Friday 1 December 2017



Business Environment
Answer the following question.
Q1. Why is the energy conservation management important? (10 marks)
Q2. State causes of inflationary trends in India. (10 marks)
Q3. Give highlights of Management of Foreign Exchange. (10 marks)
Q4. Give highlights of labour management relation. (10 marks)
Q5. Write a note on National Waterways. (10 marks)
Q6. What are the issues relating Intellectual Property Rights. (10 marks)
Q7. Is India sharing a comfortable position with regard to natural resources? (10 marks)
Q8. Throw light on decision making and the impact of micro-environment. (10 marks)

Business Ethics
Answer the following question.
Q1. Give song of eighteen values. (10 marks)
Q2. What are the fundamental duties of every citizen of India. (10 marks)
Q3. What is code of conduct for citizens. (10 marks)
Q4. Give a note on Human culture. (10 marks)
Q5. Give SWOT analysis in Indian scenario. (10 marks)
Q6. How morality is useful in business? (10 marks)
Q7. Give need for consumer education. (10 marks)
Q8. Discuss seven points of mahatma Gandhi. (10 marks)

International Business
Answer the following question.
Q1. What documents are involved in exports ? (10 marks)
Q2. What are the functions of the distribution channels ? (10 marks)
Q3. Explain Export Procedures and Documentation in India ? (10 marks)
Q4. What are FDI and its impact on World Economy ? (10 marks)
Q5. Define the concept of globalisation. (10 marks)
Q6. What is agricultural & village industry facility in special focus initiatives? (10 marks)
Q7. Explain five features of globalization (10 marks)
Q8. What are the role and functions of WTO in international relations? (10 marks)

