Thursday, 12 May 2022



Examination Paper of Enterprise Resource Planning

IIBM Institute of Business Management

 This section consists of multiple choices and Short Notes type questions.

 Answer all the questions.

 Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part two questions carry 5 marks each.

IIBM Institute of Business Management

SubjectCode-B102Examination Paper

Enterprise Resource Planning


Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)

Part one:

Multiple choice:

1. Which of the following describes an ERP system? (1)

a. ERP systems provide a foundation for collaboration between departments

b. ERP systems enable people in different business areas to communicate

c. ERP systems have been widely adopted in large organizations to store critical knowledge used to make the decisions that drive the organization’s performance.

2. The responsibilities of the office manager in a firm that produces electronics spares is: (1)

a. Everything in the office runs efficiently

b. Furniture and other equipment in the office is adequate

c. Processing all the incoming official mail and responding to some

d. All of the above

d. All of the above

3. Physiological Barriers of listening are:


a. Hearing impairment

b. Physical conditions

c. Prejudices

d. All of the above

4. What is the main function of Business Communication: (1)

a. Sincerity

b. Positive language

c. Persuasion

d. Ethical standard

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Enterprise Resource Planning


 This section consists of Caselets.

 Answer all the questions.

 Each Caselet carries 20marks.

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).

5. Which presentation tend to make you speak more quickly the unusual: (1)

a. Electronic

b. Oral

c. Both „a‟ and”b”

d. None of the above

6. Labov’s Storytelling Model based on: (1)

a. Communication through speech

b. Language learning

c. Group Discussions

d. None of the above

7. Diagonal Communication is basically the: (1)

a. Communication across boundaries

b. Communication between the CEO and the managers

c. Communication through body language

d. Communication within a department

8. Direct Eye contact of more than 10 seconds can create: (1)

a. Discomfort &Anxiety

b. Emotional relationship between listeners and speakers

c. Excitement

d. None of the above

9. How to make Oral Communication Effective? (1)

a. By Clarity

b. By Brevity

c. By Right words

d. All of the above

10. Encoding means: (1)

a. Transmission

b. Perception

c. Ideation

d. None of the above

Part Two:

1. Define ERP? (5)

2. What are ERP packages? (5)

3. What are the reasons for the explosive growth of the ERP market? (5)

4. What is Business Integration and how do the ERP systems achieve it? (5)

Section B: Caselets (40 marks)

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Enterprise Resource Planning


With eight plants globally running from a single ERP instance on a server in Zeeland, Michigan, the IT team faced the challenges of scaling their systems to support the global growth fueling their company’s expansion. Running IQMS’ manufacturing ERP system delivered via Hosted Managed Services (HMS) provides Ventura Manufacturing the most economical system architecture for greater scalability and efficiency as well as to attain disaster recovery goals.

Ventura is an award-winning semi-automated assembly and production company that serves the automotive, office furniture, education seating, and molding and assembly of optical silicone industries globally. Headquartered in Zeeland, Michigan, the company has multiple plants in Zeeland in addition to plants in Budaörs, Hungary, Saltillo, Mexico and Shanghai, China.

As demand for Ventura’s services grew and the company began attracting customers worldwide, it was apparent the dependency on a single ERP system on-premise in Zeeland, Michigan was becoming an impediment to faster growth. “Relying on a single system to manage our global plants was proving to be a huge scale challenge,” said Joel Boyles, IT Team Lead at Ventura Manufacturing.

Ventura’s customer base is globally-based and to serve them as responsively and effectively as possible, Ventura made the decision to open new production plants in Hungary and Shanghai, China.

With eight plants globally running from a single ERP instance on a server in Zeeland, Michigan, the IT team faced the challenges of scaling their systems to support the global growth fueling their company’s expansion. The IT Teams at Ventura prides itself on offering live support to any plant, anywhere in the world that needs help, anytime. “When we just had the plants in Mexico and Hungary, our existing staff could scale to support the calls coming from plants for help with their IT systems and take care of ERP-related tasks,” Joel said. When the Shanghai, China facility went online, Ventura was reaching the limits of scale and speed with their IT teams and the system running on-premise in Zeeland.

As demands increased on the system, so did concerns over Availability and Disaster Recovery Objectives the IT Team had defined. Two metrics that are of specific interest to Ventura’s IT team are the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO). IT defined the RTO goal as 8 hours and the RPO as 15 minutes, achievable on a 24/7 basis. To accomplish these goals, Ventura would need to create an entirely new system platform that could scale more efficiently with their growing business. The new platform would also need to increase the speed of system updates, which had been a problematic area in the past for the single system to complete.

Joel Boyles, IT Team Lead, says the challenges of scalability and disaster recovery are what drove the urgency for Ventura to decide that Hosted Managed Services (HMS) from IQMS was the best possible solution. “Plant system updates including MRP were taking at least 2 hours

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Enterprise Resource Planning

per plant, which translated into our IT teams having 24/7 shifts in our Zeeland-based IT offices,” Joel said. “Clearly we had to redefine our system architecture for greater scalability and speed.”

Ventura chose IQMS’ Enterprise IQ delivered via Hosted Managed Services (HMS) because it was the most economical and fastest option for solving the system performance challenges and attaining the disaster recovery goals the company has. Under the IQMS HMS purchase option, software licenses are owned in perpetuity by Ventura and hardware and platform software is provided by the IQMS data center. IQMS is managing the Ventura systems today in a secure data center environment. Ventura’s IT team can gain access to key system metrics and key performance indicators anytime via any browser-enabled laptop, tablet or smart phone.


1. How Ventura Defined A Global Roadmap To Greater Speed And Reliability? ( 20)

Caselet 2

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is business management software—usually a suite of integrated applications—that a company can use to store and manage data from every stage of business, including:

•Product planning, cost and development


•Marketing and sales

•Inventory management

•Shipping and payment

Functions of ERP

• ERP provides an integrated real-time view of core business processes, using common databases maintained by a database management system. ERP systems track business resources—

 cash, raw materials, production capacity—and the status of business commitments: orders, purchase orders, and payroll.

• The applications that make up the system share data across the various departments (manufacturing, purchasing, sales, accounting, etc.) that entered the data.

• ERP facilitates information flow between all business functions,

ERP Implementation


Company Background

 Cadbury is a British multinational confectionery company owned by Mondelēz International.

 It is the second largest confectionery brand in the world after Wrigley's.

