Tuesday, 4 February 2020


 Business Communication
Answer the following question.
Q1. What are the categories of Information in C.V (10

Categories of information in C V are
Contact Information:
Start at the top of the page leaving a one-inch top margin. Include:
·         Full name;
·         Complete address (both permanent and present if different);
·         Home phone number with area code, cell phone, if applicable, and work number only if appropriate to contact you there; and
·         Email address.
Make sure that the message on your answering machine and your email address are professional and appropriate for a potential employer.
·         Gives your resume focus; tailor it to the position you are applying for.
·         Usually a single phrase expressing the specific type of employment you are seeking and/or the specific skills or abilities you want to use on the job.
·         List in reverse chronological order with the highest degree or education first.
·         Include university/college/school name and location, degree, date of graduation (or expected graduation), major, related coursework and possibly G.P.A.
·         May also include honors, awards, scholarships, dissertation and thesis topics.
·         List licenses earned or training certificates received.
·         Start with your most recent employment and work backward.
·         Includes full-time, part-time, seasonal, internships, co-op, or volunteer work.
·         Provide names and location of employers, dates of employment (month/year to month/year).
·         Describe your duties, responsibilities, and accomplishments using short, powerful phrases beginning with action verbs. Quantify and qualify data with specific details and statistics whenever possible.
Additional Areas: Activities/Honors/Special Skills:
·         List extracurricular activities that demonstrate skills, accomplishments and leadership, teamwork, self-management, organization;
·         Include computer skills and/or foreign languages;
·         Personal accomplishments (example: "financed 70 percent of college education"); and
·         Unique experiences such as travel to a foreign country, study abroad.

Q2. What is Communication policy? What are its Specifications (10
Q3. Give 10 pairs/groups of words that confuse (With meaning) (10
Q4. Define Interview & explain any 5 types in details (10
Q5. Explain 7 phases of negotiating tactics (10
Q6. List the do’s & don’ts of effective listening (10
Q7. Write notes on Listeners Related Barriers (10
Q8. List the measures to overcome Communication barriers. (10
Business Environment
Answer the following question.
Q1. Innovation is the engine of growth . (10
Q2. Discuss product diversity. (10
Q3. What do you think about airport privatisation. (10
Q4. What does management transfer involve. (10
Q5. What is lack of pragmatic approach . (10
Q6. Give sectoral development profile (in points) (10
Q7. What are Category III Basins. (10
Q8. Water has critical importance in human lives, explain.
Business Ethics
Answer the following question.
Q1. Give pts of Narasimhan Committee Report (1991)? (10
Q2. Give enlightening words of the Dalai Lama. (10
Q3. What are the fundamental duties of every citizen of India. (10
Q4. Explain National consumer disputes redressal commission. (10
Q5. Write a short note on environment. (10
Q6. Discuss consumerism (10
Q7. Discuss unethical practices vis-à-vis cheating. (10
Q8. What are some ethical problems in business.
Business Strategy
Answer the following question.
Q1. What is competitive advantage? (10
Q2. Define Corporate Culture. (10
Q3. Discuss about differentiation strategy. (10
Q4. Discuss about the global strategy levels. (10
Q5. Explain risks & trust strategic alliances. (10
Q6. What is control in strategic alliances? (10
Q7. What are the risks of a single – country strategy. (10
Q8. Discuss Horizontal Integration.
Corporate IT
Answer the following question.
Q1. Write a short note on generations of programming languages. (10
Q2. Discuss about hardware. (10
Q3. Discuss the components of an information system. (10
Q4. Explain about database manager. (10
Q5. Discuss about multi-user operating systems. (10
Q6. Discuss about networking concepts & terms. (10
Q7. What is E-commerce? (10
Q8. What is the role of information technology?


  1. Describe the characteristics of a computer.

  1. Write about IT growth rate

  1. What are the reasons for the vulnerability of computers?

  1. . Explain Simon's model of decision-making.

  1. Write a short note on LAN

  1. Discuss about IT exports.

  1. Write a short note on ERP

  1. What are the disadvantages of E-commerce?

Corporate Law
Answer the following question.
Q1. Discuss Wagering Agreements (10
Q2. Threat to commit suicide - is it coercion? (10
Q3. What are important elements of law (10
Q4. How to resolve disputes (10
Q5. How issue of securities to person resident outside India take place (10
Q6. What is possession and retention of foreign currency (10
Q7. What are powers of RBI to inspect authorized person (10
Q8. Define Bailment and explain.

Essential of Management
Answer the following question.
Q1. What is decentralization? (10
Q2. Explain main tools of operational research in decision making. (10
Q3. Discuss objectives of co-ordination. (10
Q4. Give suggestions for making committee organization more effective. (10
Q5. Discuss steps of planning. (10
Q6. Explain modern organizational theory (An appraisal) (10
Q7. What are the subordinate among barrier? (10
Q8. Describe on the part of the subordinate difficulty in weakness of delegation.

