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Case Study 1 :
Structuring global companies
As the chapter illustrates, to carry out their
activities in pursuit of their objectives, virtually all organisations adopt some form of
organisational structure. One traditional method of
organisation is to group individuals by function or purpose, using a departmental structure to allocate
individuals to their specialist areas (e.g. Marketing, HRM and so on ). Another is to
group activities by product or service, with each product group normally responsible
for providing its own functional requirements. A
third is to combine the two in the form of a matrix structure with its vertical and horizontal flows of
responsibility and authority, a method of organisation much favoured in
university Business Schools.
What of companies with a global reach: how do
they usually organise them-
Writing in the Financial Times in November
2000 Julian Birkinshaw, Associate Professor of
Strategic and International Management at London Business School, identifies
four basic models of global company structure:
● The International Division - an arrangement
in which the company establishes a
separate division to deal with business outside its own country. The
International Division would typically be concerned with tariff and trade issues,
foreign agents/partners and other aspects involved in selling overseas. Normally
the division does not make anything itself, it is simply responsible for interna-
tional sales. This arrangement tends to be found in medium-sized companies
with limited international sales.
separate division to deal with business outside its own country. The
International Division would typically be concerned with tariff and trade issues,
foreign agents/partners and other aspects involved in selling overseas. Normally
the division does not make anything itself, it is simply responsible for interna-
tional sales. This arrangement tends to be found in medium-sized companies
with limited international sales.

The Global Product Division - a product-based
structure with managers responsible
for their product line globally. The company is split into a number of global busi-
nesses arranged by product (or service) and usually overseen by their own
president. It has been a favoured structure among large global companies such as
BP, Siemens and 3M.
for their product line globally. The company is split into a number of global busi-
nesses arranged by product (or service) and usually overseen by their own
president. It has been a favoured structure among large global companies such as
BP, Siemens and 3M.
● The Area Division - a geographically based
structure in which the major line of
authority lies with the country (e.g. Germany) or regional (e.g. Europe) manager who
is responsible for the different product offerings within her/his geographical area.
● The Global Matrix - as the name suggests a hybrid of the two previous structural
types. In the global matrix each business manager reports to two bosses, one
responsible for the global product and one for the country/region. As we indi-
cated in the previous edition of this book, this type of structure tends to come
into and go out of fashion. Ford, for example, adopted a matrix structure in the
later 1990s, while a number of other global companies were either streamlining
or dismantling theirs (e.g. Shell, BP, IBM).
authority lies with the country (e.g. Germany) or regional (e.g. Europe) manager who
is responsible for the different product offerings within her/his geographical area.
● The Global Matrix - as the name suggests a hybrid of the two previous structural
types. In the global matrix each business manager reports to two bosses, one
responsible for the global product and one for the country/region. As we indi-
cated in the previous edition of this book, this type of structure tends to come
into and go out of fashion. Ford, for example, adopted a matrix structure in the
later 1990s, while a number of other global companies were either streamlining
or dismantling theirs (e.g. Shell, BP, IBM).
As Professor Birkinshaw indicates, ultimately
there is no perfect structure and organisations tend
to change their approach over time according to changing circumstances,
fads, the perceived
needs of the
senior executives or the
predispositions of
powerful individuals. This observation is no less true of universities than it
is of traditional businesses.
Case study questions
Birkinshaw’s article identifies the advantages and disadvantages of being
a global business. What are his major arguments?
your opinion what are likely to be the key factors determining how a global company will organise itself?
doors and a security system protect your equipment, inventory and payroll. But
what protects your business’s most valuable possessions? IP laws can protect
your trade secrets, trademarks and product design, provided you take the proper
steps. Chicago
attorney Kara E.F. Cenar of Welsh and Katz, an IP firm, contends that
businesses should start thinking about these issues earlier than most do.
“Small businesses tend to delay securing IP protection because of the expense,”
Cenar says. “They tend not to see the value of IP until a competitor
infringes.” But a business that hasn’t applied for copyrights or patents and
actively defended tem will likely have trouble making its case in court.
reason many business owners don’t protect their intellectual property is that
they don’t recognize the value of the intangibles they own. Cenar advises
business owners to take their business plans to an experienced IP attorney and
discuss how to deal with these issues. Spending money upfront for legal help
can save a great deal later by giving you strong copyright or trademark rights,
which can deter competitors from infringing and avoid litigation later.
you’ve figured out what’s worth protecting, you have to decide how to protect
it. That isn’t always obvious. Traditionally, patents prohibit others from
copying new devices and processes, while copyrights do the same for creative
endeavors such as books, music and software. In many cases, though, the
categories overlap. Likewise, trademark law now extends to such distinctive
elements as a product’s color and shape. Trade dress laws concerns how the
product is packaged and advertised. You might be able to choose what kind of
protection to seek.
instance, one of Welsh & Katz’s clients is Ty Inc., maker of plush toys.