 Founder: John Cadbury

 Founded in: 1824, B Currently, Cadbury India operates in four categories viz. Chocolate Confectionery, Milk Food Drinks, Candy and Gum category. In the Chocolate

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Enterprise Resource Planning

Confectionery business, Cadbury has maintained its undisputed leadership over the years.

ERP Implementation

Cadbury turns out, in recent years, Kraft implemented SAP ERP 6.0 (System Analysis and Program Development) in what SAP called one of its largest global ERP implementations. Kraft credited ERP with reducing operational costs. 11,000 employees were sending data to the company's SAP solution and it was linked to 1,750 applications by 2008. That same year, Kraft aslo added SAP's master data management solution, Net Weaver, with an eye toward integrating legacy systems.

• Cadbury was left with a glut of chocolate products at the start of the year, after the installation of a new SAP-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system led to an excess of chocolate bars building up at the end of 2005.

• The new U.K. computer system is part of a five-year IT transformation project, called "Probe", aimed at integrating the Cadbury Schweppes' supply chain, purchasing, manufacturing, distribution, sales and marketing systems on a global, SAP-based

ERP platform

• Cadbury Schweppes is aiming for an ultimate savings from the Probe project, but its implementation has been far from smooth. The project was beset by problems and delays when it was first introduced in Australia in 2002.

Benefits of ERP

• Cadbury was on a fast paced growth and could not continue with the existing systems and the pace was too slow due to added inefficiencies. ERP added efficiency and guided the led all the issues fast paced growth.

• The implementation of ERP brought in a new way of warehouse management system and brought in structure to branch offices and the depots.

• While implementing the ERP systems, the company has built it upon the past strengths of the company thereby not losing out on its competitive

• The initial implementation took time and then the successive implementations took lesser time and cost and there is a huge advantage in saving cost while in the implementation phase itself.

• The reaction from competition does not matter in this because this is not a change that was advertised to the market. This is an internal process restructuring and was a welcome change within the company which badly needed the change.

• The company also has built in a robust regular feedback system to monitor the changes and check if they go according to the initial plan. The entire implementation is cross functional and hence it is important that there is a high increase in the efficiency. The ERP vendor was also selected from among the best in class vendors which helped the process occur in a streamlined fashion and avoided any possible chances of hiccups during the initial

implementation phase.

The system has also been deployed up to the vendors. They have a portal called vendor connect

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Enterprise Resource Planning

 This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.

 Answer all the questions.

 Each question carries 15marks.

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).



where they can see their inventory movement and make plans accordingly. Hence the restructuring happens not only internally but also across to the supplier which will add on to the benefits that are accrued.

It was considered at low cost and high result implementation which by itself highlights the success and the benefits.


1. Why did the Big Bang approach fail for The Hershey Company ? (20)

Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)

1. What is the difference between ERP and CRM software? (15)

2. What are some of the risks associated with ERP software? (15)


Examination Paper of Health & Hospital Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper MM.100

Hospital Administration

Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)

 This section consists of Multiple Choi  ces and Short Notes type Questions. 

 Answer all the questions. 

 Part One carries 1 mark each and Part Two carries 5 marks each. 

Part One:

Multiple forms:

1. Low growth low market share products are termed as___________

a. Stars

b. Cash cows

c. Dogs

d. None

2. To improve organizational performance „Alfred Sloan‟ introduced „3S term‟ as doctrine of

strategy, structure and?

a. System

b. Solution

c. Share

d. None

3. Overburdening may occur due to too many group members seeking out an individual for

information and assistance, a solution to such problem is_____________

a. Linear organization

b. Circular organization

c. Elliptical organization

d. None

4. NHS stands for_________________

5. ICU in medication stands for Internal cure union.(T/F)

6. There are 4 levels of strategic consensus that have been identified among the managers, one level

in which managers are informed about the strategy but they are not willing to act is


a. Blind devotion

b. Informed scepticism

c. Weak consensus

d. None

7. OCB stands for Organization citizenship behavior.(T/F)


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Health & Hospital Management

8. BPR stands business process re enforcement.(T/F)

9. The best way to avoid conflict and there by preserve relationship with in the health care

organization is____________

a. Spiral of silence

b. Web of solution

c. Web of solution

d. None

10. IPE stands for inter disciplinary education.(T/F)

Part Two:

1. Discuss the Managerial issues in Disaster Management?

2. What do you understand by the Outpatient Department (OPD)?

3. Write a short note on Quality Assurance in a Hospital?

4. Briefly describe the importance and functions of Housekeeping department in the Hospital?


Section B: Caselets (40 marks)

 This section consists of Caselets. 

 Answer all the questions. 

 Each caselet carries 20 marks. 

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words). 

Caselet 1


An organization‟s culture can be studied at three levels: artefacts, values and assumptions. Artefacts

are the organizational structures that are visible to the members of the organization. Values are the

strategies, goals and philosophies of the organization‟s members. The basic, underlying assumptions

of group members include taken-for-granted beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and feelings. Even though

certain basic assumptions are evident, taken for granted and are not normally confronted or debated,

the culture of the organization will become evident at the level of observable artefacts and in the

shared values, norms and rules of behavior of the organization‟s member. Group norms are sets of

shared values that have been valedated through a consensus process. The social validation of group

norms arises when certain values are confirmed by the shared experiences of the group and these

norms are passed onto new members as being the correct way to do things. This mechanism of

embedding and meshing culture is undertaken at an unconscious level in most organizations.


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Health & Hospital Management

Although culture resides in the minds of the members of the organization, it is transmitted through

visible expressions, such as formal and informal routines and everyday rituals of existence undertaken

by members of the organization. Over time, shared experiences develop into a set of core values that

become embedded in individual and organizational philosophy and ideology that ultimately serves to

guide action and behavior. This process is an important mechanism in the transmission of shared

professional assumptions, values, artefacts and symbols from the master to the student and in the

development of the socialization process that professional clinicians undergo. Therefore, the internal

orientation of employees is based primarily on the culture, values, beliefs, ethics and assumptions of

the organization‟s staff; this is particularly evident amongst health service employees, although the

orientation may differ between clinicians and non-clinicians.

1. Why according to you Artefacts are essential for the development of an organization‟s culture?

2. Elaborate the cultural beliefs of your company?

Caselet 2

There are many ways of managing change. Few organizational changes are complete failures, and

few are entirely successful. The management of change draws from psychological, behavioral,

political, social and culture dimensions, many of which may be conflicting. A realization that change

is the result of competition between driving and restraining forces is evident in much of the literature.

