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Corporate Law
Answer the following question.
Q1. How to resolve disputes (10 marks)
Q2. What are government companies (10 marks)
Q3. What is possession and retention of foreign currency (10 marks)
Q4. Define appropriate laboratory (10 marks)
Q5. Explain property in goods (10 marks)
Q6. Distinguish sale of goods and work & labour (10 marks)
Q7. Give kinds of bailment (10 marks)
Q8. Give meaning and effect of unilateral mistake (10 marks)
Financial and Cost Accounting
Answer the following question.
Q1. Explain the term Convention of materiality. (10
Q2. Define Budgetary Control and explain the pre-requisites for its successful introduction and implementation? (10
Q3. Explain the advantages of cost accounting. (10
Q4. Cost accounting has become an essential tool of modern management”. comment. (10
Q5. State the advantages of costing. How it aids the management and what objections are raised against cost accounts (10
Q6. Define “Costing”, “Cost” and “Cost Accountancy”. Distinguish between cost accounting and financial accounting. (10
Q7. “Cost accounting is a system of foresight like pre-natal care, but financial accounting is just a postmortem
examination”. Critically examine this statement
Q8. Cost accounting is better understood as a cost control and cost reduction exercise and not a more cost ascertainment
process”. Discuss.
International Business
Answer the following question.
Q1. What do you mean by UNCITRAL ? (10 marks)
Q2. What are the stages involved in new product development at international market ? (10 marks)
Q3. What is foreign exchange market ? (10 marks)
Q4. List out various types of services & explain any one in detail. (10 marks)
Q5. What are the objectives of IMF? (10 marks)
Q6. State functions of the EXIM bank of India. (10 marks)
Q7. Describe about duty neutralization instruments. (10 marks)
Q8. What are the steps taken by government to improve FDI? (10 marks)
Organization Behaviour
Answer the following question.
Q1. Explain models to managing organizational change & explain any one model. (10 marks)
Q2. Describe successful organizational culture (10 marks)
Q3. Describe key organizational design process. (10 marks)
Q4. Explain Matrix structure & its stages. (10 marks)
Q5. What are the interpersonal sources of power? (10 marks)
Q6. What is the goals of organizational development? (10 marks)
Q7. What is the reality of politics? (10 marks)
Q8. Difference between management & leadership. (10 marks)
Quantitative Methods
Case Studies
Linear Programming (20
Lexicographic Goal Programming is used to solve a series of Linear Programming Model. This programming is used wen . a goal
has to be attained on•priority basis. Revenue budgeting is being used to decide budget instead of a specific system in budget.
Nevertheless, revenue budget lays emphasis on the rising limitation of revenue while estimating budget. The decision makers are
limited due to the rising power of capital and also the awareness of imminent restraints and fear of capital resources. The goal is to
raise the salary and allowance of the workers,to cut down the operating cost, to raise the revenue expenses, to raise the capital
generated internally, and the cut down the overall budget. Some of the problems are: insufficient allocation of funds and income,
and• absence of importance of order. The insufficient allotment occurred as the quantitative allotment models were not used with
power. . It is seen that the allotment of capital were not being used in the right" way as a result the capital allotted to the labs is
drawn •in the maintenance of hostel. Various other changes also happen. In fact, the funds allotted to the tertiary organizations are
more often not managed properly. The University of Owerri suffered and the progress of the institution came down. There is absence
of active teams for monitoring budget, and so the budget can function in any manner. If the active teams to monitor budget were
present, the problem of mismanagement and the wrong use of it would come down. Sundaram (1978) and Lee (1972) agreed that the
various features of target programming are, that it allows ordinal solution. According to Igniio (1978), this tactic called Goal
Programming, frequently symbolizes considerable progress in the modeling and evaluation of the multi objective problems. This
shows that this area lets the systematic evaluation of a number of multi objective problems which could include linear or non linear
operations in the incessant or separate variables. This is most successful in the research area. The goal programming developed due
to Charnes and Cooper, who suggested that the model and method for dealing with some linear programming problems where the
contradictory 'goals of management' involed as limitations. Goal programming method has been used for a number of programs.
