CONTACT: DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: prasanththampi1975@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com
Subject : Quantitative Techniques
Case Studies
Case (20
Since 9/11•terrorism has cased threat attacks which have drawn the attention of political and media world. The US had to launch. a
'war on terror' and applied a range of counteract terrorism safety measures towards aviation, public transportation, ports, borders,
public Hermie places, etc. While these steps may show cheap course of act!on by government and security services, it is quite
expensive. According to the calculations done by Mueller and Stewart (2011), the expenditure of US homeland and security has
gone over 1.1 trillion dollars, which includes federal, state and domestic government, and private sector, and also the cost of
opportunity. The Iraq an Afghanistan wars have added 1.2 trillion dollars to this expenditure. The expenditure of federal, state and
local US government on home ground security has been estimated to 75 billion dollars more than the last levels of 2001. It is seen
that US is not the only country to be in these high level of expenses, even though no other country can match its per capita or GDP
expenditure. For example, increased expenditure• on homeland security in UK, Canada and Australia is nearly one half to one
quarter of US expenditure per capita or GDP. Nevertheless, in 2009, the government spent nearly 141.6 billion dollars each year on
homeland security. This figure is expected to reach about 300 billion dollars by 2016. After 9/11, the main objective has been to
prevent or alleviate any harm or casualty as a result of terrorism. The main issue is, if this expenditure of counteracting terrorism
been invest.ed in a way that has increased the cost of security of the public efficiently or not. Hence, the commission report of 9/11,
among other issues, was called upon • the US government to execute safety measures which show evaluation of risks and
effectiveness of expenditure. Nevertheless, while the US needs to. evaluate expenditure benefits for government regulations, such
evaluation seems co have not been done for homeland security in general, or for the DHS (department of homeland security). One of
the causes could be that DHS is not able to take up such evaluation. The NRC (national research council) committee of the National
Academics of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, made a request through S Congress to evaluate the functions of DHS, which was
working on the project for almost 2 years, came up with some surprising result-. Besides e'•aluation of natural disasters, the
committee 'did not find any DHS risk analysis capabilities and methods that are yet adequate for supporting DHS decision making.'
Due to which, very less confidence could be had in most of the risk evaluation done by DHS. The committee said that "it is not yet
clear that DHS is on a I ! trajectory for development of methods and capability that is sufficient to ensure reliable risk analyses".
usually the government and their rigid agencies shoo a neutral behavior towards their decision making. Stewart says that "the
standard criterion for deciding whether a government; programmer can be justified on economic principles is net present value - the
discounted monetized value of expected net benefits (i.e., benefits minus costs)" and that "expected values (an unbiased estimate) is
the appropriate estimate for use" (UMB, 1992).
Answer the following question.
What are the reasons that show that DHS is incapable in evaluating the risks of national security? (Hint: while the
US needs to evaluate expenditure benefits for government regulations, such evaluation seem to have not been done
for homeland security in general, DHS is not able to take up such evaluation.)
Q2. The government spent nearly 141.6 billion dollars each year on (Hint: homeland security)
8/10/2018 Aeren Foundation
The bulbs manufactured by a company gave a mean life of 3000 hours with standard deviation of 400 hours. If a bulb is selected at
random, what is the probability it will have a mean life less than 2000 hours?
Answer the following question.
Q1. Calculate the probability.
Q2. In what situation does one need probability theory?
Q3. Define the concept of sample space, sample points and events in context of probability theory.
Q4. What is the difference between objective and subjective probability?
Stock out analysis at PT, Combiphar, Indonesia (20
Due to the changing requirements for the products, the inventory management has become a vital component, particularly for the
safety of the stock. The four elements for evaluating the Not just prediction, lead time also is the main component for ascertaining
the safety stock and aspects which can bring down the stock out case. "Lead time is the time elapsed in between the receipt of
customer order until the delivery of finished goods to the customer". Some of the issues of lead time are: demand, order of .quantity,
product quality, reorder spot, safety stock, and other price issues such as discount, permit shortage or not, price rise and the value of
time of money, and should be considered in deduction of lead time. On the basis of the stock out occurrences, there is an issue which
affects the case. Forecasting and re-order point also affect the safety stock. When the safety stock reaches the right stage, the stock
level is brought down. Nevertheless, forecasting influences the estimation of safety stock, as the level of safety stock is ascertained
on the basis of forecasting estimations. Not only this, the reorder point can ascertain the level of safety stock.A stock out or pending
orders is a state which the company experiences for not meeting the requirements of the customer within the required time period.
