Course: BBA (Semester1)
Subject: Environmental Science
Note: Attempt any Five Question
Marks: 50 (Each Question contains 10 Marks)
1. Discuss the multi-disciplinary nature of environmental studies.
2. What is environment? Define the scope and importance of multidisciplinary nature of
3. Explain briefly Ecosystem?
4. How all these water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution and air pollution are
interrelated with each other?
5. Explain the various environment protections Act for different kinds of pollutions.
6. Explain various earthquake disaster management techniques.
7. What is Global Warming? Discuss its causes and effects. What measures should be taken
to check global warming?
8. What are Hot Spots of Biodiversity? What are the main causes for the extinction of
species? Explain in situ and ex situ conservation of biodiversity.
Course: BBA (Semester1)
Subject: Managerial Economics
Note: Attempt any Five Question
Marks: 50 (Each Question contains 10 Marks)
1. Explain the different methods to measure elasticity of Demand.
2. Explain the short run and long run cost curves and their interrelationship in detail.
3. Define Elasticity of Demand. How is it measured?
4. What is an indifference curve? Explain its properties.
5. Explain the concept of cross elasticity of demand and advertising elasticity of demand.
6. What is Oligopoly? Explain price rigidity under oligopoly with the help of kinked demand
curve analysis.
7. Explain the significance of capital budgeting.
8. Discuss the objectives of pricing policies. Also, list out the various pricing methods.
Course: BBA (SEM 6)
Subject: Business Policy and Strategy
Note: Attempt any Five Question
Marks: 50 (Each Question contains 10 Marks)
1. What is business policy? Discuss its nature, scope and importance
in detail.
2. What is value chain analysis? How SWOT analysis useful for
business policy.
3. What do you mean by environmental scanning? Explain the process
of environmental scanning.
4. Define strategy. Explain the process of strategic management.
5. Write short note on
(a) BCG model
(b) Directional policy matrix
6. What do you understand by Mergers & Acquisitions? What are
various types of mergers? What are the issues in implementing
‘merger strategy’ successfully?
7 Explain Michael Porter’s Five Force Analysis for analyzing
competitive environment of a firm.
8. Give differences between policy and strategy.
Course: BBA (SEM 4)
Subject: Business Research
Note: Attempt any Five Question
Marks: 50 (Each Question contains 10 Marks)
1. a) What is research methodology?
b) Explain the process of research methodology
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of consumer trade surveys
and panels?
3. a) What is research design?
b) What are the essentials of good research design?
4. How experimental research is different from descriptive and exploratory
research? Characterize them.
5. Define Sampling. Explain various techniques of sampling.
6. Explain various steps and considerations involved in questionnaire
7. a) What do you understand by the concept of attitude measurement?
b) What are the scales of attitude measurement?
8. a) Explain the structure and components of research report.
b) Distinguish between primary and secondary data.
Course: BBA (Semester 3)
Subject: Computer Application
Note: Attempt any Five Question
Marks: 50 (Each Question contains 10 Marks)
1. Sketch the MS-WORD interface and label its parts.
2. Describe different bars of MS-WORD in detail.
3. Explain any three types of charts in MS-Excel.
4. With a neat block diagram, explain the architecture of a typical DBMS.
5. Develop an ER diagram for keeping track of information about a company database
taking into accounts at least five entities.
6. List and briefly explain the various attribute Data types and Domains in SQL.
7. With an example explain the steps of ER to Relational Mapping Algorithm.
Course: BBA (Semester 2)
Subject: Computer Fundamentals
Note: Attempt any Five Question
Marks: 50 (Each Question contains 10 Marks)
1) What is various type of computer? Explain the working of mainframe and supercomputer.
2) What is the difference between application and system software? Why are they required? Write the use of any one type of software with some examples.
3) What is the difference between Mainframe and Supercomputer? Explain the working of PC.
4) What is the difference between hardware and software? Explain the various types of software.
5) What is the difference between OMR, OCR, and MICR? Explain the working of MICR.
6) What is the difference between primary and secondary memory? Explain the working of Hard Disk.
7) Explain the working of any one input device and one output device.
8) Explain the various types of operating systems.
Course: BBA (SEM 5)
Subject: Consumer Behavior
Note: Attempt any Five Question
Marks: 50 (Each Question contains 10 Marks)
1. What do you mean by reference groups? Discuss the role of reference
groups in consumer behavior.
2. Define consumer behavior. What is the role of consumer behavior in
marketing strategy?
3. Explain consumer motivation and describe its role in marketing strategy.
4. What is meant by personality? Explain the theories of personality in the
context of consumer behavior.
5. What do you mean by consumer learning? Explain the application of
instrumental learning theory in marketing.
6. What is the role of social class in marketing? How is it measured?
7. Explain the difference between culture and sub-culture. What is the role
of culture in consumer behavior?
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