DR. PRASANTH BE MBA PH.D. MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: WEBSITE:
Business Environment
Answer the following question.
How can the demand for energy may reduce?
Give introduction to gold exchange traded funds.
How bad is India's infrastructure.
What is information collection system .
Give graph of Quality Assurance - Product life stage model, explain.
What are the attributes of characterization of "The New Competition".
Discuss strategic Human Resource Management.
Market decisions do not ensure optimum allocation of resources.
Business Planning and Policy
Answer the following question.
What are the types of social audit?
What are the areas of CSR?
How to formulate R&D strategy?
Which factors influence macro environment?
What are the strategy development processes?
Write a note on Grand strategy matrix
What are the characteristics of business environment?
What is the significance of business plocy course?
Corporate Law
Answer the following question.
What is Business?
Discuss tangible and intangible propebly.
Discuss contract.
What is environment of business
Explain gifting of Corporate veil
Explain acquisition and agreement
Define Bailment and explain.
Explain concept of possession
Financial Management
Answer the following question.
What are the three major sections of the statement of cash flows?
Explain why accounting profits and cash flows are not the same thing.
What is meant by ‘Financial management’ Explain its importance..
What are efficient portfolios?
What is the relationship between standard deviation & Risk
What do you mean by floatation cost?
Define interest rate risk and investment risk.
What Are Some Examples of Leadership or Management Options to ImproveFinancial Assets andCash Flow
Human Resource Management
Answer the following question.
Explain the recruitment process?
State the scope of Global HRM?
State the Nature and Scope of HRM?
Define HRM and state its importance?
Write the various methods of training?
Write short note on Flat Rates
State the various methods of payment?
Explain the nature of Strategic HRM?
Human Resource Management
Answer the following question.
Explain the scope of HRP?
What are the advantages of HRP?
Why there is need of Human Resource Planning?
What is Performance Management?
What is Job Design? And what are its advantages?
State the scope of Global HRM?
Case Studies
In August 2006, the decision of US-based consumer electronics specialty retailer RadioShack Corporation to inform 4employees by e-mail that they had been laid-off sparked a controversy with many industry observers and managemeexperts saying it smacked of a lack of consideration and respect for the employees.
"The work force reductinotification is currently in progress. Unfortunately your position is one that has been eliminated." This e-mail messagreeted 400 employees of the US-based consumer electronics specialty retailer RadioShack Corporation when thopened their mail box at 8:45 am on August 29, 2006.
Answer the following question.
Discuss how the issue of termination of employment can be handled by HR professionals.
International Business
Answer the following question.
What is IHRM ?
Explain the offshore markets.
What are FDI and its impact on World Economy ?
What is DDU?
Write a detailed note on foreign direct investment.
What is concept of international promotional tool and explain its tool ?
Discuss five points about directions of India’s foreign trade.
What is privatization? What are its merits and limitations?
Print Question wi
Marketing Management
Answer the following question.
Define pricing Describe various factors influencing the pricing decisions.
What is Inventory Management?
What is Audio-visual Medias of Advertising?
Explain the terms Product Item and Product Line in the context of Product Mix. Why and how productmix is changed?
Define the term Channels of Distribution. Describe various types of channels used for distributing theconsumer product and industrial products and industrial products. What are the aspects consideredwhile selecting the channels of distribution.
What do you mean by the term product Life Cycle (PLC) Explain the stages of PLC. Find out in whichstage of PLC are are the Following product in India, and suggest suitable marketing strategies foreach- a) Tooth Powder b) Micro-wave Ovens c) Bicycles d) VCRs.
Case Studies
The Baron group entered the Indian consumer durables market in December 1994, and the markets were never tsame again. Over the next few years, at the corporate offices of competitors like Videocon, Philips and Mirc Electronicit was the same story - they were all making frenzied attempts to hold on to declining market shares. Baron's initproduct offering, an Akai color television (CTV), was priced at Rs 13,000 - while the market price was Rs 16,500. Thwas clubbed with an exchange1 offer on old music systems and TVs and free-gift schemes whereby 14-inch CTVmobile-phones, refrigerators and Bajaj Sunny mopeds were offered free on the purchase of a 21-inch CTV.