Before launching the Beanie Baby line, Cenar explains, the owners brought in business
and marketing plans to discuss IP issues. The plan was for a limited number of
toys in a variety of styles, and no advertising except word-of-mouth. Getting a
patent on a plush toy might have been impossible and would have taken several
years, too long for easily copied toys. Trademark and trade dress protection
wouldn’t help much, because the company planned a variety of styles. But
copyrights are available for sculptural art, and they’re inexpensive and easy
to obtain. The company chose to register copyrights and defend them vigorously.
Cenar’s firm has fended off numerous knockoffs.
the next step: monitoring the market-place for knockoffs and trademark
infringement, and taking increasingly firm steps to enforce your rights.
Efforts typically begin with a letter of warning and could end with a
court-ordered cease-and-desist order or even an award of damages. “If you don’t
take the time to enforce [your trademark], it becomes a very weak mark,” Cenar
says. But a strong mark deters infringement, wins lawsuits and gets people to
settle early.” Sleep on your rights, and you’’’ lose them. Be proactive, and
you’ll protect them – and save money in the long run.
An inventor with a newly
invented technology comes to you for advice on the following matters:
1. In running this new
venture, I need to invest al available resources in producing the products and
attracting customers. How important is it for me to divert money from those
efforts to protect my intellectual property?
2. I have sufficient
resources to obtain intellectual property protection, but how effective is that
protection without a large stock of resources to invest in going after those
that infringe on my rights? If I do not have the resources to defend a patent, is
it worth obtaining one in the first place?
3. Are there circumstances
when it is better for me not to be an innovator but rather produce “knock-offs”
of other innovations?
Case 1: Zip Zap
Zoom Car Company
Zip Zap Zoom Company Ltd is into manufacturing cars in
the small car (800 cc) segment. It was
set up 15 years back and since its establishment it has seen a phenomenal
growth in both its market and profitability.
Its financial statements are shown in Exhibits 1 and 2 respectively.
The company
enjoys the confidence of its shareholders who have been rewarded with growing
dividends year after year. Last year,
the company had announced 20 per cent dividend, which was the highest in the
automobile sector. The company has never
defaulted on its loan payments and enjoys a favorable face with its lenders,
which include financial institutions, commercial banks and debenture holders.
The competition
in the car industry has increased in the past few years and the company
foresees further intensification of competition with the entry of several
foreign car manufactures many of them being market leaders in their respective
countries. The small car segment
especially, will witness entry of foreign majors in the near future, with
latest technology being offered to the Indian customer. The Zip Zap Zoom’s senior management realizes
the need for large scale investment in up gradation of technology and
improvement of manufacturing facilities to pre-empt competition.
Whereas on the
one hand, the competition in the car industry has been intensifying, on the
other hand, there has been a slowdown in the Indian economy, which has not only
reduced the demand for cars, but has also led to adoption of price cutting
strategies by various car manufactures.
The industry indicators predict that the economy is gradually slipping
into recession.
Analyse the debt capacity of the company.
– 1 Your Job and Your Passion—You Can
Pursue Both!
The 21st century offers many
challenges to every one of us. As more firms go global, as more economies
interconnect, and as the Web blasts away boundaries to communication, we become
more informed citizens. This interconnectedness means that the organizations
you work for will require you to develop both general and specialized
knowledge—such as speaking multiple languages, using various software
applications, or understanding details of financial transactions. You will have
to develop general management skills to foster your ability to be self-reliant
and thrive in a changing market-place. And here’s the exciting part: As you
build both types of knowledge, you may be able to integrate your growing
expertise with the causes or activities you care most about. Or, your career
adventure may lead you to a new passion.
Former presidents
George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton are well known for combining their
management skills—running a country—with their passion for helping people
around the world. Together they have raised funds to assist disaster victims,
those with HIV/AIDS, and others in need. Jake Burton turned his love of snow
sports into an entire industry when he founded Burton Snowboards. Annie Withey
poured her business and marketing knowledge into her two famous business
ventures: Smartfood and Annie’s Homegrown. Both products were the result of her
passion for healthful foods made from organic ingredients.
As you enter the
workforce, you may have no idea where your career path will lead. You may be
asking yourself, “How will I fit in?” “Where will I live?” “How much will I
earn?” “Where will my business and personal careers evolve as the world
continuous to change at such a fast pace?” If you are feeling nervous because
you don’t know the answers to these questions yet, relax. A career is a
journey, not a single destination. You may have one type of career or several.
It is likely you will work for several organisations, or you may run one or
more businesses of your own.
