Wednesday, 16 September 2020





Quantitative Techniques

Answer the following question.

Q1. What factors should be considered in industrial analysis? (10


Q2. Which factors influence operating environment?

Case Marks)

Since 9/11•terrorism has cased threat attacks which have drawn the attention of political and media world. The US had

to launch. a 'war on terror' and applied a range of counteract terrorism safety measures towards aviation, public

transportation, ports, borders, public Hermie places, etc. While these steps may show cheap course of act!on by

government and security services, it is quite expensive. According to the calculations done by Mueller and Stewart

(2011), the expenditure of US homeland and security has gone over 1.1 trillion dollars, which includes federal, state and

domestic government, and private sector, and also the cost of opportunity. The Iraq an Afghanistan wars have added 1.2

trillion dollars to this expenditure. The expenditure of federal, state and local US government on home ground security

has been estimated to 75 billion dollars more than the last levels of 2001. It is seen that US is not the only country to be

in these high level of expenses, even though no other country can match its per capita or GDP expenditure. For

example, increased expenditure• on homeland security in UK, Canada and Australia is nearly one half to one quarter of

US expenditure per capita or GDP. Nevertheless, in 2009, the government spent nearly 141.6 billion dollars each year

on homeland security. This figure is expected to reach about 300 billion dollars by 2016. After 9/11, the main objective

has been to prevent or alleviate any harm or casualty as a result of terrorism. The main issue is, if this expenditure of

counteracting terrorism been invest.ed in a way that has increased the cost of security of the public efficiently or not.

Hence, the commission report of 9/11, among other issues, was called upon • the US government to execute safety

measures which show evaluation of risks and effectiveness of expenditure. Nevertheless, while the US needs to.

evaluate expenditure benefits for government regulations, such evaluation seems co have not been done for homeland

security in general, or for the DHS (department of homeland security). One of the causes could be that DHS is not able

to take up such evaluation. The NRC (national research council) committee of the National Academics of Sciences,

Engineering and Medicine, made a request through S Congress to evaluate the functions of DHS, which was working on

the project for almost 2 years, came up with some surprising result-. Besides e'•aluation of natural disasters, the

committee 'did not find any DHS risk analysis capabilities and methods that are yet adequate for supporting DHS

decision making.' Due to which, very less confidence could be had in most of the risk evaluation done by DHS. The

committee said that "it is not yet clear that DHS is on a I ! trajectory for development of methods and capability that is

sufficient to ensure reliable risk analyses". usually the government and their rigid agencies shoo a neutral behavior

towards their decision making. Stewart says that "the standard criterion for deciding whether a government; programmer

can be justified on economic principles is net present value - the discounted monetized value of expected net benefits

(i.e., benefits minus costs)" and that "expected values (an unbiased estimate) is the appropriate estimate for use" (UMB,


Answer the following question.

Q1. What are the reasons that show that DHS is incapable in evaluating the risks of national security?

(Hint: while the US needs to evaluate expenditure benefits for government regulations, such evaluation

seem to have not been done for homeland security in general, DHS is not able to take up such


Q2. The government spent nearly 141.6 billion dollars each year on (Hint: homeland security)



The bulbs manufactured by a company gave a mean life of 3000 hours with standard deviation of 400 hours. If a bulb is

selected at random, what is the probability it will have a mean life less than 2000 hours?

Answer the following question.

Q1. Calculate the probability.

Q2. In what situation does one need probability theory?

Q3. Define the concept of sample space, sample points and events in context of probability theory.

Q4. What is the difference between objective and subjective probability?