Quantitative Methods
Case Studies
A monte Carlo Case Study (20
Laura,' a 57 year old unmarried woman, earns around 68,000 dollars per year with expenditure of 37,500 dollars. She hit away
14,000 dollars each year and collected 330,000 dollars in her RRSP and TFSA, and also a rented apartment worth 250,000 dollars.
She has a iixed pension given by her employer, although it is not indicated to price rise, and Is entitled to get complete benefits of
Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security, for retirement. She did not have a very competent portfolio: one fourth of cash is there,
and most of it was in contracted sector ETFs, single stocks and business bonds. Due to wrong entry of ETFs in the account,
unnecessary taxes were charged. Even before reconstructing Laura's portfolio,"he had to make certain that it matched with.her
financial aims. Laura's main aim was to ascertain if she could retire before the age of 65, maybe as early as 60, therefore she had to
know if her investments could produce enough flow of cash after she retires. Monte Carlo may show a top possibility of success with
the allotment of equity of 70% ot 80%. Through a risky questionnaire and art open interview, Justin Ill 'ascertain that Laura was the
best person for a portfolio of 60% fixed income and 40% equities. . Through Monte Carlo software, Justin entered the current
portfolio . size of Laura, her rate of savings, projected retirement expenditure, and other employer income and government pensions.
If Laura feels that working till the age of 63 was unpleasant, she could go for the reproduction again and with different estimation.
Increasing her anticipated returns or bringing down the rate of inflation, is only a thought, therefore, she will have to make some
stronger decisions: she will have to making some more savings, or bring down her rate of planned expenses after retirement.
Amazingly, by bringing up the allotment to fixed salary could increase her opportunity to succeed: in spite of th returns being lower
than the equities, the volatility is also less, which lessens the risk of helpless decline in the early years. At last, Laura decided to work
for 6 more years and plan her retirement at the age of 63. After this, Justin decided to help her make a fresh ETF portfolio to match
that goal: it was finalized at 30% short term business bonds, 30% GICs, and the rest of it was divided among Canadian, L'S and
global equities. Laura was able to make a notified decision through the Monte Carlo simulation, but this wasn't the end of the
procedure. In two or three years time, she will have to visit the location again to see that she is still on the right path of her retirement
goal, as many issues like, loss of job, a legacy, new connections, increase in the interest rates, all these could bring a change in the
main suppusitions 1 ; and she will have to redo her plans. The possibilities are different before the age of 63. For each added year
that Laura works, her portfolio will addition instead of a decrease and this will lead to a thrilling difference: the success rate will rise
up by 25% points if she continues to work till the age of 61 instead of 60.
Answer the following question.
Q1. How much was Laura earning at the age of 57? (Hint: 68,000 dollars per year)
The cost of fuel in running of an engine is proportional to the square of the speed and is Rs 48 per hour for speed of 16 kilometers
per hour. Other expenses amount to Rs 300 per hour. What is the most economical speed?
Answer the following question.
Q1. What is most economical speed?
11/30/2017 Aeren Foundation
Q2. What is a chi-square test?
Q3. What is sampling and what are its uses.
Q4. Is there any alternative formula to find the value of Chi-square?
Finoplastika Industries Ltd, Nigeria (20
Time series analysis has two important aims: 1) recognizing the quality of the phenomenon shown by the series of studies, and 2)
Both the aims need the plan of the viewed time series data is recognized and somewhat officially explained: A time series is said to
be a 'collection of observations made in sequence with time'. For example: recording level of daily rainfall, periodical total domestic
product of US, and monthly strength of the. workers in Marine Corps for a specific rank and MOS. The evaluation of time series
gives instruments for picking a symbolic model and delivering forecasts. There are two sorts of times series data: • Continuous: in
this the data consists of study at every moment, for example, seismic movement recorded on a seismogram. • Discrete: the data
contains recordings taken at different periods ,like, statistics of each month crime. Until the data is absolutely haphazard, studies in
time series are usually related to each and the following studies could be partly ascertain by the last values. For instance, the reasons
pertaining to the meteorology which have an effect on the temperature for any given day tend to have some affect on the next day's
climate. Hence, the observations of the past temperature are helpful for predicting temperatures for the following days. • A time
series can be deterministic if there are no haphazard or feasible features but goes in a set and foreseeable manner. The data gathered
during the classical physics experiment like showing Newton's Law of Motion, is one example of a deterministic time series. The
stochastic type of series is more appropriate to the econometric function. Stochastic variables contain undefined or arbitrary
viewpoint. Though the worth of each study cannot be precisely foreseen, calculating the various observations could follow the
expected method. These methods can be explained through the statistical models. According to these models, studies differ
erratically on the underlying mean value whtch is the role of time. Time series data can be put in the following categories: one or
more performance factors; trend, seasonality, cyclical function and random sound. Various kinds of time series predicting models
give forecasts through extrapolating the previous performance of the values of a specified \'l!riable of interest. Consecutive study in
econometric times series are generally not free and forecast can be made on the basis of last observations. Although precise
predictions can be made with deterministic time series, predictions of stochastic time series are restricted to 'conditional statements
regarding the future on the basis of particular hypothesis.' Armstrong (2001) says, "The basic Assumption is that the variable ui!!
continue in the future as it has behaved in the past. " Particularly, the time series predictions are suitable for stochastic type of data in
which the fundamental root cause of variation like, trend, cyclical performance, seasonality, and uneven variations, do not change
radically m time. Therefore, modeling is considered to be more suitable temporarily instead of permanent predictions.
Answer the following question.
Write briefly on time-series analysis. (Hint: recognizing the quality of the phenomenon shown by the series of
studies, and, both the aims need the plan of the viewed time series data is recognized and somewhat officially
A Network Rail (20
The railways play an important role in the economy and infrastructure of Britain. Not very many people travelled back jn the 1920 as
compared to present time, in spite of 50% reduction in raif routes as compared to the 1960s. Rail is also used for transporting goods
around Britain. Rail proves to be• more eco-friendly and safest means of transportation as compa;ed to other vehicles so, not
surprisingly, the number of people commuting have gone 40% more since the past ten years. By 2034, this figure can go up. The
work of network rail has to look after the tracks, bridges and tunnels which comprises of the British rail network. The railway
infrastructure is made up of signals and level crossings. It has to look after the 20,000 mile long track and 40,000 bridges and
tunnels. Britain's 18 main rail stations, from Edinburg Waverley to London King's Cross, are looked after by the Britain rail system.
Ten years ago, when the network rail took up these responsibilities, • it had to face some challenges. The rail neork was facing some
problems. Trains were running late, the costs were too high and there was shortage of assets in both the people and machinery. Due
to these issues, people had less confidence in the rail network. Ever since then, rail network has aimed at sustaining operations to
reduce the expenses. There has been 28% reduction in expenses mainly because of conomy of scale. New tracks and machinery have
been bought, and there has been 90% rise in the rail punctuality. Huge projects have been given on time an towards th budget, as a
result the confidence of the people has improved. Rail network has moved from 'find and fix' to 'predict and prevent' policy. This has
proved to be more cost effective and competent and enabled in avoiding delay or obstruction for the people in their travel. The rail
network invested approx. 12 billion pounds between 2009 and 2014, towards the rail network. Britain has the fastest developing
network in whole of Europe. By investing in people, the rail network is investing in the future to. .B ritain has the largest working
personnel of 35,000 workers. It has people working in various positions, like, engineers for maintenance and signaling to project
managers. Each area offers an opportunity to work. They also consist oi HR (human resources), IT (information technology), and
finance and customer service. Network Rail needs to employ and keep capable engineers in order to get the work done. Presently, its
engineers are doing some oi the most stimulating projects in Europe. The projects include HS2, which is the new super spted rail link
between the north and south Britain, and the project of London Crossrail. Some oi the biggest and busiest rail stations are being
upgraded, like, London King's Cross and Birmingham New Street. The main focus of the HR of Network Rail is to recruit various
personnel. This not only deepens the culture of business but it also makes sure that it can reach every talent. It offers training for
every applicant, whether he is a school drop-out or a graduate, whether male or female, a continued flow of appropriate talent is