Themoves, combined with Baron's full-page advertisements that appeared regularly in the national media, lured buyers over the country. The move changed the CTV market share pattern very soon, with Akai's sales increasing from 25CTVs in 1993-94 to 4.29 lakh CTVs in 1997-98. In December 1998, Baron repeated the success story with the Aiwbrand in the hi-fi audio systems segment.
Within 5 months of the launch, Aiwa replaced Philips as the segment leadgarnering a 45% market share, as compared to Philips' 17.2% share. The launch of the TCL range of consumelectronics in 1999 also took the market by storm as the China based TCL was known for its dirt-cheap products. Walmost every new scheme and every new tie-up, Baron unleashed a new war in the Indian consumer electronics markA majority of the players began indulging in 'one-upmanship' on the pricing and promotion fronts. However, they soorealized that it was not very easy to match Baron's schemes and prices. The question on everyone's mind was t
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same. How did Baron do it?
The Mulchandani family (Baron group)had started its consumer electronics business in t1970s. The group began with marketing and distributing products under the Bush brand name. Under the leadership J.R.Mulchandani, Bush emerged as one of the top brands in the audio cassette player market. However, in the next twdecades, Bush failed to withstand the onslaught of companies that were financially superior and had greater marketisavvy.
Answer the following question.
Give detailed reasons for the boost in sales of Akai color televisions marketed by The Baron group.
What was the marketing strategy adopted by the Baron group to boost sales.
Quantitative Techniques
Case Studies
Since 9/11•terrorism has cased threat attacks which have drawn the attention of political and media world. The US hto launch. a 'war on terror' and applied a range of counteract terrorism safety measures towards aviation, pubtransportation, ports, borders, public Hermie places, etc. While these steps may show cheap course of act!on government and security services, it is quite expensive. According to the calculations done by Mueller and Stewa(2011), the expenditure of US homeland and security has gone over 1.1 trillion dollars, which includes federal, state adomestic government, and private sector, and also the cost of opportunity. The Iraq an Afghanistan wars have added 1trillion dollars to this expenditure. The expenditure of federal, state and local US government on home ground securhas been estimated to 75 billion dollars more than the last levels of 2001. It is seen that US is not the only country to in these high level of expenses, even though no other country can match its per capita or GDP expenditure. Fexample, increased expenditure• on homeland security in UK, Canada and Australia is nearly one half to one quarter US expenditure per capita or GDP. Nevertheless, in 2009, the government spent nearly 141.6 billion dollars each yeon homeland security. This figure is expected to reach about 300 billion dollars by 2016.
After 9/11, the main objectihas been to prevent or alleviate any harm or casualty as a result of terrorism. The main issue is, if this expenditure counteracting terrorism been invest.ed in a way that has increased the cost of security of the public efficiently or noHence, the commission report of 9/11, among other issues, was called upon
• the US government to execute safemeasures which show evaluation of risks and effectiveness of expenditure. Nevertheless, while the US needs tevaluate expenditure benefits for government regulations, such evaluation seems co have not been done for homelasecurity in general, or for the DHS (department of homeland security). One of the causes could be that DHS is not abto take up such evaluation.
The NRC (national research council) committee of the National Academics of ScienceEngineering and Medicine, made a request through S Congress to evaluate the functions of DHS, which was working the project for almost 2 years, came up with some surprising result-. Besides e'•aluation of natural disasters, tcommittee 'did not find any DHS risk analysis capabilities and methods that are yet adequate for supporting DHdecision making.' Due to which, very less confidence could be had in most of the risk evaluation done by DHS. Tcommittee said that "it is not yet clear that DHS is on a
I ! trajectory for development of methods and capability thatsufficient
to ensure reliable risk analyses".
usually the government and their rigid agencies shoo a neutral behavtowards their decision making. Stewart says that "the standard criterion for deciding whether a government; programmcan be justified on economic principles is net present value - the discounted monetized value of expected net benef(i.e., benefits minus costs)" and that "expected values (an unbiased estimate) is the appropriate estimate for use" (UM1992).
Answer the following question.
What are the reasons that show that DHS is incapable in evaluating the risks of national security?(Hint: while the US needs to evaluate expenditure benefits for government regulations, such evaluation
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seem to have not been done for homeland security in general, DHS is not able to take up suchevaluation.)