Case (20


The railways play an important role in the economy and infrastructure of Britain. Not very many people traveled back in

the 1920 as compared to present time, in spite of 50% reduction in rain routes as compared to the 1960s. Rail is also

used for transporting goods around Britain. Rail proves to be• more eco-friendly and safest means of transportation as

compa;ed to other vehicles so, not surprisingly, the number of people commuting have gone 40% more since the past

ten years. By 2034, this figure can go up. The work of network rail has to look after the tracks, bridges and tunnels which

comprises of the British rail network. The railway infrastructure is made up of signals and level crossings. It has to look

after the 20,000 mile long track and 40,000 bridges and tunnels. Britain's 18 main rail stations, from Edinburg Waverley

to London King's Cross, are looked after by the Britain rail system. Ten years ago, when the network rail took up these

responsibilities, • it had to face some challenges. The rail network was facing some problems. Trains were running late,

the costs were too high and there was shortage of assets in both the people and machinery. Due to these issues, people

had less confidence in the rail network. Ever since then, rail network has aimed at sustaining operations to reduce the

expenses. There has been 28% reduction in expenses mainly because of economy of scale. New tracks and machinery

have been bought, and there has been 90% rise in the rail punctuality. Huge projects have been given on time an

towards th budget, as a result the confidence of the people has improved. Rail network has moved from 'find and fix' to

'predict and prevent' policy. This has proved to be more cost effective and competent and enabled in avoiding delay or

obstruction for the people in their travel. The rail network invested approx. 12 billion pounds between 2009 and 2014,

towards the rail network. Britain has the fastest developing network in whole of Europe. By investing in people, the rail

network is investing in the future to. .B ritain has the largest working personnel of 35,000 workers. It has people working

in various positions, like, engineers for maintenance and signaling to project managers. Each area offers an opportunity

to work. They also consist of HR (human resources), IT (information technology), and finance and customer service.

Network Rail needs to employ and keep capable engineers in order to get the work done. Presently, its engineers are

doing some oi the most stimulating projects in Europe. The projects include HS2, which is the new super spted rail link

between the north and south Britain, and the project of London Crossrail. Some of the biggest and busiest rail stations

are being upgraded, like, London King's Cross and Birmingham New Street. The main focus of the HR of Network Rail is

to recruit various personnel. This not only deepens the culture of business but it also makes sure that it can reach every

talent. It offers training for every applicant, whether he is a school drop-out or a graduate, whether male or female, a

continued flow of appropriate talent is ensured to keep its long term project going. The company abo gives many

opportunities to its workers to receive recognized qualifications, such as an exclusive programmer in post graduation,

sponsoring the Master's Degree in project management and trainee.

Answer the following question.

Q1. What is the new super speed rail link between the north and south Britain called? (Hint: HS2)


What were the initial problems that Network Rail of Britain face? (Hint: It has to look after the 20,000

mile long track and 40,000 bridges and tunnels. Trains were running late, the costs were too high and

there was shortage of assets in both the people and machinery)

Research Methodology

Answer the following question.

Q1. Explain 'Data Reduction' and 'Data Display' in Qualitative Research (10


Q2. The monthly income of two persons are in the ratio 4:5 and their monthy expenditures are in the ratio

7:9. If each saves rs. 50 per montrh, find their monthly incomes.



Q3. What is a Projective Test? What is the advantage of this test over the other forms of tests? (10


Q4. A tour operator charges rs. 136 per passenger for 100 passengers with a discount of rs. 4 for each 10

passengers in excess of 100. Determine the number of passengers that will maximize the amount of



money the tour operator services.


Choose an area of your interest in Research and draft a Research Proposal with Title, Research

problems, Hypothesis, Variables, Quantification schemes of variables, Research Design and Analysis





A firm has current sales of rs. 50000 e0.02t per month. The firm wants to embark upon a certain

advertising campaign that will increase the sales by 2% every month over the 12 months period

ofcampaign. Find total increase of sales as a result of the campaign.




A man borrows rs. 1500 and agrees to repay the debt in 5 equal instalmenst with 6% interest,

compounded annually. If the first payment is to be made at the end of the first year, how much should

each payment be?




A firm has current sales of rs. 50000 e0.02t per month. The firm wants to embark upon a certain

advertising campaign that will increase the sales by 2% every month over the 12 months period

ofcampaign. Find total increase of sales as a result of the campaign.

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