Lewin noted some forces drive change whilst others resist change. A change agent is required to

fecilitate change, to manage the restraining forces, and to drive change through. The change is

required to understand change as a phenomenon, identify the key emotional reactions associated with

change, such as resistance, and know how to manage change in a positive manner. Kotter contends

that both leadership and management skills are required to effectively and positively manage change,

particularly in a volatile environment. He further argues that the change process is deductive; it is

about managing complexity and is often undertaken in order to prevent a more chaotic reality than

that presently in force. If change is approached with a certain level of excitement and enthusiasm, it

will create opportunities that will make patients lives better. However, change is often introduced

without due regard for the realities of individual areas of health care practice. Some managers may

not have an insight into the effect of the change on the lives of individuals or realizations that even

minor change may have unintended consequences for the individual and the organization. Most

resistance to change occurs not because of the proposed change, but as a result of individual

perceptions of expected outcomes due to the change and on how this is likely to impact on their lives.

Therefore, an accurate assessment of the environment, both internal and external to the organization,

is required prior to the change, thus preventing negative consequences for individuals.

1. Why there is a need of change?

2. With reference to your company, what changes you prefer?


Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Health & Hospital Management

 This section consists o  f Applied Theory Questions. 

 Answer all the questions. 

 Each question carries 15 marks. 

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words). 

1. What do you mean by Emergency Department Planning? How would you explain the managerial

issues in Emergency department?

2. Write a short note on the following terms:

1) Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD)

2) Total Quality Management in Health Care

3) Medical Audit and its Administration



IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Health & Hospital Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper MM.100

Hospital Care

Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)

 This section consists of Multiple Choi  ces and Short Not type Questions. 

 Answer all the questions. 

 Part One carries 1 mark each and Part Two carries 5 marks each. 

Part One:

Multiple Choices:

1. A method of collaborative work in which visual display of information on flip charts or other

media to which other group member can use is__________

a. Decision matrices

b. Multivoting

c. Boarding

d. Brainstorming

2. A tool for Data collection which summarise perception of a large sample of people


a. Surveys

b. Interviews

c. Check sheet

d. Data sheets

3. Members of Inspection control committee_________

a. Microbiologist, O.T. incharge, Medical Superintendent

b. Representative from Nursing Service, CSSD in charge, Representative from major clinical


c. Both (a) & (b)

d. None of the above

4. MRD stands for___________

a. Medical Records Department

b. Medicine Records Department

c. Medicine Release Department

d. None of the above

5. Format for appraisal in which rank order is establish of employees based on their relative


a. Forced Distribution Technique

b. Graphic Rating Scale

c. Ranking methods

d. Free Written Ratings


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Health & Hospital Management

6. Analytical technique in Materials Management in which all items in inventory on the basis of

annual usuage time cost is________

a. FSN Analysis

b. ABC Analysis

c. VED Analysis

d. None of the above

7. Planning tool used in Quality Management in which the items are written on individual cards and

displayed on a flip chart__________

a. Relations Diagram

b. Process Decision Program chart

c. Affinity Diagram

d. Activity Network Diagram

8. Method of filing of Medical records in which involves filing of records in exact chronological

order according to unit / serial number___________

a. Middle Digit filing

b. Terminal Digit filing

c. Straight Numeric filing

d. None of the above

9. Type of hospital in which the number of beds is over 300 beds is known as___________

a. Large hospital

b. Medium sized hospital

c. Small hospital

d. None of the above

10. Meeting in hospital whose purpose is to pass on information received from agencies is_________

a. Informative Meeting

b. Consultative Meeting

c. Executive Meeting

d. None of the above

Part Two:

1. What are the factors affecting “Retraining” in a hospital?

2. Write a short note on Finance in Hospitals?

3. Describe the Negotiating system for Hospitals rates?

4. Write down the different members of Appointment committee of the hospital?


Section B: Caselets (40 marks)


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Health & Hospital Management

 This s  ection consists of Caselets. 

 Answer all the questions. 

 Each caselet carries 20 marks. 

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words). 

Caselet 1

Rakesh and Gagan were two brothers who had graduate in Medicine in the year 1979. Both

established themselves as successful practitioners. In 1992, they decided to set up their own hospital

as both were familiar with the nitty-gritty of the profession after spending a decade as successful

practitioners. In the year 1994, the concept was concretized when three floors Arogya Hospital with a

bed capacity of 60 came into existence at Gwalior. The facilities provided by the hospital were

pathology, X-ray, blood bank and ICU. In the year 1998, the number of beds were increased to 100

with the addition of a fourth floor. In the year 2005, a fifth floor was added and the hospital started

offering services like radiology, 3D spiral, C. Tscan, colourdoppler, pathology, blood bank, C.C.U.,

O.T., maternity unit, emergency and trauma services, in-patient accommodation, canteen,

telecommunication and entertainment.

The hospital had 35 nurses and 55 class four employees. The main task of the class four

employees was to maintain the cleanliness of the hospital. Besides this, they were also entrusted with

the task of sponging, bed setting and shifting of the patients. Salary paid to these employees was

between Rs. 1200/- to Rs. 1800/- per month. The hospital staff was divided into different classes of

employees. Class one comprised of MBBS, MD, MS, and Administrative Officers. Class three

comprised of Technicians and Nurses. Class four comprised of Ayabais, Sweepers and Guards.

Hospital had 11 full time doctors, out of whom 7 were duty doctors (MBBS), 2 full time MD for ICU

and 2 full time in-house surgeons (MS). Besides this, the hospital had 50 visiting doctors who

operated on a turnkey basis. These doctors had their own clinics in different parts of the city and as

per requirement, they admitted their patents in the hospital. There was a mutual agreement between

the doctors and the hospital that the hospital would charge the patients and out of it the doctors would

receive their fees along with a percentage from the hospital share. The patients treated by the hospital

were patients requiring intensive care and minor illnesses. Out of the cases reported in the hospital,

60-75% were maternity and were referred to the hospital by leading gynaecologists of the city, Dr.

Savita and Dr. Manorama. To help the doctors in the treatment of patients, work-instructions for

Resident Doctors, Supervisors, Wardboys / Ayabais and Sweeper boys/ bais were prepared by the

newly appointed Hospital-Administrator Priya. These instructions were prepared in English and were

hung on the walls of the enquiry counter. After a span of one month, Priya resigned from the hospital

on account of some personal reasons.

