Monday, 21 September 2020






SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND DOCUMENTATION [Max. Marks 85 Special Note : Word limit for answer of each question is 250 to 300 words. Note : Attempt any eight questions from Section A. Each question carries 10 marks. Section B contains one question of 5 marks. Section A 1. Discuss the objectives of Supply Chain and explain how supply chain decisions affect the success of a firm taking an example. 2. Explain the different models of inventory used by warehouse to effectively stock the goods. Also explain the role of Cycle Inventory. 3. Discuss the role of information in the Supply Chain and how it supports Supply Chain Planning and Execution ? 4. “Material does not add value but adds to the cost.” Critically discuss the statement. 5. What are the factors which influence tailor transportation ? Also do comment on role of GPRS and e-tracking in transportation. 6. How packaging plays role in International Supply Chain Management ? 7. How optimum level of product availability can be achieved by a firm ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the various measures of product availability ? 8. Suggest sourcing system in detail for a Pickle Manufacturing Company. 9. Describe in detail how logistics can be useful in gaining competitive advantage. 10. Discuss with examples : (a) Break Bulk Warehouse (b) Cross Docking. Section B 11. Explain with an example how supply chain can reduce safety inventory level without hurting product availability ? 


 [Max. Marks 85 Special Note : Word limit for answer of each question is 250 to 300 words. Note : Attempt any four questions from Section A and Section B is compulsory. Section A 1. What do you mean by Business Environment ? Distinguish between Micro and Macro Environment of Business. 2. Define Globalization. What are the factors influencing globalization ? 3. Explain the importance and criticisms of Foreign Investment in developing countries. 4. What is ethical environment of Business ? Explain the factors influencing the ethical environment of a Business. 5. What do you mean by Corporate Governance ? Discus the importance of Corporate Governance for the development of a business. 6. Define Forex Reserve Management. Discuss its impact on business with particular reference to India. Section B 7. Analyse the following case and answer the questions given at the end :

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT [Max. Marks 80 Special Note : Word limit for answer of each question is 250 to 300 words. Note : Attempt any eight questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Discuss Stakeholder Theory of Corporate Governance. 2. Criticise Hecksher-Ohlin Theory. 3. What are the key drivers of International Trade looking to the recent trade ? 4. What financial and marketing implications international marketer can draw looking to the Balance of Payment of host nation ? 5. Explain non-tariff barriers of International Trade. 6. Elucidate in detail about the importance of legal environment in International Trade. 7. Explain with example : (a) Mergers. (b) Strategic Alliance. (c) Acquisition. (d) Trunkey Operations. 8. Discuss any four methods of payment applicable in International Trade. 9. How FOI plays role in International Trade ? Also tell the factors affecting FDI. 10. How cultural differences play role in International Trade and how international marketer can have advantage and disadvantage of it ? 11. Explain Transfer Pricing and its types used in International Trade.

