DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: WEBSITE:
Essential of Management
Case Studies
The Super Steels Ltd. specializes in making steel molded furniture. The MD Mr Sukhdev Singh, formed the company in 1980s with
a working capital of Rs. 5 lakhs and 10 people and started with commercial pieces of furniture. Gradually, the business grew an work
force was also expanded. Their man recruits and diploma holders in technical traders as assembling, etc. and workers. The staff
works in teams of six people to assemble inspect and approve a piece of furniture and teams were assigned for different products.
The whole of the production area was partitioned for separate teams. The teams consist of team leader, two experienced workers and
rest workers either fresh or on rotation. Teams are further organized in groups and each group has leaders of team as quality team.
They take charge of production, output and quality of all teams as one group, discuss and improve upon themselves. All the groups
are answerable to the production manager. Around twelve months ago, Mr Singh in consultation with his old friend decided to
diversify into home furniture and developed a massive restructuring. He decided to call an industry expert to advice on the process,
who after study, recommended a flow-line production process for all their products. Mr Singh accepted a plan and arranged for
starting out the commercial operations. To avoid a loss of production the new manufacturing layout was introduced during the
summer closing down of their factory. The workers while going on leave were informed that some changes would take place and
they should be ready for it. Under the flow-line process, the manufacturing of furniture piece has to be broken into 6 element to be
given to a worker, who sits in line alongside a track. The finished piece of furniture is then to be carried out to the inspection
department and then to the quality department. After approval it is to be sent to stores. The track contains ten team of six workers per
track. Once the workers returned this new process was explained to them. They were provided basic training on new systems and
were given targets for individual performance. After two months, Mr Singh realized that the absenteeism at factory increased by 20
per cent and five of their workers left the job. Since the introduction of new system though the output level rose. It is still below their
estimated level. The amount of time spends by their Production and Operation manager on dealing with production and workers’
problems rose considerably. Not only that due to inadequacy and lack of knowledge among workers their wastage rose to almost 20
per cent.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Discuss the major problems faced by the organization.
Q2. How could the changes in the organization have been made more successful? Debate.
Home Depot was the biggest retailer of home improvement products in the US in the early 2000s. The company was also well
known for its entrepreneurial and laissez-faire culture, a culture fostered by co-founders Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank, who led
the company from 1978 to 2000. In late 2000 however, the board appointed Robert Nardelli, a GE veteran, as CEO. Nardelli was
given the task of solving the problems that the company ran into in the late 1990s. Many cultural changes took place at Home Depot
under the leadership of Nardelli. Nardelli. He was responsible for changing Home Depot's culture from an entrepreneurial and
informal one, to one that focused on processes. He also introduced a fair amount of centralization and managed to link the various
departments and regions of the company together.
7/20/2017 Aeren Foundation
Answer the following question.
Q1. Explain the evolution of a major retail organization from a startup-like culture to a mature industry leader
Q2. Analyze the effects of change in leadership on culture, especially when a company moves from the hands of its
founders to those of an outsider
Q3. Discuss the issues surrounding cultural transformation and the challenges faced by company outsiders in adapting
to culture and helping change it.
Q4. Explain the importance of cultural evolution for organizations and to understand that cultural evolution must occur
simultaneously with growth
Case (20
Mr. Iyer was highly qualified, gold medalist and a most experienced scholar. He was appointed as Director General of an
international institute. There were three main branches, namely Education, Administration and Accounts at the HQs. He was very
diligent and from the day he joined, he worked overtime and made others too to sit overtime, after normal office hours. Mr. Iyer
acted as if he knew every activities of the institute and never trusted anybody. Whatever the branches head did, he again worked
himself and started finding faults in their works. The officers and staff soon started feeling uncomfortable and Mr. Iyr could not meet
the targets given by the management of the school. Though the staff obeyed him and worked overtime but the output of the Institute
miserably decreased. The management of the school gave him 2 months to improve the situation, but he failed. Ultimately the
services of a highly qualified, gold medalist CEO had to be terminated by the management of the school.