By the end of the year 2004, Ritu, a fresh post-graduate in Hospital-Administration from

Gwalior, was appointed as an Administrative Officer or take charge of the overall activities of the

hospital. Her role was to monitor the activities of employees of class three and four and various other

activities related to the functioning of the Hospital. The first task before her was to improve the

cleanliness of the hospital. She found that the toilets were not cleaned properly and the room hygiene

was dismal. She started making regular visits to all the wards and rooms in the hospital to observe and

monitor the employees lacked a human touch. To add to this, the patients also complained that the

employees demanded money for the services. After analyzing the situation, she came to the

conclusion that lack of motivation among the class four employees was one of the major factors

responsible for the pathetic condition prevailing in the hospital. Lack of motivation among the class

four employees was also visible in the form of high employee turnover, work negligence, absenteeism

and complaining behaviour. High absenteeism among the class four employees resulted in work

overload for sincere employees, as they were forced to work in the next shift. This was a regular

feature in the hospital as a result of which employees often remained stressed and therefore, less

committed towards their work. Although, they were being provided with dinner and snacks at the


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Health & Hospital Management

expense of the hospital, as a gesture of goodwill for those who worked over time for the hospital. She

also found that the workers were not reporting for their duty on time, despite their arrival in the

hospital on time.

The second reason, which she identified for lack of hygienic condition in the hospital was that the

visiting hours for the visitors were not specified, so there was a continuous flow of visitors round the

clock, which hampered and affected the cleaning activity of the hospital. It was found that the

patients‟ rooms were always full of visitors who would not mind taking their meals in the room/ward.

She felt that there was no solution to visitors‟s problem, as this was an integral part of the

promotional strategy of the management. She also found that the work-instructions given to the

hospital-staff was in English language and it was difficult for class four employees to understand

them. Ritu translated all these instructions in Hindi so that class four employees could understand and

implement them.

Ritu had the daunting task to reduce the absenteeism and make the employees more committed to

their work and felt that a reward of Rs. 200, if given to an employee who remained present for 31

days could perhaps motivate the employee to remain regular at the work place. Further, to motivate to

perform, she decided to systematize the performance appraisal system by identifying performers and

non-performers. This being her first job, she was apprehensive about performance appraisal. The

employees were to be classified into three groups A, B and C, „A‟ was for high performers, „B‟ was

for average performers and „C‟ was for poor performers. It was decided that the employees in the

grade „A‟ would receive the highest increment followed by „B‟ and „C‟. To make the performance

appraisal objective, she identified various activities on which the employees could be appraised. To

make the performance appraisal system more objective, a two-tier appraisal system was developed by

her. In the first phase, the employees were to be rated regularly on the identified activities by patients

and their attendants. In the second phase, observation of doctors and nurses was to be considered.

Although Ritu had full cooperation from the hospital management, yet she was apprehensive about

the employee‟ acceptance of the new system. She had to wait and watch.

1. Critically evaluate the factors identified by Ritu for enhancing organizational effectiveness?

2. Describe a performance appraisal system that you will recommend to Ritu for evaluating the


Caselet 2

The management of a hospital, faced with a resource crunch embarked on a cost containment

programme. Instructions were issued to various clinical, supportive and utility services to identify the

areas where cost containment could be effectively implemented without compromising with the

patient care facilities.

The hospital had both the centralized and the decentralised purchasing system. The officer-incharge

of the Emergency Department of the hospital, Dr. Systematic was a qualified and trained

hospital administrator. He systematically commenced analysis of the various activities and procedures

in vogue in the Emergency Department.

Dr. Systematic found out that the Emergency Department in addition to the glass syringes

purchased 9000 disposable syringes per annum. The interval of ordering was 30 days. The cost of

each disposable was Rs. 20/-. The ordering cost per order was Rs. 15/- and the carrying cost were

15% of the average inventory per year. He calculated the Economic Order Quantity, lot size of

inventory per month, storage cost and other inventory related costs and analysed the optimum interval

of ordering. He forwarded these results along with the other cost containment measures of the

Emergency Department to the hospital management. The recommendations of Dr. Systematic were

implemented and used as a model for other departments of the hospital. Dr. Systematic for effective

analysis and appraisal was honoured with the Doctor of the year award by the Hospital Management.


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Health & Hospital Management

1. What are the assumptions made by Dr. Systematic for their inventory model?

2. Do you recommend any further suggestion for inventory costs in a hospital?


Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)

 This section consists o  f Applied Theory Questions. 

 Answer all the questions. 

 Each question carries 15 marks. 

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words). 

1. Write in brief about structure and function of Hospital organization?

2. Write down the following terms:

1) Labour Relation System.

2) Organization of Hospital Workers.




IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Financial Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Subject Code-B-103

Examination Paper Financial Management


Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)

Part one:

Multiple choice:

I.Investment is the… (1)

a) Net additions made to the nation’s capital stocks

b) Person’s commitment to buy a flat or house

c) Employment of funds on assets to earn returns

d) Employment of funds on goods and services that are used in production process

II. Financial Management is mainly concerned with... (1)

a) All aspects of acquiring and utilizing financial resources for firms activities

b) Arrangement of funds

c) Efficient Management of every business

d) Profit maximization

III. The Primary goal of the financial management is….. (1)

a. To maximize the return

b. To minimize the risk

c. To maximize the wealth of owners

d. To maximize profit

IV. In his traditional role the finance Manager is responsible for (1)

a. Proper utilization of funds

b. Arrangement of financial resources

c. Acquiring capital assets of the organization

d. Efficient management of capital

 This section consists of multiple choices and Short Notes type questions.

 Answer all the questions.

 Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part two questions carry 5 marks each.

