Tuesday, 11 February 2020

National Institute of Business Management - NIBM ASSIGNMENT ANSWERS PROVIDED

 National Institute of Business Management - NIBM ASSIGNMENT ANSWERS PROVIDED 
DR. PRASANTH BE BBA MBA PH.D. MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: prasanththampi1975@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com

Assignments of One Year MBA


Semester - II

  1. Students are requested to go through the instructions carefully.
  2. The Assignment is a part of the internal assessment.
  3. Marks will be awarded for each Assignment, which will be added to the total marks. Assignments carry equal marks.
  4. Assignments should submit in your 'portal' on/before the 'completion date'
  5. Case study project is based on the elective subject selected.
Please submit your case study also in the portal on the 'completion date' of second semester assignments.

                                                         Assignments                           Total Marks :100

  1. International Law
What are the principles of International Law. Explain.
No one could accuse the American Society of International Law of being an activist organization. Founded a century ago, its first President was Secretary of State Elihu Root. Its Centennial meeting in Washington this month was addressed by Root's successor, Condoleeza Rice, and by Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.
The Society's Executive Council (on which I sit) includes current and former State Department lawyers, as well as others not prone to public criticism of the United States. Reflecting its political and philosophical diversity, the 4,000 member Society rarely takes positions on issues of international law. Panels at its meetings are deliberately framed to present contrasting views. Its scholarly journal eschews editorials.
However, there have been a handful of exceptions in the 60 years since World War II. The most recent occurred on March 30, when the Society adopted a seven-point resolution at its Centennial meeting. (The resolution, I should disclose, was principally drafted by my Notre Dame colleague, Professor Mary Ellen O'Connell).
On the surface, the resolution is a neutral statement of principles of international law. It does not mention the United States by name. That is as it should be. The principles bind all countries, and the U.S. is far from the only violator.
Still, the resolution would never have been presented, let alone adopted, unless it were widely understood by members of the Society as an implicit rebuke of the White House tendency (despite State Department qualms) to ride roughshod over some of the most basic principles of international law.
The principles cover use of force, war crimes, torture and other mistreatment of prisoners, arbitrary detention, command responsibility, and adherence to............
  1. Strategic Management
Describe the key issues which a management address to achieve successful, substantial and lasting changes in an organisation.
  1. Business English
Explain the factors responsible for a speech situation for the existence of communication.
  1. Management Information System
What are the different approaches used to explain the composition of MIS? Explain?     



Subject : Business English

Attend any 4 questions.  Each question carries 25 marks
(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

  1. Explain the  process of Communication.
  2. Discuss Personnel communication.
  3. Explain the practical guidelines for using gender inclusive language in business communication.
  4. Explain the pressure of writing a performance review.
  5. Explain the guidelines to overcome barriers to communication.
  6. Describe in detail the classification of Communication.



Subject : International Law

Attend any 4 questions.  Each question carries 25 marks
(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

  1. Write an essay on the origin of International Legal order and its nature.
  2. Explain Constitutional and administrative law.
  3. Explain common law and equity systems of law.
  4. The philosophy of law is known as jurisprudence.Explain.
  5. What are Environmental rights ?Explain.
  6. Explain  International Human Rights Law and organisations.



Subject : Management information System

Attend any 4 questions.  Each question carries 25 marks
(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

  1. Why  MIS is an excellent tool to provide management information at all stages of decision-making, thus, greatly helping an organisation to achieve its set of goals and objectives? Explain.
  2. Discuss the models used for MIS development.
  3. Explain the role of MIS in an organisation for planning and decision making.
  4. Describe the methods used in implementing MIS.
  5. Explain the essential characteristics of decision Support System(DSS).
  6. Explain the constituents of information needs in the context of marketing.



Subject : Strategic Management

Attend any 4 questions.  Each question carries 25 marks
(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

  1. What is Strategic thinking and Strategic Management?Explain.
  2. Discuss the  benefits of Strategic Management.
  3. The essence of strategic planning is to help a company develop and sustain advantage in the marketplace through unique resources, agility, superior products and/or superior service.Discuss.
  4. Discuss the sponsor’s role in formulating and implementing a plan.
  5. How will you relate operating plan to business strategy? Explain.
  6. Explain the factors that contributes to the ambiguity of measuring performance in operating systems?

National Institute of Business Management
Chennai - 020

Elective: Healthcare and Hospital Management (Part -1)
Attend any 4 questions.  Each question carries 25 marks
(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

  1. Explain the important components of Hospital products.
  2. Explain the elements of functions of hospital management.
  3. What are the effects of mortality rate on factors like social, economical, nutritional, family support and attitude towards medical personnel? Explain.
  4. Explain the factors which determine hospital quality care.
  5. Write an essay on purpose of records and registers in hospital.
  6. Write a detailed account on the common diagnostic tests performed by hematology departments.
National Institute of Business Management
Chennai - 020

Elective: Healthcare and Hospital Management (Part - 2)
Attend any 4 questions.  Each question carries 25 marks
(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

  1. Explain the laboratory tests related to Vitamin deficiencies for stomach, liver and gall bladder.
  2. Discuss bacteriological test on blood its diagnosis of infections.
  3. Write a detailed account on Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
  4. Explain the changing trends in the diagnostic facilities..
  5. Write an essay on the Heart and the Pacemaker.
  6. Write an essay on Healthcare in India.

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