Saturday, 3 July 2021




DR. PRASANTH BE MBA PH.D. MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: WEBSITE:


Part – A (45 Marks)

Attempt any Three Question

1- Bring out the salient features of FEMA and differentiate them with those of FERA.

2- It is indeed a paradox that MRTP Act, 1969 which was designed to prevent monopoly has in effect restricted competition. Discuss the changing dimension of the MRTP and its impact on business

3- Evaluate the current Industrial Policy of India keeping in mind the pace of development the country has achieved over the years. Does this require some major changes to meet the challenges of new economic order? Comment.

4- Discuss the promotional measures taken by the Government to protect the Micro, Small and Medium enterprises in India. Also present your view on the success of such measures

5- Discuss the powers and functions of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Do you think SEBI requires more tooth to handle the stock market speculations and other risk management?

Part – B (35 Marks)

Attempt any five Question

1- Discuss the various instruments of Monetary Policy. Can Monetary Policy be used to check price rise? If yes, how?

2- Explain the concept of different types of economies.

3- What is MRTP? How is it helpful in preventing RTPs and UTPs?

4- Give a detailed account of technological developments in Indian Banking.

5- What is stock exchange? Describe its importance and function.

6- What is foreign investment? State its type and significance.

Part – C (20 Marks)

Attempt any two Question

1- Explain social responsibility on business enterprises.

2- Explain roles of Multinational Corporation in social growth.

3- Describe problems of VSI in India.

4- What is National Stock Exchange? Discuss the features and functions performed by NSE.

Legal Environment and Business Law

Part – A (45 Marks)

Attempt any Three Question

1- Describe the composition and powers of Cyber Regulatory Appellate Tribunal.

2- State the objectives and scope of IT Act, 2000.

3- How is a contract of sale made? Describe briefly the necessary formalities of such a contract with illustrations.

4- Who is a consumer under the Consumer Protection Act? What are the rights of the consumer?

5- How is the company formed under the Companies Act, 1956? Enumerate the various documents to be filled with the Registrar

Part – B (35 Marks)

Attempt any five Question

1- "Once a bearer instrument always a bearer instrument." Comment.

2- What is a Digital Signature? How is it used? What are the duties of certifying authorities in regard to its usage?

3- Can a Negotiable Instrument be made payable to bearer on demand I Explain.

4- Define the following terms as used in the Consumer Protection Act: complaint, consumer, manufacturer, restrictive trade practice, unfair trade practice.

5- What are the parties to a Promissory Note, a bill of exchange and a Cheque?

6- Name the parties involved in consumer protection. Explain their role in protecting the interests of the consumers.

7- How and on what grounds can offer be revoked?

Part – C (20 Marks)

Attempt any two Question

1-Distinguish between a contract of indemnity and a contract of a guarantee.

2-Define the term 'Contract of Sale'. State the essentials of a valid contract of sale.

3- State the various ways of dissolution of a firm.


Part – A (45 Marks)

Attempt any Three Question

1- "Operations Research is inter-disciplinary in nature and requires a team approach for the solution of a problem." How far is this statement correct?

2- "There are two basic planning and controlling techniques used in the Network Scheduling - PERT and CPM." Explain briefly.

3- Give Johnson's procedure for determining an optimal sequence for processing in items on two machines. Give justification of the rule used in procedure.

4- Explain the Hungarian method to solve an assignment problem.

5- What is the difference between decision making under risk and decision making under uncertainty? Explain the difference between expected opportunity loss and expected value of perfect information.

Part – B (35 Marks)

Attempt any five Question

1- solve the following LPP :

Minimize Z = 12x + 3y

Subject to 4x + 6y > 24,000

X + y > 5,000

8x + 2y > 16,000

And x> 0, y> 0

2- What is an Assignment Problem '? Is it true to say that it is a special case of the transportation problem? Explain with example

3- Explain the concepts of degeneracy in simplex method.

4- What are the basic characteristics of a 'Queue System’? Explain in brief, the important assumptions of a Queue Model.

5- Describe the fundamental components of a queuing process and give suitable examples.

6- Write a lucid note on replacement problem.

Part – C (20 Marks)

Attempt any two Question

1- What is Game Theory? State the assumptions underlying it.

2- Characteristics of M/M/l queue model.

3- Discuss the scope of Operations Research.

4- "Dual of a dual is it’s primal." Explain.

Production and Operation Management

Part – A (45 Marks)

Attempt any Three Question

1- What is meant by maintenance of machines? Explain various types of maintenance. Is it possible to do maintenance in proactive manner? Explain with reasons.

2- Discuss the ABC model of inventory control. How is this model separate from EOQ model?

3- Explain, what is meant by TQM. Also explain the various tools and technique used in TQM.

4- Discuss the plant location theory given by Max Weber. What are the limitations of this theory?

5- Discuss the various problems that may come in, the way of designing an effective Inventory control system. What do you suggest to win over these problems?

Part – B (35 Marks)

Attempt any five Question

1-Explain these methods of work measurement:

(a) Stop watch method

(b) Work sampling.

2- Discuss serialized layout and also explain how it is different from functional layout. Also explain its features and principles of grouping with respect to serialized layout.

3- What are the major problems in production planning and control?

4- Explain the following:

(a) Box-Jenkin Method of Forecasting

(b) Method Study

5- What is 'Total Preventive Maintenance'(TPM)? How is it useful, in quality control?

6-Distinguish between the functions of production planning and control in intermittent and continuous production. Give illustration.

7-Explain the following:

(a) Six Sigma (b) ISO 9000-2000 clauses

Production and Operation Management

Part – C (20 Marks)

Attempt any two Question

1- Explain Quantitative method of forecasting.

2- Explain a process oriented layout.

3- What is the major difference in focus between location decisions in the service sector and in the manufacturing sector?

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