Answer the following question.
Q1. What were the reasons of the failure of newly appointed D.G?
Q2. Had you been there in his position how you should have proceeded from the very beginning.
On July 28, 2009, a man walked up to the counter of a branch of KeyBank in Seattle, pushed a black bag across the counter, and
ordered the teller to hand over money. Jim Nicholson (Nicholson), the 30-year-old bank teller who had worked for the bank for more
than two years, stood up to the man and demanded to see the weapon. On July 30, 2009, an employee of KeyBank found himself
fired from his job two days after he had prevented an attempted robbery at the bank by confronting the would-be-robber and
overpowering him.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Jim Nicholson was able to prevent the robbery and save the people in the bank from potential harm. Do you think
the end justified the means in this case - did Nicholson do the right thing in confronting the would-be bank robber?
Q2. Did KeyBank do the right thing in firing Jim Nicholson? Would a warning or suspension have been better
disciplinary action?
Business Communication
Case Studies
Shoppers ‘Delight’s large retail store, had above-average quality and competitive prices. It advertised its retail promotions in local
newspapers. Its TV advertising was mainly aimed at building store image and did not address retail promotions. The management
knew it well that they had to advertise their retail promotions more, but they did not feel comfortable with the effectiveness of
persent efforts and wanted to better understand the impact of their present promotions. To better understand the effectiveness of the
present efforts, a study of advertising exposure, interpretation, and purchases was undertaken. Researchers conducted 50 in-depth
interviews with customers of the store’s target market to determine the appropriate product mix, price, ad copy and media, In
addition, the store,s image and that of its two competitors were measured. Based on the research findings, different product lines that
would appeal to the target customer were selected. The retail promotion was run for a full week .Full-page advertisements were
released each day in the two local Hindi newspapers, and also in one English newapaper that devotes six pages to the coverage of the
state. Each evening, a sample of 100 target market customers were interviewed by telephone as follows:1 .Target customers were
asked if they had read the newspaper that day .This was done to determine their exposure to advertisement.2.After a general
description of the product lines, the respondents were asked to recall any related retail advertisements they had seen or read.3.if the
respondents were able to recall, they were asked to describe the ad, the promoted products, sale prices, and the name of the
sponsoring store.4.If the respondents were accurate in their ad interpretation ,they were asked to express their intentions to
purchase.5.Respondents were also asked for suggestions to be incorporated in future promotions targeted at this consumer segment
.Immediately after the close of promotion,500target market customers were surveyed to determine what percentage of the target
market actually purchased the promoted products. It also determined which sources of information influenced them in their decision
to purchase and the amount of their purchase. Results of the study showed that ad exposure was 75% and ad awareness level was
68% and was considered as high. Only 43% respondents exposed to and aware of the ad copay could accurately recall important
details, such as the name of the store promoting the retail sale. Just 43% correct interpretation was considered as low. Of those who
could accurately interpret the ad copay ,32% said they intended to respond by purchasing the advertised products and 68 per cent sad
they had no intention to buy. This yields an overall intention to buy of 7%.The largest area of lost opportunity was due to those who
did not accurately interpret the ad copay. The post-promotion survey indicated that only 4.2% of the target market customers made
purchases of the promoted products during the promotion period. In terms of how these buyers learned of the promotion,46%
mentioned newspaper A(Hindi) ,27% newspaper B (Hindi),8% newspaper c( English), and 15% learned about sale through word-ofmouth
communication. The retail promotion was judged as successful in many ways, besides yielding sales worth
Rs.900,000.However ,management was concerned about not achieving a higher level of ad comprehension, missing a significant
sales opportunity. It was believed that a better ad would have at least 75% correct comprehension among those aware of the ads. This
in turn would almost double sales without any additional cost.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Give an overview of the case
Q2. How do you think survey helps to determine the preferences and other needs of consumers?
Q3. Prepare a survey questionnaire of any company of your choice?
Q4. Surveys are suitable of certain types of products and brands. Comment.