As you ask
yourself what you want to do and where you want to be, take a few minutes to
review the chapter and its main topics. Think about your personality, what you
like and dislike, what you know and what you want to learn, what you fear and
what you dream. Then try the following exercise.
a three-column chart in which the first column lists nonmanagement skills you
have. Are you good at travel? Do you know how to build furniture? Are you a
whiz at sports statistics? Are you an innovative cook? Do you play video games
for hours? In the second column, list the causes or activities about which you
are passionate. These may dovetail with the first list, but they might not.
you have you two columns complete, draw lines between entries that seem
compatible. If you are good at building furniture, you might have also listed a
concern about families who are homeless. Remember that not all entries will
find a match—the idea is to begin finding some connections.
the third column, generate a list of firms or organizations you know about that
reflect your interests. If you are good at building furniture, you might be
interested working for the Habitat for Humanity organization, or you might find
yourself gravitating towards a furniture retailer like Ikea or Ethan Allen. You
can do further research on organizations via Internet or business
Enterprise Builds On People
When most people think of
car-rental firms, the names of Hertz and Avis usually come to mind. But in the
last few years, Enterprise Rent-A-Car has overtaken both of these industry
giants, and today it stands as both the largest and the most profitable
business in the car-rental industry. In 2001, for instance, the firm had sales
in excess of $6.3 billion and employed over 50,000 people.
Jack Taylor
started Enterprise in St. Louis in 1957. Taylor had a unique strategy in mind
for Enterprise, and that strategy played a key role in the firm’s initial
success. Most car-rental firms like Hertz and Avis base most of their locations
in or near airports, train stations, and other transportation hubs. These firms
see their customers as business travellers and people who fly for vacation and
then need transportation at the end of their flight. But Enterprise went after
a different customer. It sought to rent cars to individuals whose own cars are
being repaired or who are taking a driving vacation.
The firm got its
start by working with insurance companies. A standard feature in many
automobile insurance policies is the provision of a rental car when one’s
personal car has been in an accident or has been stolen. Firms like Hertz and
Avis charge relatively high daily rates because their customers need the
convenience of being near an airport and/or they are having their expenses paid
by their employer. These rates are often higher than insurance companies are
willing to pay, so customers who these firms end up paying part of the rental
bills themselves. In addition, their locations are also often inconvenient for
people seeking a replacement car while theirs is in the shop.
But Enterprise
located stores in downtown and suburban areas, where local residents actually
live. The firm also provides local pickup and delivery service in most areas.
It also negotiates exclusive contract arrangements with local insurance agents.
They get the agent’s referral business while guaranteeing lower rates that are
more in line with what insurance covers.
In recent years,
Enterprise has started to expand its market base by pursuing a two-pronged
growth strategy. First, the firm has started opening airport locations to compete with Hertz and
Avis more directly. But their target is still the occasional renter than the
frequent business traveller. Second, the firm also began to expand into
international markets and today has rental offices in the United Kingdom,
Ireland and Germany.
Another key to
Enterprise’s success has been its human resource strategy. The firm targets a
certain kind of individual to hire; its preferred new employee is a college
graduate from bottom half of graduating class, and preferably one who was an
athlete or who was otherwise actively involved in campus social activities. The
rationale for this unusual academic standard is actually quite simple.
Enterprise managers do not believe that especially high levels of achievements
are necessary to perform well in the car-rental industry, but having a college
degree nevertheless demonstrates intelligence and motivation. In addition,
since interpersonal relations are important to its business, Enterprise wants
people who were social directors or high-ranking officers of social
organisations such as fraternities or sororities. Athletes are also desirable
because of their competitiveness.
Once hired, new
employees at Enterprise are often shocked at the performance expectations
placed on them by the firm. They generally work long, grueling hours for
relatively low pay.
And all
Enterprise managers are expected to jump in and help wash or vacuum cars when a
rental agency gets backed up. All Enterprise managers must wear coordinated
dress shirts and ties and can have facial hair only when “medically necessary”.
And women must wear skirts no shorter than two inches above their knees or
creased pants.
So what are the
incentives for working at Enterprise? For one thing, it’s an unfortunate fact
of life that college graduates with low grades often struggle to find work.
Thus, a job at Enterprise is still better than no job at all. The firm does not
hire outsiders—every position is filled by promoting someone already inside the
company. Thus, Enterprise employees know that if they work hard and do their
best, they may very well succeed in moving higher up the corporate ladder at a
growing and successful firm.
Enterprise’s approach human resource management work in other industries?
Enterprise face any risks from its human resource strategy?
you want to work for Enterprise? Why or why not?
The Problem
Designing a car is a complex and lengthy task. Take, for example, General Motors (GM). Each model created needs to go through a frontal crash test. So the company builds prototypes that cost about one million dollars for each car and tests how they react to frontal crash. GM crashes these cars, makes improvements, then makes new prototypes and crashes them again. There are other tests and more crashes. Even as late as the 1990s, GM crashed as many as 70 cars for each new model.
The information regarding a new design and its various tests, collected in these crashes and other tests, has to be shared among close to 20,000 designers and engineers in hundreds of divisions and departments at 14 GM design labs, some of which are located in different countries. In addition, communication and collaboration is needed with design engineers of the more than 1,000 key suppliers. All of these necessary communications slowed the design process and increased its cost. It took over four years to get a new model to the market.