Goal programming technique has solved the following problems: planning production in a ship repairing company, smoothing
production in 'just in time' production atmosphere. The problem occurs when the model does not show the real inclination of the
decision maker. Non-inferior solution in some cases many not be essentially better than the lesser solution mainly in the case of
natural resource problem.
Answer the following question.
What are the problems while estimating the budget? (Hint: insufficient allocation of funds and income, and
absence of importance of order, The insufficient allotment occurred as the quantitative allotment models were not
used with power)
A monte Carlo Case Study (20
Laura,' a 57 year old unmarried woman, earns around 68,000 dollars per year with expenditure of 37,500 dollars. She hit away
14,000 dollars each year and collected 330,000 dollars in her RRSP and TFSA, and also a rented apartment worth 250,000 dollars.
She has a iixed pension given by her employer, although it is not indicated to price rise, and Is entitled to get complete benefits of
Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security, for retirement. She did not have a very competent portfolio: one fourth of cash is there,
and most of it was in contracted sector ETFs, single stocks and business bonds. Due to wrong entry of ETFs in the account,
unnecessary taxes were charged. Even before reconstructing Laura's portfolio,"he had to make certain that it matched with.her
11/2/2017 Aeren Foundation
financial aims. Laura's main aim was to ascertain if she could retire before the age of 65, maybe as early as 60, therefore she had to
know if her investments could produce enough flow of cash after she retires. Monte Carlo may show a top possibility of success with
the allotment of equity of 70% ot 80%. Through a risky questionnaire and art open interview, Justin Ill 'ascertain that Laura was the
best person for a portfolio of 60% fixed income and 40% equities. . Through Monte Carlo software, Justin entered the current
portfolio . size of Laura, her rate of savings, projected retirement expenditure, and other employer income and government pensions.
If Laura feels that working till the age of 63 was unpleasant, she could go for the reproduction again and with different estimation.
Increasing her anticipated returns or bringing down the rate of inflation, is only a thought, therefore, she will have to make some
stronger decisions: she will have to making some more savings, or bring down her rate of planned expenses after retirement.
Amazingly, by bringing up the allotment to fixed salary could increase her opportunity to succeed: in spite of th returns being lower
than the equities, the volatility is also less, which lessens the risk of helpless decline in the early years. At last, Laura decided to work
for 6 more years and plan her retirement at the age of 63. After this, Justin decided to help her make a fresh ETF portfolio to match
that goal: it was finalized at 30% short term business bonds, 30% GICs, and the rest of it was divided among Canadian, L'S and
global equities. Laura was able to make a notified decision through the Monte Carlo simulation, but this wasn't the end of the
procedure. In two or three years time, she will have to visit the location again to see that she is still on the right path of her retirement
goal, as many issues like, loss of job, a legacy, new connections, increase in the interest rates, all these could bring a change in the
main suppusitions 1 ; and she will have to redo her plans. The possibilities are different before the age of 63. For each added year
that Laura works, her portfolio will addition instead of a decrease and this will lead to a thrilling difference: the success rate will rise
up by 25% points if she continues to work till the age of 61 instead of 60.
Answer the following question.
Q1. How much was Laura earning at the age of 57? (Hint: 68,000 dollars per year)
The bulbs manufactured by a company gave a mean life of 3000 hours with standard deviation of 400 hours. If a bulb is selected at
random, what is the probability it will have a mean life less than 2000 hours?
Answer the following question.
Q1. Calculate the probability.
Q2. In what situation does one need probability theory?
Q3. Define the concept of sample space, sample points and events in context of probability theory.
Q4. What is the difference between objective and subjective probability?
The price P per unit at which a company can sell all that it produces is given by the function P(x) = 300 — 4x. The cost function is
c(x) = 500 + 28x where x is the number of units produced. Find x so that the profit is maximum.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Find the value of x.
Q2. In using regression analysis for making predictions what are the assumptions involved.
Q3. What is a simple linear regression model?
Q4. What is a scatter diagram method?
