Friday, 7 September 2018



DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: WEBSITE:

Case Studies
1. Much has been researched and written about how advertising works and produces its effects,but it is important to appreciate that
there are few definitive answers because of the nature of the subject itself.According to exposure and familiarity modle,simply
repeated exposure to advertising can develop preferences in the audience.The exposure effect occurs at some preconscious level as a
result of pictures,text,or colour in the ads.Another explanation is that repeated exposure to ads creates a feeling of familiarity with
the advertised product or service and familiarity leads to favourable evaluation and liking.Yet another explanation is that consumers
view high frequency of advertising or larger size of ads indicator of brand’s quality.Hierarchy models suggest that advertising
produces its effects by moving the consumer through a series of steps in a sequence_from becoming aware to ultimate purchase of
product or service.The sequential order suggests that advertising effects are produced over a period of time and that advertising may
not produse desired effects immediately.The type of purchase behavior depicted by these models is usually more relevant to highinvolvement
purchases.According to low-involvement learning modle, TV is described as low-involvement medium.Audience have
little opportunity to think about any commercial.It is just a fleeting moment in time.The commercial cannot be slowed down or
stopped as per the convenience of the audience.It is believed that frequent repetition of an ad on TV can impart reliability to the
product that can build brand preference,Many scholars view consumer involvement as an important variable that can help in
explaining message processing and purchase decision by consumers.Consumer involvement could be high or low and its nature may
be rational or emotional.Based on this view,Foote,Cone & Belding agency developed an advertising planning model.Kim-Lord grid
proposes that consumer may be simultaneously involved rationally and emotionally.The location… of product on Kim –Lord grid
can help determining whether the ad copy should be more emotional or rational .Cognitive response model proposes that at the time
of exposure to an ad ,the thoughts that emerge in consumers mind,called cognitive responses,can be counter-arguments or support
arguments and these thought influence consumer’s attitudes positively or negatively.According to ELM model,the depth of
information processing by the audience as a result of exposure to advertisement is a key factor in persuasion by influencing
attitudes.The depth of information processing would depend on the motivation and ability of the audience member.If either is
missing ,peripheral route to persuasion will result.But if the audience member has both the motivation and the ability to process
information,the central route to persuasion will occur.Attitudes formed as a result of central route to information processing are more
resistant to subsequent efforts to change with respect to attitude object.
Answer the following question.
Q1. What is the case all about?
Q2. What are the advantages of repeated exposure to ads?
case (20
10. Shoppers ‘Delight’a large retail store,had above-average quality and competitive prices.It advertised its retail promotions in local
newspapers.Its TV advertising was mainly aimed at building store image and did not address retail promotions.The management
kewn it well that they had to advertise their retail promotions more,but they did not feel comfortable with the effectiveness of persent
efforts and wanted to better understand the impact of their present promotions.To better understand the effectiveness of the present
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efforts,a study of advertising exposure,interpretation,and purchases was undertaken.Researchers conducted 50 in-depth interviews
with customers of the store’s target market to determine the appropriate product mix,price,ad copy and media,In addition,the store,s
image and that of its two competitors were measured.Based on the research findings,different product lines that would appeal to the
target customer were selected.The retail promotion was run for a full week.Full-page advertisements were released each day in the
two local Hindi newspapers,and also in one English newapaper that devotes six pages to the coverage of the state.Each evening,a
sample of 100 target market customers were interviewed by telephone as follows:1 .Target customers were asked if they had read the
newspaper that day .This was done to determine their exposure to advertisement.2.After a general description of the product lines,the
respondents were asked to recall any related retail advertisements they had seen or read.3.if the respondents were able to recall,they
were asked to describle the ad,the promoted products,sale prices,and the name of the sponsoring store.4.If the respondents were
accurate in their ad interpretation ,they were asked to express their intentions to purchase.5.Respondents were also asked for
suggestions to be incorporated in future promotions targeted at this consumer segment .Immediately after the close of
promotion,500target market customers were surveyed to determine what percentage of the target market actually purchased the
promoted products.It also determined which sources of information influenced them in their decision to purchase and the amount of
their purchase.Results of the study showed that ad exposure was 75% and ad awareness level was 68% and was considered as
high.Only 43% respondents exposed to and aware of the ad copay could accurately recall important details,such as the name of the
store promoting the retail sale.Just 43% correct interpretation was considered as low.Of those who could accurately interpret the ad
copay ,32% said they intended to respond by purchasing the advertised products and 68 per cent sad they had no intention to
buy.This yields an overall intention to buy of 7%.The largest area of lost opportunity was due to those who did not accurately
interpret the ad copay.The post-promotion survey indicated that only 4.2% of the target market customers made purchasesof the
promoted products during the promotion period.In terms of how these buyers learned of the promotion,46% mentioned newspaper
A(Hindi) ,27% newspaper B (Hindi),8% newspaper c( English), and 15% learned about sale through word-of-mouth
communication.The retail promotion was judged as successful in many ways,besides yielding sales worth Rs.900,000.However
,management was concerned about not achieving a higher level of ad comprehension,missing a significant sales opportunity.It was
believed that a better ad would have at least 75% correct comprehension among those aware of the ad .This in turn would almost
double sales without any additional cost.
Answer the following question.
Q1. give an overview of the case.
Q2. How and why the retail promotion was run for a full week?
case (20
9. ”A while ago UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) told Liverpool-based Halewood international that their ad part of a 2
million pound campaign for their Lambrini drink was too sexy.ASA issued guidelines suggesting they use balding paunchy,middleaged
men instead of someone who was attractive and desirable.”The ad is in danger of implying that the drink may bring
sexual/social success, because the man in question looks quite attractive and desirable,”
Answer the following question.
Q1. Give an overview of the above case.
Q2. What is the role of ASA?
case (20
15. . Unethical judgements lead to misleading and false advertising.Let us understand what is unethical and what is a lapse in the
application of ethics.Ethical dilemma is the outcome of an uneresolved interpretation of an ethical issue.We must appreciate the
difference between “having a right”and the “right thing to do “.For example should advertisers strive to persuade not so well-to-do
youth in urban and semi-urban areas to buy expensive sports shoes or brandedjeans?there is no law against such advertising but the
socially and morally responsible behavior may be to refrain,and so we have an ethical dilemma.It seems advertising professionals
find largely synonymous with legality and many consider advertising expensive jeans or sports shoes to all markets,including those
who should not buy them is “acceptable”ethical behavior.We must appreciate that one can be ethical only when there is the option of
being ethical.One cannot choose to be ethical when one cannot choose at all.Thus,ethics begins only where the law ends.Ethical
dilemmas can occur because advertisers typically sell brands,not just products.Even though functionally the products from different
manufacturers may be the same,advertisers present their brands as being different from other brands.In this process advertisers are
tempted to create false differences.Another situation creates dilemma when advertisers highlight only the good things about their
brand and omit any shortcomings.Whatever is said is not false,yet the ad dose not tell the whole truth.In contrast ethical lapse is
typically a clear of illegal behavior,not permitted by the law of the land.Plenty of laws govern what is legal in advertising but laws
ultimately reflect ethical judgements.As for the self-regulation,advertising and media associations,councils,and societies focus on
legalities rather than philosophies.The eternal question of when how by whom are these laws to be enforced in resolving ethical
dilemmas and lapses still remains.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Give an overview of the above case.
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Q2. What is ethical lpase in ads?