Financial and Cost Accounting
Answer the following question.
Q1. Explain the different rules of journalizing the transaction with appropriate illustrations? (10
Q2. Explain the role of Accountant in the present day Economy? (10
Q3. Cost accounting has become an essential tool of management”. Comment and state the steps to be
taken while installing a costing system in a manufacturing concern.
Q4. Discuss the limitations of financial accounting and explain the importance of cost accounting. (10
Q5. Cost accounting has become an essential tool of modern management”. comment. (10
Q6. What one the limitations of financial accounting? How do you overcome item in cost accounting? (10
Q7. Cost accounting is a system of foresight like pre-natal care, but financial accounting is just a
postmortem examination”. Critically examine this statement
Q8. Differentiate between Management Accounting and Financial Accounting
Financial Management
Answer the following question.
Q1. Where will you show purchase of furniture in cash flow statement ? (10
Q2. Determination of capital structure of a company is influenced by a number of factors’ explain six such
Q3. Discuss how Working capital affects both the liquidity and profitability of a business (10
Q4. What is capital structure of a company? (10
Q5. State the decisions involved in Financial management. (10
Q6. How risk and expected return is compared in two distributions? (10
Q7. Briefly explain what call provision is and in which case companies use this option. (10
Q8. What is the financial management function?
Human Resource Management
Answer the following question.
Q1. State the importance of HRIS? (10
Q2. Write brief note on Positive Discipline? (10
Q3. What is Collective Bargaining? (10
Q4. What are the advantages of training? (10
Q5. Give the various techniques of forecasting demand of Human resources? (10
Q6. Explain the Cultural Nature of GHRM? (10
Q7. State the scope of Global HRM? (10
Q8. Discuss the evolution of HRM?

International Business
Answer the following question.
Q1. What is international product strategy ? Describe in detail. (10
Q2. Describe European Investment Bank (EIB) ? (10
Q3. Why do you need international trade ? (10
Q4. What is absolute advantage in international business ? (10
Q5. Which products are majority imports? (10
Q6. Explain Technology & tech initiatives in IDBI ltd. (10
Q7. Describe about duty neutralization instruments. (10
Q8. What are the corrective measures in India’s foreign trade by the government?
Management Control Systems
Answer the following question.
Q1. Explain the various components of control systems. (10
Q2. Write a short note on Core Competency (10
Q3. Write a short note on Strategic Business unit (10
Q4. Explain Balance Score Card. (10
Q5. Explain Management by Objectives. (10
Q6. Application of MCS in Public Sector. (10
Q7. Discuss profitability measures. (10
Q8. Discuss mission and time span.

Marketing Management
Answer the following question.
Q1. What is Non-store retailing? (10
Q2. What is Price sensitivity? (10
Q3. What is Test marketing? (10
Q4. What is Direct Marketing? (10
Q5. Explain Significance of Branding. (10
Q6. Explain Forms of Direct Marketing. (10
Q7. Explain Approaches to pricing. (10
Q8. Present the factors that influence the pricing strategy of an organization .Which among them are non –
controllable ? Why?

Networking Management
Answer the following question.
Q1. Explain any two functions of each layer of TCP/IP protocol stack (10
Q2. Define: WAN? (10
Q3. Explain the following terms : (a) Bandwidth (b) Channel capacity (c) Multiplexing (d) Quality of Service
(QoS) (e) Full-Duplex Transmission
Q4. . How is the domain name mapped with IP address? Use diagram to explain the process. (10
Explain any three of the following with the help of a suitable diagram/example : (i) 3-way handshaking
for connection establishment (ii) Flow control at transport layer (iii) IP Subnetting (iv) UDP Header
Q6. Write the similarities and differences between packet and cell switching. (10
Q7. The maximum payload of TCP segment is 62 1/2,2 1/212 1/2 bytes. Why? (10
Q8. Name all the basic network topologies and describe advantages of each. Draw proper diagram tor each

Networking Management
Answer the following question.
Q1. How many address bits does the latest version of IP (IPv6) have ? What is the maximum number of IP
addresses possible with IPv6 ?
Q2. What is congestion control ? How does it occur? (10
Q3. List and explain any five ISDN applications. (10
Q4. What is multicast address and why is it used ? (10
Q5. List the five key differences between TCP reference model and OSI reference model (10
Q6. Why is the data link layer in a LAN subdivided into Logical Link Control (LLC) and Medium Access
Control (MAC) sub-layers?
Q7. Differentiate between virtual circuit and datagram’s. (10
Q8. Write a critical note on the Schedule of rates

Operations Management
Answer the following question.
Q1. List the types of quality costs. (10
Q2. List four basic operations strategies. (10
Q3. Describe briefly the steps to develop a forecasting system. (10
Q4. Regression and correlation are both termed “causal” methods of forecasting. Explain how they are
similar in this respect and also how they are different.
Q5. What do you see as the main problem with qualitative (judgmental) forecasts? Are they ever better than
“objective” methods?
Q6. Define the terms “Qualitative Methods”, “Trend Analysis Method (Time Series Method), and “Causal
Forecast”. Describe the uses of them.
Q7. What is Audio-visual Medias of Advertising? (10
Q8. What is Test marketing?