Corporate Law
Answer the following question.
Q1. How to resolve disputes (10 marks)
Q2. What are government companies (10 marks)
Q3. What is possession and retention of foreign currency (10 marks)
Q4. Define appropriate laboratory (10 marks)
Q5. Explain property in goods (10 marks)
Q6. Distinguish sale of goods and work & labour (10 marks)
Q7. Give kinds of bailment (10 marks)
Q8. Give meaning and effect of unilateral mistake (10 marks)
Financial and Cost Accounting
Answer the following question.
Q1. Explain the term Convention of materiality. (10
Q2. Define Budgetary Control and explain the pre-requisites for its successful introduction and implementation? (10
Q3. Explain the advantages of cost accounting. (10
Q4. Cost accounting has become an essential tool of modern management”. comment. (10
Q5. State the advantages of costing. How it aids the management and what objections are raised against cost accounts (10
Q6. Define “Costing”, “Cost” and “Cost Accountancy”. Distinguish between cost accounting and financial accounting. (10
Q7. “Cost accounting is a system of foresight like pre-natal care, but financial accounting is just a postmortem
examination”. Critically examine this statement
Q8. Cost accounting is better understood as a cost control and cost reduction exercise and not a more cost ascertainment
process”. Discuss.
International Business
Answer the following question.
Q1. What do you mean by UNCITRAL ? (10 marks)
Q2. What are the stages involved in new product development at international market ? (10 marks)
Q3. What is foreign exchange market ? (10 marks)
Q4. List out various types of services & explain any one in detail. (10 marks)
Q5. What are the objectives of IMF? (10 marks)
Q6. State functions of the EXIM bank of India. (10 marks)
Q7. Describe about duty neutralization instruments. (10 marks)
Q8. What are the steps taken by government to improve FDI? (10 marks)
Organization Behaviour
Answer the following question.
Q1. Explain models to managing organizational change & explain any one model. (10 marks)
Q2. Describe successful organizational culture (10 marks)
Q3. Describe key organizational design process. (10 marks)
Q4. Explain Matrix structure & its stages. (10 marks)
Q5. What are the interpersonal sources of power? (10 marks)
Q6. What is the goals of organizational development? (10 marks)
Q7. What is the reality of politics? (10 marks)
Q8. Difference between management & leadership. (10 marks)
Quantitative Methods
Case Studies
Linear Programming (20
Lexicographic Goal Programming is used to solve a series of Linear Programming Model. This programming is used wen . a goal
has to be attained on•priority basis. Revenue budgeting is being used to decide budget instead of a specific system in budget.
Nevertheless, revenue budget lays emphasis on the rising limitation of revenue while estimating budget. The decision makers are
limited due to the rising power of capital and also the awareness of imminent restraints and fear of capital resources. The goal is to
raise the salary and allowance of the workers,to cut down the operating cost, to raise the revenue expenses, to raise the capital
generated internally, and the cut down the overall budget. Some of the problems are: insufficient allocation of funds and income,
and• absence of importance of order. The insufficient allotment occurred as the quantitative allotment models were not used with
power. . It is seen that the allotment of capital were not being used in the right" way as a result the capital allotted to the labs is
drawn •in the maintenance of hostel. Various other changes also happen. In fact, the funds allotted to the tertiary organizations are
more often not managed properly. The University of Owerri suffered and the progress of the institution came down. There is absence
of active teams for monitoring budget, and so the budget can function in any manner. If the active teams to monitor budget were
present, the problem of mismanagement and the wrong use of it would come down. Sundaram (1978) and Lee (1972) agreed that the
various features of target programming are, that it allows ordinal solution. According to Igniio (1978), this tactic called Goal
Programming, frequently symbolizes considerable progress in the modeling and evaluation of the multi objective problems. This
shows that this area lets the systematic evaluation of a number of multi objective problems which could include linear or non linear
operations in the incessant or separate variables. This is most successful in the research area. The goal programming developed due
to Charnes and Cooper, who suggested that the model and method for dealing with some linear programming problems where the
contradictory 'goals of management' involed as limitations. Goal programming method has been used for a number of programs.