7/20/2017 Aeren Foundation
It is not enough to be an outstanding business expert only back at home. As a member of the European Union, Hungary is in great
need of business and communication professionals who are able to understand the challenges and key issues of international
economic relations in order to exploit any opportunities that may arise. If you are seeking to do that, you need secure knowledge of
economic and business matters, a fluent command of a second language for professional purposes and thorough practical and work
experience. The International Business Economics program of MET offers exactly that. Our graduate students, with professional
level ability in at least two foreign languages, leave school as well-trained business experts with the potential to achieve success and
immediate results in the international business scene. THE PROGRAM IS DESIGNED FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO are well
informed with a keen interest in the world of international business, politics and the media, who look to find their future career in an
international environment and who are open to exposure to foreign cultures. Future students should also be able to use two foreign
languages for most personal needs with a desire to improve their existing language skills so that they become an important asset both
in their future career and for their companies.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Why the knowledge of at least two foreign languages is necessary for international business? Discuss.
Q2. Give an overview of the case.
Ability to swap content out quickly —Prior to rolling out the SnapComms solution, the insurance company were limited to what
they could put on staff screensavers. This was due to the fact that pushing out screensaver content to staff computers was only done
once per quarter, so the ability to change what was displayed was time consuming for the desktop team. With the SnapComms
Screensaver Messages solution, the Communications team have complete control of when screensavers are displayed, how many are
displayed at once, and they now have the additional benefit of being able to target specific screensavers to different parts of the
business. The assigned message administrators can deploy a screensaver whenever they need to, without engaging the Desktop
Support team to push it out manually, making the whole process a lot more efficient. SnapComms has addressed the issues that were
impacting staff communications at the insurance company. Important communications now get the cut through they need in order to
keep staff informed of potential issues at their location in real time. The Communications team now has the ability to run targeted
internal communications campaigns without having to rely on the desktop support team. And the Compliance manager has the
ability disseminate compliance communications across the business, with an eye to the future of being able to quiz staff on policies
and track results in real time.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Give an overview of the case
Q2. “SnapComms does more than just reduce email overload” Comment.
When you do business internationally, you may assume that all businesspeople have the same basic understandings. Although you
will find a common appreciation for making profits and reducing costs, you may run across business approaches that surprise you.
Diverse cultures have different business values and practices. A little effort at gaining some cultural literacy can help you deal
successfully with people around the globe. It's important that you demonstrate that you are a global citizen so international customers
are willing to do business with you. It's not realistic to set a goal of gaining a deep understanding of all the cultures you may deal
with in the course of growing your international marketing. Instead, aim for a core competency. According to an article in "Profit"
magazine, you can look at six areas of knowledge you need: Familiarize yourself with cultural attitudes about dealing with strangers,
language barriers, how groups respond to sales pitches as either favors or cut-and-dried presentations, local channels you must use
for brand awareness, the technical proficiency and capacity of the country or region and how the culture views the importance of
doing things on time or relaxing about meeting times and deadline dates. You must understand how a culture views business dealings
so you know what style to use when approaching businesspeople in that culture. Some cultures look at a transaction as a favor
among friends, while others embrace the more American style of a straightforward discussion about making money. Still others may
allow business discussions only in certain settings and frown on them at other times. Look into this aspect of the culture before you
make any business proposals. You can evaluate your business transactions with a culture different from your own in light of that
culture's contextual clues. This helps you avoid gaffes and create business communications that have a positive impact. The country's
history and assumptions about Americans can affect how your message is received. Be sensitive to hot-button issues and avoid any
phrases or words that could suggest you look down on the culture or that you consider the person you're dealing with to be a secondclass
citizen in his own culture. This kind of cultural literacy is of utmost importance when you communicate so you can avoid
unintentional negative cultural messages when conducting business. Using internationally accepted word choices and phrases
ensures your business dealings won't be misunderstood. Some American phrases do not translate well. For example, "We shall see"
means "No" in China. Other phrases such as, "Flying by the seat of our pants" or "Ballpark figure" may not have any meaning at all
in other cultures. Scrutinize your written communications for figurative language that may not translate. In addition, cut your verbal
7/20/2017 Aeren Foundation
communications to the basics. It's important for a company doing global business to remember that the language at its home office
may not be universal.