Personnel Management
Answer the following question.
Q1. What IS THE trained in human issues in Indian industry? (10
Q2. what is the social environment in india? (10
Q3. what is the relationship of the employee to the firm ? (10
Q4. write a note on trusteeship . (10
Q5. how is audit report prepared? Give example (10
Q6. What is the effectiveness of workers participation? (10
Q7. What is the procedure of manpower planning? (10
Q8. Explain in detail the problem of labour unity?
Quantitative Methods
Case Studies
Multi Criteria Decision Making (20
MCDA. (multi criteria decision analysis) is considered to be one of the fastest growing research operations in the la
several years. The researcher focus towards MCDA led to development of many different approaches and ways in t
field. There are two types of procedures: theoretical assumptions and decision addressed type. This difference throw
challenges to the prcedure of choosing the most ideal method for the decision making problem. Most of the time, t
initial approach towards applying MCDA in the real world problems relates to the set up of simple understanding Of t
context and recognizing the problem of decision. This step includes the ones• who make decisions and other importa
participants who make important contributions for the MCDA procedure by sharing their knowledge. The common insig
of the decision framework is received by knowing the goals of the decision making body and recognizing not only tho
people who make decisions but also those who face the decision. • Dooley (2009) says that the first three steps take
more time in the process of MCDA, particularly because of their qualitative features. Assigning of comparative significa
weights to the selected criteria is the next step: These weights can be ascertained directly, for example ranking, swin
trade off; or indirectly, for example- centrality, regression and interactive. Later, the DM has to give individual score
considering his or her views, to each of the recognized options according to the criteria which seem vital. These scor
show the decision of DM . related to spreading of each substitute to every performance standard. The information whi
is attained is maintained distinctively into performance template, which is also as consequence matrix, options matrix,
just decision table. The next process includes abstract of the information consisting of the performance matrix in t
form of multi criteria scores, for every possible plan. Mostly, this is attained by combining the individual scores of mat
so that total valuation of .each substitute which allows more comparison. The groups of substitute ranked on the basis
all these scores. Finally, the procedure can include a warm evaluation of the outcome to amendments in the scores
criteria, to conclude the sturdiness of the result of MCDA. At the end, the analysis and trade offs included in t
respective choices are given to and conferred with the DM. In many cases, the ultimate decision that DM takes, does n
match with the highest level of alternative, as they are more focused towards the process of knowing the effect of ea
and every factor in ranking of choices than in the exactness of the ranking. Also, it should be observed that t
generalizations are not used to of the outcome given by the process of MCDA, and they only appropriate for the group
choices which were assessed.
Answer the following question.
What role does MCDA play in decision making? (Hint: MCDA is considered to be one of the fastest
growing research operations, these scores show the decision of DM related to spreading of each
substitute to every performance standard)
Q2. What does MCDA stand for? (Hint: multi criteria decision analysis)
A monte Carlo Case Study (20
Laura,' a 57 year old unmarried woman, earns around 68,000 dollars per year with expenditure of 37,500 dollars. She
away 14,000 dollars each year and collected 330,000 dollars in her RRSP and TFSA, and also a rented apartment wor
250,000 dollars. She has a iixed pension given by her employer, although it is not indicated to price rise, and Is entitl
to get complete benefits of Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security, for retirement. She did not have a ve
competent portfolio: one fourth of cash is there, and most of it was in contracted sector ETFs, single stocks a
business bonds. Due to wrong entry of ETFs in the account, unnecessary taxes were charged. Even befo
reconstructing Laura's portfolio,"he had to make certain that it matched with.her financial aims. Laura's main aim was
ascertain if she could retire before the age of 65, maybe as early as 60, therefore she had to know if her investmen
could produce enough flow of cash after she retires. Monte Carlo may show a top possibility of success with t
allotment of equity of 70% ot 80%. Through a risky questionnaire and art open interview, Justin Ill 'ascertain that Lau
was the best person for a portfolio of 60% fixed income and 40% equities. . Through Monte Carlo software, Jus
entered the current portfolio . size of Laura, her rate of savings, projected retirement expenditure, and other employ
income and government pensions. If Laura feels that working till the age of 63 was unpleasant, she could go for t
reproduction again and with different estimation. Increasing her anticipated returns or bringing down the rate of inflatio
is only a thought, therefore, she will have to make some stronger decisions: she will have to making some more saving
or bring down her rate of planned expenses after retirement. Amazingly, by bringing up the allotment to fixed sala