Examination Paper of Financial Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

V.Market Value of the shares are decided by


a. The respective companies

b. The investment market

c. The government

d. Shareholders

VI. The only feasible purpose of financial management is (1) a. Wealth maximization b. Sales maximization c. Profit maximization d. Assets maximization

VII. Financial management process deals with (1)

a. Investments

b. Financing decisions

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above

VIII. Agency cost consists of


a. Binding

b. Monitoring

c. Opportunity and structure cost

d. All of the above

IX. Finance Function comprises


a. Safe custody of funds only

b. Expenditure of funds only

c. Procurement of finance only

d. Procurement & effective use of funds

X.Financial management mainly focuses on (1)

a. Efficient management of every business

b. Brand dimension

c. Arrangement of funds

d. All elements of acquiring and using means of financial resources for financial activities

Part Two:

1. What Is The Financial Management Reform? (5)

2. Why Was The FMR Introduced? (5)

3. What Changes Will The FMR Introduce? (5)

4. What Is Financial Management Information System (FMIS)? (5)


Examination Paper of Financial Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Section B: Caselets (40 marks)

Caselet 1

Your employer, a mid-sized human resources management company, is considering expansion into related fields, including the acquisition of Temp Force Company, an employment agency that supplies word processor operators and computer programmers to businesses with temporary heavy workloads. Your employer is also considering the purchase of a bigger staff & McDonald (B&M), a privately held company owned by two friends, each with 5 million shares of stock. B&M currently has free cash flow of $24 million, which is expected to grow at a constant rate of 5%. B&M’s financial statements report marketable securities of $100 million, debt of $200 million, and preferred stock of $50 million. B&M’s weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is 11%. Answer the following questions


1. Describe briefly the legal rights and privileges of common stockholders. (20)

Caselet 2

Casino is a large electrical construction company having a turnover of Rs.100 crores per annum. Since a few years the company has not been doing well in terms of profits. In order to find out the reason, a group of independent auditors were deployed to examine the operations of the company. The item they felt that needed closer attention was the budget control of new construction work. The audit showed that most electrical designs for new construction were carried out at the headquarters of the company by a project manager. In preparing a budget for a new project, he checked the expenses for similar jobs in the past, then simply multiplied them by various factors. The auditors found that during the past two years, most budgets were greatly overestimated. Incidentally, it was about two years ago that the project manager was given the primary responsibility for budgeting. In this role, he would submit his budget to the Expenditure Control Committee, consisting of higher-level managers who had only a limited interest in budgeting. It was to this committee that the project manager submitted requests for additional money whenever needed. Most of the requests were approved.

The chief auditor felt that the project team tended to "expand" the time needed to complete the task whenever the members thought the budget made it possible. In other words, they "adjusted" their productivity to match the money allocated to the project.

The auditors noted that other contractors could do similar jobs for 20% less money. They concluded that a new control procedure was needed.

 This section consists of Caselets.

 Answer all the questions.

 Each Caselet carries 20marks.

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).

Examination Paper of Financial Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management


1. What do you think of the budgeting process? (10)

2. What kind of control procedure should the auditors recommend? (10)

Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)

1. Differentiate Between the Financial Management and Financial Accounting? (15)

2. Explain Briefly The Limitations of Financial Ratios? (15)


 This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.

 Answer all the questions.

 Each question carries 15marks.

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).



Examination Paper of Human Resource Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

 This section consists of multiple choices and Short Notes type questions.

 Answer all the questions.

 Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part two questions carry 5 marks each.

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Subject Code-B102

Examination Paper

Human Resource Management


Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)

Part one:

Multiple choice:

I.The following is (are) concerned with developing a pool of candidates in line with the human resources plan (1)

a) Development

b) Training

c) Recruitment

d) All of the above

II. The following is (are) the key components of a business process Re-engineering program? (1)

a) Product development

b) Service delivery

c) Customer satisfaction

d) All of the above

III. The actual achievements compared with the objectives of the job is (1)

a) Job performance

b) Job evaluation

c) Job description

d) None of the above

IV. Performance development plan is set for the employee by his immediate boss. (1)

a) Employer

b) Department Head

c) Immediate boss

d) Any of the above

V.The following type of recruitment process is said to be a costly affair. (1)

a) Internal recruitment

b) External recruitment

c) Cost remains same for both types VI. The following is (are) the objective(s) of inspection. (1) a) Quality product b) Defect free products c) Customer satisfaction d) All of the above

Examination Paper of Human Resource Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management


 This section consists of Caselets.

 Answer all the questions.

 Each Caselet carries 20marks.

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).

VII. Which of the following is an assumption of rationality to rationale decision making? (1)

a. Preferences are clear

b. Final choice will maximize payoff

c. The problem is clear and unambiguous

d. All of the above

VIII. ___________ is accepting solutions that are "good enough". (1)

a. Bounded rationality

b. Satisficing

c. Escalation of commitment

d. None of the above

IX. The three important components in aligning business strategy with HR practice: (1)

a) Business Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Organizational Capabilities

b) Marketing Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Organizational Capabilities

c) Business Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Organizational structure

X. The basic managerial skill(s) is(are) (1)

a) To supervise

b) To stimulate

c) To motivate

d) All of the above

d) Marketing Strategy, Human Resource

Practices, Organizational structure

Part Two:

1. What is the nature of Human Resource Management? (5)

2. What is Human Resource Development (HRD) (5)

3. Discuss the future trends and challenges of HRM? (5)

4. What is manpower planning? (5)

Section B: Caselets (40 marks)

Examination Paper of Human Resource Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Caselet 1

Sanjay Nagpal is a new recruit from a reputed management institute. He is recruited as a sales trainee in a sales office of a large computer hardware firm located in Chennai.

Raghvan is the zonal sales manager responsible for overseeing the work of sales officer, field executives and trainee salesmen numbering over 50 of three areas namely Chennai, Bangalore, and Trivandrum.

The sales growth of the products in his area was highly satisfactory owing to the developmental initiatives taken by respective State Governments in spreading computer education.

Raghvan had collected several sales reports, catalogues and pamphlets detailing the types of office equipment sold by the company for Sanjay’s reference.

After short chat with Sanjay, Raghvan assisted him to his assigned desk and provided

him with the material collected. Thereafter Raghvan excused himself and did not return.

Meanwhile, Sanjay scanned through the material given to him till 5:00pmbefore leaving



1. What do you think about Raghavan’s training program? (10)

2. What method of training would have been best under the circumstances? Would you consider OJT, simulation or experiential methods? (10)

Caselet 2

Preeti was promoted three months ago from reservations supervisor to front-desk manager for Regency Hotel, an independent, 330-room hostelry. She enjoys her new management responsibilities and is pleased that the occupancy rate averaged 94 percent last month, way above the industry average. But at times she feels stressed by the confusion of managing all front-end operations of the hotel, from reservations and cashiering to the bell desk and concierge. She feels most at home handling the reservation function, a task she always enjoyed as a trainee because she likes to help people. About once a week the staff in the reservation function overbooks rooms, usually because of incomplete scans of conference sales files. Customers with reservations w,0110 arrive late are upset when they have to be referred 1, nearby hotels. Whenever overbooking occurs, Ms. eti takes over direct control of the reservations operation herself, often personally handling reservations for two or three days until order seems to return.