The Solution
GM, like its competitors, has been transforming itself into an e-business. This gradual transformation has been going on since the mid-1990s, when Internet band width increased sufficiently to allow Web collaboration. The first task was to examine over 7,000 existing legacy IT systems, reducing them to about 3,000, and making them Web-enabled. The EC system is centered on a computer-aided design (CAD) program from EDS (a large IT company, subsidiary of GM). This system, known as Unigraphics, allows 3-D design documents to be shared online by both the internal and external designers and engineers, all of whom are hooked up with the EDS software. In addition. Collaborative and Web-conferencing software tools, including Microsoft’s NetMeeting and EDS’s eVis, were added to enhance teamwork. These tools have radically changed the vehicle-review process.
To see how GM now collaborates with a supplier, take as an example a needed cost reduction of a new seat frame made by Johnson Control GM electronically sends its specifications for the seat to the vendor’s product data system. Johnson Control’s collaboration systems (eMatrix) is integrated with EDS’s In graphics. This integration allows joint searching, designing. Tooling, and testing of the seat frame in real time, expediting the process and cutting costs by more than 10 percent.
Another area of collaboration is that of crashing cars. Here designers need close collaboration with the test engineers. Using simulation, mathematical modeling, and a Web-based review process. GM is able now to electronically “Crash” cars rather than to do it physically.
The Results
Now it takes less than 18 months to bring a new car to market, compared to 4 or more years before, and at a much lower design cost. For example, 60 cars are now “Crashed” electronically, and only 10 are crashed physically. The shorter cycle time enables more new car models, providing GM with a competitive edge. All this has translated into profit. Despite the economic show down. GM’s revenues increased more than 6 percent in 2002. while its earnings in the second quarter of 2002 doubled that of 2001.
1. Why did it take GM over four years to design a new car?
2. Who collaborated with whom to reduce the time-to-market?
3. How has IT helped to cut the time-to-market?
CASE – 1 Dabur India Limited: Growing Big and Global
Dabur is among the top five FMCG companies in India and is
positioned successfully on the specialist herbal platform. Dabur has proven its
expertise in the fields of health care, personal care, homecare and foods.
The company was founded by Dr. S. K. Burman in 1884 as small
pharmacy in Calcutta (now Kolkata), India. And is now led by his great grandson
Vivek C. Burman, who is the Chairman of Dabur India Limited and the senior most
representative of the Burman family in the company. The company headquarters
are in Ghaziabad, India, near the Indian capital New Delhi, where it is
registered. The company has over 12 manufacturing units in India and abroad.
The international facilities are located in Nepal, Dubai, Bangladesh, Egypt and
S.K. Burman, the founder of Dabur, was trained as a physician. His
mission was to provide effective and affordable cure for ordinary people in
far-flung villages. Soon, he started preparing natural remedies based on
Ayurved for diseases such as Cholera, Plague and Malaria. Due to his cheap and
effective remedies, he became to be known as ‘Daktar’ (Indianised version of
‘doctor’). And that is how his venture Dabur got its name—derived from Daktar
The company faces stiff competition from many multi national and
domestic companies. In the Branded and Packaged Food and Beverages segment
major companies that are active include Hindustan Lever, Nestle, Cadbury and
Dabur. In case of Ayurvedic medicines and products, the major competitors are
Baidyanath, Vicco, Jhandu, Himani and other pharmaceutical companies.
Vision, Mission and Objectives
Vision statement
of Dabur says that the company is “dedicated
to the health and well being of every household”. The objective is to “significantly accelerate profitable growth
by providing comfort to others”. For achieving this objective Dabur aims
Focus on growing core brands
across categories, reaching out to new geographies, within and outside India,
and improve operational efficiencies by leveraging technology.
Be the preferred company to
meet the health and personal grooming needs of target consumers with safe,
efficacious, natural solutions by synthesising deep knowledge of ayurveda and
herbs with modern science.
Be a professionally managed
employer of choice, attracting, developing and retaining quality personnel.
Be responsible citizens with a
commitment to environmental protection.
Provide superior returns,
relative to our peer group, to our shareholders.
Chairman of the company
Vivek C. Burman
joined Dabur in 1954 after completing his graduation in Business Administration
from the USA. In 1986 he was appointed Managing Director of Dabur and in 1998
he took over as Chairman of the Company.
Under Vivek Burman’s leadership, Dabur has grown and evolved as a
multi-crore business house with a diverse product portfolio and a marketing
network that traverses the whole of India and more than 50 countries across the
world. As a strong and positive leader, Vivek C. Burman has motivated employees
of Dabur to “do better than their best”—a credo that gives Dabur its status as
India’s most trusted nature-based products company.
Leading brands
More than 300
diverse products in the FMCG, Healthcare and Ayurveda segments are in the
product line of Dabur. List of products of the company include very successful
brands like Vatika, Anmol, Hajmola, Dabur Amla Chyawanprash, Dabur Honey and
Lal Dant Manjan with turnover of Rs.100 crores each.