Answer the following question.
Q1. How can you increase business by increasing awareness of cultures? Discuss.
Q2. Why International Business Communication is important? Debate.
7/20/2017 Aeren Foundation
Name : AMBARISH M Marks : 80
Course : Masters in Business Administration (MBA 4 Sem)
Subject : Human Resource Management
Case Studies
A manufacturing company was importing raw material for production. The company was incurring huge losses due to delay in
import clearance of raw material as Custom had introduced a new system of clearance of imported cargo through EDI. Mr. Rajan,
who was an old employee of the company, was the in charge of clearance team. He was very diligent, honest and an asset to the
company. But somehow, he was reluctant to switch over to the electronics clearance system of customs. He firmly believed in
custom clearances of stores through hard copies of Bill of entry. He was due for promotion. But his later performance was denying
him the promotion. Company wanted to help him.
Answer the following question.
Q1. What may be the reason for adopting the same old procedure by Mr. Rajan.
Q2. Debate as a HR Manager, how will you help Rajan so he does not loose promotion?
This small organization was struggling to retain valuable employees as larger companies were luring people away with larger
salaries. However, the people who left the company were often asking to return as their salary was larger in the new firm but their
take-home pay was less as a result of higher benefit costs. As such, we implemented our Statements and met with employees
individually to review the Statements. The reaction to the Wage & Benefit Statements was overwhelmingly positive as most
employees didn’t fully understand the value of the “hidden benefits” provided by the company such as health insurance, life
insurance, matching 401(k) payments, etc.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Give an overview of the case.
Q2. Discuss why the take-home salary was less in larger new Give an overview of the case companies.
In a pharmacy company manufacturing and marketing drugs and medicines, the research staff has developed a number of new
products and formulations which are effective. But at the same time it has to meet severe competition from stalwarts with foreign
collaboration. Mr. Shah, the Vice President Marketing, has a very successful Pharmacy Marketing background. He has been with the
company for the past 4 years. Mr. Shah had made ambitious plans for capturing a sizeable share of the market in Gujarat. The
company being medium sized, Mr. Shah had kept his marketing department and the marketing team lean and trim. The field sales
staff was given aggressive targets and was virtually pushed to reach the respective targets. The field staff worked to their best
abilities to complete their respective targets. Mr. Shah had himself been working almost 11-12 hours a day. There was no formal
appraisal and reward system in the company. During last 5 years more than 60 Medical Representatives and Area Supervisors had
7/20/2017 Aeren Foundation
left the company due to unsatisfactory increments and promotions. Those who left the company were star workers. But Mr. Shah did
not care for this high turnover. He was over confident that he would be able to hire fresher’s and also select Candidates who were not
happy with their remuneration in their respective companies. Mr. Shah had never communicated to the field sales staff about their
performance or reasons for not recognizing their outstanding performance in a few cases. There was on the whole great
dissatisfaction and good performers were leaving the company.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Enumerate the steps you will take to correct the situation?
Q2. In the event of your suggesting a Performance Appraisal System, what type of appraisal system would be suitable
and why.
Q3. Discuss, if the appraisal system should also include merit, rewards and promotions.
In 2007, Rolls Royce decided to close down one of its manufacturing units in Merseyside, UK. This led to a large-scale retrenchment
of its workforce. The decision was massively resented by the largest trade union body of the UK, Unite. They felt that Rolls Royce
was unjustly retrenching its highly skilled and loyal workforce. It doubted the company's real intention behind the proposed closure.
The company totally nullified the allegations made by Union. It claimed that to circumvent the rising overhead expenses, it had been
forced by circumstances to take such a measure. This resulted in industrial disputes and mass agitations by the workers.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Discuss the factors that instigated the retrenchment of the skilled workforce of Rolls Royce.
Q2. Analyze the role of HR policies in shaping the image of a company.
