Saturday, 11 November 2017



TOTAL MARKS :80 MARKS 10 marks each
1. What are the main components used in an automobile?
2. On What basis are automobile engines classified?
3. What is the function of the Joints in piston ring? Give reasons for providing joints in a piston ring?
4. What are two ways of cooling an engine? Explain briefly?
5. State the two purpose of the Flywheel , Camshaft & Manifolds?
6. What is Octane number? How is it determined?
7. Describe the function of a combustion chamber & the constructional details of different types of
combustion chambers?
8. How is it possible to remove harmful liquids from the lubricating oil through a crankcase ventilator?

Business Communication
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. Define Public Speaking & Determine the purpose of topic Selection
2. What is media of mass Communication & Explain the modes of Communication
3. Explain the methods of Oral Communication in Terms of
a) Among Individuals b)Among Group
4. List the different Electronic modes of Communication & Explain the mode of
5. Explain 7 phases of negotiating tactics
6. What is group discussion? How is it Evaluated? And what is the techniques of GD
7. What are the techniques for writing Successful job application
8. Explain the relationship of non-verbal message with verbal message?

Business Ethics
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. Write short note on value education & consumerism

2. Give SWOT analysis in Indian scenario.

3. Explain need for a check on quackery.

4. Give measures to control pollution

5. Discuss unethical practices vis-à-vis cheating.

6. Give benefits of ISO 9000 quality systems & Give importance and use of ISO 9000 standard.

7. Discuss seven points of mahatma Gandhi & Discuss social justice according to gandhiji.

8. Give characteristic of quality leadership.

 Corporate Law

Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. What are the functions of controller.

2. Distinguish cheque and bill of exchange

3. Discuss power to impose lesser penalty

4. State the miscellaneous provisions as regards charges.

5. How to convert public company in to a private company.

6. How to employ a controller and other officers.

7. What are the liability of members

8. Discuss Agency by Ratification

Financial & Cost Accounting
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. What are the objectives of cost accounting and what is the relation with
Management accounting department?
2. Define costing. Discuss briefly the objectives and advantages of costing.
3. Differentiate between idle cost and standard cost?
4. Explain the significance of cost accounting in a manufacturing company.
5. Which ratios will help in determining the long term solvency of a business
and how?
6. Differentiate between Management Accounting and Financial Accounting.
7. Discuss the limitations of financial accounting and explain the importance
of cost accounting.
8. How cost accounting is superior over financial accounting? Explain the
techniques of costing and their application and suitability.

General Management
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. What are the methods of gathering job information?
2. What are the direction of communication?
3. What are the characteristics of the integrating leadership style?
4. Explain quality control
5. Explain some of the management games
6. What are the methods of performance appraisal?
7. What is the significance of HRM?
8. What are the models of effectiveness?

International Business
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. List out agencies/funds noticed by government of India for the purpose of
deemed export benefits.
2. What is the problem of International Liquidity? In what manner this
problem has been solved by IMF?
3. What are the different dimensions of economic environment? What are the
steps taken by government to improve FDI?
4. What are the benefits to customer/ vendors derived from IT projects by
5. What are duty payables of soft bonded IT unit (S-BIT)
6. Short note on free trade & warehousing zones (FTWZ)
7. Explain exports of goods services in foreign exchange management act-
8. What do you understand by fundamental disequilibrium in the balance of
payments? What remedies do you suggest to correct it?

Marketing Management
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks
1. Give the Classification of Products and state Product Line Decisions?
2. What are various ways to classify the service market?
3. Define marketing channel. And explain various types of marketing channels?
4. What are problems and constraints in Rural Marketing?
5. What is market segmentation and Basis of Market Segmentation?
6. How marketing Research and Distribution Management is done in Rural Markets?
7. State the Market Segmentation process and criteria for effective market Segmentation?
8. What is Matrix Organization and what are advantages and disadvantages?

 Operations Management
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. What is continuous improvement (CI)? What are the major tools for this philosophy?

2. What is the logic of Taguchi methods?

3. Describe briefly the steps to develop a forecasting system.

4. Regression and correlation are both termed “causal” methods of forecasting. Explain how they are similar in this respect and also how they are different.

5. Define the terms “Qualitative Methods”, “Trend Analysis Method (Time Series Method), and “Causal Forecast”. Describe the uses of them.

6. What do you see as the main problem with qualitative (judgmental) forecasts? Are they ever better than “objective” methods?

7. Describe total quality management (TQM).

8. Explain the process of collaborative planning? How is available to promise involved?

Organizational Behavior
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. Discuss about the contemporary organizational challenges in Indian industrial
2. What are the “Big Five” personality traits? Which one seems to have the biggest
impact on performance? How would the knowledge of the Big Five help you in
your job as manger?
3. Describe and critique ways in which organization’s typically evaluate an ‘intervention’; what would
you suggest they do to improve their evaluation design and methods?
4. What type of barriers prevent people from changing their attitudes? How can
attitudes be changed?
5. Can temporary workers develop relational contracts with the host organizaton? Provide an informed
and constructively critical social psychological justification for your answer.
6. Is the term ‘psychological contract’ more useful as an explanatory construct or as a framework for
understanding and managing the employment relationship? Defend your answer on theoretical,
empirical and practical grounds.
7. Using theories from the organizational psychology literature, explore how a leader can best ensure
their team achieves its goals.
8. Describe and explain the difference between culture and climate in both
theoretical and practical terms? Use ‘safety management’ as your context for this

Personnel Management
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. Define Performance appraisal. How is the data of
employee collected for evaluation?
2. What is the process of personnel research?
3. What are the problems in performance appraisal?
4. What are the channels of communication?
5. How is audit report prepared? Give example
6. What is the responsibilty of corporate towards community
and government?
7. What is the future of personnel function in india?
8. What is promotion? What are the bases of promotion?

Principle & Practice of Management
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. Explain disadvantages of functional organization.
2. Describe characteristics of an organization.
3. Factors affecting span of control.
4. Distinguish between delegation & decentralization.
5. How many types of critical standard in management control?
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of democratic style?
7. Write short note on Staffing as function of management&
Managerial skills

8. What is planning? & explain its element.

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