Business Ethics
Answer the following question.
Q1. Give measures to control pollution (10 marks)
Q2. Write a note on value education. (10 marks)
Q3. Write note on electrification of villages. (10 marks)
Q4. Can exhibitions help in product promotion ? If yes, explain. (10 marks)
Q5. What is comparative advantage in international business ? (10 marks)
Q6. What is DDU? (10 marks)
Q7. Explain insta online account facility. (10 marks)
Q8. Explain global human resource management (10 marks)

 Consumer Behaviour
Answer the following question.
Q1. Briefly describe the changing trends in consumer behaviour in Indian context (10 marks)
Q2. Discuss the role of reference groups for patronising a new magazine? (10 marks)
Q3. What is classical conditioning theory of learning? How does this theory apply to consumers? (10 marks)
Q4. What are approaches to activating problem recognition (10 marks)
Q5. Discuss McGuire's comprehensive scheme of psychological motives. (10 marks)
Q6. Discuss self concept theory (10 marks)
Q7. Give consumer attitudes towards the product (10 marks)
Q8. Give attributes of alternative. (10 marks)

 Finance Management
Answer the following question.
Q1. Who owns a credit union? Explain. (10 marks)
Q2. Where will you show purchase of furniture in cash flow statement ? (10 marks)
Q3. Define current assets and Give four examples (10 marks)
Q4. What are Strike Price and Option Price? (10 marks)
Q5. What is Merger ? Is it harmful or beneficial? Explain n Justify (10 marks)
Q6. Explain the impact of interest rate on long term and short term bonds? (10 marks)
Q7. What is correlation of coefficient? (10 marks)
Q8. What is the future of Financial Risk Management? (10 marks)