Strategic positioning of Dabur Honey as food product, lead to market
leadership with over 40% market share in branded honey market; Dabur
Chyawanprash is the largest selling Ayurvedic medicine with over 65% market
share. Dabur is a leader in herbal digestives with 90% market share. Hajmola tablets
are in command with 75% market share of digestive tablets category. Dabur Lal
Tail tops baby massage oil market with 35% of total share.
CHD (Consumer Health Division), dealing with classical Ayurvedic
medicines has more than 250 products sold through prescription as well as over
the counter. Proprietary Ayurvedic medicines developed by Dabur include Nature
Care Isabgol, Madhuvaani and Trifgol.
However, some of the subsidiary units of Dabur have proved to be low
margin business; like Dabur Finance Limited. The international units are also
operating on low profit margin. The company also produces several “me – too”
products. At the same time the company is very popular in the rural segment.
What is the objective of Dabur?
Is it profit maximisation or growth maximisation? Discuss.
Do you think the growth of
Dabur from a small pharmacy to a large multinational company is an indicator of
the advantages of joint stock company against proprietorship form? Elaborate.
Managing the Guinness brand in the face of consumers’ changing tastes
1997 saw the US$19 billion
merger of Guinness and GrandMet to
form Diageo, the world’s largest drinks company. Guinness was the group’s
top-selling beverage after Smirnoff vodka, and the group’s third most
profitable brand, with an estimated global value of US$1.2 billion. More than
10 million glasses of the popular stout were sold every day, predominantly in
Guinness’s top markets: respectively, the UK, Ireland, Nigeria, the USA and
However, the famous dark
stout with the white, creamy head was causing some strategic concerns for Diageo.
In 1999, for the first time in the 241-year of Guinness, sales fell. In early
2002 Diageo CEO Paul Walsh announced to the group’s concerned shareholders that
global volume growth of Guinness was down 4 per cent in the last six months of
2001 and, more alarmingly, sales were also down 4 per cent in its home market,
Ireland. How should Diageo address falling sales in the centuries-old brand
shrouded in Irish mystique and tradition?
changing face of the Irish beer market
The Irish were very fond of
beer and even fonder of Guinness. With close to 200 litres per capita drunk
each year—the equivalent of one pint per person per day—Ireland ranked top in
worldwide per capita beer consumption, ahead of the Czech Republic and Germany.
Beer accounted for two-thirds
of all alcohol bought in Ireland in 2001. Stout led the way in volume sales and
accounted for 40 per cent of all beer value sales. Guinness, first brewed in
1759 in Dublin by Arthur Guinness, enjoyed legendary status in Ireland, a
national symbol as respected as the green, white and gold flag. It was by far
the most popular alcoholic drink in Ireland, accounting for nearly one of every
two pints of beer sold. Its nearest competitors were Budweiser and Heineken,
which held 13 per cent and 12 per cent of the market respectively.
However, the spectacular
economic growth of the Irish economy since the mid-1990s had opened up the
traditional drinking market to new cultures and influences, and encouraged the
travel-friendly Irish to try other drinks. Beer and in particular stout were
losing popularity compared with wine or the recently launched RTDs
(ready-to-drinks) or FABs (flavoured alcoholic beverages), which the younger
generation of drinkers considered trendier and ‘healthier’. As a Euromonitor
report explained: Younger consumers consider dark beers and stout to be old
fashioned drinks, with the perceived stout or ale drinker being an old,
slightly overweight man and thus not in tune with image conscious youth
Beer sales, which once
accounted for 75 per cent of all alcohol bought in Ireland, were expected to
drop to close to 50 per cent by 2006, while stout sales were forecast to
decrease by 12 per cent between 2002 and 2006.
Guinness a boost in its home market
With Guinness alone accounting
for 37 per cent of Diageo’s volume in the market, Guinness/UDV Ireland was one
of the first to feel the pain caused by the declining popularity of beer and in
particular stout. A Euromonitor report in February 2002 explained how the
profile of the Guinness drinker, typically men aged 21-plus, was affected: The
average age of Guinness drinkers is rising and this is bringing about the
worrying fact that the size of the Guinness target audience is falling. The
rate of decline is likely to quicken as the number of less brand loyal,
non-stout drinking younger consumers increases.
The report continued:
In Ireland, in particular,
the consumer base for Guinness is shrinking as the majority of 18 to 24 year
olds consistently reject stout as a product relevant to their generation,
opting instead to consume lager or spirits.
Effectively, one-third of
young Irish men and half of young Irish women had reportedly never tried
Guinness. A Guinness employee provided another explanation. Guinness is similar
to coffee in that when you’re young you drink it [coffee] with sugar, but when
you’re older you drink it without. It’s got a similar acquired taste and once
you’re over the initial hurdle, you’ll fall in love with it.