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT [Max. Marks 80 Special Note : Word limit for answer of each question is 250 to 300 words. Note : Attempt any four questions from Section A. All questions in this section carries 15 marks each. Section B is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Section A 1. Explain the process of Strategic Management. Also elaborate on importance of SBU Organisation. 2. Explain the understanding of Business from Strategic Management point of view. Also relate the objectives and mission of an organization while highlighting the importance of each. 3. What do you understand by Strategy Alternatives ? Elaborate on related and unrelated alternatives, active and passive alternatives and horizontal and vertical alternatives. 4. Explain the application of GE Matrix from Strategic choice point of view. Elaborate on use of Strategic Gap Analysis. 5. Explain the concept of Strategic Implementation. How different aspects related with leadership and behavioural are connected with implementation. Discuss. 6. Explain the importance of Strategy evaluation and control and its process. 7. Write briefly on following : (a) SWOT and ETOP (b) Choice of Business Strategy. Section B 8. Analyse the case and answer the questions given at the end : DELL CHANGES ITS ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE After spending years as the leader in the personal computer (PC) market. Dell has been overtaken by rival Hewlett-Packard. In an effort to regain the top spot, Dell is delving into the retail market and changing its organizational culture. Since its beginning in the 1980s, Dell has succeeded by selling PCs and computerrelated products via direct sales (over the phone or Internet). At the same time that Dell was having such success, many other computer companies sold their products through retail outlets. Dell’s direct sales technique allowed it to retain a cost advantage over competitors and pushed it into the number-one slot. However, almost two decades later, companies that sell their products via a combination of retail and direct sales are gaining ground. Hewlett-Packard now holds the number-one slot, and Acer, Toshiba, Apple, and others are picking up the pace. With Dell’s market share dropping to 15 percent, things need to change. To alter the organizational culture to be more responsive to changes in the market, Dell’s founder, Michael Dell, came back to lead the company during this cultural transformation, replacing former CEO Kevin Rollins. Michael Dell was responsible for creating the company’s model of building computers to order at a time when the concept was innovative. Analysts feel that he is just the person to lead the company in a new organizational culture focused on innovation. Dell had become complacent focusing on production, efficiency, and online one-to-one customer contacts. Perhaps the most notable change is Dell’s new affiliation with Wal-Mart stores. Although Dell has forayed into the retail sector before, selling in both Costco and CompUSA, its partnership with Wal-Mart takes a very different approach. Wal-Mart is considered by many to be the largest and most popular retail chain around. It is estimated that some 90 percent of Americans shop at Wal-Mart. Because of Wal-Mart’s popularity, Dell will now be approaching retail on a huge scale and with more fanfare than its previous forays warranted. This will change the marketing, organization, and to some extent overall production and operations. 2 K-510 If, in fact, Dell plans to continue its expansion into retail, the marriage of Dell and Wal-Mart should provide Dell with much needed experience. To sell retail, the company must make changes in areas such as supply chain and advertising. The overall culture of the organization will change to become more mass marketing focused, depending on retailers such as Wal-Mart to be a vital link in its marketing organization. These changes will also provide Dell with valuable information as it continues to expand to other retailers and change its culture to become more competitive ? Discussion Questions : 1. Why was Michael Dell the ideal person to change the corporate culture to become more competitive? 2. Why does changing the marketing and operations of a company require a new organizational culture ? 3. How will the information gained from retail partners such as Wal-Mart and Costco change the corporate culture at Dell ? 

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND LABOUR LAW [Max. Marks 80 Special Note : Word limit for answer of each question is 250 to 300 words. Note : The paper has two Sections A and B. Section A, worth 48 marks will comprise of five theory questions out of which a student will be required to attempt any three questions. All questions carry equal marks i.e. 16 marks each. Section B, worth 32 marks will contain one or more cases. Section A 1. Throw light on the current Industrial Relations scenario in contrast with the before Independence Period. 2. What is the role of trade union in Industrial Relations ? What is the impact of economic reforms on Trade Union ? 3. “Industrial Disputes can not be avoided in Industrial Units.” Discuss. Also suggest different methods of settlement machinery for disputes. 4. Highlight the procedure for giving layoff and retrenchment to the employees. Also briefly discuss penalties for illegal layoff and retrenchment under I. D. Act, 1947. 5. Define the term Workers’ Participation in Management (WPIM). What are the merits of applying WPIM in an organization for improving quality of work life and industrial relations. 

COMPARATIVE INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT [Max. Marks: 85 Special Note% World limit for answer of each question is 250 to 300 words. Note% Attempt any seven questions from section A carrying 10 marks. Section B is compulsory carrying 15 marks. Section A 1. Explain the role of comparative management in economic growth of a country. 2- Comment on the corporate governance initiatives for management effectiveness in the organization. 3- Elucidate the cultural and environmental factors in the international management context. 4- Explain the role intercultural communication and its influence on culture in International management. 5- Mention the critical factors of foreign exchange financial decision. 6- Write short notes on :- (Any 2) ¼a) Technology Transfer Agreements ¼b) Skills for cross cultural industries ¼c) Koontz model of comparative management 7- Explain the various dimensions of international strategic planning. 8- Write a note on role of banks in managing foreign customers. 

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW [Max. Marks: 85 Special Note% World limit for answer of each question is 250 to 300 words. Note% Attempt any four questions from section A. Section B is compulsory and carry equal marks. Section A 1. Explain the meaning of ‘Authorized person under FEMA Act. What are the powers of ‘Authorized person’? 2- Explain in brief : ¼a) Difference between trademark and Patent ¼b) Registration procedure under copyright act. 3- Explain the features of marine-insurance contract. Explain its clauses. 4- Explain in brief : ¼a) Letter of credit ¼b) Geneva code of conduct 5- Explain any three offences and its penalties under IT act 2000. 6- Write short notes (any 2) ¼a) Features of Foreign trade development and regulation act 1992 ¼b) Arbitration Agreement ¼c) Avoidance of double taxation ¼d) Formalities for Transfer of Technology Section B Case study A ‘minor’ fraudulently represented to a moneylender that he was of full age and obtained a loan of Rs. 5000/-. Has the moneylender got any right of action against the minor for the money lent or for damages for fraudulent misrepresentation? Discuss. 

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