Goal programming technique has solved the following problems: planning production in a ship repairing company, smoothing
production in 'just in time' production atmosphere. The problem occurs when the model does not show the real inclination of the
decision maker. Non-inferior solution in some cases many not be essentially better than the lesser solution mainly in the case of
natural resource problem.
Answer the following question.
What are the problems while estimating the budget? (Hint: insufficient allocation of funds and income, and
absence of importance of order, The insufficient allotment occurred as the quantitative allotment models were not
used with power)
A monte Carlo Case Study (20
Laura,' a 57 year old unmarried woman, earns around 68,000 dollars per year with expenditure of 37,500 dollars. She hit away
14,000 dollars each year and collected 330,000 dollars in her RRSP and TFSA, and also a rented apartment worth 250,000 dollars.
She has a iixed pension given by her employer, although it is not indicated to price rise, and Is entitled to get complete benefits of
Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security, for retirement. She did not have a very competent portfolio: one fourth of cash is there,
and most of it was in contracted sector ETFs, single stocks and business bonds. Due to wrong entry of ETFs in the account,
unnecessary taxes were charged. Even before reconstructing Laura's portfolio,"he had to make certain that it matched with.her
11/2/2017 Aeren Foundation
financial aims. Laura's main aim was to ascertain if she could retire before the age of 65, maybe as early as 60, therefore she had to
know if her investments could produce enough flow of cash after she retires. Monte Carlo may show a top possibility of success with
the allotment of equity of 70% ot 80%. Through a risky questionnaire and art open interview, Justin Ill 'ascertain that Laura was the
best person for a portfolio of 60% fixed income and 40% equities. . Through Monte Carlo software, Justin entered the current
portfolio . size of Laura, her rate of savings, projected retirement expenditure, and other employer income and government pensions.
If Laura feels that working till the age of 63 was unpleasant, she could go for the reproduction again and with different estimation.
Increasing her anticipated returns or bringing down the rate of inflation, is only a thought, therefore, she will have to make some
stronger decisions: she will have to making some more savings, or bring down her rate of planned expenses after retirement.
Amazingly, by bringing up the allotment to fixed salary could increase her opportunity to succeed: in spite of th returns being lower
than the equities, the volatility is also less, which lessens the risk of helpless decline in the early years. At last, Laura decided to work
for 6 more years and plan her retirement at the age of 63. After this, Justin decided to help her make a fresh ETF portfolio to match
that goal: it was finalized at 30% short term business bonds, 30% GICs, and the rest of it was divided among Canadian, L'S and
global equities. Laura was able to make a notified decision through the Monte Carlo simulation, but this wasn't the end of the
procedure. In two or three years time, she will have to visit the location again to see that she is still on the right path of her retirement
goal, as many issues like, loss of job, a legacy, new connections, increase in the interest rates, all these could bring a change in the
main suppusitions 1 ; and she will have to redo her plans. The possibilities are different before the age of 63. For each added year
that Laura works, her portfolio will addition instead of a decrease and this will lead to a thrilling difference: the success rate will rise
up by 25% points if she continues to work till the age of 61 instead of 60.
Answer the following question.
Q1. How much was Laura earning at the age of 57? (Hint: 68,000 dollars per year)
The bulbs manufactured by a company gave a mean life of 3000 hours with standard deviation of 400 hours. If a bulb is selected at
random, what is the probability it will have a mean life less than 2000 hours?
Answer the following question.
Q1. Calculate the probability.
Q2. In what situation does one need probability theory?
Q3. Define the concept of sample space, sample points and events in context of probability theory.
Q4. What is the difference between objective and subjective probability?
The price P per unit at which a company can sell all that it produces is given by the function P(x) = 300 — 4x. The cost function is
c(x) = 500 + 28x where x is the number of units produced. Find x so that the profit is maximum.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Find the value of x.
Q2. In using regression analysis for making predictions what are the assumptions involved.
Q3. What is a simple linear regression model?
Q4. What is a scatter diagram method?
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