But sometimes while Ms. Preeti is off focusing on the reservations task, other problems arise. On five days last month, clerks at the reception desk checked in every "walk-in" who appeared without reservations. They assumed there would be ample no-shows among those holding reservations. On one occasion, Regency ended up oversold by 24 rooms. Mr. Alex, the hotel general manager, is concerned about Ms. Preeti's development into her new management position. He knows Ms. Preeti is proud of the high occupancy levels (which mean greater profits) and doesn't want to destroy that pride. However, he sees her as more interested in

Examination Paper of Human Resource Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

 This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.

 Answer all the questions.

 Each question carries 15marks.

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).



individual staff tasks (such as making reservations) than in the complexities of managing, training, and motivating her staff. He has talked with Ms. Preeti about balancing her activities as a manager. Alex emphasized that she needs to make sure her staff knows the systems and guidelines and be firm with employees who continue to check in guests when the hotel obviously will be overbooked. He plans to meet with her in a three-month performance review to see if he can shift her motivational expectations about the job.


1. Do Ms. Preeti's problems seem to be the result of her lack of motivational immaturity or of her lack of motivational attention to her people? (20)

Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)

1. What are the future challenges before managers? (15)

2. What is the process of HRP? (15)


Examination Paper of Marketing Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Subject Code-B104

Examination Paper

Marketing Management


Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)

Part one:

Multiple choice:

I.“Image building” objectives are common in _____ type of market structure. (1)

a) Competition

b) Oligopoly

c) Monopoly

d) Monopsony

II. The concept of marketing mix was developed by______ (1)

a) N.H Borden

b) Philip Katter

c) Satanton

d) W.Anderson

III. Marketing mix consists of ___ (1)

a) Production recognition

b) Price structure

c) Distribution planning

d) All of these

IV. The concept of marketing mix involves a deliberate and careful choice of organization, product, price promotion, place strategies and___ (1)

a) Policies

b) Concept

c) Planning

d) All of these

V.Operating cost for new system is added into implementation cost and is then divided by gains by improvements in productivity is called (1)

a) Economic Value Added

b) Analysis Of Benefits

c) Return On Investment

d) Return On Public Offering VI. Pricing strategy used to set prices of products that are must be used with main product is called (1) a) Optional Product Pricing b) Product Line Pricing c) Competitive Pricing d) Captive Product Pricing e

 This section consists of multiple choices and Short Notes type questions.

 Answer all the questions.

 Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part two questions carry 5 marks each.

Examination Paper of Marketing Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

VII. New product pricing strategy through which companies set lower prices to gain large market share is classified as


a. Optional Product Pricing

b. Skimming Pricing

c. Penetration Pricing

d. Captive Product Pricing

VIII. Company marketing mix that target market segments very broadly is called (1)

a. Mass Marketing

b. Segmented Marketing

c. Niche Marketing

d. Micromarketing

IX. What does the term PLC stands for?


a) Product life cycle

b) Production life cycle

c) Product long cycle

d) Production long cycle

X. Which of the following is not a characteristic of “Market Introduction Stage” in PLC? (1)

a) Demands has to be created

b) Costs are low

c) Makes no money at this stage

d) Slow sales volume to start

e) There is little or no competition

Part Two:

1. Name and define the four Ps of the marketing mix? (5)

2. Definition of 'Pricing Strategies'? (5)

3. What is the role of a Marketing Plan? (5)

4. Describe the difference in Push & Pull distribution strategies? (5)

Section B: Caselets (40 marks)


 This section consists of Caselets.

 Answer all the questions.

 Each Caselet carries 20marks.

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Marketing Management


Because of its imaginative marketing, excellent new products, and fine service to customers, the Westside Business Computers and Equipment Company grew to be a leader in its field, with sales over Rs. 100 crores annually, high profit margins, and continually rising stock prices. It became one of the favorites of investors, who enjoyed its fast growth rate and high profits. But the president of the company, Mr. Desai, soon realized that the organization structure, which had served the company so well, no longer fitted the company’s needs.

For years the company had been organized along functional lines, with vice-presidents in charge of production, purchasing, finance, marketing, personnel, engineering, and research and development. In its growth, the company had expanded its product lines beyond business computers to include photocopying machines, projectors, and motion-picture cameras. As time passed on, concern had arisen that its organization structure did not provide for profit responsibility below the office of the president, did not appear to fit the far-flung nature of the business now being conducted in many foreign countries, and seemed to emphasize the "walls" impeding effective coordination between the functional departments of marketing, production, and engineering. There seemed to be too many decisions that could not be made at any level lower than the president's office.

As a result, Mr.Desai decentralized the company into fifteen independent domestic and foreign divisions, each with complete profit responsibility. However, after this reorganization was in effect, he began to feel that the divisions were not adequately controlled. There developed considerable duplication in purchasing and personnel functions, each division manager ran his or her operations without regard to company policies and strategies, and it became apparent to the president that the company was disintegrating into a number of independent parts.

Having seen several large companies get into trouble when a division suffered large losses, Mr.Desai concluded that he had gone too far with decentralization. As a result, he withdrew some of the authority delegations to the division managers and required them to get top corporate management approval on such important matters as (1) any capital expenditures over Rs.5,00,000 (2) the introduction of any new products, (3) marketing and pricing strategies and policies, (4) plant expansion, and (5) changes in personnel policies.

The division general managers were understandably unhappy when they saw some of their independence taken away from them. They openly complained that the company was not very sure about the organizational structure that it wants to follow. The president, worried about his position, calls you in as a consultant to advise him on what to do.


1. Do you agree on what Mr. Desai did to regulate control was correct? (10)

2. What would you have done under these circumstances? (10)


IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Marketing Management

Mr. Sachin, the Sales manager of the Blue Ridge Furniture Company, had just completed a two-week trip auditing customer accounts and prospective accounts in the southern states. His primary intention was to do follow-up work on prospective accounts contacted by sales staff members during the past six months. Prospective clients were usually furniture dealers or large department stores with furniture departments.

To his amazement, Mr. Sachin discovered that almost all the so-called prospective accounts were fictitious. The people had obviously turned in falsely documented field reports and expense statements. Company salespeople had actually called upon 3 of 22 reported furniture stores or department stores. Thus. Mr. Sachin summarized that salespeople had falsely claimed approximately 85 percent of the goodwill contacts. Further study showed that all salespeople had followed this general practice and that not one had a clean record.

