Tuesday, 14 November 2017


LOGISTIC MANAGEMENT ANSWERS PROVIDED. DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: prasanththampi1975@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com
Masters Program in Business Administration (MBA)
Specializations: - Logistic Management

Instructions to the candidates:-
1) Solve any Ten questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Ql) What do you mean by material handling? Discuss principles and objectives of material handling.
Q2) How should an”organisation manage an in-bound supply chain that organised into tiers? Use Autocomponent manufacturing industries illustration to justify your answer.
‘Q3) What is standardisation and codification? What are the techniques available for that.
Q4) Discuss the purpose, objectives and scope of value analysis. Justify your answer with examples.
Q5) Discuss the role and responsibility of purchase department in a manufacturing organisation having multiple units and multiple product range.
Q6) Which are the different methods of forecasting? Explain anyone of them.
Q7) Discuss the interface of materials management with other function in a manufacturing organisation such as
a) Marketing.
b) Finance.
c) Supply chain.
Q8) Write a short notes on (any two):
a) ABC Analysis.
b) EOQ.
c) MRP.
d) Logistics Management.
Q 8 - “Importance and scope of materials management function has increased with globalization and competition”. Discuss the statement in context of Indian manufacturing organizations.
Q 9 Consider the supply chain for an automobile or a retail organization.
a) Draw the supply chain and identify components of the supply chain.
b) Identify and state involvement of different organizations in the supply chain.
Q 10 a) Explain which decisions materials manager can make using EOQ model.
State the benefits of EOQ model.
b) Discuss the impact of high work in progress inventory on product quality and
Q 11 Explain the concept of MRP and describe its inputs and their relationship.
Q 12 . What is negotiation. Discuss in details steps involved in negotiation process for procurement of high value capital equipment.
Q 13 Explain with example how does codification of materials help in controlling inventory and reducing costs.

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