DR. PRASANTH MBA PH.D. DME MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: WEBSITE:
Essential of Management
Case Studies
The Super Steels Ltd. specializes in making steel molded furniture. The MD Mr Sukhdev Singh, formed the company in 1980s with
a working capital of Rs. 5 lakhs and 10 people and started with commercial pieces of furniture. Gradually, the business grew an work
force was also expanded. Their man recruits and diploma holders in technical traders as assembling, etc. and workers. The staff
works in teams of six people to assemble inspect and approve a piece of furniture and teams were assigned for different products.
The whole of the production area was partitioned for separate teams. The teams consist of team leader, two experienced workers and
rest workers either fresh or on rotation. Teams are further organized in groups and each group has leaders of team as quality team.
They take charge of production, output and quality of all teams as one group, discuss and improve upon themselves. All the groups
are answerable to the production manager. Around twelve months ago, Mr Singh in consultation with his old friend decided to
diversify into home furniture and developed a massive restructuring. He decided to call an industry expert to advice on the process,
who after study, recommended a flow-line production process for all their products. Mr Singh accepted a plan and arranged for
starting out the commercial operations. To avoid a loss of production the new manufacturing layout was introduced during the
summer closing down of their factory. The workers while going on leave were informed that some changes would take place and
they should be ready for it. Under the flow-line process, the manufacturing of furniture piece has to be broken into 6 element to be
given to a worker, who sits in line alongside a track. The finished piece of furniture is then to be carried out to the inspection
department and then to the quality department. After approval it is to be sent to stores. The track contains ten team of six workers per
track. Once the workers returned this new process was explained to them. They were provided basic training on new systems and
were given targets for individual performance. After two months, Mr Singh realized that the absenteeism at factory increased by 20
per cent and five of their workers left the job. Since the introduction of new system though the output level rose. It is still below their
estimated level. The amount of time spends by their Production and Operation manager on dealing with production and workers’
problems rose considerably. Not only that due to inadequacy and lack of knowledge among workers their wastage rose to almost 20
per cent.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Discuss the major problems faced by the organization.
Q2. How could the changes in the organization have been made more successful? Debate.
Home Depot was the biggest retailer of home improvement products in the US in the early 2000s. The company was also well
known for its entrepreneurial and laissez-faire culture, a culture fostered by co-founders Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank, who led
the company from 1978 to 2000. In late 2000 however, the board appointed Robert Nardelli, a GE veteran, as CEO. Nardelli was
given the task of solving the problems that the company ran into in the late 1990s. Many cultural changes took place at Home Depot
under the leadership of Nardelli. Nardelli. He was responsible for changing Home Depot's culture from an entrepreneurial and
informal one, to one that focused on processes. He also introduced a fair amount of centralization and managed to link the various
departments and regions of the company together.
7/20/2017 Aeren Foundation
Answer the following question.
Q1. Explain the evolution of a major retail organization from a startup-like culture to a mature industry leader
Q2. Analyze the effects of change in leadership on culture, especially when a company moves from the hands of its
founders to those of an outsider
Q3. Discuss the issues surrounding cultural transformation and the challenges faced by company outsiders in adapting
to culture and helping change it.
Q4. Explain the importance of cultural evolution for organizations and to understand that cultural evolution must occur
simultaneously with growth
Case (20
Mr. Iyer was highly qualified, gold medalist and a most experienced scholar. He was appointed as Director General of an
international institute. There were three main branches, namely Education, Administration and Accounts at the HQs. He was very
diligent and from the day he joined, he worked overtime and made others too to sit overtime, after normal office hours. Mr. Iyer
acted as if he knew every activities of the institute and never trusted anybody. Whatever the branches head did, he again worked
himself and started finding faults in their works. The officers and staff soon started feeling uncomfortable and Mr. Iyr could not meet
the targets given by the management of the school. Though the staff obeyed him and worked overtime but the output of the Institute
miserably decreased. The management of the school gave him 2 months to improve the situation, but he failed. Ultimately the
services of a highly qualified, gold medalist CEO had to be terminated by the management of the school.