M r. Sachin decided that immediate action was mandatory although the salespeople were experienced senior individuals. Angry as he was, he would have preferred, firing them. But he was responsible for sales and realized that replacing the staff would seriously cripple the sales program for the coming year.


1. As Mr. Sachin, what would you do now to resolve the problem of the false reports? (10)

2. What could Mr. Sachin have done to prevent this problem? (10)

Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)

1. What is marketing mix in marketing management? What are the seven (7) elements of marketing? (15)

2. What are the goals or objectives of marketing? (15)


 This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.

 Answer all the questions.

 Each question carries 15marks.

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).



Examination Paper of Organizational Behaviour

IIBM Institute of Business Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Subject Code-B105

Examination Paper

Organizational Behaviour


Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)

Part one:

Multiple choice:

I.Scientific Management approach is developed by (1)

a) Elton Mayo

b) Henry Fayol

c) F.W. Taylor

d) A. Maslow

II. What sort of goals does Management by Objectives (MBO) emphasize? (1)

a) Tangible, verifiable and measurable

b) Achievable, controllable and profitable

c) Challenging, emotional and constructive

d) Hierarchical, attainable and effective

III. What is the most relevant application of perception

concepts to OB? (1)

a. The perceptions people form about each other

b. The perceptions people form about their employer

c. The perceptions people form about their culture

IV. Goal setting theory is pioneered by (1)

a. Stacy Adams

b. Charms

c. Edwin Locke

d. F. W. Taylor

d. The perceptions people from about society

 This section consists of multiple choices and Short Notes type questions.

 Answer all the questions.

 Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part two questions carry 5 marks each.

Examination Paper of Organizational Behaviour

IIBM Institute of Business Management

V. Which of the following is/are not organizational factors causing stress? (1)

a. Task demand

b. Role demand

c. Role conflict

d. Satisfaction VI. In which stage of the conflict process does conflict become visible? (1) a. Illumination b. Intentions c. Behavior d. Cognition

VII. In --------------leadership, there is a complete centralization of authority in the leader


a. Democratic

b. Autocratic

c. Free rein

d. Bureaucratic

VIII. Which of the following is not a contingency theory of leadership?

a. LPC theory

b. Path Goal theory

c. Vroom-Yetton-Jago theory

d. Job centered Leadership

IX. A technique to bring changes in the entire organization, rather man focusing attention on individuals to bring changes easily. (1)

a. Organizational development

b. Organizational change

c. Organizational culture

d. Organizational conflicts

X. Which one is not a Process Based Theory of motivation? (1)

a) Porter Lawler Theory

b) Mcclelland’s Theory

c) Stacy Adams Theory

d) Vroom’s Theory

Part B:

1. Define Scientific Management. (5)

2. Explain Management by Objectives (MBO). (5)

3. Explain Five-Stage Model of group development. (5)

4. Write short note on Trait Theory. (5)


IIBM Institute of Business Management

IIBM Institute of Organizational Behaviour

Section B: Caselets (40 marks)


Ms. Priyanka is a store manager of one of the fourteen Hàppy Home Furniture outlets that are located at all the major cities in the country. Her staff consists of twelve salespersons and support personnel. Each salesperson. is paid commission based on sales. All the salespersons are expected to do other tasks, such as assisting the merchandise manager, arranging the displays, and handling customer complaints. These tasks, and a few others, are to be shared equally among the sales persons.

The store's sales target is established at the headquarters of the furniture chain. This target is divided by the number of salespersons and each is expected to meet his or her personal target Mr. Ranjan, is the top salesperson at the outlet. When he misses his sales goal, which seldom happens, the store's target is usually not met. Ranjan, however, often does not help in doing the common tasks, much to the frustration of the other eleven salespeople, who feel that if they do not handle the common tasks, they will be fired.

Recently, Ms. Priyanka noticed that one of her salespeople, Mr. Manish„ made careless errors, neglected clients, and did not do his share of the common tasks. When confronted by the store manager, he complained about Mr. Ranjan., who, in his opinion, got away with doing almost nothing. After this discussion, Ms. Priyanka began to observe the salespersons more closely and noticed that most of them neglected their work and were not cooperative.

The store manager felt that something had to be done. A talk with Mr. Ranjan had little effect. Yet, the store needed Ranjan because of his excellent sales record. On the other hand, the morale of the other salespersons had begun to deteriorate.


1. What Should Ms. Priyanka do? (10)

2. What are the standards of performance? Should they be changed? If so, in what ways? (10


MR. Ketan Parekh had worked his way up through the technical arm of ANC Company to become chief Engineer and the General Manager of the Avionics Division. He was an important inventor and innovator, in basic frequency-modulated continuous wave (FM-CW) Doppler radar technology. This Fm-cw technology gave Avionics a world leadership position in Doppler radar equipment design and production, All Avionics equipment design were state of the art at the time of their design, a result of the importance research and development engineering for the department's future.

As the division grew and Avionics's success with Doppler systems brought large increases in sales, Mr. Ketan's preoccupations became considerably more managerially than technical. He began to reassess some of his own thinking about organizations. The organization appeared too weak, both structurally and managerially, to cope with the increasing complexity of his

 This section consists of Caselets.

 Answer all the questions.

 Each Caselet carries 20marks.

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).

IIBM Institute of Business Management

IIBM Institute of Organizational Behaviour

division's activities. Mr. Ketan was finding it impossible to cope with the number of major decisions that had to be made. Six major programs and several minor ones were in different stages of design and/or production. All had different customers, sometimes in different countries. Every program's product although they were all Doppler radar systems, was significantly different from every other one, particularly in its technology. Nevertheless the programs had to share manufacturing facilities, major items of capital equipment, and specialized functions. Mr. Ketan felt he had to find some way to force the whole decision process down to some level below his own.


1. What is the principal problem with ANC's existing organizational Structure? (10)

2. How can the matrix form of organization assist Mr. Ketan? (10)

Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)

1. What are the components of attitude? How does attitude determine the behavior of an

individual? (15)

2. Explain the factors that affect an organizational climate. What are the determinants of job satisfaction of employees inside the organization? (15)



 This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.

 Answer all the questions.

 Each question carries 15marks.

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).


Examination Paper of Principles and Practices of Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management

 This section consists of multiple choices and Short Notes type questions.

 Answer all the questions.

 Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part two questions carry 5 marks each.

