Danish.
“You know Danish; we’ve had this Parekh account since 1996. He’s always been a
problem customer – placing orders at the last minute and expecting us to get him his
goods in record time. He gives me a headache; I just got off the phone with him. It
took me half an hour just to get in a word edge – ways. I feel like taking early
retirement and getting into one of those multilevel marketing businesses. It seems a
lot easier than all this. I hope you’ll do something about this Parekh. I’ll check back
with you tomorrow.
Next day:
Amir: Danish, how did it work out? Did you straighten out the matter with Parekh?
Danish (puzzled): Huh? What did you want me to do?
Amir (exploding): You mean after all that I told you yesterday, you didn’t do
anything? You’re getting as difficult as Parekh! Stop playing games and just get it
Danish (more puzzled): Sure.
And he went off to the dispatch room to see how he could expedite Parekh’s order.
Q.7) Identify the vague and imprecise phrases. (5 Marks)
Q.8) Identify the needless details. (5 Marks)
Q.9) what might Danish have said to Parekh on the phone if he had spoken to him
immediately after this conversation with Amir? (5 Marks)
Q.10) how can you make the communication more productive? (5 Marks)
Q1) Imagine that you are in-charge of a major chemical plant, manufacturing points. At present, the
general awareness about the mandatory requirements for chemical industry is very low. Even if the
compliance record is maintained, it is not disclosed to all employees. (25 marks)
In a recent seminar of the company, many experts from industry associations like Confederation of
Indian Industries (CII), conducted the seminar. The dangers of non-compliance of ISO 14001 EMS
certification and Trade Sanctions, which are likely to increase, were discussed. Even the senior
managers were involved and a lot of serious discussions took place.
After a span of one month, the In-charge (i.e. you!) received a call from the top management, who
want you to find out more about the ISO Certification. The management, wants to help you, with the
help of other employees to list the critical aspects that have potential environmental impact.
You may be feeling that you have only some vague ideas about air pollution in paint industry
and water pollution, due to paint manufacture. You may also recall the newspaper clipping on
internationalization of paint manufacturing practices, which states the following points:
i) What are the activities that are critical to the company¡¦s environmental management
ii) List the activities which have potential environmental impacts in a pint industry.
iii) List the legal requirements.
iv) Is there a trade related issue involved in this case
v) Explain, how your company can prepare itself towards certification.
CASE 2 :
Q2) XYZ company is an equal opportunity employer. XYZ Co has always upheld the
spirits of freedom, human welfare, fair practices and fair treatment to all employees. It has the image
of a socially responsible company in India. XYZ Co., has never involved itself in any study deals,
even if it could bring good profits. (15 Marks)
Also, XYZ Co. is a major IT solution provider. XYZ has immense potential for providing
consultancy services in the African nations and South East Asian countries. A request was received
from an African country, stating that they have an assignment for two years. The following
conditions are to be fulfilled.
a) Employees should not bring families with them during the assignment.
b) Women managers should not accompany the team.
c) The country and the collaborating company are not responsible if any accident or any other
untoward incidents take place.
Please answer the following questions :
i) Should XYZ Co take up the assignment?
ii) How can XYZ Co maintain business viability and growth without compromising on basic rights
and values enshrined? In the mission statement of the company?
iii) What alterations may be sought in the agreement and why?
Q3) On the night of December 23, 1983 a dangerous chemical reation occurred in the Union
Carbide factory in Bhopal, when a large amount of water got into the MIC i.e. Methyl Isocyanate
storage tank. When the leak was detected by workers at 11.30 pm, their eyes began to tear and burn.
The rest is history. About 40 tons of MIC poured out of the tank for nearly 2 hours and escaped into
air, spreading within 8 km down wind, About 4000 people were killed in sleep or as they fled in
terror, hundreds of thousands were injured or effected the victims who were almost entirely the
poorest members of the population. The poisonous gas, caused death and left the survivors with
lingering disability and diseases.
The Bhopal disaster was a result of the combination of legal, technological, organizational and
human errors. The long term effects were made worse by the absence of systems to care for and
compensate the victims. Also, the safety standards and maintenance procedure at the Union Carbide
plant had been deteriorating and ignored for months.
Questions :
i) From Bhopal Tragedy, what an industrial manager learns? What safety procedures are to be
followed. Study the case deeply and state what were the defects of MIL unit. In view of this case,
prepare a disaster management plan, which could cover be useful to a chemical company. (10 Marks)
Q 4)
i) List the methods of waste management in the order of preference. (5 Marks)
ii) What are the advantages of solid waste incernaton? (5 Marks)
iii) Define hazardous waste (5 Marks)
iv) List the legal provisions in the Environment Protection Act pertaining to hazardous waste
(5 Marks)
Q 5)
i) Discuss the role of CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) in the pollution control activities in
India. (2 Marks)
ii) Mention the salient points of the 3 Acts : (2 Marks)
„h The Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1981
„h The Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974
„h The Environment (Protection) Act 1986
iii) Explain the very elements of EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) ¡V different types of
Impact Assessments ¡V the benefits of EIA ¡V The EIA process, key points to remember while
conducting an effective EIA. (2 Marks)
iv) Compare and contrast ¡§polluter pays principle¡¨ with ¡§beneficiary pays principle¡¨. (2 Marks)
v) What are the tenets of Risk management ¡V explain the steps involved through a chart. (2Marks)
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