In an attempt to lure young
drinkers to the somewhat ‘acquired’ Guinness taste (40 per cent of the Irish
population was under the age of 24) Diageo had invested millions in developing
product innovations and brand building in Ireland’s 10,000 pubs, clubs and
Until the mid-1990s most
Guinness in Ireland was drunk in a pint glass in the local pub. The launch of
product innovations in the form of a new cooling mechanism for draft Guinness
and the ‘widget’ technology applied to cans and bottles attempted to modernize
the brand’s image and respond to increasing competition from other local and
imported stouts and lagers.
‘A perfect head’ for canned
In 1989, and at a cost of
more than £10 million, Guinness developed an ingenious ‘widget’ device for its
canned draft stout sold in ‘off-trade’ outlets such as supermarkets and
off-licences. The widget, placed in the bottom of the can, released a gas that
replicated the draft effect.
Although over 90 per cent of
beer in Ireland was sold in ‘on-trade’ pubs and bars, sale of beer in the
cheaper ‘off-trade’ channel were slowly gaining in importance. The Guinness
brand manager at the time, John O’Keeffe, explained how home drinkers could now
enjoy a smoother, creamier head similar to the one obtained in a pub thanks to
the new widget technology:
When the can is opened, the
pressure causes the nitrogen to be released as the widget moves through the
beer, creating the classic draft Guinness surge.
Nearly 10 years later, in
1997, the ‘floating widget’ was introduced, which improved the effectiveness of
the device.
A colder pint
In 1997 Guinness Draft Extra
Cold was launched in Ireland. An additional chilled tap system could be added
to the standard barrel in pubs, allowing the Guinness to be served at 4ºC
rather than the normal 6ºC. By serving Guinness at a cooler temperature,
Guinness/UDV hoped to mute the bitter taste of the stout and make it more
palatable for younger adults, who were increasingly accustomed to drinking
chilled lager, particularly in the summer
cooler image for Guinness
In October 1999 the widget
technology was applied to long-stemmed bottles of Guinness. The launch was
supported by a US$2 million TV and outdoor board campaign. The packaging—with a
clear, shiny plastic wrap, designed to look like a pint complete with creamy
head—was quite a departure from the traditional Guinness look.
The objective was to
reposition Guinness alongside certain similarly packaged lagers and RTDs and
offer younger adults a more fashionable way to drink Guinness: straight from
the bottle. It also gave Guinness easier access to the growing number of clubs
and bars that were less likely to serve traditional draft Guinness easier
access to the growing number of clubs and bars that were less likely to serve
traditional draft Guinness, which could be kept for only six to eight weeks and
took two minutes to pour. The RTDs, by contrast, had a shelf-life of more than
a year and were drunk straight from the bottle.
However, financial analyst remained sceptical
about the Guinness product innovations, which had no significant positive
impact on sales or profitability:
The last news about the
success of the recently introduced innovations suggests that they have not had
a notably material impact on Guinness brand performance.
Euromonitor estimates that,
in 2000, Diageo invested between US$230 and US$250 million worldwide in
Guinness advertising and promotions. However, with a cost-cutting objective,
the company reduced marketing expenses in both Ireland and the UK up to 10 per
cent in 2001 and the number of global Guinness agencies from six to two.
Nevertheless, Guinness
remained one of the most advertised brands in Ireland. It was the leading
cinema advertiser and, in terms of advertising, was second only to the national
telecoms provider, Eircom. Guinness was also heavily promoted at leading
sporting and music events, in particular those that were popular with the
younger age groups.
The ultimate tribute to the
brand was the opening of the new Guinness Storehouse in Dublin in late 2000, a
sort of Mecca for all Guinness fans. The Storehouse was also a fashionable
visitor centre with an art gallery and restaurants, and regularly hosted
evening events. The company’s design brief highlighted another key objective:
To use an ultramodern
facility to breathe life into an ageing brand, to reconnect an old company with
young (sceptical) customers.
As the Storehouse’s design
firm’s director, Ralph Ardill, explained:
Guinness Storehouse had
become the top tourist destination in Ireland, attracting more than half a
million people and hosting 45,000 people for special events and training.
The Storehouse also had
training facilities for Guinness’s bartenders and 3000 Irish employees. The
quality of the Guinness pint remained a high priority for the company, which
not only developed pub-like classrooms at the Storehouse but also employed
teams of draft technicians to teach barmen how to pour a proper pint. The
process involved two steps—the pour and the top-up—and took a total of 119.5
seconds. Barmen also needed to learn how to check that the pressure gauges were
properly set and that the proportion of nitrogen to carbon dioxide in the gas
was correct.
uncertain future of the Guinness brand in Ireland
Despite Guinness/DUV’s
attempt to appeal to the younger generation of drinkers and boost its fading
image, rumours persisted in Ireland about the brand future. The country’s
leading and respected newspaper, the Irish times, reported in an article in
July 2001:
The uncertainty over its future
all adds to the air of crisis that is building around Guinness Ireland Group
four months ago…The review is not complete and the assumption is that there is
more bad news to come.