 Human Resource Management
Case Studies
In today's rapidly changing business environment, organizations have to respond quickly to requirements for people. Hence, it is
important to have a well-defined recruitment policy in place, which can be executed effectively to get the best fits for the vacant
positions. Selecting the wrong candidate or rejecting the right candidate could turn out to be costly mistakes for the organization.
Selection is one area where the interference of external factors is minimal. Hence the HR department can use its discretion in
framing its selection policy and using various selection tools for the best results. Most of the organizations now know the importance
of having an effective recruitment and selection policy. The importance of a good selection process that starts with gathering
complete information about the applicant from his application form and ends with inducting the candidate into the organization.
Answer the following question.
Q1. What is the importance of having an effective recruitment and selection policy in an organization?
Q2. Explain the recent trends that have influenced the process of recruitment and selection in an organization.
Q3. What are the various challenges faced by organizations in the process of recruiting and selecting employees
Q4. Give an overview off the case.
A project involved the creation of a Wage & Salary Program. The company had over 25 different positions without any salary
structure or career ladder for the employees. Our first task was to identify the Anchor Jobs of the business, which were the positions
that best represented the core competencies of the organization. We then bench-marked these positions using regional data, and in a
few cases national data, and ranked the salaries of the employees in the Anchor Jobs to this data. Using an objective point system
that we created, we had the managers assign points using 9 compensable factors for the Anchor Jobs and then all company positions.
Next, we tallied the points for each position and assigned jobs to specific pay grades. Finally, we met with senior management to: 1.
identify the company’s compensation philosophy moving forward, 2. develop a Wage & Salary Manual to train managers in the new
system, 3. create a methodology for adjusting salaries in the future as determined by the market conditions that affect the Anchor
Jobs, 4. implement a point system for objectively assessing whether additional or changed responsibilities of a position would be
eligible for an increase in salary, 5. confirm our assignment of positions to the pay grades, and 6. determine how to handle Green
Circle Salaries that were below the minimum of a pay grade and Red Circle Salaries that were above the maximum of a pay grade.
This project was designed to use Human Resource job analysis strategies to improve the cash flow of the business. We flowcharted
the process and conducted an extensive job analysis of the work required to process invoices. Usually such invoices are mailed to
clients within the first 5 to 10 business days of the new month. In this firm, invoices sat on the desks of the 15 Engineers waiting for
approval for 30 to 60 days, which pushed Accounts Receivable (AR) for this firm into an AR average of 85 days. By changing the
way information was gathered for the invoices and by implementing specific incentives, disincentives, and consequences for
Engineers, the firm began sending out 90% of invoices within the first 10 business days of the new month, starting with the second
month after the implementation.
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Answer the following question.
Q1. Give an overview of the case
Q2. Analyze the project work in the case and opine how the firm began sending out 90% of invoices within the first 10
business days of the new month.
In a pharmacy company manufacturing and marketing drugs and medicines, the research staff has developed a number of new
products and formulations which are effective. But at the same time it has to meet severe competition from stalwarts with foreign
collaboration. Mr. Shah, the Vice President Marketing, has a very successful Pharmacy Marketing background. He has been with the
company for the past 4 years. Mr. Shah had made ambitious plans for capturing a sizeable share of the market in Gujarat. The
company being medium sized, Mr. Shah had kept his marketing department and the marketing team lean and trim. The field sales
staff was given aggressive targets and was virtually pushed to reach the respective targets. The field staff worked to their best
abilities to complete their respective targets. Mr. Shah had himself been working almost 11-12 hours a day. There was no formal
appraisal and reward system in the company. During last 5 years more than 60 Medical Representatives and Area Supervisors had
left the company due to unsatisfactory increments and promotions. Those who left the company were star workers. But Mr. Shah did
not care for this high turnover. He was over confident that he would be able to hire fresher’s and also select Candidates who were not
happy with their remuneration in their respective companies. Mr. Shah had never communicated to the field sales staff about their
performance or reasons for not recognizing their outstanding performance in a few cases. There was on the whole great
dissatisfaction and good performers were leaving the company.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Enumerate the steps you will take to correct the situation?
Q2. . In the event of your suggesting a Performance Appraisal System, what type of appraisal system would be suitable
and why.
Q3. Discuss, if the appraisal system should also include merit, rewards and promotions.
General Energy is start-up oil and gas company, the global HR Director, who is based in Turkey was keen to recruit an HR and
Reward Manager to be based in the London office. The role is fairly unique as the ideal candidate required a strong reward
background with some HR generalist experience. Given the uniqueness of the role, the Global HRD was not sure exactly what
background and career path the possible candidates might have taken. She initially pitched the role between £50-£100k. The client
was aware of Hudson as we are the preferred supplier with the previous organization she worked for – Thames Water. We agreed that
we would work on this role on an exclusive basis and dedicate the time fully to finding the right candidate. As this was a brand new
role within a start-up company we suggested to the client that we would send CVs of candidates at various levels to enable the hiring
manager to assess the level and experience required. Filtering through CVs, the hiring manager was able to identify the type of
individual from a technical and cultural perspective that would suit the organization. We agreed that a candidate at the more senior
end was required as this role would need a candidate who has experience of designing and implementing reward projects. We did
offer a candidate the role but unfortunately the candidate was not confident in moving to a start-up organization. We however did
find another candidate who had previous oil and gas and start-up experience who was a better fit for the role. The candidate accepted
the offer and has enjoyed joining General Energy.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Debate the difficulties being faced by the organization in recruiting a reward manager.
Q2. Explain the selection procedure used in the recruitment of HR and Reward Manager.

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