Wednesday, 31 October 2018


DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: WEBSITE:

Course Code : BBA
Course Title : Principles of management
SLM Code : M-201
Assignment No. : BBA 1-A/ M-201/A-2017-2018
Attempt all questions.
All questions carry equal marks. Total Marks : 20
Q.1 Introduction of Management. Explain the 14 Principles of Henry Fayol.
Q.2 Write the levels of Management? What is planning? Explain the 3 types of plans?
Q.3 Describe some common difficulties faced in making decision and implementation decision –
Q.4 Write the Nature and Purpose of staffing. What is HRP?
Q.5 Define the Training Methods? What are the steps of Training Programs?
Course Code : BBA
Course Title : Organization Behavior
SLM Code : M-202
Assignment No. : BBA 1-B/ M-202/A-2017-2018
Attempt all questions.
All questions carry equal marks. Total Marks : 20
Q.1 Discuss the important Characteristics of Organizational Behavior.
Q.2 How does perception change, discuss ?
Q.3 Distinguish between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation.
Q.4 Write a Short Note on:
(a) Group Norms (b) Group Cohesiveness
Q.5 How does globalization affect culture, discuss ?
Course Code : BBA
Course Title : Business Communication
SLM Code : M-203
Assignment No. : BBA-2-A/M-203/A-2017-2018
Attempt all questions.
All questions carry equal marks. Total Marks : 20
Q.1 Definition of Communication. Write some characteristics of communication.
Q.2 What is Grapevine Communication? What are the characteristic of it?
Q.3 Write the d/f b/w the downward communication upward communication & horizontal
Q.4 What is Group Presentation? Also write some qualities the GD panel look.
Q.5 What are Group Discussions? Describe the process group discussions?
Course Code : BBA
Course Title : Principles of Marketing
SLM Code : M-204
Assignment No. : BBA-2-B/M-204/A-2017-2018
Attempt all questions.
All questions carry equal marks. Total Marks : 20
Q.1 What are the Macro–Economic scope of marketing?
Q.2 What is 4Ps concept of marketing?
Q.3 Briefly discuss the method of Promotion.
Q.4 How do u define the importance of price in the marketing mix.
Q.5 Write the short note on the pricing strategies of the companies.
Course Code : BBA
Course Title : Principles of economics
SLM Code : M-207
Assignment No. : BBA-3-A/M-207/A-2017-2018
Attempt all questions.
All questions carry equal marks. Total Marks : 20
Q.1 “Economics is a Science of choice”. Give your opinion on the statement.
Q.2 Differentiate Between Positive Economics and Normative Economics.
Q.3 Define the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility.
Q.4 Describe the Meaning and Limitation of Consumer’s Surplus.
Q.5 Discuss the Importance of Price and Cross Elasticity of Demand.
Course Code : BBA
Course Title : Business Laws
SLM Code : M-208
Assignment No. : BBA-3-B/ M-208/A-2017-2018
Attempt all questions.
All questions carry equal marks. Total Marks : 20
Q.1 What do u understands by contact and discuss the basic elements of valid contract?
Q.2 Discuss the warranties given under the contract of sale.
Q.3 What do you understands by partnership deed and types of partnership?
Q.4 What do you understands by “company”? Discuss the features of any two types of
Q.5 What is share? Discuss features of any two types of performance shares.
Course Code : BBA
Course Title : Business Statistics
SLM Code : M-206
Assignment No. : BBA-4-A/M -206/A-2017-2018
Attempt all questions.
All questions carry equal marks. Total Marks : 20
Q.1. Define index numbers. On the basis of following information calculate Laspeyre’s,
Paasche’s and Fisher’s Index numbers.
Commodity Base Year Current Year
Price Quantity Price Quantity
A 2 30 8 50
B 4 35 9 45
C 6 40 10 40
D 9 42 13 35
E 12 50 15 25
Q.2. Define probability. State the addition and multiplicative theorem of probability giving on
Q.3. What is skewness? How is it different from dispersion? Distinguish between a symmetrical
and skewed distribution.
Q.4. Define regression. Using the following data, obtain the two regression equations.
X 16 21 26 23 28 24 17 22 21
Y 33 38 50 39 52 47 35 43 41
Q.5. Fit a straight line trend by the method of least squares to the following data. Also predict the
sales for the year 2000.
Year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Sales(in lakh Rs.) 25 30 38 50 60 80 95
Course Code : BBA
Course Title : Financial Management
SLM Code : M-212
Assignment No. : BBA-4-B/M-212/A-2017-2018
Attempt all questions.
All questions carry equal marks. Total Marks : 20
Q.1 Explain wealth maximization and profit maximization objective of the financial
Q.2 What is capitalization and its bases? Explain them in brief.
Q.3 Describe the principles of Capital Structure Management.
Q.4 What is Compounding & Discounting Technique? Explain them in Brief.
Q.5 Write short notes on :
(a) Pay Back Period
(b) Accounting Rate of Return
Course Code : BBA
Course Title : Financial Accounting
SLM Code : M-205
Assignment No. : BBA-5/M-205/A-2017-2018
Attempt all questions.
All questions carry equal marks. Total Marks : 20
Q.1 Define accountancy and objective of accounting.
Q.2 Describe the principles of accounting.
Q.3 Write a notes on :
(a) Trading Account
(b) Profit and Loss Account
(c) Balance Sheet
Q.4 Describe the type of errors.
Q.5 What is Fund & Non Fund Accounting? Describe it.
Course Code : BBA
Course Title : Computer Fundamental
SLM Code : C-115
Assignment No. : BBA-6/C-115/A-2017-2018
Attempt all questions.
All questions carry equal marks. Total Marks : 20
Q.1 Write a short note on Information System.
Q.2 Describe the various type of mouse available.
Q.3 What is Peer-to-Peer networks and describe the client/server network?
Q.4 What is world-wide-web and define the basic features of world-wide-web?
Q.5 What is operating system and describe the various type of operating system?

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