In the pubs across Ireland,
the traditional Guinness drinkers looked on anxiously as the younger generation
drank Bacardi Breezers, Smirnoff Ices or Californian wines. Could the goliath
Guinness survive another two centuries? Was the preference for these new drinks
just a fad or fashion, or did Diageo need to seriously reconsider how it
marketed Guinness?
quick solution?
In late February 2002,
Diageo CEO Paul Walsh revealed that the company was testing technology to cut
the waiting time for a pint of Guinness from 1 minute 59 seconds to 15-25
seconds. Ultrasound could release bubbles in the stout and form the head
instantly, making a pint of Guinness that would be indistinguishable from one
produced by the slower, traditional method.
‘A two-minute pour is not
relevant to our customers today,’ Walsh said. A Guinness spokeswoman continued,
‘We have got to move with the times and the brand must evolve. We must take all
the opportunities that we can. In outlets where it is really busy, if you walk
in after nine o’clock in the evening there will be a cloth over the Guinness
pump because it takes longer to pour than other drinks. Aware that some
consumers might not be attracted by the innovation, she added ‘It wouldn’t be
put everywhere—only where people want a quick pint with no effect on the
Although still being tested,
the ‘quick-pour pint’ was a popular topic of conversation in Dublin pubs, among
barmen and customers alike. There were rumours that it would be introduced in
Britain only; others thought it would be released worldwide.
Some market commentators
viewed the quick-pour pint as an innovative way to appeal to the younger, less
patient segment in which Guinness had under-performed. Others feared that the
young would be unconvinced by the introduction, and loyal customers would be
turned off by what they characterized as a ‘marketing u-turn’.
a marketing perspective, what has Guinness done to ensure its longevity?
would you characterize the Guinness brand?
could Guinness do to attract younger drinkers? And to retain its older loyal
customer base? Can both be done at the same time?
Attempt All Case Study
CASE – 1
The Indian Railways'
ambitious Kashmir Railway Project. This was one of its most important and
difficult projects as it aimed to build a railroad connection through the
Himalayan foothills linking Kashmir with the rest of India. The main objective
of this project was to provide an alternative and more reliable mode of
transportation system to the people of Kashmir than the existing mode of travel
by road. Officially, this track was named as the
Jammu-Udhampur-Katra-Qazigund-Baramulla link (JUSBRL). The unique features of
this line, according to observers, were the presence of a major earthquake
zone, extreme environmental conditions in terms of temperature, and the most
extreme geological profile throughout the entire terrain.
Some experts lauded the
Indian Railway's initiatives and how it had overcome some of the challenges
associated with the project and said that once accomplished it would be an
engineering miracle. However, it was also criticized on many fronts and some
experts believed that the project had been bungled at the planning stage
» Understand issues and
challenges in executing a large infrastructure project by studying the ambitious
Kashmir Railway Project which once accomplished would be an engineering
» Appreciate the difficulties before the project managers due to the fragile geology and steep topography - presence of a major earthquake zone, extreme environmental conditions in terms of temperature, etc.
» Appreciate the difficulties involved in the execution of large infrastructure projects in developing countries, and how these can be overcome.
» Appreciate the difficulties before the project managers due to the fragile geology and steep topography - presence of a major earthquake zone, extreme environmental conditions in terms of temperature, etc.
» Appreciate the difficulties involved in the execution of large infrastructure projects in developing countries, and how these can be overcome.
CASE – 1
Unilever is one
of the world’s oldest multinational companies. Its origin goes back to the 19th
century when a group of companies operating independently, produced soaps and
margarine. In 1930, the companies merged to form Unilever that diversified into
food products in 1940s. Through the next five decades, it emerged as a major
fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) multinational operating in several
businesses. In 2004, the Unilever 2010 strategic plan was put into action with
the mission to ‘bring vitality to life’ and ‘to meet everyday needs for
nutrition, hygiene and personal care with brands that help people feel good,
look good, and get more out of life’. The corporate strategy is of focusing on
bore businesses of food, home care and personal care. Unilever operates in more
than 100 countries, has a turnover of € 39.6 billion and net profit of € 3.685
billion in 2006 and derives 41 per cent of its income from the developing and
emerging economies around the world. It has 179,000 employees and is a culturally-diverse
organisation with its top management coming from 24 nations.
Internationalisation is based on the principle of local roots with global scale
aimed at becoming a ‘multi-local multinational’.
The genesis of Hindustan Unilever (HUL) in India, goes back to 1888
when Unilever exported Sunlight soap to India. Three Indian, subsidiaries came
into existence in the period 1931-1935 that merged to form Hindustan Lever in
1956. Mergers and acquisitions of Lipton (1972), Brooke Bond (1984), Ponds
(1986), TOMCO (1993), Lakme (1998) and Modern Foods (2002) have resulted in an
organisation that is a conglomerate of several businesses that have been
continually restructured over the years.