Each month, PT. Combiphar acquired stock outs in very high levels and values. Research was done on CTS3 or Omtusi, since they
have their quantity, rate and value is very high. Contusion Syrup is a cough syrup which is produced by PT. Combiphar, Padalarang,
Indonesia. It is prepared for hospital purposes and pharmacists, and comes in 60ml pack.The quantity of total stoke out in 2012 was
1,390,698 units, and the total value was Rp 35,229,335. The total stock out quantity of CTS3 is at the rate of 9%; the quantity is
equal to 128,036 units. The percentage of this product is 9.75% from the total value, which is Rp 3,424,963,000. Due to the above
case of stock out, the capital and total profit came down. The above estimations show considerable difference in the profits because
of stock out case. The company did not face any loss, but the profits came down. Because of stock out in 2012, the loss of Rp 1,
888,383,500 was seen by the company. According to the above evaluation, it is clear that the company had to face the dilapidated
profits because of stock out condition.
Answer the following question.
Q1.Write a short note on Forecasting, Re-Order Point and Safety Stock Level at PT. Combiphar, Indonesia. (Hint: The
four elements for evaluating the stock safety are: forecast requirement, level of service, start time and the definite
demand, The purpose of safety stock is to safeguard against this probability, but the problem is more than the high
safety stock and the need can increase the operational costs)
Q2. Which cough syrup does PT. Combiphar make? (Hint: contusion)
The cost of fuel in running of an engine is proportional to the square of the speed and is Rs 48 per hour for speed of 16 kilometers
per hour. Other expenses amount to Rs 300 per hour. What is the most economical speed?
Answer the following question.
Q1. What is most economical speed?
Q2. What is a chi-square test?
Q3. What is sampling and what are its uses.
Q4. Is there any alternative formula to find the value of Chi-square?
Subject : Research Methodology
Answer the following question.
Q1. Discuss the philosophical foundation of Qualitative Methodology. (10
Q2. Explain 'Data Reduction' and 'Data Display' in Qualitative Research (10
Q3. For the cost function y = 500x - 40x2 + 3x3 for x units, find the average cost, marginal cost and marginal average cost. (10
Q4. The monthly income of two persons are in the ratio 4:5 and their monthy expenditures are in the ratio 7:9. If each
saves rs. 50 per montrh, find their monthly incomes.
Q5. Discuss the purpose of 'Research Design'. (10
Q6. A manufacturer can sell x items per month at a price of P = 300 – 2x rupees. Producing x items cost the manufacturer
y rupees where y = 2x + 1000. How much production will yield maximum profit.
There are two branches of an establishment employing 200 and 160 persons respectively. If the AMs of the monthly
salaries paid by the two branches are rs. 550 and rs. 450 respectivvely, find AM of the salaries of the employees of the
establishment as a whole.
Q8. The monthly income of two persons are in the ratio 4:5 and their monthy expenditures are in the ratio 7:9. If each
saves rs. 50 per montrh, find their monthly incomes.
CONTACT: DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: prasanththampi1975@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com
Subject : Quantitative Techniques
Case Studies
Case (20
Since 9/11•terrorism has cased threat attacks which have drawn the attention of political and media world. The US had to launch. a
'war on terror' and applied a range of counteract terrorism safety measures towards aviation, public transportation, ports, borders,
public Hermie places, etc. While these steps may show cheap course of act!on by government and security services, it is quite
expensive. According to the calculations done by Mueller and Stewart (2011), the expenditure of US homeland and security has
gone over 1.1 trillion dollars, which includes federal, state and domestic government, and private sector, and also the cost of
opportunity. The Iraq an Afghanistan wars have added 1.2 trillion dollars to this expenditure. The expenditure of federal, state and
local US government on home ground security has been estimated to 75 billion dollars more than the last levels of 2001. It is seen
that US is not the only country to be in these high level of expenses, even though no other country can match its per capita or GDP
expenditure. For example, increased expenditure• on homeland security in UK, Canada and Australia is nearly one half to one
quarter of US expenditure per capita or GDP. Nevertheless, in 2009, the government spent nearly 141.6 billion dollars each year on
homeland security. This figure is expected to reach about 300 billion dollars by 2016. After 9/11, the main objective has been to
prevent or alleviate any harm or casualty as a result of terrorism. The main issue is, if this expenditure of counteracting terrorism
been invest.ed in a way that has increased the cost of security of the public efficiently or not. Hence, the commission report of 9/11,
among other issues, was called upon • the US government to execute safety measures which show evaluation of risks and
effectiveness of expenditure. Nevertheless, while the US needs to. evaluate expenditure benefits for government regulations, such
evaluation seems co have not been done for homeland security in general, or for the DHS (department of homeland security). One of
the causes could be that DHS is not able to take up such evaluation. The NRC (national research council) committee of the National
Academics of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, made a request through S Congress to evaluate the functions of DHS, which was
working on the project for almost 2 years, came up with some surprising result-. Besides e'•aluation of natural disasters, the
committee 'did not find any DHS risk analysis capabilities and methods that are yet adequate for supporting DHS decision making.'
Due to which, very less confidence could be had in most of the risk evaluation done by DHS. The committee said that "it is not yet
clear that DHS is on a I ! trajectory for development of methods and capability that is sufficient to ensure reliable risk analyses".
usually the government and their rigid agencies shoo a neutral behavior towards their decision making. Stewart says that "the
standard criterion for deciding whether a government; programmer can be justified on economic principles is net present value - the
discounted monetized value of expected net benefits (i.e., benefits minus costs)" and that "expected values (an unbiased estimate) is
the appropriate estimate for use" (UMB, 1992).
