Sunday, 24 July 2022





DR. PRASANTH BE MBA PH.D. MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: WEBSITE:

Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies


Marks: 80


Business Environment


Note: Attempt any five questions (question no. 1. is compulsory)

1. Attempt any four of the following questions:

(a) Explain the relevance of ecological issues to business environment.

(b) Analyze the social responsibility of business towards employees.

(c) State the basic objectives of regulating business.

(d) Describe the basic instruments of fiscal policy in lndia

(e) State various measures for the prevention and settlement of the industrial disputes.

(f) Explain the thrust areas of the new economic policy.

2. Discuss how does the environment acts as a stimulant to business.Analyse why business often does little for physical environment preservation despite the fact that it is significant for business activity.

3. Analyze the fourfold role of the government in business. Also explain in what respects the role of government has been redefined in lndia during the 1990s.

4. "The Industrial Policy of 1991 makes a clear departure from the Industrial Policy of 1956" Comment.

5. Discuss the various forms of foreign capital flows. Do you think entering o{ MNC's in less developed countries is risky ?

6. Describe the recent export promotion measures of the Government of India.

7. Write short notes on any two of the following:

(a) Political and legal environment of business

(b) Nehru - Mahalanobis strategy of development

(c) Financial reforms in India

(d) Merits of globalisation from the point of view of India’s s economic development



Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies



SUBJECT: Business Strategy


                                                                               Total Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE of the following.

All questions carry equal marks.


Q.1. Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following
a. Globalization
b. Task and processes in formulating business strategy
c. TQM Philosophy
d. Characteristics of well formulated corporate objectives

Q.2. Describe Vision and Mission statements with suitable illustrations. What is the difference between vision and mission? How does business definition help in articulating the Mission statement?

Q.3. Describe Porter’s five forces model to analyse competition with reference to light commercial vehicle industry.

Q.4. Describe the GE multifactor portfolio matrix and state how the GE matrix is superior tool vis a vis the BCG matrix.

Q.5. a) Describe Ansoff’s matrix
b) What is the difference between market penetration and market development? Illustrate with suitable examples.

Q.6. What is “Best cost provider” strategy? What are the risks in pursuing this strategy?

Q.7. What strategic options a firm could follow when the firm is operating in a maturing industry?

Q.8. Describe the role of strategy supportive reward system with suitable illustrations.

Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies






Marks – 80


Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain in detail how the new management techniques for management control are being used to assure that resources are obtained and used effectively and efficiently in the accomplishment of organizational goals.

2. What do you understand by Management Information System? Explain its significance in designing Management Control System in an organization.

3. What is meant by Transfer Pricing? Explain the various methods used to determine the transfer pricing.

4. Critically examine the basic features of a typical Performance Measurement System.

5. Explain the Agency Theory Framework and discuss how the Management Control System can reduce the agency cost.

6. Explain the unique features of Management Control Systems in Insurance Companies.

7. How does the Control Environment of projects differ from that of the manufacturing organizations? Explain.

8. What are knowledge organizations? Analyze the role of Management Control System in knowledge organizations


Marketing Management


Max. Marks : 80

Instructions :
(1) Attempt any five questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1) Define Marketing Management. Discuss its importance and scope in today's
dynamic Competitive Environment.

Q.2) What is 'Product Life Cycle' ? How Marketing Mix Decisions have to
be adjusted at different stages of PLC (Product Life Cycle) ?

Q.3) Explain various pricing strategies a firm can adopt.

Q.4) What is Product Mix ? Explain various Product Mix Strategies with suitable

Q.5) Discuss various cultural issues involved in International Marketing.

(A) What is Consumer Buying Behaviour ?
(B) Explain various steps involved in Buying Consumer Goods.

Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two)
(a) Promotion through International Exhibitions and Trade Fares
(b) Use of Internet as a Marketing Tool
(c) Channel Conflicts 

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