HUL is one of the largest FMCG company in India with total sales of
Rs. 12,295 crore and net profit of 1855crore in 2006. There are over 15000
employees, including more than 1300 managers. The present corporate strategy of
HUL is to focus on core businesses. These core businesses are in home and
personal care and food. There are 20 different consumer categories in these two
businesses. For instance, home and personal care is made up of personal wash,
laundry, skin care, hair care, oral care, deodorants, colour cosmetics and ayurvedic personal and health care,
while food businesses have tea, coffee, ice creams and processed food brands.
Apart from the two product divisions, there are separate departments for
specialty exports and new ventures.
Strategic management at HUL is the responsibility of the board of
directors headed by a chairman. There are five independent and five whole-time
directors. The operational management is looked after by a management committee
comprising of Vice Chairman, CEO and managing director and executive directors
of the two business divisions and functional areas. The divisions have a lot of
autonomy with dedicated assets and resources. A divisional committee having the
executive director and heads of functions of sales, commercial and
manufacturing looks after the business level decision-making. The functional-level
management is the responsibility of the functional head. For instance, a
marketing manager has a team of brand managers looking after the individual
brands. Besides the decentralised divisional structure, HUL has centralised
some functions such as finance, human resource management, research,
technology, information technology and corporate and legal affairs.
Unilever globally and HUL nationally, operate in the highly
competitive FMCG markets. The consumer markets for FMCG products are finicky:
it’s difficult to create customers and much more difficult to retain them.
Price is often the central concern in a consumer purchase decision requiring
producers to be on continual guard against cost increases. Sales and
distribution are critical functions organisationally. HUL operates in such a
milieu. It has strong competitors such as the multinationals Procter &
Gamble, Nivea or L’Oreal and formidable local companies such as, Amul, Nirma or
the Tata
FMCG companies
to contend with. Rivals have copied HUL’s strategies and tactics, especially in
the area of marketing and distribution. Its innovations such as new style
packaging or distribution through women entrepreneurs are much valued but also
copied relentlessly, hurting its competitive advantage.
HUL is identified closely with India. There is a ring of truth to
its vision statement: ‘to earn the love and respect of India by making a real
difference to every Indian’. It has an impeccable record in corporate social
responsibility. There is an element of nostalgia associated with brands like
Lifebuoy (introduced in 1895) and Dalda (1937) for senior citizens in India.
Consequently Indians have always perceived HUL as an Indian company rather than
a multinational. HUL has attempted to align its strategies in the past to the
special needs of Indian business environment. Be it marketing or human resource
management, HUL has experimented with new ideas suited to the local context.
For instance, HUL is known for its capabilities in rural marketing, effective
distribution systems and human resource development. But this focus on India
seems to be changing. This might indicate a change in the strategic posture as
well as recognition that Indian markets have matured to the extent that they
can be dealt with by the global strategies of Unilever. At the corporate level,
it could also be an attempt to leverage global scale while retaining local
responsiveness to some extent.
In line with the shift in corporate strategy, the focus of strategic
decision-making seems to have moved from the subsidiary to the headquarters.
Unilever has formulated a new global realignment under which it will develop
brands and streamline product offerings across the world and the subsidiaries
will sell the products. Other subtle indications of the shift of
decision-making authority could be the appointment of a British CEO after
nearly forty years during which there were Indian CEOs, the changed focus on a
limited number of international brands rather than a large range of local
brands developed over the years and the name-change from Hindustan Lever to
Hindustan Unilever.
The shift in the strategic decision-making power from the subsidiary
to headquarters could however, prove to be double-edged sword. An example could
be of HUL adopting Unilever’s global strategy of focussing on a limited number
of products, called the 30 power brands in 2002. That seemed a perfectly
sensible strategic decision aimed at focusing managerial attention to a limited
set of high-potential products. But one consequence of that was the HUL’s
strong position in the niche soap and detergent markets suffering owing to
neglect and the competitors were quick to take advantage of the opportunity.
Then there are the statistics to deal with: HUL has nearly 80 per cent of sales
and 85 per cent of net profits from the home and personal care businesses.
Globally, Unilever derives half its revenues from food business. HUL does not
have a strong position in the food business in India though the food processing
industry remains quite attractive both in terms of local consumption as well as
export markets. HUL’s own strategy of offering low-price, competitive products
may also suffer at the cost of Unilever’s emphasis on premium priced, high end
products sold through modern outlets.
There are some dark clouds on the horizon. HUL’s latest financials
are not satisfactory. Net profit is down, sales are sluggish, input costs have
been rising and new food products introduced in the market have yet to pick up.
All this while, in one market segment after another, a competitor pushes ahead.
In a company of such a big size and over-powering presence, these might still
be minor events developments in a long history that needs to be taken in
stride. But, pessimistically, they could also be pointers to what may come.
State the strategy of Hindustan
Unilever in your own words.
At what different levels is
strategy formulated in HUL?
Comment on the strategic
decision-making at HUL.
Give your opinion on whether
the shift in strategic decision-making from India to Unilever’s headquarters
could prove to be advantageous to HUL or not.
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