Answer the following question.
Q1. What were the reasons of the failure of newly appointed D.G?
Q2. Had you been there in his position how you should have proceeded from the very beginning.
On July 28, 2009, a man walked up to the counter of a branch of KeyBank in Seattle, pushed a black bag across the counter, and
ordered the teller to hand over money. Jim Nicholson (Nicholson), the 30-year-old bank teller who had worked for the bank for more
than two years, stood up to the man and demanded to see the weapon. On July 30, 2009, an employee of KeyBank found himself
fired from his job two days after he had prevented an attempted robbery at the bank by confronting the would-be-robber and
overpowering him.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Jim Nicholson was able to prevent the robbery and save the people in the bank from potential harm. Do you think
the end justified the means in this case - did Nicholson do the right thing in confronting the would-be bank robber?
Q2. Did KeyBank do the right thing in firing Jim Nicholson? Would a warning or suspension have been better
disciplinary action?
Business Communication
Case Studies
Shoppers ‘Delight’s large retail store, had above-average quality and competitive prices. It advertised its retail promotions in local
newspapers. Its TV advertising was mainly aimed at building store image and did not address retail promotions. The management
knew it well that they had to advertise their retail promotions more, but they did not feel comfortable with the effectiveness of
persent efforts and wanted to better understand the impact of their present promotions. To better understand the effectiveness of the
present efforts, a study of advertising exposure, interpretation, and purchases was undertaken. Researchers conducted 50 in-depth
interviews with customers of the store’s target market to determine the appropriate product mix, price, ad copy and media, In
addition, the store,s image and that of its two competitors were measured. Based on the research findings, different product lines that
would appeal to the target customer were selected. The retail promotion was run for a full week .Full-page advertisements were
released each day in the two local Hindi newspapers, and also in one English newapaper that devotes six pages to the coverage of the
state. Each evening, a sample of 100 target market customers were interviewed by telephone as follows:1 .Target customers were
asked if they had read the newspaper that day .This was done to determine their exposure to advertisement.2.After a general
description of the product lines, the respondents were asked to recall any related retail advertisements they had seen or read.3.if the
respondents were able to recall, they were asked to describe the ad, the promoted products, sale prices, and the name of the
sponsoring store.4.If the respondents were accurate in their ad interpretation ,they were asked to express their intentions to
purchase.5.Respondents were also asked for suggestions to be incorporated in future promotions targeted at this consumer segment
.Immediately after the close of promotion,500target market customers were surveyed to determine what percentage of the target
market actually purchased the promoted products. It also determined which sources of information influenced them in their decision
to purchase and the amount of their purchase. Results of the study showed that ad exposure was 75% and ad awareness level was
68% and was considered as high. Only 43% respondents exposed to and aware of the ad copay could accurately recall important
details, such as the name of the store promoting the retail sale. Just 43% correct interpretation was considered as low. Of those who
could accurately interpret the ad copay ,32% said they intended to respond by purchasing the advertised products and 68 per cent sad
they had no intention to buy. This yields an overall intention to buy of 7%.The largest area of lost opportunity was due to those who
did not accurately interpret the ad copay. The post-promotion survey indicated that only 4.2% of the target market customers made
purchases of the promoted products during the promotion period. In terms of how these buyers learned of the promotion,46%
mentioned newspaper A(Hindi) ,27% newspaper B (Hindi),8% newspaper c( English), and 15% learned about sale through word-ofmouth
communication. The retail promotion was judged as successful in many ways, besides yielding sales worth
Rs.900,000.However ,management was concerned about not achieving a higher level of ad comprehension, missing a significant
sales opportunity. It was believed that a better ad would have at least 75% correct comprehension among those aware of the ads. This
in turn would almost double sales without any additional cost.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Give an overview of the case
Q2. How do you think survey helps to determine the preferences and other needs of consumers?
Q3. Prepare a survey questionnaire of any company of your choice?
Q4. Surveys are suitable of certain types of products and brands. Comment.