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Subject Code-B101

Examination Paper

Principles and Practices of Management


Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)

Part one:

Multiple choice:

I. Management as a Science defines…..Tick the correct one.(1)

a) Perfection through practice

b) Practical Knowledge

c) Creativity

d) Test of Validity & Predictability

II. Indirect Reward involves: (1)

a. Wages

b. Provident Fund

c. Praise& Rewards

d. Incentives

III. This is the part of the management process which actuates the organization members to work efficiently and effectively for the attainment of organizational objectives. Which management function describes this? (1)

a) Planning

b) Organizing

c) Staffing

d) Directing

e) Controlling

IV. It is the function of manning the organization structure and keeping it

manned. The main purpose is to put right man on right job i.e. square pegs in square holes and round pegs in round holes. (1)

a. Manpower Planning

b. Recruitment

c. Performance Appraisal

d. Staffing

e. Training & Development

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Principles and Practices of Management

V. This type of Organization flows “Flat Hierarchy”. (1)

a. Traditional

b. Modern

c. None of them

d. All of them

VI. It is deciding in advance – what to do, when to do & how to do. It bridges the gap from where we are & where we want to be.(1)

a. Staffing

b. Organizing c

c. Planning

d. Directing

e. None of them

VII. Decentralization may lead to the problem of co-ordination at the level of an enterprise as the decision-making authority is not concentrated. (1)

a. True

b. False

VIII. “Understanding” is the essence of communication. This only happens when there is an intention of not understanding and not being understood by those involved in a communication situation. (1)

a. True

b. False

IX. Here delegation is not entrusted the work neither he is given the responsibility and authority formally. It does not create any obligation.(1)

a. Formal Delegation

b. Informal Delegation

c. None of them

d. All of them

X. The organization must have a supreme authority and a clear line of authority should run from that person (or group) down through the hierarchy, e.g., from the Chairman—the Managing Director—Plant Manager— Production Manager— Foreman-rank and file of employees. (1) a. Principle of Delegation b. Principle of Balance c. Scalar Principle d. Principle of change

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Principles and Practices of Management


 This section consists of Caselets.

 Answer all the questions.

 Each Caselet carries 20marks.

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).

Part B:

1. Define Administration. In which respect it is different from

Management? (5)

2. What do you understand by the term “Level of Management”? Briefly describe the different levels of Management. (5)

3. Factors involved in Decentralization of Authority. (5)

4. Write a short note on the Principles of Unity of Command. (5)

Section B: Caselets (40 marks)


Rajiv Gupta, President of the Universal Food Products Company, was tired of being the only one in his company actually responsible for profits. While he had good vice-presidents in charge of advertising, sales, finance, purchasing, production, and product research, he realized that he could not hold any of them responsible for company profits, as much as he would like to. He often found it difficult even to hold them responsible for the contribution from their respective areas to company profits. The sales vice-president, for instance, had rather reasonably complained that he could not be fully responsible for sales when the advertising was ineffective, or in a situation when the products customers wanted were not readily available from manufacturing department, or when he did not have the new products he needed to meet market competition. Likewise, the manufacturing vice president had some justification when he made the point that he could not hold down costs and still be able to produce short runs so as to fill orders on short notice; moreover, financial controls would not allow the company to carry a large inventory of everything. Mr. Rajiv had considered breaking his company down into six or seven segments by setting up product divisions with a manger over each with profit responsibility. But he found that this would not be feasible or economical since many of the company's branded food products were produced using the same equipment and used the same raw materials, and a salesperson calling on a store or supermarket could far more economically handle a number of related products ....than one or a few. Consequently, Mr. Rajiv came to the conclusion that the best thing for him to do was to set up six product managers reporting to a product marketing manager. Each product

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Principles and Practices of Management

manager would be given responsibility for one or a few products and would oversee for each product, all aspects of product research, manufacturing, advertising, and sales, thereby the person becoming responsible for the performance and profits of the products under his/her portfolio. Mr. Rajiv realized that he could not give these product managers actual line of authority over the various operating departments of the company since that will cause each vice president and his or her department to report to six product managers and the product marketing manager, as well as the president. He was concerned with this problem. But, he knew that some of the most successful larger companies in the world had used the product manager system. Mr. Rajiv resolved to put in the product manager system as outlined and hoped for the best. But he wondered how he could avoid the problem of confusion in reporting relationship


1. Do you agree with Mr. Rajiv's program? If it were you, would you have done it differently? Explain. (10)

2. Exactly what is your suggestion that may help to avoid any confusion in this organizational structure? (10)


As Ms. Mansi began to devote all of her time to managing The Arbor, she was dismayed byfinding the anomalies what she believed to be a fairly haphazard management system. While the developer of the retail complex was clearly an astute entrepreneur, she began to feel that he had not paid enough attention to detail in the course of day-to-day operating procedures.

She and Mr. Das had learnt a lot about management from their experience with SLS. Mr. Das for example, had found that the most effective way of running the business involved buying only from reputable suppliers, keeping all plants well fertilized and pruned while they were in inventory, and checking with customers after landscape jobs had been completed to ensure that they were satisfied.

When she bought The Arbor, Ms. Mansi talked with a friend who managed a store at the regional shopping mall in town. Her friend explained how the mall development company had elaborate rules and procedures for its tenants. These rules and procedures dictated store hours, appearance standards, lease terms, promotional and advertising policies, and just about everything imaginable.

The Arbor, however, was a different story. There were no written policies for tenants. As a result, there was considerable variation in how they were managed. Some stores opened on Sunday or in the evening, for example, while others did not; some tenants had long-term leases while others had no current lease at all.

To address these and other issues, Ms. Mansi called a meeting of all the tenants and expressed her concerns. To her surprise, she found that they already were aware of each of her issues, as well as some others that she had not yet had time to consider. They argued, however, that the current system was really the best for The Arbor. As a small operation, each tenant knew all the others, and they worked together to keep things in good order. They thought it was fine that they kept different hours — few customers came to The Arbor just to walk around and shop. Customers usually came to visit specific stores and were aware of the store's hours. The tenants even

IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Principles and Practices of Management


 This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.

 Answer all the questions.

 Each question carries 15marks.

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).

expressed their opinion about the lease situation as a fine condition. Some wanted the security afforded by a lease, while others preferred the flexibility of no lease.


1. What are the different control examples illustrated in this situation? (10)

2. What kind of control systems might be the most useful for retailers? (10)

Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)

1. Define Management & its functions? (15)

2. Explain the various concepts of Management. (15)



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