ensured to keep its long term project going. The company abo gives many opportunities to its workers to receive recognized
qualifications, such as an exclusive programme in post graduation, sponsoring the Master's Degree in project management and
Answer the following question.
What were the initial problems that Network Rail of Britain face? (Hint: It has to look after the 20,000 mile long
track and 40,000 bridges and tunnels. Trains were running late, the costs were too high and there was shortage of
assets in both the people and machinery)
Q2. What is the new super speed rail link between the north and south Britain called? (Hint: HS2)

Software Management
Answer the following question.
Q1. Discuss Capers Jones estimating rules of thumb (10 marks)
Q2. What are the problems associated with project portfolio management (10 marks)
Q3. Project planning is an important responsibility of the project manager, Explain (10 marks)
Q4. Give some reservations about program management (10 marks)
Q5. Explain sequencing and scheduling activities (10 marks)
Q6. What are outsource projects (10 marks)
Q7. To what extent is the prototyping to be done (10 marks)
Q8. Explain the TOP-down approach and parametric models (10 marks)

Software Management
Answer the following question.
Q1. Discuss initiating the project (10 marks)
Q2. Give some obstacles to group decision making (10 marks)
Q3. Give characteristics distinguishing the projects (10 marks)
Q4. Discuss the expectancy theory of motivation (10 marks)
Q5. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of chief programmer team (10 marks)
Q6. Distinguish compulsory and voluntary users (10 marks)
Q7. What is incremental delivery also give its disadvantages (10 marks)
Q8. Explain cost benefit evaluation techniques (10 marks)

 Health Care Management
Answer the following question.
Q1. Describe different types of communications. (10 marks)
Q2. Explain different constraints on health planning. (10 marks)
Q3. What is the principles & purposes of performance budgeting? (10 marks)
Q4. What are the essentials of material management? (10 marks)
Q5. Which advantages can accrue from a good information system? (10 marks)
Q6. What are the main purposes sought to be served by performance budgeting? (10 marks)
Q7. Describe about economic order quantity & classification for drug & equipment (10 marks)
Q8. What are the qualities of a good supervisor? (10 marks)

 Principles and Practice of Management
Answer the following question.
Q1. Enumerate and explain the important principles of an Organization. (10 marks)
Q2. Write a short note on Principle of scalar Chain & Staffing as function of management (10 marks)
Q3. What are the steps in planning? And explain. (10 marks)
Q4. What are the various types of functional budgets? (10 marks)
Q5. Briefly describe the 7-S framework. How it can be used to evaluate criteria for organizational success? (10 marks)
Q6. Describe different types of decisions. (10 marks)
Q7. State principles of committee organization. (10 marks)
Q8. Explain disadvantages of functional organization. (10 marks)

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