Answer the following question.
What are the reasons that show that DHS is incapable in evaluating the risks of national security? (Hint: while the
US needs to evaluate expenditure benefits for government regulations, such evaluation seem to have not been done
for homeland security in general, DHS is not able to take up such evaluation.)
Q2. The government spent nearly 141.6 billion dollars each year on (Hint: homeland security)
8/10/2018 Aeren Foundation
The bulbs manufactured by a company gave a mean life of 3000 hours with standard deviation of 400 hours. If a bulb is selected at
random, what is the probability it will have a mean life less than 2000 hours?
Answer the following question.
Q1. Calculate the probability.
Q2. In what situation does one need probability theory?
Q3. Define the concept of sample space, sample points and events in context of probability theory.
Q4. What is the difference between objective and subjective probability?
Stock out analysis at PT, Combiphar, Indonesia (20
Due to the changing requirements for the products, the inventory management has become a vital component, particularly for the
safety of the stock. The four elements for evaluating the Not just prediction, lead time also is the main component for ascertaining
the safety stock and aspects which can bring down the stock out case. "Lead time is the time elapsed in between the receipt of
customer order until the delivery of finished goods to the customer". Some of the issues of lead time are: demand, order of .quantity,
product quality, reorder spot, safety stock, and other price issues such as discount, permit shortage or not, price rise and the value of
time of money, and should be considered in deduction of lead time. On the basis of the stock out occurrences, there is an issue which
affects the case. Forecasting and re-order point also affect the safety stock. When the safety stock reaches the right stage, the stock
level is brought down. Nevertheless, forecasting influences the estimation of safety stock, as the level of safety stock is ascertained
on the basis of forecasting estimations. Not only this, the reorder point can ascertain the level of safety stock.A stock out or pending
orders is a state which the company experiences for not meeting the requirements of the customer within the required time period.
Each month, PT. Combiphar acquired stock outs in very high levels and values. Research was done on CTS3 or Omtusi, since they
have their quantity, rate and value is very high. Contusion Syrup is a cough syrup which is produced by PT. Combiphar, Padalarang,
Indonesia. It is prepared for hospital purposes and pharmacists, and comes in 60ml pack.The quantity of total stoke out in 2012 was
1,390,698 units, and the total value was Rp 35,229,335. The total stock out quantity of CTS3 is at the rate of 9%; the quantity is
equal to 128,036 units. The percentage of this product is 9.75% from the total value, which is Rp 3,424,963,000. Due to the above
case of stock out, the capital and total profit came down. The above estimations show considerable difference in the profits because
of stock out case. The company did not face any loss, but the profits came down. Because of stock out in 2012, the loss of Rp 1,
888,383,500 was seen by the company. According to the above evaluation, it is clear that the company had to face the dilapidated
profits because of stock out condition.
Answer the following question.
Q1.Write a short note on Forecasting, Re-Order Point and Safety Stock Level at PT. Combiphar, Indonesia. (Hint: The
four elements for evaluating the stock safety are: forecast requirement, level of service, start time and the definite
demand, The purpose of safety stock is to safeguard against this probability, but the problem is more than the high
safety stock and the need can increase the operational costs)
Q2. Which cough syrup does PT. Combiphar make? (Hint: contusion)
The cost of fuel in running of an engine is proportional to the square of the speed and is Rs 48 per hour for speed of 16 kilometers
per hour. Other expenses amount to Rs 300 per hour. What is the most economical speed?
Answer the following question.
Q1. What is most economical speed?
Q2. What is a chi-square test?
Q3. What is sampling and what are its uses.
Q4. Is there any alternative formula to find the value of Chi-square?
Subject : Research Methodology
Answer the following question.
Q1. Discuss the philosophical foundation of Qualitative Methodology. (10
Q2. Explain 'Data Reduction' and 'Data Display' in Qualitative Research (10
Q3. For the cost function y = 500x - 40x2 + 3x3 for x units, find the average cost, marginal cost and marginal average cost. (10
Q4. The monthly income of two persons are in the ratio 4:5 and their monthy expenditures are in the ratio 7:9. If each
saves rs. 50 per montrh, find their monthly incomes.
Q5. Discuss the purpose of 'Research Design'. (10
Q6. A manufacturer can sell x items per month at a price of P = 300 – 2x rupees. Producing x items cost the manufacturer
y rupees where y = 2x + 1000. How much production will yield maximum profit.
There are two branches of an establishment employing 200 and 160 persons respectively. If the AMs of the monthly
salaries paid by the two branches are rs. 550 and rs. 450 respectivvely, find AM of the salaries of the employees of the
establishment as a whole.
Q8. The monthly income of two persons are in the ratio 4:5 and their monthy expenditures are in the ratio 7:9. If each
saves rs. 50 per montrh, find their monthly incomes.
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