7/20/2017 Aeren Foundation
It is not enough to be an outstanding business expert only back at home. As a member of the European Union, Hungary is in great
need of business and communication professionals who are able to understand the challenges and key issues of international
economic relations in order to exploit any opportunities that may arise. If you are seeking to do that, you need secure knowledge of
economic and business matters, a fluent command of a second language for professional purposes and thorough practical and work
experience. The International Business Economics program of MET offers exactly that. Our graduate students, with professional
level ability in at least two foreign languages, leave school as well-trained business experts with the potential to achieve success and
immediate results in the international business scene. THE PROGRAM IS DESIGNED FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO are well
informed with a keen interest in the world of international business, politics and the media, who look to find their future career in an
international environment and who are open to exposure to foreign cultures. Future students should also be able to use two foreign
languages for most personal needs with a desire to improve their existing language skills so that they become an important asset both
in their future career and for their companies.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Why the knowledge of at least two foreign languages is necessary for international business? Discuss.
Q2. Give an overview of the case.
Ability to swap content out quickly —Prior to rolling out the SnapComms solution, the insurance company were limited to what
they could put on staff screensavers. This was due to the fact that pushing out screensaver content to staff computers was only done
once per quarter, so the ability to change what was displayed was time consuming for the desktop team. With the SnapComms
Screensaver Messages solution, the Communications team have complete control of when screensavers are displayed, how many are
displayed at once, and they now have the additional benefit of being able to target specific screensavers to different parts of the
business. The assigned message administrators can deploy a screensaver whenever they need to, without engaging the Desktop
Support team to push it out manually, making the whole process a lot more efficient. SnapComms has addressed the issues that were
impacting staff communications at the insurance company. Important communications now get the cut through they need in order to
keep staff informed of potential issues at their location in real time. The Communications team now has the ability to run targeted
internal communications campaigns without having to rely on the desktop support team. And the Compliance manager has the
ability disseminate compliance communications across the business, with an eye to the future of being able to quiz staff on policies
and track results in real time.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Give an overview of the case
Q2. “SnapComms does more than just reduce email overload” Comment.
When you do business internationally, you may assume that all businesspeople have the same basic understandings. Although you
will find a common appreciation for making profits and reducing costs, you may run across business approaches that surprise you.
Diverse cultures have different business values and practices. A little effort at gaining some cultural literacy can help you deal
successfully with people around the globe. It's important that you demonstrate that you are a global citizen so international customers
are willing to do business with you. It's not realistic to set a goal of gaining a deep understanding of all the cultures you may deal
with in the course of growing your international marketing. Instead, aim for a core competency. According to an article in "Profit"
magazine, you can look at six areas of knowledge you need: Familiarize yourself with cultural attitudes about dealing with strangers,
language barriers, how groups respond to sales pitches as either favors or cut-and-dried presentations, local channels you must use
for brand awareness, the technical proficiency and capacity of the country or region and how the culture views the importance of
doing things on time or relaxing about meeting times and deadline dates. You must understand how a culture views business dealings
so you know what style to use when approaching businesspeople in that culture. Some cultures look at a transaction as a favor
among friends, while others embrace the more American style of a straightforward discussion about making money. Still others may
allow business discussions only in certain settings and frown on them at other times. Look into this aspect of the culture before you
make any business proposals. You can evaluate your business transactions with a culture different from your own in light of that
culture's contextual clues. This helps you avoid gaffes and create business communications that have a positive impact. The country's
history and assumptions about Americans can affect how your message is received. Be sensitive to hot-button issues and avoid any
phrases or words that could suggest you look down on the culture or that you consider the person you're dealing with to be a secondclass
citizen in his own culture. This kind of cultural literacy is of utmost importance when you communicate so you can avoid
unintentional negative cultural messages when conducting business. Using internationally accepted word choices and phrases
ensures your business dealings won't be misunderstood. Some American phrases do not translate well. For example, "We shall see"
means "No" in China. Other phrases such as, "Flying by the seat of our pants" or "Ballpark figure" may not have any meaning at all
in other cultures. Scrutinize your written communications for figurative language that may not translate. In addition, cut your verbal
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communications to the basics. It's important for a company doing global business to remember that the language at its home office
may not be universal.