The government spent nearly 141.6 billion dollars each year on (Hint: homeland security)
The price P per unit at which a company can sell all that it produces is given by the
function P(x) = 300 — 4x. The cofunction is c(x) = 500 + 28x where x is the number
of units produced. Find x so that the profit is maximum.
Answer the following question.
Find the value of x.
In using regression analysis for making predictions what are the assumptions involved.
What is a simple linear regression model?
What is a scatter diagram method?
Mr Sehwag invests Rs 2000 every year with a company, which pays interest at 10% p.a.
He allows his deposit accumulate at C.I. Find the amount to the credit of the person
at the end of 5th year.
Answer the following question.
What is the Time Value of Money concept.
What do you mean by present value of money?
What is the Future Value of money.
What the amount to be credited at the end of 5th year.
case study
Time series analysis has two important aims: 1) recognizing the quality of the phenomenon shown by the series studies, and 2) Both the aims need the plan of the viewed time series data is recognized and somewhat officiaexplained:
A time series is said to be a 'collection of observations made in sequence with time'. For example: recordilevel of daily rainfall, periodical total domestic product of US, and monthly strength of the. workers in Marine Corps forspecific rank and MOS. The evaluation of time series gives instruments for picking a symbolic model and deliveriforecasts. There are two sorts of times series data:
• Continuous: in this the data consists of study at every moment, fexample, seismic movement recorded on a seismogram.
• Discrete: the data contains recordings taken at differeperiods
,like, statistics of each month crime. Until the data is absolutely haphazard, studies in time series are usuarelated to each and the following studies could be partly ascertain by the last values. For instance, the reasopertaining to the meteorology which have an effect on the temperature for any given day tend to have some affect on tnext day's climate. Hence, the observations of the past temperature are helpful for predicting temperatures for tfollowing days. •
A time series can be deterministic if there are no haphazard or feasible features but goes in a set aforeseeable manner. The data gathered during the classical physics experiment like showing Newton's Law of Motion,one example of a deterministic time series. The stochastic type of series is more appropriate to the econometfunction. Stochastic variables contain undefined or arbitrary viewpoint. Though the worth of each study cannot precisely foreseen, calculating the various observations could follow the expected method. These methods can explained through the statistical models. According to these models, studies differ erratically on the underlying meavalue
whtch is the role of time. Time series data can be put in the following categories: one or more performance factotrend, seasonality, cyclical function and random sound.
Various kinds of time series predicting models give forecasthrough extrapolating the previous performance of the values of a specified
\'l!riable of interest. Consecutive study econometric times series are generally not free and forecast can be made on the basis of last observations. Althouprecise predictions can be made with deterministic time series, predictions of stochastic time series are restricted 'conditional statements regarding the future on the basis of particular hypothesis.' Armstrong (2001) says, "The basAssumption is that the variable ui!! continue in the future as it has behaved in the past. " Particularly, the time seripredictions are suitable for stochastic type of data in which the fundamental root cause of variation like, trend, cyclicperformance, seasonality, and uneven variations, do not change radically m time. Therefore, modeling is considered be more suitable temporarily instead of permanent predictions.
Answer the following question.
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Write briefly on time-series analysis. (Hint: recognizing the quality of the phenomenon shown by theseries of studies, and, both the aims need the plan of the viewed time series data is recognized andsomewhat officially explained)
Research Methodology
Answer the following question.
Discuss Interview as a technique of data collection.
Compare the steps of a qualitative & quantitative research.
Why is questionnaire still widely used in spite of its limitations? Mention some important points to bekept in mind while constructing a questionnaire.
Explain different levels of measurement giving appropriate example of each level.
Discuss the philosophical foundation of Qualitative Methodology.
For the cost function y = 500x - 40x2 + 3x3 for x units, find the average cost, marginal cost andmarginal average cost.
There are two branches of an establishment employing 200 and 160 persons respectively. If the AMs ofthe monthly salaries paid by the two branches are rs. 550 and rs. 450 respectivvely, find AM of thesalaries of the employees of the establishment as a whole.
The monthly income of two persons are in the ratio 4:5 and their monthy expenditures are in the ratio7:9. If each saves rs. 50 per montrh, find their monthly incomes.
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