could increase her opportunity to succeed: in spite of th returns being lower than the equities, the volatility is also les
which lessens the risk of helpless decline in the early years. At last, Laura decided to work for 6 more years and plan h
retirement at the age of 63. After this, Justin decided to help her make a fresh ETF portfolio to match that goal: it w
finalized at 30% short term business bonds, 30% GICs, and the rest of it was divided among Canadian, L'S and glob
equities. Laura was able to make a notified decision through the Monte Carlo simulation, but this wasn't the end of t
procedure. In two or three years time, she will have to visit the location again to see that she is still on the right path
her retirement goal, as many issues like, loss of job, a legacy, new connections, increase in the interest rates, all the
could bring a change in the main suppusitions 1 ; and she will have to redo her plans. The possibilities are differe
before the age of 63. For each added year that Laura works, her portfolio will addition instead of a decrease and this w
lead to a thrilling difference: the success rate will rise up by 25% points if she continues to work till the age of 61 instea
of 60.
Answer the following question.
Q1. How much was Laura earning at the age of 57? (Hint: 68,000 dollars per year)
A Network Rail (20
The railways play an important role in the economy and infrastructure of Britain. Not very many people travelled back
the 1920 as compared to present time, in spite of 50% reduction in raif routes as compared to the 1960s. Rail is al
used for transporting goods around Britain. Rail proves to be• more eco-friendly and safest means of transportation
compa;ed to other vehicles so, not surprisingly, the number of people commuting have gone 40% more since the pa
ten years. By 2034, this figure can go up. The work of network rail has to look after the tracks, bridges and tunnels whi
comprises of the British rail network. The railway infrastructure is made up of signals and level crossings. It has to lo
after the 20,000 mile long track and 40,000 bridges and tunnels. Britain's 18 main rail stations, from Edinburg Waverl
to London King's Cross, are looked after by the Britain rail system. Ten years ago, when the network rail took up the
responsibilities, • it had to face some challenges. The rail neork was facing some problems. Trains were running late, t
costs were too high and there was shortage of assets in both the people and machinery. Due to these issues, peop
had less confidence in the rail network. Ever since then, rail network has aimed at sustaining operations to reduce t
expenses. There has been 28% reduction in expenses mainly because of conomy of scale. New tracks and machine
have been bought, and there has been 90% rise in the rail punctuality. Huge projects have been given on time a
towards th budget, as a result the confidence of the people has improved. Rail network has moved from 'find and fix'
'predict and prevent' policy. This has proved to be more cost effective and competent and enabled in avoiding delay
obstruction for the people in their travel. The rail network invested approx. 12 billion pounds between 2009 and 201
towards the rail network. Britain has the fastest developing network in whole of Europe. By investing in people, the r
network is investing in the future to. .B ritain has the largest working personnel of 35,000 workers. It has people worki
in various positions, like, engineers for maintenance and signaling to project managers. Each area offers an opportun
to work. They also consist oi HR (human resources), IT (information technology), and finance and customer servic
Network Rail needs to employ and keep capable engineers in order to get the work done. Presently, its engineers a
doing some oi the most stimulating projects in Europe. The projects include HS2, which is the new super spted rail li
between the north and south Britain, and the project of London Crossrail. Some oi the biggest and busiest rail statio
are being upgraded, like, London King's Cross and Birmingham New Street. The main focus of the HR of Network Rail
to recruit various personnel. This not only deepens the culture of business but it also makes sure that it can reach eve
talent. It offers training for every applicant, whether he is a school drop-out or a graduate, whether male or female,
continued flow of appropriate talent is ensured to keep its long term project going. The company abo gives ma
opportunities to its workers to receive recognized qualifications, such as an exclusive programme in post graduatio
sponsoring the Master's Degree in project management and trainee.
Answer the following question.
What were the initial problems that Network Rail of Britain face? (Hint: It has to look after the 20,000
mile long track and 40,000 bridges and tunnels. Trains were running late, the costs were too high and
there was shortage of assets in both the people and machinery)
Q2. What is the new super speed rail link between the north and south Britain called? (Hint: HS2)
The price P per unit at which a company can sell all that it produces is given by the function P(x) = 300 — 4x. The co
function is c(x) = 500 + 28x where x is the number of units produced. Find x so that the profit is maximum.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Find the value of x.
Q2. In using regression analysis for making predictions what are the assumptions involved.
Q3. What is a simple linear regression model?
Q4. What is a scatter diagram method?

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