Answer the following question.
Q1. How can you increase business by increasing awareness of cultures? Discuss.
Q2. Why International Business Communication is important? Debate.
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Name : AMBARISH M Marks : 80
Course : Masters in Business Administration (MBA 4 Sem)
Subject : Human Resource Management
Case Studies
A manufacturing company was importing raw material for production. The company was incurring huge losses due to delay in
import clearance of raw material as Custom had introduced a new system of clearance of imported cargo through EDI. Mr. Rajan,
who was an old employee of the company, was the in charge of clearance team. He was very diligent, honest and an asset to the
company. But somehow, he was reluctant to switch over to the electronics clearance system of customs. He firmly believed in
custom clearances of stores through hard copies of Bill of entry. He was due for promotion. But his later performance was denying
him the promotion. Company wanted to help him.
Answer the following question.
Q1. What may be the reason for adopting the same old procedure by Mr. Rajan.
Q2. Debate as a HR Manager, how will you help Rajan so he does not loose promotion?
This small organization was struggling to retain valuable employees as larger companies were luring people away with larger
salaries. However, the people who left the company were often asking to return as their salary was larger in the new firm but their
take-home pay was less as a result of higher benefit costs. As such, we implemented our Statements and met with employees
individually to review the Statements. The reaction to the Wage & Benefit Statements was overwhelmingly positive as most
employees didn’t fully understand the value of the “hidden benefits” provided by the company such as health insurance, life
insurance, matching 401(k) payments, etc.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Give an overview of the case.
Q2. Discuss why the take-home salary was less in larger new Give an overview of the case companies.
In a pharmacy company manufacturing and marketing drugs and medicines, the research staff has developed a number of new
products and formulations which are effective. But at the same time it has to meet severe competition from stalwarts with foreign
collaboration. Mr. Shah, the Vice President Marketing, has a very successful Pharmacy Marketing background. He has been with the
company for the past 4 years. Mr. Shah had made ambitious plans for capturing a sizeable share of the market in Gujarat. The
company being medium sized, Mr. Shah had kept his marketing department and the marketing team lean and trim. The field sales
staff was given aggressive targets and was virtually pushed to reach the respective targets. The field staff worked to their best
abilities to complete their respective targets. Mr. Shah had himself been working almost 11-12 hours a day. There was no formal
appraisal and reward system in the company. During last 5 years more than 60 Medical Representatives and Area Supervisors had
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left the company due to unsatisfactory increments and promotions. Those who left the company were star workers. But Mr. Shah did
not care for this high turnover. He was over confident that he would be able to hire fresher’s and also select Candidates who were not
happy with their remuneration in their respective companies. Mr. Shah had never communicated to the field sales staff about their
performance or reasons for not recognizing their outstanding performance in a few cases. There was on the whole great
dissatisfaction and good performers were leaving the company.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Enumerate the steps you will take to correct the situation?
Q2. In the event of your suggesting a Performance Appraisal System, what type of appraisal system would be suitable
and why.
Q3. Discuss, if the appraisal system should also include merit, rewards and promotions.
In 2007, Rolls Royce decided to close down one of its manufacturing units in Merseyside, UK. This led to a large-scale retrenchment
of its workforce. The decision was massively resented by the largest trade union body of the UK, Unite. They felt that Rolls Royce
was unjustly retrenching its highly skilled and loyal workforce. It doubted the company's real intention behind the proposed closure.
The company totally nullified the allegations made by Union. It claimed that to circumvent the rising overhead expenses, it had been
forced by circumstances to take such a measure. This resulted in industrial disputes and mass agitations by the workers.
Answer the following question.
Q1. Discuss the factors that instigated the retrenchment of the skilled workforce of Rolls Royce.
Q2. Analyze the role of HR policies in shaping the image of a company.
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